Alison, it's MUCH WORSE than that. I know people (or of people) in my social group who are almost certainly vaxx injured and who are told - and all believe - that their cancers, seizures and infections are just normal, unlucky illnesses. The extent of mRNA injuries is not known by the general public or (presumably) our 'elected representatives'. The gaslighting is widespread. With the M.A.D. bill, the basis of this gaslighting - the banning of contrary opinion - will be cemented into law, making a bad situation far worse.

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got to go into the offices of the senators for your state and talk to the staff and make it clear this bill must be stopped -- go in person. They don't listen to anything else they need to see a real human being in their office

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Tampering with the evidence.

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please share everywhere and go in to senators offices to talk to them - if too far, then call

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Wow! Just searched for my submission, which had previously been accessible on a government link, and it has now gone: https://www.pmc.gov.au/page-not-found?term=sites%20default%20files%20submissions%20PMC%20CGCRI%202023%201800%20pdf

In my submission I focussed on the lack of valid consent for the COVID-19 vaccination rollout. And now it’s been deleted!

Well here it is on my website: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/submission-to-the-australian-commonwealth-government-covid-19-inquiry-e-hart.pdf

This is the elephant in the room that continues to be ignored - no-one has given valid consent to the COVID-19 vaccinations, this is impossible in a climate of coercion and mandates.

There is no valid consent for these medical interventions.

What is this going to mean when the penny drops?

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Start ringing your state Senators Monday morning -- these people are rich and powerful and we absolutely must stop this legislation or when the penny drops nobody will hear it drop

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I’ve visited the Trove website and some of the submissions are listed there.

I tried to search for my submission, but the search function doesn’t work.

Looking through the list manually I couldn’t find my submission.

This curtailing of access to COVID-19 Response Inquiry submissions, coupled with the mis/disinformation bill clearly shows the Albanese Government is planning to censor people discussing taxpayer-funded vaccination policy. In fact, such censorship has been happening for years as I know from personal experience. Also see my take on the mis/disinformation bill: "...urging people to not get government approved vaccines" would be "deemed misinformation and disinformation under the laws" https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/urging-people-to-not-get-government

The Albanese Government, and the Morrison Government before it, is out of control and a danger to the people. We must identify the specific perpetrators behind the ‘Covid’ debacle and bring them to account. How do we do this in a system that is so thoroughly corrupted?

(Comment edited to remove reference to 'snapshot of submissions'.)

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Alison, Hopefully your Substack followers and friends will share the link below RIGHT AWAY - so that, whether or not Albanese's MAD legislation gets through the Senate, millions more Australians will know what their government doesn't want them to know and share:

Cancer Surge After mRNA COVID Vaccines: An Oncologist Speaks Out - Dr. Angus Dalgleish


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the important action to take now is to go in person to the officers of your state's senators. Sharing that rumble link will NOT help because if this legislation goes through it won't be visible on rumble anymore.

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Hopefully, more people will be motivated to "go in person to the officers of [their] state's senators"on Monday if they access the link, watch the video over the weekend and share it widely RIGHT NOW 🙏

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There is a fault in Substack’s ‘Comments’ system that is truncating reader’s comments - this comment by R S Owen’s is an example of this ….

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What do you mean? Sorry, I don’t get it.

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Originally only half of R S Owen’s comment was visible - it suddenly stopped mid sentence, now it has come good. The same has been happening to my comments.

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Oh, ok thanks!

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Is Rumble considered social media? I had (probably naively) thought social media was Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and similar, not YouTube or Rumble.

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Thankyou 🙏

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I have myocarditis and pericarditis from the covid jabs

I went to the ED 3 times and that said I have anxiety. I saw a cardiologist specialist privately, he refused me proper treatment and denied me access to MRI. My GP gave me a MRI form and I paid it privately. It shows myocarditis and pericarditis.

My auntie has a big problem with blood clots in her lungs and they have convinced her is 100% nothing to do with the 3 AZ and 2 Pfizer jabs that she has had. She refuses to believe the 5 clot shots contributed.

Both of our problems emerged only after 2021 and taking these things....

The covid class action has hundreds of similar stories. They are still getting new people to sign up.

Please help and share widely.... And if you have anything to help spare Dr Melissa McCann ask if the personal expense....


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thank you for posting that excellent link, and I am so sorry for your injuries. YES everyone should help Dr McCann with support and a donation if you can - she is truly fighting for the injured and her case is non-profit. All funds go to the fight.

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Sad for you and your Auntie, craba. I’m guessing you had them to keep your job. Your Auntie was brainwashed.

Yes, there are many similar stories. Hang in there.🙂

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Thankyou very much for this brilliant report Alison. Obviously a lot of very hard time consuming work. It is greatly appreciated. Your work is very important & I personally want to financially support you so you don't stop it,...I think your work can remain totally free to all on Substack and also have a paid subscription option....it is normally about $5 per month. Many others do this.

