MORAL COLLAPSE: Greens, toxic Islam, left, all want Israel destroyed, won't expel Hamas - and are now race-baiting Aboriginal people
Can you imagine anything more vile than the triple alliance running cover for the murder, rape and torture of civilians? Yes: they are targeting Aborigines. WARNING: disturbing images, video
Islamist fifth column flexes its muscles
Australia must say NO to Palestinian refugees
Greens, leftists run cover for Hamas murders
Aborigines targeted for conversion, cause hijacked
When Brenton Tarrant murdered 51 Muslims in a 2019 shooting spree in New Zealand, nobody celebrated.
Nobody handed out sweets.
Nobody lit firecrackers in Lakemba, Sydney, or did burnouts for joy (below).
Nobody demanded we look at the motivation, which Tarrant said was the murder of 11-year-old deaf girl Ebba Akerlund, run down by an Islamist in a hijacked beer truck in Sweden, 2017. Or Tarrant’s root grievance, the migration of Muslims to Western countries, which he called “invasion”.
No. Tarrant was (correctly) reviled by everyone. His ideas were silenced so there was no reward for his mass murder. He did not get to spread his message. New Zealand locked him in prison for the rest of his life and all our sympathy was with the victims.
That’s what civilised people do with terrorists.
But the rules change with Islam, because Islam is powerful.
Street celebrations broke out in southwest Sydney after Hamas murdered civilians in Israel in the most sadistic orgy of public violence seen since Bataclan, France, where Islamists gouged out the eyes of their victims while still alive.
Australia’s media allowed Islamists and leftists to run cover for murderers after October 7 by immediately changing the subject to the Palestinian grievance without ever denouncing Hamas. Why?
Why do communists, Australian Greens and Islamists all immediately protest - not against Hamas for the murder of civilians - but against Israel? Why do they target Aboriginal people to drag them into a foreign cause? All this has been out in Sydney in the last three weeks and I will deal with these topics below.
Let’s be clear on this point. These people weren’t just “killed”.
Hamas murdered more than 1400 people from babies to grandmothers with aggravated cruelty.
Excited Muslims yelling “Allahu Akbar” swarmed to gang-rape a woman with bloodied pants and tied hands in the back of a car. They all wanted a piece. They filmed it. Once dead, bodies were paraded, spat on, dead faces stomped on. They hacked the head off a Thai guest worker with a hoe screaming “Allahu Akbar” every time the blunt garden blade hit his neck. They decapitated some children and burnt to death others. Hamas murdered a grandmother, using her own phone to livestream it to Facebook so her family would see. Then they burnt her house down.
Warning: distressing video, images below. It is necessary to show, uncensored, what Hamas did to start this new war, because otherwise commentators can frame it as “resistance” (as, sadly, John Mearsheimer did here). People argue that because civilians die when Israel strikes back at Hamas then there is no difference between the two. Civilians die in war, it’s unavoidable. Israel does not deliberately target civilians. The difference is that Hamas murdered civilians deliberately, started the war deliberately, enjoyed the atrocity, bragged about it and were celebrated for it. They filmed it on their go-pros and uploaded to social media. They have not been condemned or expelled by Palestinians or their leftist supporters, The Greens, in Australia.
Hamas were not ashamed, they yelled “Allahu akbar” and filmed trophy footage which they proudly uploaded to social media, where their supporters approved with laughing emojis and hearts and thumbs up.
They are not reviled, they appear to be popular. Gaza did not expel Hamas. Instead they celebrated in Gaza and the West Bank on October 7. None of the Palestinian protesters in Australia called for the expulsion of Hamas. Nor in London or New York.
“Allahu akbar”. Allah (the god of Islam) is greater than you.
Shani Louk, a 22-year-old German tourist was dancing at a rave when Hamas broke her, stripped and raped her, then paraded her dead body through Gaza where excited men rushed in to spit on her in the back of a ute.
Shani’s broken mother Ricarda, having seen the footage, clung to hope that her daughter was alive. Why? Because her credit card was being used in Gaza.
For three weeks Ricarda held on until the news broke that Israeli soldiers had found the base of her skull. The Palestinians had cut off her head.
The death toll from October 7 is now more than 1400, mostly civilians, with children burnt alive, babies decapitated, women gang-raped and 229 hostages taken back to Gaza.
This was done by Hamas - the official government of Gaza.
It was not an accident or chaos: Hamas official Ghazi Hamad told LBC TV (Lebanon) on October 24 that Hamas would do it again, and again and again regardless of how many Gazan civilians die in the war that would follow.
“Israel is a country that has no place on our land. We must remove that country,” he said.
“Will we have to pay a price? Yes, and we are ready to pay it. We are called a nation of martyrs, and we are proud to sacrifice martyrs.”
“Everything we do is justified.”
You might have thought Palestinians would denounce Hamas, then expel them from Gaza, horrified by this behaviour.
That’s not what happened.
The Palestinians handed out sweets in both Gaza and the West Bank.
Their supporters in Australia did burnouts in Lakemba and lit firecrackers (illegal here) for joy. They celebrated in London where tens of thousands marched in support of the Palestinians without once calling on Hamas to surrender, or for the hostages to be released.
Islamist allies on the left including The Greens and the Communist Party of Australia immediately called for a protest.
What do you think they protested for? To denounce Hamas?
No. They immediately organised a protest where people chanted “gas the Jews” in support of the Palestinians (who have not rejected Hamas).
The left, the Greens and Islamists called immediately for a ceasefire, which would mean that Hamas would remain in charge of Gaza with all the hostages.
Don’t you think it strange the calls for a ceasefire began before Israel even responded? Of course it was obvious they would have to respond. They would have to invade Gaza and remove Hamas for good. There is no other option, Hamas must go.
Seventy Islamic groups in Australia issued an open letter of demands - not condemning Hamas, attacking only Israel.
Israel is not our country, it’s not our fight. All we can do is clean up our own backyard.
But we must at least understand the basics of what Hamas is and some of the basic historical facts, to prevent us being lied to and manipulated.
Hamas are the official governing authority of Gaza, which they rule with sharia-based laws.
Egypt occupied Gaza until Israel won it in the six-day war in 1967. But in 2005 Israel gave it to the Palestinians as an independent territory in the hopes they could swap land for peace.
The very first chance the Palestinians got to vote, in 2006, they shocked the world by voting in Hamas, who are both Islamists and terrorists.
Gaza has not been occupied by Israel since 2005 when the last Israeli left under the Disengagement. They left more than 3000 greenhouses, bought for $14 million by American Jews as a gift for the newly independent Palestinians of Gaza. They were destroyed by looters.
Because Hamas are Islamists, they do not accept Israel has any right to exist and they will destroy it utterly.
They say it in their founding document.
The 1988 Hamas charter begins with a quote from Hassan al-Banna, founder of the Muslim Brotherhood:
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”
At Article 13 Hamas’ charter says:
“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”
People who say “Hamas are freedom fighters” are lying to you. Hamas are genocidal.
