COLONISED: Palestinian flags blot out Aboriginal flags, dominate Invasion Day
Islam hijacks Aboriginal people to fabricate their own history in the Levant
Invasion Day protests happen every Australia Day, January 26, reminding us that Aboriginal people were here first and that our history (like all history) is fraught and contested.
The best one I went to, years ago, was when George Rrurrambu from Warumpi Band was still alive, and they played Blackfella Whitefella in Sydney.
Blackfella, whitefella; It doesn't matter what your color
As long as you a true fella; As long as you a real fella
George was big on reconciliation. He lit up the place with a massive smile and a wild growl - then screamed through his set better than ACDC.
I don’t have a video of it, but watch his blistering performance in Melbourne, 1987, above.
Are you the one that’s gonna stand up and be counted?
Are you the one that’s always ready with a helping hand?
But now, 20 years later, that’s not the message anymore: recognition, land rights, reconciliation, helping each other - that’s all gone.
Invasion Day has turned toxic. Now it is: white people are evil. Generational trauma. British colonial history is genocide, abolish Australia, trash your statues, shame on you, decolonise, tear it all down - starting with Australia Day. Change the date. Destroy, destroy, destroy.

Destroying history is toxic.
So I was at Belmore Park, Sydney, on Saturday, sweating it out in 38C with my friend Dana Pham, in a tiny two-person counter-protest to say: leave Australia Day where it is. It was live-streamed by the wonderful @Chriscoveries here.

After all, 26 January, 1788, was the day when Australia’s history as a modern nation had its origin: the meeting of two systems.
That was when the First Fleet set up camp in Sydney Cove. Eleven ships full of colonists and convicts. They were the first migrants - shouldn’t that please Clover Moore? They planted the British flag.
As of that day, Aboriginal people would come up against a settlement of more than 1400 settlers/invaders, and their way of life would change forever.
The building of Australia would be done according to British systems of administration, as of that day. They created the legal and political architecture of what would later become this nation, and started the built environment.
So it is worth remembering this on January 26, both the good and the bad.
But down at Belmore Park it wasn’t about Australia Day / Invasion Day at all.
Islamists hijacked Invasion Day
The visual conversation was all about Islam.
There were more Palestinian flags than Aboriginal flags there. The largest flag in the park, the largest I have ever seen at any protest, was not an Aboriginal flag. They were upstaged at their own protest.
Islam’s fifth column has been targeting Aboriginal people for years, as I detailed here - and the Palestinian cause has opened the door wide open to misguided solidarity from Aboriginal activists.
One lady shamefully stuck an Aboriginal flag to the Palestinian flag, flying both together.
The Blak Caucus collective, who organised the event, invited Palestinian speakers to share the stage, as ABC reported.
Palestinian Action Group Sydney (mostly leftists) were there in force.

The Aboriginal activists do not understand that the Palestinians are not there for solidarity. It’s a second colonisation.
Islam is using Aboriginal people to fabricate history - theirs as well as ours.
Islam wants to conflate the Palestinian Arab Muslims with Aborigines, painting both as righteous people of colour fighting evil whites, who stole their land.
British colonists dispossessed Aboriginal people of their land, starting in 1788. That is true history.
But this is not true of the Palestinians.

