Brownshirts stomp on 81-year-old stroke survivor's political event: Australian democracy is now as phony as a three-dollar bill
How Permanent Canberra uses non-profits & sinister mobs for social control: publicly humiliating opponents and deceitfully camouflaging propaganda
CookerWatch brownshirts shut down 81-year-old legal activist’s meeting
Venues targeted to cancel politics: Dr Peter McCullough, “Grand Jury”
Anonymous bullies given red carpet treatment by ABC, Nine,
Permanent Canberra funds “misinformation” industry to justify, mask censorship
Sinister mobs with corporate media friends are making sure Australians cannot hold political events, targeting venues and ticket sellers to get them cancelled.
Political goons intimidated a Western Sydney leagues club into ditching a meeting organised by an 81-year-old retired dentist and his “Juries R Us” group on April 5.
Activist John Wilson, who is fond of quoting Thomas Jefferson, believes banks and large corporations have hijacked Australia’s democracy and wants ordinary citizens to have more of a say.
The retiree has a “Juries R Us” website promoting activism under existing laws which his group believes are not being followed accurately.
He believes in political reform through juries, with “grand juries” investigating serious offences which are then referred to “trial juries” in a court to determine guilt or innocence - which he says is the system we have but it isn’t being followed.
Mr Wilson helped organise an “Australian People’s Grand Jury” at Wentworthville Leagues Club (Wenty Leagues) to indict Commonwealth Governor General David Hurley for “fraud”, as Mr Wilson’s group believes no such office as “Commonwealth Governor General” exists, dating back to 1901.
Whatever you think of this idea, Mr Wilson and his group had a right to hold their event - but this right was taken away.
Wenty Leagues suddenly cancelled. Chief executive Glenn Kovacs had no choice.
“He said the Liquor and Gaming people had been told by the Police to cancel my booking and he had no alternative. In fact, he said I was "banned" from the club for that night, ie: not to be there to explain things to anyone who turns up,” Mr Wilson said via email on Sunday.

Police were waiting in the foyer for the few people who did show up. Those who came were questioned, their details recorded, and told to leave, an event goer told Letters From Australia.
NSW Police ignored media requests, Liquor & Gaming would not make a comment on record and Wenty Leagues has not responded.
What is confirmed is that anonymous goons publicly bragged on Twitter that they would get the event cancelled by harassing the club.
Brownshirt account CookerWatch posted the event, the mob reacted with “let’s complain and get it cancelled”, and it was. Then they celebrated destroying Mr Wilson’s right to hold a political meeting.
It looked like kicking over a lemonade stand, and smirking at someone’s distress.
But despite having a stroke last year, John Wilson still has plenty of gumption. His group moved the event and held it anyway.
You may laugh at his website “Juries R Us” or find his ideas silly, but he has an absolute right to them.
CookerWatch is a propaganda account set up to bully and humiliate people who oppose government policies. It is anonymous and therefore deceitful.
It has a team of followers connected with Permanent Canberra, corporate media and the security state to amplify their content. They frighten people away from speaking out against vaccine mandates, “smart” surveillance cities or other issues by publicly shaming them.
They help Permanent Canberra strangle political movements before they can challenge power.
This is disguised as “having a laugh at silly cookers”. It robs imperfect and ordinary people of their ability to organise politically against policies they don’t like.
They catch video of the worst examples of something embarrassing, or an individual with an unsavoury view on some red herring topic, or a country bumpkin accent saying something dumb. Then they amplify it so that is only thing the public ever sees and they are turned away.
CookerWatch brownshirts ensure reasonable points are never heard.
They use Goebbel’s tactic of “Rufmord” which is “reputation death”: humiliating ordinary people who are not anonymous, who are identified by name and photo, their shame set in digital granite for employers to find 10 years later on Google, for family to shun.
They interfere with the right of others to organise. They contact ticket sellers, venue providers or insurers and tell them nasty lies, such as the event is “disinformation”, with the implied threat that if it goes ahead, they will be publicly smeared by association. Perhaps protesters will come.
When US doctors Peter McCullough and Pierre Kory toured Australia to discuss the covid vaccine problems, their ticket provider Eventbrite dropped out at the last minute and they had to re-issue tickets through a new provider because of this.