They want to kill Jews specifically because it helps bring about Islamist eschatology. Jew-hatred is embedded in the unalterable screeds of Islam, as the Hamas charter says openly at Article 7:
“The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said:
"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews." (related by al-Bukhari and Moslem).
This is a promise that Muslims will have to kill all the Jews and it is in Hamas’s charter. It is not a fringe belief, it is from mainstream Sunni Islam, which teaches that Mohammad really said it, as ex-Muslim Ridvan Aydemir explained on Wednesday.
Hamas is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood who are global Islamists devoted to colonising the world for sharia. Their main supporters include the emirate of Qatar where the Hamas leadership bowed and gave thanks to Allah after the October 7 massacre, as Ben Shapiro reported. Qatar owns the Muslim Brotherhood’s propaganda channel Al Jazeera which models itself after the BBC World Service in order to be taken seriously. The Muslim Brotherhood has networks around the world grooming activists and sympathisers in media and academia, including in Australia.
Hamas rejects secularism, which is the separation of religion and state. Islam is its politics, not just its religion. Islamism therefore cannot be left out of the discussion, although everyone tries to. Islam is the animating force of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Hamas is not interested in a two-state solution or fiddling with borders.
This is jihad to annihilate Israel and the Jews.
Hamas regards Israel as Muslim land - even though Islam took it by force from the Christian Roman empire, who in turn took it from the Jews.
“The day that enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the individual duty of every Moslem.” - Article 15, Hamas charter.
This creed applies to everyone - it is the same reason Al Qaeda murdered Sergio Vieira de Mello in 2003. The dashing Brazilian had been the UN supervisor of East Timor’s 1999 separation from Muslim Indonesia. Al Qaeda called him “the crusader that extracted a part of the Islamic land”.
But Islam is not indigenous to Israel. It comes from the invasion of 7th Century Arab warlords. Christians and Jews have always lived there. Israel was not usurped by European Jews, it was instigated by a United Nations vote on 29 November, 1947.
There will never be peace with a two-state solution, because of the Islamic imperative not to cede territory to non-Muslims. They want all the land for themselves.
Hamas never expected to destroy Israel, a nation of roughly 9.2 million, with its October 7 mass murder.
Hamas’s strategy is to provoke Israeli retaliation - which Israel has no choice but to do in order to protect its citizens.
Hamas expects to destroy Israel, using its retaliation, by 3 methods:
Demographically: demanding “right of return” for 5.9 million Muslims plus the new Gazan refugees
Provoking other Muslim countries to fight Israel
Destroying Western support for Israel with pressure from the Islamist 5th column and the images of civilian deaths in a protracted war
Provoking war with Israel creates civilian casualties in Gaza and millions of refugees, which is useful for Hamas propaganda and strategy.
That’s why they do it.
Hamas hides among the civilian population making them targets in order to maximise casualties, which helps them and harms Israel in the court of world opinion. They put their bases under hospitals.
Hamas hopes to force Israel to accept millions of Muslim refugees in order to demographically destroy it as a Jewish state. They can also be shipped as colonists into Western countries like Australia, expanding the fifth column, which lobbies against Israel and to advance sharia.
That’s why neighbouring Arab Muslim countries such as Egypt, Jordan and Syria refuse to take any Palestinian refugees, despite complaining about how oppressed they are. They are more useful as migrants to non-Muslim countries and as a weapon to destroy Israel.
There are 56 countries in the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation (OIC), a powerful alliance that controls much of the world’s energy resources. The OIC claims to have 57 because they count “Palestine” as a country. The OIC is the most powerful voting bloc at the United Nations and Islam is its organising force.
The OIC put out a series of communiques after October 7, not one of which called for the expulsion of Hamas for their murder orgy.
Instead, the OIC immediately blamed Israel and used the massacre to talk up their own Palestinian cause. The very first tweets emanating from the OIC on October 8 following the mass murders did not condemn Hamas. They complained of “dangerous Israeli escalation” and demanded a “two-state solution”.
In Australia, Islamists will use the atrocity and Israel’s retaliation in five ways:
to increase Muslim migration which grows their political strength,
to promote “poor Palestinians” sympathy coverage,
to use Israeli retaliation as a grievance to fuel jihad,
to pretend “Islamophobia”, justifying concessions as “Muslims are the real victims”
to pretend Islam is fighting colonialism and is therefore on the side of Aborigines (who they are courting) against “whites”
The coming jihad violence will target us all.
Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal, estimated to have a net worth of more than US$2.6 billion, called for October 13 to be a day of jihad soon after the Hamas murders. His call was answered in France where a schoolteacher was stabbed to death in Arras and 7000 troops were put on the streets. It will continue throughout the West.
Random violence is part of Islamist strategy, because the media rewards it by deflecting blame away from Islam. The frightened authorities then appease “the community” with concessions to keep the peace.
In Australia, we will be targets until we stop incentivising Islamist violence with pandering and instead treat jihad murderers the same way we treated Brenton Tarrant.
You must have noticed this bizarre phenomenon: Greens and Communists siding with Islamists. They run cover for Hamas and call for the destruction of Israel.
Here they are (below) in Sydney’s Hyde Park on Sunday, October 15, flags all flying proudly together.
The rally, organised by Palestinian Action Group Sydney (PAGS), refused to condemn Hamas, they just changed the subject to their own grievance.
Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi, a Pakistani Muslim, gave a speech in which she did not criticise Hamas or call for their expulsion from the cause.
The crowd, encouraged by PAGS, all chanted:
“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
That is a chant calling for the obliteration of Israel. The media didn’t pick them up on it. PAGS used it to introduce Mehreen Faruqi to the microphone. She didn’t complain. Nor did fellow Greens MP Jenny Leong (Newtown) who was with her.
After throwing in a token opposition to “all civilian deaths” Faruqi went on to accuse Israel of being an “apartheid state” guilty of “war crimes”. This was one week after the Hamas atrocity.
Faruqi together with fellow Greens Jenny Leong and Sue Higginson put out a press release supporting the rally “calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine”.
Israel has not occupied Gaza since 2005.
“Here in NSW and around the world, we will always support the right for people to engage in collective action and peaceful protest,” the release said.
The Greens had to make that statement because their fellow protesters chanted “gas the Jews” and fired flares at the Opera House sails on Monday October 9, less than 48 hours after the massacre, and there had been a risk that police would shut down their Sunday rally at Hyde Park.
NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong promoted that Opera House protest on Twitter, and both The Guardian and AAP ran cover for Hamas supporters by failing to mention “gas the Jews” in their report of the event.
To their shame, ABC and Channel 9 both gave PAGS a platform to pretend they were innocent “anti-racists”. But PAGS did not disavow Hamas’s attacks, and nobody pressed them on it, either. ABC allowed PAGS spokesman Josh Lees to immediately talk about Palestinians.
PAGS insisted at their follow-up Hyde Park protest that they were “anti-racist” and did not know who those unwelcome people were who screamed “gas the Jews”.
