Thank you for calling out gaslighting when you see it!

And that is what it is - just one more sorry example of how history is being erased and legitimate concerns are being hijacked by people who want to take us over.

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Thank you, Mara!

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I'm glad I'm subscribed for alternate views.

There's a lot in it, but the neo-nazis gathering in rallies - absolutely astroturf. When a group of masked people in black turned up at the Let Women Speak rally in Melbourne they did a nazi salute. What interest group in their right minds would do a nazi salute to gain public support? What they did was facilitate the broadcasting of Let Women Speak protesters alongside nazis, such that my daughter, when asked if she knew the name Kelly J Keen (aka Posy Parker) had an image of nazis flashing into her head. I wrote about it here in "How to Immunise the General Public into Seeing Nazis" https://madeleinelove.substack.com/p/immunising-against-people-really

Then there were 'nazis' marching in Ballarat, again, all in black, faces covered. Anyone with a conservative/righteous cause is going to be associated with nazis in this newly emerging sick techno-totalitarian new world.

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well done on your substack i'm going to read it now

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I'm so glad you read that part and picked up on it. I find it incredibly sinister (and obvious) that these fake groups are being created.

it's not just to give the cops and lefties an acceptable villain to blame for the anti-semitism (instead of its actual source)

It's also a threat to any of us who want to oppose corporatism and the globalist combine who want to destroy our nation (and others). Anyone opposing them is "far right", and wheeling out these scary-looking masked actors in fancy dress is to scare people so they don't want to be associated with them.

When i was in Kenya the cops there did the exact same thing, that's why I am sensitive to spotting it now. They called them a gang called "mungiki". I'll never forget interviewing the police chief, after cops had dragged out 2 human rights activists and shot them. He said to me, in an obvious threat, that they were just mungiki and maybe even foreign journalists can be mungiki too.

That was a threat that if i criticised the cops as the extrajudicial killers they were, that i might be next.

This is the exact same thing but reputational - they are showing you (broadcast on every corporate media network) a scary big group of masked men, that you will be called as being one of them if you dissent to the corporate-state combine's globalist agenda.

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Re "fake groups" There was pivotal article on this for me "Grassroots vs Astroturf" by Katherine Wilson, written in 2006. They created fake farmers, fake scientific experts, fake scientific communities and fake statistics. Faking nazis is nothing in comparison. It only takes a group of agents a couple of hours in costume.

I used to say that left and right met on the political circle on the opposite diameter to establishment politics supporting the corporations. I come out of the left - my parents were teachers - I found myself with the small biz right also fighting the big corporations. But it seems to me that the left has been gathered up out of that - they fully supported the Big Pharma corporate pandemic - if they were ever really left, and not actually captured, or a tool, such as antifa, and likely the occupy movement.

That account of "just mungiki" was fairly terrifying. Melbourne was not far from "just an antivaxer", and "evil nazi" is a work very actively in progress.

Re the corporate media strategies, the problem is that it works. When the massive anti-mandate, anti-pandemic-bill massive protests were going on in Melbourne in late 2021 - never seen anything bigger - I told my sister I was going to join them she said "Oh Mad, that's just the far right". And yet it was me, of the left.

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The indigenous people of this land are showing solidarity by their choice and will with another people being brutally massacred by an invading force. As are many other ordinary everyday citizens of the world of all faiths and nationalities.

It has nothing to do with religion, which is the pretext used by some pretty evil people, to cause immense harm and suffering to so many people - visible in this day and age of the internet to any who choose not to look away. What the Israelis are doing to the Palestinians is the worst thing I have seen in my life. Their society will never revover from participating in this blatant genocide.

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Sorry Lynne it has everything to do with religion which is the root cause of the middle east conflict. It's not about land.

Hamas can end this war tomorrow by surrendering and giving back the hostages so I am not sympathetic.

Their cause is a religious colonisation project worldwide and they have zero in common with Aboriginal people.

The only reason Gaza is now under attack is because of Hamas.