Britain did not take “Palestine” from the Muslims and give it to European Jews. This is fake history, a fabrication.
But that is the lie they are trying to sell you. That Aboriginal people and Palestinians are the same.
Their causes have nothing at all in common. So now we have to have that conversation.
There never was any country called “Palestine”
The Ottoman Sultanate lost World War I and fell apart. Britain and France were left to govern the lands until such time as new nations could be created. Britain had “British Mandate Palestine”, an administrative region including what is now Jordan and Israel. Arabs, Jews and Christians all lived there, but not peacefully.
The region was called “Palestine” not because “Palestinians” lived there, but because the Romans renamed Judea to insult the Jews after the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135CE.
The Romans called it “Syria Palaestina” because the Philistines, a Greek tribe who lived in Gaza long before Islam, were the Jews’ worst enemy. There are no Philistines anymore, they disappeared centuries ago.
The British called it “British Mandate Palestine” because they revered classical learning. So they used the Roman name.
“Palestine” was just shorthand for “British Mandate Palestine”, referring to that region administered by the British.
In 1948 there was no ethnicity called “Palestinian”
The Arab Muslims of British Mandate Palestine were not different to the Arab Muslims of other Ottoman Sultanate lands, who were given Jordan, Egypt and Iraq in the carve-up.
So they already got several large countries.
There were no “Palestinians” prior to the 1960s.
In all the old newspapers they are referred to as “Arabs” not “Palestinians”.
In the 1960s, the KGB and Yasser Arafat (an Egyptian Marxist whose net worth was US$1 billion when he died), invented the “Palestinians” as a propaganda tool.
It’s a fake ethnicity.
It was invented because Israel was a tiny Jewish state getting sympathy from the international community as it was surrounded by powerful Arab Muslim enemies.
The new “Palestinians” could claim to be an even tinier minority than Israel, with a “Palestinian Liberation Organisation” (PLO) headed by Yasser Arafat to fight for their rights. Decolonisation!
That flag they are all waving?
It’s the flag of the Arab Revolt which the British stirred up to fight the Turkish Ottoman Muslims, in World War I.
The flag is used by everyone from the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party (hard left) and historically by the Federation of Jordan & Iraq.
The rebranding of Arab Muslims as “Palestinians” has been wildly successful.
It is so effective that the International Court of Justice just stated that the Palestinians “appear to constitute a distinct national, ethnical, racial or religious group” in its summary of South Africa’s case against Israel handed down on Saturday.
The Palestinians were not the “Aborigines” of Israel
Jews, Greeks, some Arab tribes, Christians and other religions and ethnicities were all living in the Levant for a thousand years before Islam existed. The Arab Muslims of the Rashidun Caliphate invaded and took the lands from the Greek-speaking eastern half of the Roman empire in the 7th Century and there have been multiple invasions and migrations since then. By the 16th Century the Ottoman Turkish Muslims had extended their sultanate over most of the Arab world as well as the Levant. But by World War I the Ottoman Sultanate was in decline.
There were hundreds of thousands of Jews living all over the lands of the Ottoman Sultanate (not just British Mandate Palestine). They had lived in Iraq, Yemen, North Africa and elsewhere since before the Islamic invasions.
In 1882 the region of Palestine had 300,000 people of which 24,000 were Jews. This number increased as Jews fled pogroms in Europe during the late 19th Century to build a homeland. This was the Zionist movement.
In the 1922 census, British Mandate Palestine had a population of 757,182. There were 590,890 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians. The rest were small numbers of Druze, Sikhs, Hindus, Baha’is, Metawilehs and Samaritans.
By December 1946 the UN estimated the population at 1,845,560 made up of: 1,076,780 Muslims, 608,230 Jews, 145,060 Christians and 15,490 “others”.
They all had a right to the land - not just the Arab Muslims.
Islam is not tolerant of minorities. Non-Muslims in the Ottoman Sultanate were second-class citizens who had to pay protection money to the Muslims, called the jizyah tax.
As the sultanate fell apart, the genocides began.
In 1915-16, Muslims murdered up to 1.2 million Armenian Christians in the Armenian Genocide. The genocide of Greek Orthodox Christians began in 1914 and didn’t end until 1923 with the forced relocation of more than 1 million survivors.
That is a contributing reason for the creation of Israel. Violence was ongoing between the Arabs and Jews and everyone could see a protective Jewish state was needed to prevent a genocide, and not just of the Jews living in mandate Palestine - also for the Jews from other former Ottoman lands (including 125,000 in neighbouring Iraq) who were also at risk.
When Israel was created by a UN vote, the 1947 UN resolution also created a state for the Arab Muslims. It was the original two-state solution, which the Arab Muslims immediately rejected because they wanted all the land for themselves.
The second Israel was declared a nation, the surrounding Muslim countries kicked out their own Jews, forcing 850,000 to flee to Israel. They lost all their land and assets, too, as reported here in Peace Review: Journal of Social Justice.
Nobody stole “Palestinian” land
No land was stolen from the Arab Muslims. The public lands that had been property of the Ottoman sultanate and then administered by the British were set aside for the new states, while private lands were either purchased or the inhabitants stayed.
On the stroke of midnight when Israel was declared a nation in 1948, Arab Muslim armies from six neighbouring states attacked: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.
Many Arab Muslims living inside Israel fled in that war, and lost their homes when they couldn’t return.
The descendants of the Arab Muslims that fled as a result of that war are the “Palestinians” of today.
The Arab Muslims started that war, just like Hamas started the current war on Gaza, and they are therefore responsible for it.
It’s worth noting that the International Court of Justice on Saturday did not call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza - but did call for Hamas to immediately and unconditionally release all the hostages they stole on October 7.
Ex-Muslim Ridvan Aydemir (Apostate Prophet on YouTube) has a good analysis of the ICJ case here.
The Palestinians and Hamas are genocidal and anti-semitic
These “pro-Palestinian” protesters are not calling for Hamas to surrender to end the war and save civilians. They are calling for Hamas to be left in power without consequence for their orgy of rape and murder on October 7.
They are at Invasion Day to use Aboriginal people as propaganda to delegitimise Israel, in order to destroy it as a country.
Hamas would then do to the entire Jewish state what it started doing on October 7.
They say it themselves.
Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told LBC TV (Lebanon) on October 24 that Hamas would do October 7 again, and again and again regardless of how many Gazan civilians die in the war.
Because Hamas are Islamists, they do not accept Israel has any right to exist and they will destroy it utterly.
They say it in their founding document.
The 1988 Hamas charter begins with a quote from Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood:
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
Hamas are popular with the Palestinian civilian population, who share their views. That’s why they ran from doorways to spit on the bodies of Israelis being paraded through Gaza on October 7, hitting them with planks of wood or stomping on their dead faces, and proudly filmed it on their smart phones for a souvenir. They weren’t swarming those cars to say: no, stop, this is wrong.
There is no evidence for the narrative spread by CIA spokespeople like Mike Baker (“retired” CIA) who told the Joe Rogan podcast that Hamas don’t represent ordinary Palestinians and changed the subject to Iran (hated by America’s Sunni Islam allies in Saudi Arabia and Qatar). Hamas won the only election Gaza ever had after the Israelis left the enclave 15 years ago. Their popularity surges every time they provoke a war with Israel, which is why they do it.
Hamas want to kill Jews specifically because it helps bring about Islamist eschatology. Jew-hatred is embedded in the screeds of Islam, as the Hamas charter says at Article 7:
“The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).
This is a promise that Muslims will have to kill all the Jews and it is in Hamas’s founding document. It is not a fringe belief, it is from mainstream Sunni Islam, which teaches that Mohammad really said it, as ex-Muslim Ridvan Aydemir explains here.
Hamas is not interested in a two-state solution or fiddling with borders.
This is a jihad to annihilate Israel and the Jews.
Hamas regards Israel as Muslim land - even though Islam took it by force from the Christian Roman empire, who in turn took it from the Jews.
“The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.” - Article 15, Hamas charter.
This is also the reason for the upsurge in anti-semitism in Australia since October 7.
It is coming from the Islamist fifth column, who chanted “Gas the Jews” and “Allahu Akhbar” at the Opera House on October 9, to the embarrassment of their leftist allies who have since tried to pretend it didn’t happen - including Crikey here, and the World Wide Socialist Web here.
This is why “neo-Nazis” were fabricated on Australia Day. I could be wrong, but I highly doubt Australia could even dig up 10 actual neo-Nazis in the whole country, yet a dubious account of 61 anonymous, black-clad “neo-Nazis” intercepted by police at North Sydney Station appeared, as ABC reports. They are heavily masked so there can be no identifying them or substantiating whether their reported views are actually genuine. This is handy as I suspect they are most likely made up of one real guy, NSN leader Thomas Sewell, plus 60 undercover Antifa, Asio, Home Affairs and AFP agents in fancy dress.
Rather like the Cookerwatch collective: anonymous and therefore dishonest.