But on Monday October 9, they described the Hamas mass murder this way:
“Israel has declared war on Gaza. Israel is launching a full scale war on Palestine for the humiliation it suffered today when Palestinians tore down apartheid walls at a Gaza border, and began to enter '48 land that is rightfully theirs.”
To understand how grotesque this is, unfortunately it is necessary to show distressing images, otherwise you cannot understand the depravity of what PAGS claimed was Palestinians tearing down “apartheid walls” to “enter ‘48 land that is rightfully theirs”. Unless you see the savagery then, as Ben Shapiro argued, you cannot understand the depths of this moral collapse.
WARNING: Distressing images below
PAGS Sydney, supported by Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi and NSW Greens MP Jenny Leong, described this as “Palestinians tore down apartheid walls at a Gaza border, and began to enter '48 land that is rightfully theirs”
“rightfully theirs”
The Greens foreign affairs spokesman Jordon Steele-John put out a statement the day after the mass murders that did not condemn Hamas.
“The Greens reject and condemn all forms of violence, especially against civilians,” he wrote.
“There must be an immediate ceasefire between the State of Israel and Hamas.”
His statement reads like there’s nothing unique about Hamas, they’re just the same as Israel, fighting each other. As though “all forms of violence” is something that just happens, like the weather. To call for an immediate ceasefire is to allow the deliberate and sadistic murderers and gang-rapists of Hamas to go free, which apparently is the official policy of the Australian Greens.
Letters From Australia asked Jordon Steele-John via email why his release did not call for the expulsion of Hamas and if he would do so now. He ignored the request.
The statement went on: “Following a ceasefire, there must be a redoubling of efforts to end the occupation..."
Israel left Gaza in 2005 when the population voted in Hamas. Gaza was not occupied.
Israel continued supplying Gaza with electricity and water even after they left the territory more than a decade ago. They shut it off after October 7, as they were trying to get civilians to leave in order to avoid excess casualties in the bombing that followed.
Hamas receives millions in donations each year, its leaders are all billionaires, but they haven’t built any power or water plants in Gaza.
Whenever Hamas’s popularity slides, they start a war with Israel and their popularity goes back up regardless of how bad they are at running Gaza.
Hamas set up roadblocks to prevent their own civilians fleeing ahead of Israeli air strikes.
Letters From Australia asked Mehreen Faruqi if she would condemn Hamas or call for them to be expelled, in an email via her media advisor Connor Parissis. No response.
Australia’s media still gave the “pro-Palestinian protesters” favourable coverage here, here, here and here, perhaps because their October 15 behaviour seemed so improved compared to the “gas the Jews” outing on October 9. The exact opposite of what we would do with supporters of Brenton Tarrant, if any could be found.
For once I find myself in disagreement with Glenn Greenwald, one of the greatest journalists of our age. Greenwald said in a recent System Update that it is wrong to attribute support for the Hamas murders to protests for the Palestinian cause.
I disagree.
That’s exactly what it is.
Immediately after this deliberate atrocity the Greens, Islamists and leftists did not call for Hamas to be expelled. They did not denounce Hamas. The Greens voted against the Parliamentary motion condemning Hamas.
Changing the subject to “Palestinians” before the retaliation even began is running cover for mass murderers.
That is supporting Hamas.
It obscures the morality of the situation. It gobbles up airtime with the grievance of the terrorists. It pretends “both sides” are the same.
They are not the same. Israel does not deliberately target civilians, they attempt to minimise casualties - a difficult job since Hamas uses both their own people and hostages as meat shields.
PAGS, Islamists, Communists and the Greens were all out there changing the subject to help Hamas in Hyde Park. They all ran cover for terrorists.
A fifth column is an organised group that undermines your country from within, in favour of foreign goals.
Islam is not simply a religion like other faiths, but a supremacist, expansionist and colonialist political movement that comes with its own legal system. Islamists like the Muslim Brotherhood actively want to take control of other nations.
Australia has imported an Islamist fifth column, a powerful and religiously organised political force, with blind migration.
Islamists celebrated the massacre on Sunday night, October 8, at Lakemba and Greenacre, in Sydney’s southwest.
Sheikh Ibrahim Dadoun told a large crowd at Lakemba Station the following:
“My brothers, my sisters, I’m smiling, I’m smiling, and I’m happy, I’m elated.”
“It’s a day of courage, it’s a day of happiness, it’s a day of pride, it’s a day of victory,” he said, as quoted by and The Guardian, and on video by Sky News.
Dadoun then said he was “misquoted”.
On October 9, as bodies were still being recovered, Dadoun said this on Facebook:
“In my speech yesterday, when I said “I’m smiling and I’m happy. I’m elated, It’s a day of courage, it’s a day of resistance, it’s a day of pride, it’s a day of victory”, I was referring only to the fact of the Palestinian people breaking the blockade after 16 years of grave suffering.”
Hamas broke through a border fence between Gaza (their territory) and Israel (a separate country), went on a murder rampage, and Dadoun was celebrating what - a trespass?
Born in Sydney to Lebanese migrants, Dadoun has a degree in journalism and public relations. He also studied sharia in Malaysia and Turkey and uses social media to spread dawa.
On October 7, as the news of the horrific murders first came in, Dadoun posted his authentic response on Facebook: “Ya Allah, give victory to the Muslims”.
Dadoun is not a fringe crazy, unrepresentative of Muslims in Australia. He was the director of public relations at the Australian National Imams’ Council (ANIC) for three years, Sky News reports.
The ANIC is the number one signatory among 70 Muslim groups in Australia who issued an open letter full of demands, posted to the Lebanese Muslim Association’s Facebook page on October 17 (original statement on October 12).
The Islamic Council of Victoria, on whose board media personality Waleed Aly sat for more than four years, was also a signatory.
The letter does not mention the atrocity. The letter calls Israel the “oppressor” and accuses it of “war crimes”. The letter demands Australia call for an “immediate ceasefire” (thus allowing Hamas to remain in Gaza). It says Australia must demand Israel restore electricity, water, fuel, food and medical supplies to Gaza (which it hasn’t ruled since 2005 and has no obligation to provide). The letter demands Australia give emergency aid to Gaza, and further demands an audience with the Prime Minister.
Letters From Australia asked Lebanese Muslim Association Secretary Gamel Kheir via email and Facebook messages why the 70 Muslim groups who signed the letter of demands did not condemn Hamas and whether they would call for their expulsion now. No response.
This is the widespread and unrepentant attitude of the Islamist fifth column in Australia which will not denounce or expel Hamas because they share the goal of exterminating Israel. And they know they can shift Australia’s foreign policy because they are organised and have numbers.
Defence Minister Richard Marles issued a weird statement on October 16 telling Australians that moving forward could be done with “illumination from the Islamic faith itself”.
Does the Minister not know Hamas are Islamist? It’s in their charter - has he not read it?
He misquotes the Koran at surah 2:208, stating Mohammad says “enter absolutely into peace”. This is a mistranslation. The Arabic word used is "Islam" (submission) not “salaam” (peace). That surah is a call to submit totally to Islam - not an exhortation for Muslims to be peaceful. Muslims all know this, as explained here.