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thanks billy but i drive a bus to pay my bills because I don't trust the government and I believe they will pass this bill if not this year then next so I will need to keep the lights on. thus this substack is free

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It is curious indeed how 'misinformation' only became a 'thing' after the plandemic rollout!

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search "Mike Benz" on rumble and listen. He knows the score.

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The truth of their deception will come out. It is a matter of time.

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In 50 years (see Thalidomide) is too late.

And if they get this MAD law through, it will take at least that long.

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I agree Danielle. MAD must be stopped!

I was looking at things from an astrological perspective, the next 1-2 yrs will be like a House of Cards dismantling.

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Hopefully that will be this corrupted so-called democratic system. Maybe into something more genuine.

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Scared truth is coming out. They are all traitors and need to be removed all WEF aligned need to be removed and all legislation and funds investigated

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Dear Alison

Thankyou for making us aware of this.

The National Socialist government of Australia, is following the Nationalist Socialist playbook.

As in Germany in the 1940's, and in the USSR, they ...

1. delete history ...

2. lie constantly ...

3. crush free speech and ...

4. denounce anyone who disagrees with them, as mental defectives and / or dangerous extremists.

It is important to understand how dangerous they are.

They are Insane Criminals, like Dr Josef Mengele.

There is, quite literally, nothing they would not be willing to do.

That is not, an overblown, emotive, slogan.

It is calm, considered, reality.

Dr Josef Mengele 'operated' on patients without anaesthetic, in Germany, in the 1940's.

He ignored their screams, in the name of Public Health.

(It is expedient that one should die for the nation.)

He was a qualified medical doctor, who had taken an oath, before the Lord God Almighty ...


He was a National Socialist.

The people who are raping Australia are National Socialists.

There is literally nothing they will not do.

They have no compassion.

They have no better nature.

They have no conscience.

What sort of people force needles on children, knowing that they have not been tested on humans ?

They want to kill you.

They want to kill your children.

They want to castrate your children.

They are quite literally ...


How did we get here ?


by closing the Bible and turning on the TV.

Thou Shalt Not Murder ....


That is the problem. What is the solution ?

The answer is quite simple.

If Australians are to survive this dark period in their history, they must do two things ...

1. Re-institute Daily Family Worship

5 minutes in the morning.

5 minutes in the evening

Read the Bible and pray with your family.

Daily Family Worship makes Christians.

Christians fix the world.

2. All Australians must unite POLITICALLY.

Regardless of any other matters that divide us, even differences of opinion on religion, Australians must UNITE POLITICALLY.

Australians CANNOT AFFORD to be divided and ruled.

The English are experts at this.

The National Socialists learnt it from them.

All Australians must unite POLITICALLY, and all vote for the same political party.

This has been done successfully in ...

Hungary - Viktor Orban

Slovakia - Robert Fico

Argentina - Javier Milei

El Salvador - Nayib Bukele

America - Donald Trump

IF Australians unite politically ...

the problem will be over quite quickly.

If they do not ...

Welcome to the Concentration Camp.

On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place - Psalm 12

God Bless

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Hi here is a link to an excel file containing the contact details to the Senators letting them know what you want them to do with this MAD bill

Note the senator to focus on for now is Senator David Van in Victoria.

Will he be another free speech coward or choose not to be be part of this potential stain in Australian Politics


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beauty thanks - but be aware, no senator contact on this issue is in vain because the liberals may simply reintroduce this bill if they win the next election - so it must be uprooted as a concept from all of them

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Do we need a mirror site with the submissions?

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yes but they are all down and cannot be accessed

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the graphic for Queensland Senators contact is cut off at the right probly by email

hence a couple phone #s are cut off as well

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thanks for letting me know

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You can find them all here - not separated into states, but the states are listed near the names:


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People called me crazy when I started archiving and printing evidence five years ago when the murder started.

Just letting everyone know I have recently begun storing all my offline digital hardware in military-grade EMP-proof pouches.

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Wow, good one, well done Excess! Great foresight!

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Our government can afford to spend billions of OUR $s on mRNA factory/ies but Telstra is a disgrace, as are many rural infrastructures.

Reading Covert's fabulous submission, it was not possible to avoid that elephant (sorry, Elephants) that is called 'social media'. There was a recent time when it didn't exist. And yes, youthful citizens, we didn't die. Nor did we have these horrendous events & circumstances. We have been seduced by convenience AND cheap mass communication. Are we going to continue to sell our souls for convenience? I think the price is TOO HIGH.

Maybe we have to restart supporting alternative media. In the course of time new ideas & systems will emerge but we must ensure that protections are in place before government's dirty little hands are in the till.

I do not use social media as a general rule. There will be alternatives, more as time goes on. I subscribe to those I like, who are intelligent & informed so I get direct posts.

I think our current government is a total disgrace. Pompous & self satisfied. They can take a running jump.

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Hard to beleive this governement is so filthy and corrupt. Yes, I am calling for all involved to be tried for treason and genocide, and the death sentence applied.

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