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yeh, nah! The advantage of leaving the hostages with Hamas is all in the court of the warmongering Israeli government!

Colonisation is the Israeli project.

It is sad to discover your government does not give a fig about you, just their own ambitions, and I can understand how difficult and earth shattering that would be.

Religion is the old trump card raised by powerful warmongers to get people to fight. These are old tricks and it is easy to spot the sleight of hand if you are carefully observant.

It is always about the greedy rich versus the rest of us. They will play it anyway they can. They are only in it for the money and power. Morals, religion are aspects of which they are absent, but boy do they make great propaganda weapons.

Good luck with trying to support Israeli fascism. It is ultimately a doomed and miserable project.

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The only colonists in the Levant were the Ottoman Turks who ruled the Ottoman Sultanate. That colonial project got de-colonised in World War 1 when they lost. They fell apart. The lands had to be administered so the victors, Britain and France did it. They were seeking to get out of the colonial game at that point in history, and they were trying to create stable nation-states out of the body of the Ottoman caliphate. It was the opposite of colonialism.

To say "Colonisation is the Israeli project" is ahistorical.

They are not colonists.

Migrants came in, but that doesn't make it a colonist project.

Jews were already living all over the Ottoman lands, as I documented above, you can look at the sources they are reliable.

Jews had just as much right to a state carved from the Ottoman lands as the Arab Muslims did - and they got plenty.

In fact, states should also have been created much earlier for the Greek Orthodox (to prevent the genocide), and the Armenians (again, genocided) and the Kurds.

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"the worst thing I have seen in my life" - That's the problem, your eyes are closed to issues on the Australia continent. What have you ever done or even said about the ongoing genocide of West Papua? Our nation occupies 90% of the continent and has a moral obligation to be regionally aware & helping the plight of our own Australian neighbours before pretending to be morally superior to people in the Middle-East or other places.

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yes totally true, Andrew. There were a few West Papuan flags down at Invasion Day which was good to see - they really do have a common cause, and they really are both indigenous people who were colonised and are dispossessed. Also the West Papuans are respectful, they don't dominate or take over, they come to support.

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I call out injustice where I am made aware of it. I support and stand with people who are being bullied, traumatised, massacred whenever I am able. This is as true for people in this part of the world as it is in the Middle East right now.

The people of West Papua are being wrongfully treated, our western governments are woeful and complicit.

However, Israel boasts aloud of it's democracy and humane pursuance of justice whilst committing huge numbers of brutal murders and genocidal acts with state of the art weaponry on a daily basis, wiping out individuals, hospitals, schools, universities, deliberately targetting journalists, doctors, academics, medical workers, murdering people as they flee or wave white flags, making endless obscene TikTok videos laughing at the Palestinian people they are brutalising.

It is blatant, it is shocking, it is in our faces day by day. It is utterly horrific. If you are trying to deflect from my right to be horrified, to express solidarity in anyway I can it doesn't work. Should we have all focussed on our own country problems while Hitler was on his rampage? Should we have all remained silent to not appear to be playing superior to everyday Germans?

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OH my God, are you serious?? !! ?? ALL Indonesia does is BOAST about its alleged 'democracy and human rights' and manipulate the mass media to conceal its ongoing genocide ; FIVE flicking times it has been on the UN Human Rights Council while everyone knows its committing genocide in the Australian Pacific. And its international abuse goes back to its first weeks of 'independence' (Dec' 1949) as it attacked the fifteen other member states of the United States of Indonesia to force them at gun point to submit to being part of Sukarno's Republic of Indonesia, as soon as it declared all sixteen USI states were now part of the 'Republic' it made demands for West New Guinea (West Papua) 3500km away in the Australian Pacific..