The Minister goes on with the same error: “Indeed, the very word Islam is derived from the word peace in Arabic”. No, it literally means “submission”.
Letters From Australia asked the Minister’s media team via email how he can expect to protect Australia if he makes such basic errors. No response.
Australian politicians and media try to pretend Islam has nothing to do with this war, that it’s a struggle over land between ethnicities. This is not true.
The Palestinian Authority, in charge of the West Bank, is often portrayed as the reasonable “moderate” alternative to Hamas. It issued a directive on October 19 telling its Ministry of Religious Affairs to preach the prophecy of fighting and killing the Jews: the gharqad tree hadith. The same one Hamas has in its charter.
Ex-Muslim Ridvan Aydemir said on Wednesday, that this genocidal teaching is widespread and dear to Sunni Muslims.
“I was taught this as a child,” he said.
“If you don’t believe me just search ‘gharqad’ on X”.
Aydemir posted a copy of the PA statement on Twitter (now X), pictured below.
Aydemir said he was shocked the media hadn’t reported what the PA did.
But Western media would ignore it even if it were translated for them - because they are frightened of offending Islam.
Muslims have gone on pogroms around the world since October 7, including in Dagestan, Russia, where rioters stormed an airport looking for Jews to “stab and shoot”. The Wall St Journal’s editorial board described the wave of Jew-hatred sweeping the world - but left out the animus of Islam.
Islam is a political movement and not just a religion.
In Australia the force of Islam has been directed in a more disciplined fashion at the politicians and media, leaving the majority of the Jew-hatred out and instead lobbying hard to change the subject of the October 7 murders to the Palestinian grievance.
This does not mean they don’t hold those views: some do, as evidenced by the “gas the Jews” chants. It’s because they are smart enough to know that is not the way to win in Australia - and it would shame their leftist allies.
After their open letter of demands to the Prime Minister, the Lebanese Muslim Association organised 5000 Muslims in a show of force at Parry Park in Sydney’s southwest on October 20 for Friday prayers.

Several sheikhs: “delivered the khutbahs and spoke passionately about the oppression being suffered by our Palestinian brothers and sisters at the hands of the tyrants,” the LMA said on Facebook.
The LMA also collected funds for their “brothers and sisters in Gaza” through their charity Feed The World, which was established in October and operates in NSW and Lebanon according to the ACNC register. Gaza is governed by Hamas, who are officially terrorists. It is a criminal offense in Australia to fund them either directly or indirectly, DFAT warns on its website.
This show of force was followed by further Australian capitulation with the Lebanese Muslim Association naming a list of politicians who signed up to support their cause in a letter published on Facebook, October 24.

As time passes the Hamas atrocity recedes into the past while the invasion of Gaza is ongoing with horrible new civilian casualties. That gives Islamists the ability to leverage not just the mosques and leftists, but ordinary people distressed by scenes of war to build support for their cause.
The Sydney Morning Herald reported up to 50,000 people marched from Hyde Park to Belmore Park on Sunday, October 29, calling for a “ceasefire”.
A ceasefire would mean Hamas are left in place. Israel cannot, under any circumstances, do this. Hamas must be destroyed utterly, just like Islamic State.
This is why Australia must not under any circumstances accept Palestinian Muslim refugees from Gaza - no matter how bad the situation gets.
The religious fifth column will lobby for Muslim migrants because it gives them numbers and power. They will use grievance narratives from Gaza where civilians are going to be desperate for help.
Australia’s fifth column already has a loud and powerful voice. Increasing their numbers with Gazan Muslims who do not reject Hamas would be folly.
This fifth column is also why we are all now targets for jihad violence - which is hugely successful for Islam in Australia.
A well-connected network of activists swings into action to manipulate media and academia after every attack. Leftist fellow travelers are incentivised to promote sympathy for Islam.
When Islamists kill civilians in Australia their ideology is never condemned as it should be, like a Brenton Tarrant. It’s rewarded. Instead there is an overcompensating rush to deflect blame away from Islam and to “protect Muslims” from a carefully established propaganda construct, Islamophobia.
Useful idiots make it impossible to criticise Islamism. Instead, Muslims are portrayed as victims and there are silly attempts by police and media to appease Islamists.
The UN says it counted 750,000 Arab refugees in 1950 who fled Israel during the first Arab-Israeli war.
That 750,000 is now 5.9 million, the UN says. It includes adopted children and great-grandchildren of the 750,000 who left, plus an unknown number of interlopers.
Israel says the responsibility for those refugees is on the surrounding Arab Muslim states that attacked in in 1948, on its first day of existence, because they started the war from which the 750,000 refugees fled.
But these countries refuse to take them.
The Arab Muslims of Palestine have rejected every two-state solution ever offered, because they want to destroy the Jewish state.
To get this, they refuse any solution unless it includes “right of return” for the “refugees” because that would mean swamping Israel with 6 million Muslims.
This would demographically destroy Israel as a Jewish homeland because Israel’s population is already 18 percent Muslim. You saw on October 7 what would happen then.
Those same Arab states kicked out their Jewish residents after 1948. There were roughly a million Jews in the Arab world prior to World War II, many of whom had been there for centuries. There are almost none left now.
Israel took in 586,000 Jews who fled persecution in the Arab Muslim states of the Middle East between 1948 and 1972. They are getting on with their lives, in Israel.
Both Islam and the Left share the goal of destroying Western civilisation. They are the red-green aliance: the red is communism, the green is Islam.
Islam uses the left to manipulate Western institutions such as academia, unions and the media to promote the cause of Islam.
For example, Jewish academics are now quitting Australia’s National Tertiary Education Union because it wouldn’t condemn Hamas. Instead, the NTEU equated Israel with Hamas, saying on October 20: “any resolution of the conflict requires an end to the occupation of Palestine”.
The left uses Islam for its organised numbers, political help, career promotion, money, the backing of large and wealthy OIC countries, and the potential for street violence.
Leftists fantasize that the Palestinian Muslim Arabs had their homes stolen by the British and given to European Jews to be a white colony in a brown land. They are the oppressed and Israel (with no right to exist) is the oppressor. Violence is justified against the “white colonisers” and the Palestinians are righteous no matter what they do. This is the fiction they tell each other. It is not true.
Leftists don’t care if it’s true or not. They don’t encourage Palestinians to reject toxic Islamism, expel Hamas or build a functioning society. What they love is power. They want to express their own hostility, tear down political enemies, and to be backed by the menace of Islamist violence. And they want to act self-righteous while they’re doing it. For a fascinating read, see Ted Kaczynski, The Psychology of Modern Leftism in his Unabomber Manifesto. He was a US domestic terrorist and ruined genius who pegged exactly what drives these leftists.
The region that is now Israel became a British protectorate after the Ottoman Caliphate lost World War I. Britain and France carved up the Caliphate: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Turkey were all cut from it.
