Albanese Government hides Covid-19 Response Inquiry submissions while trying to pass Censorship "Misinformation" Bill through Senate
The mRNA-injured stand in the way of a $2 billion Moderna factory and its gene-vaccine industry "ecosystem". Now their voices are gone.
The Department of the Prime Minister & Cabinet has removed the submissions to the Covid-19 Response Inquiry from its website, effectively hiding them from public view as the Albanese Government tries to pass a censorship bill through the Senate.
UPDATE: 5 January 2025 - the submissions have reappeared on the Department’s website here.
The public responded overwhelmingly to the inquiry with more than 2000 submissions published in March on the Department’s website, many from mRNA-injured people who told heartbreaking stories of how the covid gene-vaccines devastated their lives or killed their loved ones.
The Department has taken all the submissions down and they can’t be accessed online now - at the exact time the stories of the mRNA-injured are getting in the way of the passage of the Government’s desired censorship “misinformation” bill through the Senate.

More than 100,000 injuries and more than 1000 deaths have been reported to the Database of Adverse Event Notifications from the covid mRNA gene-vaccines, more than all previous ordinary vaccines in history combined. Thousands more remain unreported and uncounted.
The Covid-19 Response Inquiry submissions were censored by a creepy but incompetent AI that deleted “private medical information” before being published. Full story here.
Raelene Kennedy, whose 23-year-old daughter Caitlin Gotze died shortly after her second Pfizer shot, had her entire lived experience of the mRNA death of her daughter turned into two censored black boxes - blacked out here, archived here.
Letters From Australia asked the Department where all the submissions were.
An advisor to the Covid-19 Response Inquiry said they were “no longer published” on the Department’s website but are still available to the public at the National Library of Australia’s Trove Website at this link here.
“We are in the process of adding the Trove link to the Prime Minister and Cabinet webpage,” the advisor said via email.
Regarding the error message, the advisor said “we are working to have that resolved”.
Letters From Australia visited Trove to find you cannot search or download the submissions. It’s just a snapshot of the Department’s page which doesn’t work.

When you click “view the live site” you just get the same error message.
So the public submissions are not accessible. The public’s voice is silenced.
The removal of the submissions, which were uploaded in March, comes as the Albanese Government tries to pass censorship legislation which would silence any criticism of its desired new mRNA industry.
The $2 billion Moderna mRNA factory on the corner of Blackburn and Wellington roads at Monash University’s Clayton Campus, will pump out 100 million mRNA jabs per year. Moderna’s pipeline includes mRNA gene-vaccines for bird flu, RSV and norovirus. Full story here.
Moderna also profits from royalties when researchers and drug companies use its mRNA patents.
The Government has poured billions of dollars of public money into an mRNA “ecosystem” tying in all the major universities with mRNA factories, transational research hubs and funding to create new mRNA profits in every major city in Australia. Full story here, and more in Quadrant, here.
The amended censorship “misinformation” bill (more on that here) was re-introduced in September with the closing date for public submissions on September 30. It was then rushed through the second and third readings in the lower house on Thursday November 7, leaving just the Senate left to be able to stop it.
The bill will wipe out criticism of the controversial mRNA gene-vaccines, and was introduced just as the Moderna factory became operational. It is now making test batches pending “regulatory approval”.
If the mRNA products don’t work and injure people then you won’t be able to complain on social media as your posts will be automatically censored by the social media platforms under this law.
If you are mRNA-injured, you will be silenced. Your posts will automatically disappear, most likely by AI. Just as they were in the covid panic but now by law.
That is because the government defines mRNA gene-therapy products as “vaccines” when they are given to healthy people as a prophylactic against disease - and “vaccines” are a “preventative health measure”.
The censorship bill specifically defines one of the “serious harms” from “misinformation” that has to be censored as “harm to public health in Australia, including to the efficacy of preventative health measures.”
The brave people at the Aligned Council of Australia have taken heart from the independent Senators who have said they will vote against this censorship bill.
But do not for one second rest and think: job is done. Keep ringing and visiting your Senators (addresses/phone at bottom).
There is just too much money, too much academic involvement, and too much greedy excitement from the Permanent Canberra bureaucracies. They are riding a whizz-bang white elephant and do not intend to let the mRNA-injured get in the way of billions of dollars, grant funding and jobs, jobs, jobs.
The people benefitting from censorship have a billion-dollar warchest, they have stitched up the entire academic sector, and they are behind the scenes lobbying all the Senators.
They are busy reminding the Liberals the Morrison Government did the deal with Moderna which is now under audit - and so they also have covid lies that need covering. Even though it is Labor driving the censorship now.
You must redouble your efforts to contact all Senators next week - Liberal, Labor, Greens, Independent - visit in person if you can, if not, call them up on the phone (addresses and numbers at bottom).
One of the most important public submissions to the censorship “misinformation” bill was Submission 10, by Coverse, the advocacy group for the injured. It described the “extreme and ongoing harm” caused to the injured by this social media censorship. I am uploading it here, for safe keeping.
For a heartbreaking screenshot list of many of the Covid-19 Response Inquiry submissions before they were taken down, see this great Substack below by “Shifted Paradigms”.
Contact the Senators in YOUR state this week, keep up the pressure because the people who want this censorship are rich and powerful - and if we stop they will win.
All my Substacks are free to use and republish - please provide a linked credit as per here: “Alison Bevege, journalist, Letters From Australia”
Updates/corrections: 16 November: fixed typo (Morrison), added par with dates of censorship bill passage, added par/link on Moderna making test batches. 17 November: fixed a word order (Response Inquiry), corrected “patent” to “royalty”, capped “S” on Substack. 21 November: fixed edge of Qld/WA where numbers were cut off. 5 January 2025 - updated as the Department has put the submissions back up on their website here.
Alison, it's MUCH WORSE than that. I know people (or of people) in my social group who are almost certainly vaxx injured and who are told - and all believe - that their cancers, seizures and infections are just normal, unlucky illnesses. The extent of mRNA injuries is not known by the general public or (presumably) our 'elected representatives'. The gaslighting is widespread. With the M.A.D. bill, the basis of this gaslighting - the banning of contrary opinion - will be cemented into law, making a bad situation far worse.
Tampering with the evidence.