Yale Law School: "Indonesian Human Rights Abuses in West Papua: Application of the Law of Genocide to the History of Indonesian Control" https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/Intellectual_Life/West_Papua_final_report.pdf

Asian Human Rights Commission: The Neglected Genocide https://www.tapol.org/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/pdfs/NeglectedGenocideAHRC.pdf

Indonesian manipulation of the news media: https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/media/indonesian-propaganda-against-west-papua-meet-our-jasmine-mad-mysterious-and-made-up/news-story/71e31efc3297c0a3ba8519f661ce40e8






Indonesian manipulation of Social media: https://www.etan.org/issues/wpapua/2012/1202wpap.htm https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-49983667 https://www.reuters.com/article/us-indonesia-military-websites-insight/indonesian-army-wields-internet-news-as-a-weapon-in-papua-idUSKBN1Z7001 https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2020/11/11/west-papua-new-online-influence-operation-attempts-to-sway-independence-debate/ https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/media/indonesian-propaganda-against-west-papua-meet-our-jasmine-mad-mysterious-and-made-up/news-story/71e31efc3297c0a3ba8519f661ce40e8 https://twitter.com/australian/status/1334973250854559745 https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/australia-uk-and-un-dragged-into-information-operations-targeting-west-papua/ https://www.facebook.com/LBazoka.Official/videos/276679310445276 https://nos.nl/nieuwsuur/artikel/2355987-indonesisch-botleger-voert-beinvloedingscampagne-in-het-nederlands

Lynne you should open your eyes once in a while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSf3268tAbg https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=west+papua+war etc.

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wonderful points, Andrew, and great resources on West Papua thank you for posting those!

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Lynne - all wars are shocking, violent and civilians die.

Israel did not start this war, Hamas did.

This is the fault of Hamas.

This ends when Hamas surrenders and returns the hostages.

So if you care about the people who are being killed in the war, which happens in every war, then why not support ending it justly and immediately by calling on Hamas to surrender?

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My goodness - you’ve certainly drank the KoolAid 🤡🤡

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Jan 30, 2024
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Reed, interesting observation about Hassan al-Banna, but please do be respectful of Lynne, she is only expressing a very human distress at the civilian deaths she sees coming from the war.

She just doesn't understand how much that is Hamas's fault. But she is a person of good faith.

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Aaah Lynne - what’s needed here is a reality smack for you.

Alison is 100% correct in everything she has written (along with refs and links etc).

What I see from you is - NOTHING!!

Please take the time to read this accurate summation of history (forget it at you peril) that Israel has completely LAWFUL & LEGAL claim to its territory under international law.


Feel free to refute anything in that link WITH FACTS - best of luck doing that. 😵‍💫

Always was Jewish land - ALWAYS WILL BE.

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My NOTHING is common human decency and respect for other people.

Which seems to be why the citizens of most countries without even knowing the trickeries of the 'clever' people can see that the way the Israelis are vicioisly and brutally attacking helpless and virtually defenceless people is WRONG!

It is cruel, barbaric and inhumane. Compounded by lies and deceit. We all know the Palestinians were the majority people in the land before the British, who had nothing but colonial usurpery on their side, decided the Zionists should have a state there, and even they came to regret such a decision as the zionists arrived with aggression and bullying, not in a manner of trying to live with the people already residing there.

Unfortunately, ever since the bullying and violence has confined the Palestinians to ever diminishing tracts of land and now to almost nothing, with indiscriminate bombing, massacres, wiping out of their entire culture and finally starving them just to STEAL their homes and erase their culture.

It is plain for ordinary people to see. Try honestly refuting any point I make, or of you doubt the veracity let me recommend ypu a host of highly informed contemporary academics and joirnalists, many of whom are jewish or even Israeli: Ilan Pappe, Norman Finkelstein, Giedeon Levy, Miko Pelod, Matt Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Chris Hedges, Glenn Greenwald.

Check the Grayzone for first class reporting on the atrocities Israel tries to hide.

Philly - we don't need your smart arsed cunning parading as cleverness. Numerous countries including South Africa are laying out the evils being perpetrated through various court systems globally. They can deal with your nonsense claims.

But the optics for the ordinary person are clear (and reflected in polls showing the majority of citizens in every single country of the world bar Israel do not support the barbaric Israeli actions) that we are witnessing a country descending into a dark frenzy of murder.