The Caliphate had large minorities of Jews and Christians who had been there long before Islam - and not just in Palestine but across the region. There were hundreds of thousands of Jews living across Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria and other areas.
In 1882 Palestine had 300,000 people of which 24,000 were Jews. This number increased as Jews fled pogroms in Europe during the late 19th Century to build a homeland. This was the Zionist movement.
Britain promised a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, made famous by the 1917 Balfour Declaration to Lord Rothschild, a prominent banker and leader of the Zionist movement.
But the British also wanted to use the Muslim Arabs to fight the Caliphate Turks in World War I, so they double-promised Palestine to the Arabs.
When it came to dividing up Palestine, Britain had a huge problem: they’d promised it to two groups that hate each other - and they’d already given Jordan to the Hashemite Kingdom.
In the 1922 census, British Mandate Palestine had a population of 757,182. There were 590,890 Muslims, 83,694 Jews, 73,024 Christians. The rest were small numbers of Druze, Sikhs, Hindus, Baha’is, Metawilehs and Samaritans.
By December 1946 the UN estimated the population at 1,845,560 made up of: 1,076,780 Muslims, 608,230 Jews, 145,060 Christians and 15,490 “others”.
Islam is not tolerant of minorities. Non-Muslims in the Caliphate were second-class citizens who had to pay protection money to the Muslims, called the jizyah tax. In 1915-16, Turkish Muslims murdered up to 1.2 million Armenian Christians in the Armenian Genocide. The genocide of Greek Orthodox Christians began in 1914 and didn’t end until 1923 with the forced relocation of more than 1 million surviving Greeks from Anatolia to Greece.
The British wanted out, but if they left Palestine for all to share there would have been a massacre of Christians and Jews.
So the United Nations voted to separate them into two states. The original 1947 UN resolution created the Partition Plan to establish Israel as a Jewish homeland and an Arab state for the Muslims.
The Arabs didn’t want it. They wanted all the land for themselves.
Britain backed the Arabs and tried to cut off all Jewish migration to Israel during World War II, blockading it just as they most needed to flee the Holocaust, giving in to Arab demands.
The United States backed the partition despite being deeply uneasy about being involved. Without a separate state to protect them, they feared a wholesale massacre of Jews across Palestine and into Iraq “where there are 125,000 entirely defenceless Jews and where Arab townsmen as well as Bedouins are always ready to raid,” The Bulletin reported.
The UN would have to enforce its resolution in 1948 when the British left, but it didn’t have any muscle.
The Bulletin reported on 17 December, 1947:
“Washington is aware that for the UN to take a paper vote in behalf of partitioning Palestine and then leave it for the Jews and Arabs to fight it out would be to turn Palestine into greater turmoil than ever and to reveal the UN as without determination or power to deal with resistance to its will.”
The Arabs threatened the US with a communist alliance over the partition plan, just as the Cold War was beginning.
The Bulletin reported that Saudi Prince Faisal delivered an Arab ultimatum at the UN General Assembly meeting at Lake Success, New York, 1947.
“The Arab countries, it is reliably reported here, have served an ultimatum on the United States which threatens this country’s programme to combat and contain Russia.
“In effect, the Arabs have told the United States that henceforth they will align themselves with Russia on every important issue in the United Nations unless Secretary of State George Marshall and his colleagues speak out in opposition to the proposed partition of Palestine.”
The Arab Muslims would never tolerate a Jewish state no matter how small and they blamed the US for backing the partition plan at the UN.
The Jews could see that nobody was coming to help them, so they fought to make their nation a reality. Running battles, terrorist bombings and mob violence by both Jews and Arabs marked the lead-up to the British withdrawal in 1948.
Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Yemen all declared war on Israel on 14 May 1948, the moment it declared its nationhood.
In Cairo, Sheikh Mamoun al Shinawi of al-Azhar, described in the press at the time as “the spiritual leader of the Moslem Empire” called for jihad against the Jews, as the duty of every Muslim.
The British helped the Arabs by paying King Abdullah of Jordan two million pounds yearly to prop up his Arab Legion, plus 37 officers to help them with strategy, The Bulletin reported in 1948. It was the only Arab army able to retain land against the Israelis, The Bulletin said. This continued until the US got so angry with Britain that it threatened to cut off funds for their post-war rebuilding.
The Arab nations fought Israel - and lost. Israel won even more territory than originally promised.
Because the cold war was kicking off, the USSR was able to groom the embittered Arab Muslims to use as proxies against the US. The KGB even helped the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat to invent the “Palestinian” ethnicity complete with flag (more on this below).
This was the start of the long marriage of communism and Islam: the red-green alliance. Totalitarians together.

They remain joined by a hatred of Western capitalism to this day.
Journalist and Muslim reformist Asra Nomani discussed the more recent red-green obsession with race war on April 27 with author Rajiv Malhotra, here.
After World War II, communism came to the US but the Marxists soon realised that Americans were not interested in their ideology of economic division, Malhotra said.
Marxism was about economics, not race - but Americans didn’t want it.
So they put the old communism in a new bottle and turned the narrative to racial division.
It started undergound in the 1970s with racialised legal studies before it developed into a full-blown “critical race theory”, feeding off white guilt and ideas of de-colonisation, it grew in power. PhDs were granted. It became a theory accepted by the academic establishment, with careers invested in it.
“So really what we have is an alliance of three, not two: the left, blacks and Muslims,” Malhotra said.
“The Islamo-leftist alliance immediately hijacked the Black Lives Matter movement.”
Islamists feed the left an “anti-colonial” fantasy that Palestinian Arab Muslims are the “indigenous” of Israel, kicked out by Europeans: they are therefore the oppressed brown natives fighting against the white oppressor.
In Australia this translates to the attempted hijack of Aboriginal people.
It is revealing, that the left and the Australian Greens side with Islam over the West.
The left’s claimed positions are completely incompatible with several unpleasant Islamic imperatives.
Islam is a political movement that: allows child marriage because Mohammed, 50, married Aisha, 6, and consummated it when she was 9; kills apostates, hangs gays from cranes in the public square, jails raped women if they are unable to produce four male witnesses, cuts the opposite hand and foot off thieves, promotes theocracy, and enthusiastically colonises other countries.
That the Greens, Communists and Leftists would make common cause with Islam shows just how disposable their claimed positions are.
This is a complete moral collapse.
Have you ever seen Mehreen Faruqi protest against the brutal Indonesian colonisation of West Papua? That’s right on our northern border, not thousands of miles away in the Middle East. The Greens won’t protest West Papua because Indonesia is majority Muslim and protesting their genocide would anger their Islamist allies.
In 1946 there was no ethnicity called “Palestinian”.
Palestine was a region, and in it lived Arabs, Jews and Christians.
The region was called “Palestine” not because “Palestinians” lived there, but because the Romans renamed Judea to insult the Jews after the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135CE. The Romans called it “Syria Palaestina” because the Philistines, a Greek tribe who lived in Gaza long before Islam, were the Jews’ worst enemy. There are no Philistines anymore, they disappeared centuries ago.