Nine Entertainment’s 2GB rolled out the red carpet here, and NewsLtd here. The account’s purported frontwoman has been allowed to humiliate opponents without revealing her name, claiming she needs to hide it for safety.
To clarify: it is necessary to provide anonymity for sources in danger, when the story is in the public interest and there’s no other way to tell it. This does not extend to political take-down operations.
In the CookerWatch case, the claim is spurious. Any threats are a matter for the police.
The problem with media using CookerWatch brownshirts to slander others is that the public cannot know what their conflicts of interest are.
We cannot know if CookerWatch is subcontracting for ASIO or the AFP, or a government department (eg Home Affairs), or a PR firm acting for the pharmaceutical lobby, or backed by a political party, or paid by Soros or Gates, or is an organ of the security state.
Because their victims have no privileged access to media, they will always lose, always look crazy - even if they had a decent point to make.
CookerWatch is affiliated with Twitter accounts @sunnysandeel (Sandee), and @SOS149 (SOS). SOS posts on anarchist social media site The two of them run a podcast on RedCircle called Tinfoil Tales where they make fun of dissidents, detailing their names and presenting them in their worst light.
In Episode 11, Sandee brags to SOS of how she manipulated her media contacts to report unfavourably on Darren Bergwerf, who they don’t like, at a protest against a childcare centre development in Frankston, Victoria.
“We got the attention of Cameron Wilson ( associate editor, former ABC), who is a friend of ours, journalist, who loves to write about this stuff, and he decided he was going to write the story about what was going on with Darren basically hijacking these people’s protest that was happening in Langwarrin. So, out comes an article on that.” (1.44.52, Episode 11 here)
Indeed. Here is the article.
Mr Wilson has not replied to a media request for reply and Letters From Australia makes no suggestion that he acted improperly.
Sandee then laughed about how she warned 9News not to interview Mr Bergwerf, a Victorian carpenter who started a group called My Place to oppose covid vaccine mandates, as he “just wants to recruit people”. Sure enough, they ignored him.
Mr Bergwerf’s group shouldn’t have a right to organise and recruit, the pair said.
So they, and their friends at CookerWatch, are taking it away.
If that sounds sinister, it’s because it is. The core of democracy is the freedom to grow a political movement.
CookerWatch humiliates people using video snips they obtain by lying and infiltrating zoom meetings.
The Twitter account is affiliated with Vaxatious Litigant who mocks and tracks people trying to fight the covid vaccine mandates in court.
SOS and Sandee map out the names of people organising themselves to protest the vaccine mandates or anyone involved in the “freedom movement”.
In turn they are affiliated with “Jack the insider” and “Joel Hill” (not his real name) who run The Conditional Release Podcast (TCRP) on RedCircle.
They all retweet each other, and their contacts in mainstream media amplify it. They form a mob ecosystem to humiliate their targets. The goal is to destroy them, socially.
Here’s a sample from episode 27 of TCRP’s Jack and Joel talking about a protest outside a hospital.
“It is nice to see these idiots cop a hiding in public because they need to be demonised, they need to realise that they are the villains of this story.
“They need to be marginalised, they need to be seen to be marginalised ….
“Who are these clowns involved, do we know their names? I guess Sandee and SOS will know.
“Sandee and SOS will know who is specifically involved”
Then they laughed at Queensland GP Dr William Bay who lost his license for publicly opposing covid vaccine mandates and new medical laws.
This is why highly respected professors of immunology now have to preface their sentences with “I’m not an anti-vaxxer, but” as if we were living in Staziland.
It is why vaccine injured people have their FaceBook pages taken down and their stories deleted from corporate media coverage. This is the enabling cultural factor.
CookerWatch performs the role of government policy enforcer, crushing those who want to change policies and power structures.
CookerWatch gloated when Sandee and SOS got in contact with ABC’s 730. (Screenshot below)