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One more thing - Israel does everything it can to avoid killing innocent people even dropping brochures and sending text messages to avoid casualties - how is that genocide?

This is probably worthwhile for you to watch.


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Israel does have a professional army and tries to avoid killing civilians. But no army is perfect and they have had some terrible slip-ups, such as killing people with their hands up waving a white flag, who had just finished an interview with the BBC.

This isn't easy - but they need to try extremely hard to remain professional and not to slip into vengeance. Very difficult in the kind of warzone they are operating in, where Hamas hide among the civilians, attacking without uniform turning everyone into a target.

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Your statement would be laughable if it was not so utterly tragic. To those of us not drip fed Israeli propaganda we will take the evidence of our own eyes along with that of the numerous court cases now being mounted against Israel, including South Africa's charge of genocide, over the word of a single disgruntled former Hamas member!


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Lynne - it’s useless to even discuss anything with you rationally.

Absolutely priceless - you quite HRW as a source - that same biased mob that overlooks the slaughter of Christians and others in places such as Somalia, Sudan and Kenya - nice try but utterly absurd.

You are obviously a racist (as you’ve tried to gaslight me) and Jew hater that can’t see logic, reason or FACTS!

You didn’t respond to the number of Arabs in Gaza Strip now compared to the 1960s - I WONDER WHY? Here’s why you ignored that fact.

Demographics of the State of Palestine.


1950 - 954,000

2022 - 5,227,193


So I won’t be responding to you any more.

Have a nice, bigoted life - I wish you no harm.

One day, maybe 🤷🏼, you’ll see the light but sadly I very much doubt it.

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Very good facts there Phil, but don't forget that Lynne is a good person of goodwill who just has a different opinion.

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Yes Lynne, you are a person of good faith, just with a different point of view.

So please, everyone keep it kind and respectful.

Lynne is not a clown and Phil is not a smart arsed cunning.

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Oh dear - your nothing IS actually nothing. You know nothing about history - AT ALL. The Jews have lived there for thousands of years - there has never been a “Palestine” or Palestinian race. THEY ARE ARABS! Read this small snippet of truth if you dare.

Columbia University Professor Rashid Khalidi gave a supposed history lesson about Israel's 1948 War of Independence during which, he claimed, Jews ethnically cleansed Palestinian Arabs from their land. In reality, five Arab armies attacked Israel a few hours after its birth on May 15 1948, and then lost. Some of the Arabs who lived in the area that became Israel left of their own volition during the war, at the request of Arab leader that they "get out of the way" of the invading Arab armies. Israel did not allow them to return after the war, stating that they had not been loyal. Thus the "Palestinians" were born – between 472,000 and 650,000 people who found themselves stateless when the country they had refused to defend refused to let them back. Approximately 160,000 Arabs remained in Israel through the war and were granted full citizenship in the new state.

The Palestinians' rich Arab "brothers" would not grant them citizenship in their countries and instead dumped them into often squalid refugee camps – for which they blamed Israel.

By contrast, nearly 1 million Jews were expelled or forced to flee from Arab and Muslim countries beginning in 1948, and they were welcomed into tiny, impoverished Israel and granted citizenship.

Arabs have since referred to a war that they started and lost as the nakba (catastrophe), and continue to blame Israel for not cooperating in its own elimination. Perhaps they should have thought of that before starting the war.

BTW - this “genocide” in Gaza that some people refer to is a fairy tale. Please research the number of so called “Palestinian” people in the 1960s and compare it to number now - there is NO genocide.

Have a wonderful day.

‪Remember - it’s NOT Palestine - NEVER has been - NEVER will be!

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Jan 29, 2024
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good point, Reed, it says that most of the world believes anything that an organised, planned and sustained propaganda push tells them

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So you are OK with the atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7?

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Are you OK with the atrocities (multiply Oct 7th figures - maybe after minussing the Hannibal directive home-kill numbers - many times over) committed by the Israelis ever since and still continuing?

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See this exactly illustrates the fact that both of you are people of goodwill who don't like to see violence and just have different opinions.