The Arab Muslims of Palestine are not different from the Arab Muslims of the surrounding lands of Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Syria.
It was the KGB that helped create the “Palestinians”, as The Spectator reports (archived here, free).
Israel was a tiny Jewish state getting sympathy from the international community as it was surrounded by powerful Arab Muslim enemies. To put a stop to this, the Russian spy agency, the KGB, decided they needed a makeover.
In the 1960s, the KGB and Yasser Arafat (an Egyptian Marxist whose net worth was US$1 billion when he died), invented the “Palestinians” as an even tinier minority than Israel, plus a “Palestinian Liberation Organisation” (PLO) to fight for their rights.
They took the Arab Muslim flag used by the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party (hard left) and lengthened it a bit like the Federation of Jordan & Iraq for the PLO to adopt in 1964. Not very original, but it worked. Boom! Now there was a new ethnic minority with their own flag who could claim to be indigenous, fighting a large “colonial occupier” for the “return of their land”.
Zuheir Mohsen (also spelt Zahir Muhsein), a PLO executive committee member, leader of the Ba’ath faction and pan-Arab nationalist, told Dutch newspaper Trouw in 1977 that the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, as quoted in Quadrant, 2014:
“The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a “distinct Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism.”
Now, 50 years later, Palestinian activists and their leftist allies are still embroidering this fictional history by pretending that what they are doing is fighting colonialism.
In 2003, Former Romanian intelligence chief Ion Mihai Pacepa (who defected to the US) wrote this in the Wall Street Journal:
“In 1969 the KGB asked Arafat to declare war on American ‘imperial-Zionism’ … ‘imperial-Zionism’ was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion,’ and long a favorite tool of Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred. The KGB always regarded antisemitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism.”
Israel is not a colonial state and the Arab Muslims are not the ‘indigenous first people’ of Palestine. Jews and Christians also lived there, continuously, since long before Islam.
Additional Jews migrated in from Europe in the Zionist push to repatriate Jews to their ancestral homeland in the late 19th Century, but this means nothing because Arab Muslims also migrated in from Egypt and elsewhere. Between World Wars I and II, the non-Jewish population grew by 588,000 while the Jewish population grew by 470,000.
The UN partitioned Palestine so the Jews and Muslims could each have a state. It was the Arab Muslims who attacked Israel, because they wanted it all for themselves.
But you can see where this is heading: next target, Aboriginal Australians.
“Always was, always will be, Aboriginal land,” Palestinian Action Group Sydney screamed at their Hyde Park rally in Sydney, October 15: trying to link Aboriginal people to their far-away Islamist cause.
In 1974 Aboriginal poet Kath Walker (later Oodgeroo Noonuccal) was on a British Airways flight hijacked by Palestinian terrorists.
Ironically, Islamo-leftists are still hijacking Aboriginal people today.
Palestinian Action Group Sydney (PAGS) colonised Noonuccal’s 1969 poem Black Commandments, for their Hyde Park Palestinian rally on Sunday, October 15.
“Repeat after me,” said one speaker.
“Thou shall take back land stolen from thy forefathers,
“Thou shall meet white violence with black violence,
“Thou shall remove thyself from a sick white society,” (video below)
Leftists like PAGS, Black Lives Matter and the Communist Party of Australia, want to replace class war with a violent race war. They want to spark hatred between Aborigines and white Australians, while claiming to be anti-racist. It has failed so far: Australia just rejected an entire referendum trying to divide us over race.
In America, the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement raised more than a billion dollars in corporate donations, The Federalist reports, after initiating widespread riots that burnt whole city blocks and killed dozens of people in 2020. Their modus operandi is to salt the media with African American imprisonment rates (proportionally higher than for other groups) without mentioning the associated violent crime rates (also proportionally higher than for other groups). This distorted reporting is repeatedly presented as “institutional racism” creating a grievance culture based on the lie that the justice system is inherently racist simply because more black people are incarcerated within it.
“Systemic racism” is a myth, as Xin Du writes in Spiked, but the falsehood encourages African Americans and white-guilt leftists to see their country only as a racist place where blacks have no chance to succeed, creating resentment that can be sparked into violent riots at flashpoint moments.
BLM turned their followers against Israel in 2020. What the heck do American black citizens have to do with Palestine, one commentator asked. It’s no coincidence that the Lebanese Muslim Association in Sydney has changed its banner pic on Facebook to “Palestinian lives matter, too” using the BLM slogan (it’s still there as of November 2).
Islam wants to conflate the Palestinian Arab Muslims with Aborigines, painting both as righteous blacks fighting evil whites, who stole their land.
For example: Islamist group Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jam'ah Association of Australia posted a two-page letter on October 12 denouncing Israel after the Hamas murder attack. It contained a paragraph (pictured below) directly linking the “indigenous Palestinians” to “indigenous Aboriginals” as the indigenous people fighting oppression.
This is ASWJ trying to delegitimise Israel so they can claim it should be destroyed as a country, and they’re using Aboriginal people to do it.
There are Islamists and leftists flying Aboriginal flags now at every Palestinian rally, chanting the mantra: “always was, always will be Aboriginal land”.
The same logic that attacks Israel’s right to exist also delegitimises Australia, which they also want to weaken, using race to divide.

According to the 2021 Census figures, there are now more Muslims in Australia at 813,392 than there are Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders, at 812,728.
In the 2001 national census, 641 Indigenous people identified as Muslim. By the 2006 census the number had climbed more than 60% to 1014 people. In the 2021 census the number increased more than 100% to 2179 (figures emailed by ABS, also online here at SBS). The overall total is small, but the direction is clear.
The Aborigines are targeted for conversion.
You must have noticed this. It’s the high-profile sports stars and through the gyms. This is because Aboriginal people look up to their sports stars and follow them. Like Scientology in Hollywood, Islam is targeting influencers.
Rugby league footballer and champion boxer Anthony Mundine left Christianity for Islam in 1999 and in turn converted other rugby league stars Sonny Bill Williams and Blake Ferguson.
As Mundine told the Islamic Museum of Australia in 2022: “Our traditional law is pretty much identical to Islam … There's roles for women and men, what you can and can't do.”
“People don't realise that all a Muslim is, is somebody who submits their will to the one creator, the one lord - our people did that for years.”
That is a reflection of how Islam is sold to Aboriginal Australia: as an identity assertion laced with the empowerment of pushing back against colonists.
Of course nobody mentions that Islam itself is a colonialist ideology that is highly intolerant and wipes out indigenous cultures along with their history wherever it goes. In the Malaysian state of Kelantan, the Orang Asli are now being wiped out by Islam, with the South China Morning Post reporting in 2006 that Muslims were being paid to marry the indigenous people in order to convert them to Islam. In 2019 the Orang Asli handed a protest letter to the nation’s parliament to ask them to stop sending Muslim preachers to convert their community to Islam.