They made sure 730 used Darren Bergwerf as the poster child for a story to belittle those who oppose the gene-based covid products, making them look naïve, stupid and threatening. They painted it with violent rhetoric from loose cannon Ricardo Bossi, whose views Mr Bergwerf doesn’t even share.
But Mr Bergwerf, an imperfect activist, did post an anti-Semitic meme to his My Place group, making him an excellent candidate to goad on camera.
730 asked him about the holocaust and he said he didn’t know if the holocaust had happened.
Subject changed from the substantive issue of state-enforced injections, which the ABC ignores.
Job done and you’re an anti-Semite.
ABC could have interviewed any number of educated opponents of indiscriminate covid vaccination such as emeritus Professor Robert Clancy AM, Dr Phillip Altman, Dr Christopher Neil - or anyone from AMPS - or the nearly 350 vaccine injured and bereaved who have detailed their stories for Jab Injuries Australia (all of whom the ABC ignores).
But they chose someone they knew in advance they could knock down.
The expert 730 chose to quote is illustrative. It was academic Josh Roose, a former Labor Party member who conflates “anti-vaxxers” with “the far right” which is a vague term meaning “enemy”. Dr Roose pushes Permanent Canberra’s key message “they’re trying to recruit”, comparing the organising of political opposition to pedophile grooming here.
On 730, Dr Roose said Mr Bergwerf’s group exercising its democratic right to organise and grow could lead to “anti-democratic extremism” with the danger to “translate into violent extremism”.
Democracy for me but not for thee.

University of Queensland’s Katherine Gelber was then brought on to use the words “disinformation”, “social media” and “conspiracy theory”.
For good measure, 730 threw in some footage of angry people at council meetings made to seem sinister, as if people don’t have a right to go to council meetings - or to get organised and get voted in themselves.
There was not a single expert quoted that dissented in any way from Permanent Canberra’s idea that people who opposed their policy of forced injections with gene-based vaccines are stupid and a danger if they get political power even at a local council.
In her introduction, Sarah Ferguson insulted decent people - the “anti-vaxxers” and “those who protested lockdowns” - as fringe crazies, kooks and conspiracy theorists.
In the ABC’s take-down of Darren Bergwerf’s My Place, 730 asked the Department of Home Affairs some Dorothy Dixers about its plans to target the “spread of misinformation”.
“A spokesperson said: "The Department of Home Affairs is concerned about the proliferation of misinformation and disinformation in online environments, particularly those that influence Australia's national security, democratic values and social cohesion.” – ABC 730
This was the whole point of the story: 730 signalled to you that you should hate these ‘dangerous’ groups, and that censorship to crush them is good.
But “misinformation” and “disinformation” are vacuous terms concocted as an argument for why state and corporate censorship is justified and therefore necessary, as Glenn Greenwald argues. So is “conspiracy theory” and “hate speech”.

The government doesn’t want to be seen to censor. They want it to be invisible, and therefore deceitful. Like the forced vaccines. Vaccination is “voluntary” but you’ll be economically destroyed and lose your job if you refuse. Like that.
So a fake new industry has proliferated with “experts” that purport to be qualified in identifying “misinformation” and “disinformation” - and therefore “truth”.
They have boring, forgettable, camouflage names, like the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) – which according to its website, is funded by and partnered with Australia’s Department of Home Affairs, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
DFAT gave the ISD $251,007 in 2019 for “Preventing Violent Extremism” and $548,523 in 2021 for a “National-Local Cooperation Implementation Initiative”.
Home Affairs paid an unspecified amount through DFAT for a 2018 Strong Cities Network Global Summit in Melbourne facilitated by the ISD.
Their website says they are independent - but amazingly their content reinforces government policy, the drive to censorship and to demonise opposition movements.
For example, ISD expert Elise Thomas joined ABC 730 in February 2022 to opine on the Convoy to Canberra protest against the forced injections of gene-based vaccines. She said people with “a whole worldview of conspiratorial beliefs” just want to recruit the mainstream through social media.
If “They just want to recruit” sounds familiar, it should.
It’s Permanent Canberra’s key message to destroy political movements. They want to stop you from organising so you never take a seat at the table of power.