Now The Guardian and other leftist rags can safely condemn anti-semitism by blaming it on their favourite bogeymen, “far-right white supremacists”, without troubling the real source, Islamists and the Palestinians, who they support.
That is why Palestinians have nothing in common with Aborigines
The exact same people protesting for decolonisation just invited in new colonists to take their place.
They seem totally unaware of what they are dealing with.
Islam is an expansionist and supremacist ideology that wants to convert Aboriginal people for its own agenda.
Islam has a long-term plan to colonise Australia with its own legal and political architecture that is incompatible with Australian law: the Sharia.
Sharia entryism, euphemistically called “legal pluralism” became a subject of discussion, after unsuccessful lobbying in 2011 by the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC).
AFIC’s then-president lkebal Adam Patel, made a submission to a parliamentary inquiry on multiculturalism that lobbied for sharia courts.
Islam has been targeting Aboriginal people for years because of their respected place as First Australians and because of their moral claim to separate tribal laws.
A sinister and long-term Islamist goal is to de-legitimise Australia to replace it eventually with Islam.
To that end they are also fabricating the history of Aboriginal people as I have detailed here.
Islam tells Aboriginal people that they were originally Muslim (or almost Muslim) before whites corrupted them, and therefore it’s a revolutionary act of self-assertion to “revert” to Islam.
As David Lawson notes in his (2010) PhD thesis on Aborigines who convert to Islam in NSW prisons: “It is claimed by many of the Indigenous Muslim participants that Aborigines were always Muslim and that Islam is re-emerging as a belief and practice. There is a revolutionary aspect or dimension about this new emergence and it is part of the essence of being Aboriginal” (p.114)
Islam fuels this by exaggerating any similarity or link it can find with Aboriginal cultures. Aboriginal people are told that Islam is close to their original dreamtime beliefs, and that they were (almost) Muslims before colonisation.
Who controls the past, controls the future, as George Orwell pointed out in 1984.
Update: 8 February 2024, added an extra photo of the protest colonisation
Thank you for calling out gaslighting when you see it!
And that is what it is - just one more sorry example of how history is being erased and legitimate concerns are being hijacked by people who want to take us over.
I'm glad I'm subscribed for alternate views.
There's a lot in it, but the neo-nazis gathering in rallies - absolutely astroturf. When a group of masked people in black turned up at the Let Women Speak rally in Melbourne they did a nazi salute. What interest group in their right minds would do a nazi salute to gain public support? What they did was facilitate the broadcasting of Let Women Speak protesters alongside nazis, such that my daughter, when asked if she knew the name Kelly J Keen (aka Posy Parker) had an image of nazis flashing into her head. I wrote about it here in "How to Immunise the General Public into Seeing Nazis"
Then there were 'nazis' marching in Ballarat, again, all in black, faces covered. Anyone with a conservative/righteous cause is going to be associated with nazis in this newly emerging sick techno-totalitarian new world.