The targeting of Aboriginal people for conversion is reported by Australian media in only the kindest - almost promotional - terms. Islam is described as “a privilege” or “a pride” for Aborigines, instead of what it actually is: another colonisation. Australia’s media treats Islam as a fragile minority in need of protection, when the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation boasts 56 large countries and is the largest voting block at the UN.
But Islam also preys on Aboriginal people in prison, where the ideology operates as both a protection racket and a faith.
As David Lawson notes in his (2010) PhD thesis on Aborigines who convert to Islam in NSW prisons, 22 percent of the NSW prison population are indigenous and 80 percent of those are Muslim, with many introduced to Islam in prison (p.154).
In NSW Prisons, the gangs are racially stratified: Asians, Aussies, Islanders etc. Aboriginal inmates are targeted for conversion by the powerful, socially supported Lebanese Muslims who provide physical protection and economic security. (p.314-15)
Islam masks itself with “black power” Malcolm X identity politics to sell a sense of empowerment, using Marxist race-war ideology.
It becomes an identity assertion, a way to reclaim individual and collective power in an oppressive environment.
“Within prisons and in Indigenous communities Islam serves a discursive function: that of a powerful oppositional force to institutional authority, and as the promise of empowerment, status and identity for a life outside of prison. Its power resides in both the global ummah and the strong links with ‘black’ minorities.” (p.321)
Where Aboriginal sports stars provide top role models to encourage others to convert, Aboriginal prisoners are useful for other reasons.
They can be used as future jihadis.
In 2018 an Aboriginal man who converted to Islam in jail allegedly threatened to blow up Bankstown Shopping Centre and Marrickville Police Station.
Greg Ceissman, 24, of Redfern, was accused of saying he would shoot as many police officers as he could and that if he was killed during an attack he'd get 72 virgins in heaven, Daily Mail and AAP reported.
He allegedly referred to police as “white Christian dogs”, SBS reported.
Establishing Islamic primacy is important to delegitimise “Australia” and replace it with “Islam”.
So Islam lies to indigenous people about their history in order to colonise them. Islam says that Aborigines were originally Muslim (or almost Muslim) before whites corrupted them, and therefore it’s a revolutionary act of self-assertion to “revert” to Islam.
As David Lawson notes in his (2010) PhD thesis on Aborigines who convert to Islam in NSW prisons: “It is claimed by many of the Indigenous Muslim participants that Aborigines were always Muslim and that Islam is re-emerging as a belief and practice. There is a revolutionary aspect or dimension about this new emergence and it is part of the essence of being Aboriginal” (p.114)
Islam fuels this by exaggerating any similarity or link it can find with Aboriginal cultures. Aboriginal people are told that Islam is close to their original dreamtime beliefs, and that they were (almost) Muslims before colonisation. That means history gets distorted.
Aboriginal history intersected with Islam before European colonisation through trade with Macassan trepang fishermen off northern Australia, then with Malaysian pearl-shell divers and Afghan cameleers in the early days of colonisation.
Macassans from Sulawesi traded metal blades, smoking tobacco and axes with Aborigines of northeast Arnhem Land from at least 1700 to 1902, as the National Museum of Australia reports.
They never settled and didn’t interfere with culture. But the Macassans left many traces: tamarind trees, traded goods, several words and echoes in ceremony and ritual chants.
History Professor Regina Ganter details the Macassan legacy in an excellent 2013 essay which recounts the many influences.
“At the turn of the twentieth century there were Yolngu people who were circumcised, polygamous, well-travelled, enmeshed in transnational trade and family relationships, who spoke using vocabulary used by the Macassans and carried Macassan names,” she wrote.
The late Darwin anthropologist Bill Day, said northeast Arnhem Landers gave localised ceremonial and spiritual significance to flags flying on a mast, reflecting their contact with Macassan traders in his 2001 thesis, and even in 1998, the Yolngu sang Macassan chants at a flag raising at Fish Camp, Darwin.
The Past Masters website has excellent images of Macassan anchors and contact art.
But Professor Ganter noted that the Yolngu never embraced Islam as a faith; rather, they incorporated elements of what they observed from their Indonesian visitors into their own cosmology.
She also noted a trend to romanticise the stories of Macassan contact as it was so long ago that the nasty parts were forgotten, and it had become an act of resistance against colonialism.
“There are ample indications of violent conflict in their myths and in the historical record, but the Macassan contact is now so long ago that there are no eyewitnesses left and it has become remembered as a period of trade and exchange without compulsion, in contradistinction with the British colonisation,” she wrote.
She later told the BBC: “"I'm a historian and I know that the Makassans, when they came to Arnhem Land, they had cannons, they were armed, there were violent incidents.”
Disturbing evidence has emerged of Macassans taking Yolngu youths back to Indonesia, possibly to be sold as slaves.
After the 2001 Islamist attacks on the World Trade Centre (and the jihad attacks since), a revival of neglected Australian history was sparked, with academics determined to show that Muslims were not “outsiders” in a defensive strategy against imagined “xenophobia”.
One example is Peta Stephenson’s 2011 piece in The Conversation, Long history with Islam gives Indigenous Australians pride. It reads like a promotion for Islam. It lists all the reasons Aborigines are “attracted” to Islam, espouses a naive and romanticised view of Islam as not forcing a “mono-culturalism” unlike the Christian missionaries - which is entirely at odds with reality. Islam left no Buddhists in Afghanistan and even their monuments were obliterated.
This revival of Muslim history in Australia understandably gained immediate traction with Islamic groups who promoted it.
This led to an exaggeration of its significance, distorting the history.
For example, Islamic superannuation fund Crescent Wealth has written of the supposedly massive influence Islam has had on Aboriginal culture.
“Although many Makassans would simply trade and return to Indonesia, some also stayed and married into Indigenous tribes. This unique amalgamation left lasting impacts on the traditional Australian communities – for instance, in some mortuary ceremonies performed by the Galiwinku community, hymns sung are very similar in sound and tune to Islamic prayers with some words also being borrowed from the Islamic prayer.” - Crescent Wealth, 2020
There is a big difference between a few distant influences and “hymns sung are very similar in sound and tune to Islamic prayers”.
Also, it would be difficult for Macassans to marry into Arnhem Land tribes on account of the strict rules about who could marry who, dependent on skin names. A Macassan would have no skin name, no place to fit in.
The fantasy is embellished further by Crescent Wealth:
“Interestingly, the Aboriginal people believe in a certain deity known as Walitha’walitha. This is said to be linguistically derived from the Arabic term Allah ta’ala which means “God the Exalted”. Additionally, the prayers they partake in are also similar to Islam in that it requires them to face the west in prayer which, for them, is roughly facing the direction of Makkah.” - Crescent Wealth, 2020
This claim, that Aborigines were praying to Allah, in the direction of Mecca, is an exaggeration, an attempt to claim Aborigines for Islam.
Secondly, as Professor Ganter noted, there is a degree of uncertainty over what portion of the Macassans were actually Muslim, and to what degree they still held pagan beliefs, customs and rituals.
“Walitha’walitha” doesn’t sound that much like “Allah ta’ala”. Especially dealing with living languages that change over time, with a variety of influences, not just Macassan.