Elise Thomas is described as having a background in researching state-linked information operations, disinformation, conspiracy theories and the online dynamics of political movements.
As Mr Greenwald says, there is no qualification that enables someone to identify disinformation in a way that you are not able to.

It’s a fake credential in a fake industry of “disinformation experts” who traffic in this sort of analysis to crush those who dissent from the agenda.
“That’s the whole purpose of this industry,” Mr Greenwald said on his Rumble livestream on Wednesday.
“These are funded by intelligence agencies to control the internet.”
The ISD wrote a report in 2021 conflating “covid-19 conspiracy theories” with “right wing extremism”, suggesting vaccine critics should not just be censored and marginalised but also criminalised, invoking anti-terror legislation.
It’s not only Australia’s DFAT and Home Affairs funding the ISD, along with the US Department of Homeland Security. It’s the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2nd largest donor to the World Health Organisation) and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. Google (which censors its search results) and subsidiary YouTube (which censors the vaccine injured) are also funding them.
Elon Musk’s Twitter revelations allowed journalist Matt Taibbi to detail how the censorship-industrial complex uses scores of front groups to control social media.
It’s just one tactic out of many.
Investigative journalist Lee Fang has detailed how Pfizer paid non-profit organisations who then lobbied for vaccine mandates in the US. Does anyone think that couldn’t happen here?
Which brings us back to CookerWatch. Being anonymous and therefore deceitful, we don’t know who is behind them. Perhaps they are a cog in Permanent Canberra’s censorship machinery.
But we can judge them by what they do. Their function is to break apart people who organise against the powerful. They ensure that Australian democracy is as phony as a three-dollar bill.
Letters From Australia is taking a short break from Substack to finish a book on covid and will return once it’s done. It might take a while.
Edits: 16/04/23: deleted “elderly”, added John Wilson is fond of quoting Jefferson. 17/04/23 changed “targeted venues” to “venues targeted” in bullet points for clarity, added link to the Juries R Us website, clarified that sometimes sources must be anonymised and the reason that’s not true of CookerWatch is because it’s a political head-kicking operation. 24/04/23 - updated with DFAT, Home Affairs funding details of the ISD. 29/04/23 - added graphic showing Vaxatious Litigant’s mockery attacks on the vaccine injured and bereaved when they try to challenge in court, added Lee Fang’s link and detail on Pfizer paying NGOs who lobbied for vax mandates.
Both Israel and the US hold public grand juries which often lead to criminal or civil cases. I don't know if Australia has the same provisions but I think they are great peaceful avenues for fact-finding.
"It is anonymous and therefore deceitful."
Gotta disagree with you on this. Public anonymity is essential for free speech which allows the fruits of one's work to be judged on its own merits. Not everyone can afford private 24 hr security after being told they should be liquidated in a camp...also many of are behind enemy lines. When it's time to go for broke and unmask, it's time. Until then, anonymity is critical.
You think the ABC needs to be held to account and I think it’s beyond help and should be defunded.
The ABC interview with the Russian Ambassador on Ukraine demonstrated how pathetic an excuse for journalism it has become, only it’s chosen propaganda narrative is permissible.
Bizarre times we live in right now but essentially history repeating in ways we couldn’t have imagined even a decade ago, with the changes in technology and “science “. But actually repeating nevertheless.
Another excellent article by you, and I look forward to your book launch.
I am currently reading 180 degrees by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood and will read your book even if it is only for entertainment as some might accuse me 😎