This is romanticising Islam as an alternative narrative to European colonisation.
The Rule of Law Education Centre notes that Australians should all be equal not just before the law but also before the makers of the law and those who apply the law.
But this is not true in Australia. The Racial Discrimination Act is suspended to allow specific service provision for Aboriginal people. Also Australian courts have taken Aboriginal tribal laws into account in sentencing, as the Australian Law Reform Commission reported.
Imposing sharia courts with the force of law is a long-term goal for all Islamists including in Australia.
Aboriginal Australia is therefore useful as an example of “multi-legalism”, as Islamists quietly build their case for legal recognition for sharia courts.
As author and researcher Robert Spencer said in 2018:
“Historically there’s never been a time when Muslims have lived in a non-Muslim society co-existing as equals, without trying to impose Islamic law. Islamic law mandates that Islam must dominate, and not be dominated, and is a political system, not just a religious one, that is supremacist and authoritarian in its basic message and content.”
This can be seen in Western countries where Muslim populations reach large enough numbers to support the informal assertion of sharia patrols even when no legal authority has been given by the state.
Sharia patrols have been documented in London, Germany, Austria and France where they harass gay people, or women not wearing “modest” dress, or people drinking alcohol.
In 2011, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils (AFIC) made a submission to a parliamentary inquiry on multiculturalism that lobbied for sharia courts under a system of ‘legal pluralism’.
AFIC’s then-president lkebal Adam Patel, claiming to be responding on behalf of “all Muslims in Australia” wrote:
“Gary Bell (2006) argues that ‘multiculturalism applied to the law should lead to an acceptance and celebration of legal pluralism - Islamic law is part of a Muslim’s culture and completely denying any recognition of this law goes against any professions of multiculturalism.’
Such argument is also proposed by many Muslims living in the Western world, but they quickly are labelled as radical and extremists …
As a peak body for all Islamic organisations in Australia, we strongly support that multiculturalism should lead to legal pluralism.” - AFIC submission 81
The NZ Herald reported at the time that the request sparked immediate rejection from then Attorney-General Robert McClelland, and heavy criticism from others.
So the push goes on quietly.
In 2008 law lecturer Ghena Krayem and Lakemba mosque imam Haisam Farache argued sharia should be recognised to resolve family disputes in Australia, in an opinion piece in the Sydney Morning Herald.
By 2017, Krayem had co-authored a textbook for the University of Sydney law school along with Salim Farrar which argued Australia should move towards “recognition” of sharia, incorporating elements of it into family law, Daily Mail reported.
Family law is considered the thin edge of the wedge in introducing sharia courts, where it is presented as being small, and culturally helpful, and no big deal.
In 2015, the University of Western Sydney held a two-day symposium where academics such as Ann Black debated the merits of legal pluralism in Australia and the sharia.
Aboriginal Australians are the only group with any sort of moral claim to separate tribal laws, on the grounds that it is traditional for their society, and they were here first.
This makes them highly attractive to Islam.
They are the precedent for demanding elements of sharia be implemented as a separate legal system.
If enough Aboriginal people can be colonised, they can be valuable political allies when Islamists demand separate sharia courts.
Criticism of Islam is criticism of a political ideology, and not of Muslim people who are the same as any other human beings: some good, some bad, some highly religiously motivated and some lapsed. But we cannot continue to ignore Islamism as a political force in Australia - and a problem.
When Israel destroys Hamas, another Hamas will simply appear to replace them, because the toxic Islamist ideology that created it will still be there. It is this ideology that must be uprooted and destroyed.
We do not want the Islamist fifth column growing in Australia. It’s already here, and we must not make it bigger. We cannot take any refugees from Gaza - that is the responsibility of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation. They have their countries and we have ours.
The Greens must be voted out of every parliament and council in Australia. They don’t give a shit about the environment. They are evil in greenface. I will never forget their total moral collapse and how they ran cover for murderers after October 7.
Myths about the Hamas atrocity: no, Israel did not “stand down”
This piece cannot go unfinished without addressing a nasty myth going round.
It goes like this:
Israel has such an advanced military that it’s not possible for Hamas to have broken through the fence in a surprise attack on October 7. They stood down on purpose so that: (pick one)
a) They’d have an excuse to raze Gaza to the ground, or
b) Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu had a difficult political moment and he wanted a distraction.
This is not true.
No prizes for guessing that Hamas supporters seeded this.
It has been picked up by people in the West who (a) no longer trust the media after the repeated covid lies and censorship of 2020-present, and (b) want to believe the authorities really are all-powerful because it’s less psychologically threatening than confronting how thin the protection of civilisation is.
Israel’s border defence was not up to scratch. That’s the simple truth. If you’re looking for a myth, it’s that the Israeli military are superhumans who can’t be beaten. Obviously that’s not true - their border was penetrated. They were asleep at the wheel on a holiday. They were so relaxed there was a huge dance party going on.
This is why Hamas picked a holiday. You just cannot be vigilant 100 percent of the time over decades. Sooner or later you have a weak moment and Hamas were just waiting for that chance.
Senior Hamas official Ali Baraka gave an interview to RT (above) explaining exactly how they pulled it off. They lulled Israel into thinking they were busy with governing Gaza instead of preparing terrorist attacks. They don’t care about the Gazan people. They think differently to Western people. Their priorities are different. As Ben Shapiro reports here, with footage from the RT interview.
That is why Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a co-founder of Hamas, who hates Hamas so much that he joined the Mossad to spy against them, said Hamas has a rule that they can be peaceful for a time but no longer than 15 years.
This is why Hamas planned it using old tech (copper landlines) and got off their cellphones, so they wouldn’t have their cover blown.
They had the element of surprise.
This idea that “Israel let it happen” so that they could have an excuse to attack Gaza is illogical, since Israel voluntarily left Gaza in 2005 in the hopes of living peacefully side by side.
It’s just war propaganda to help in the delegitimising of Israel so that Islam can turn the West against Israel.
Yousef, who is ex-Hamas, is now a convert to Christianity who lives in hiding in the West. He is the only Palestinian I have heard condemning Hamas and calling for their expulsion. Yousef told journalist Piers Morgan that the people of Gaza had been oppressed because of Hamas, and that Hamas had to be destroyed.
“This time I’m afraid that war is the only way to peace. If Hamas is not removed then they will… build longer range missiles and the next war will be deadlier. The use of force is the last resort but unfortunately Hamas left Israel and the free world with no choice but to fight them and put an end to their violence.”
And to the protesters he said: “You are just warriors on keyboard… you say ‘free Palestine, free Palestine’ but don’t know what the hell Palestine is. I am Palestine and I say is enough of Hamas.”
A final note: this piece took me a long time to write. It was difficult. I spent some afternoons in the NSW State Library reading the newspapers of the day on microfilm to try to understand how people reported it at that time. Propaganda is coming from all sides now and soon it will be difficult to authenticate anything due to deep fakes. I’ve had to turn comments off because of the sensitive nature.