The issue here is who is at fault and therefore what would be a just resolution.

I contend that Hamas is at fault because Hamas started it on October 7, and because Hamas could end it at any time by surrendering and giving back the hostages, they are therefore responsible for the civilian deaths.

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You are so right, Lynne. But it gets worse, the person who coordinated the Albo/Langton attempt to drive a UN Trojan Horse into the Australian Constitution was none other than Mark Liebler, President of the Zionist Association and leader of the Zionist takeover attempt of Australia. I have seen a photo of Liebler and Pearson. Langton. Mayo, and all the other Aboriginal frauds posing for th eposterity of their future takeover. .All of this is now recorded and will be published accordingly.

Two indigenous people all but destroyed by the same evil entity will soon realise they are stronger if they join forces.

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Tony, the Jewish people are also indigenous to the Levant.

So it's not a case of a colonisation at all.

That's a fabrication of history.

Israel has every right to exist, and if the Arab Muslims had not attacked them, the second they were declared a country, then the Palestinians would also have had their own state from the very start. That's what the UN voted for.

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No argument from me. But we are not talking about ethnic Jews here. I fully support Sephardi, Mizrahim, Italkim, Burkharim, Jurhim, Turkos, Palestinians, and the rest of the ethnic Semites to be in Palestine, as well as Druze and other desert groups, but Ashkenazim are not ehtnic Jews. From your attitude it is clear your beliefs trump evidence so, along with most of the world today, I would like to see mandatory DNA tests for people claiming this is their ancestral homeland. I am sure professor Schlomo Zand, Israel Shamir, Peter Meyer, and Gilad Atzmon would support those sentiments because this would end the war in a week. But you do not care about war or death of children and other innocents. There can be only one state... a democratic state, which the Ashkenazim Khazars will never permit. So let's see how this pans out in the real world. Personally, I don't care one way or the other. My concern is what happens in Australia.

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So, as per your comment then, you do not object to all other jews living in Israel except for european ashkenazi jews.

Well here is the problem - the other jews are happy to have european migrant jews join them because the identity of israel is a jewish state. They set their differences of origin aside.

Israel cannot ever be dismantled and reconfigured as a "palestine" then turned into yet another majority arab muslim state by swamping it demographically, because what happened on October 7 would.then happen "again and again and again" until no Jews were left there.

And that is because Hamas say that is what they will do.

They did not even discriminate between hacking the head off a Thai guestworker with a hoe (while still alive) on October 7.

So ypu see the problem. Israel is fighting for its existence and therefore the lives of all of its people. And it is totally irrelevant to the discussion whether some of the migrants to Israel came from Europe. That still does not make it a colonial project for reasons stated above.

In fact the Arab Muslims got more than their fair share in the carve up largely because they helped the British fight the Turkish Muslims who ruled the ottoman sultanate in WW1

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Aha, so you knew all the time that Ashkenazi Khazars are not ethnic Jews, yet you think they have a right to be in Palestine. Thousands of children die for that fraudulant "right". Anyway, you lie. The ethnic Jews tell me they are treated badly by the Ashkenazim and that Ashkenazim call the shots in Israel.

That absolute lack of human empathy, plus absence of cohesive logic, suggests a serious mental condition. Before you bother replying, I only responded for the benefit of other readers, to expose the murderous lies. You, yourself, are beyond help.

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I do not think it matters. European Jews migrated in but so what? They only joined other Jews already living there, who were there the whole time - and they fairly bought and paid for the land they got during the zionist movement years prior to WW1.

So what is your point? You seem attached to the conspiracy theory that wants to litigate the genetics of European jews and delegitimise the entire state of Israel based on whether they are the descendants 1000 years on having fled the roman and islamic occupations, or whether they have roots in some other area.

Well so what? As I said, they only joined other Jews who already lived across the whole Ottoman empire. So your point is trivial and of no consequence.

Arab muslims also migrated in. You do know that Arabs come from Arabia, don’t you?

None of that changes the fact that the Arab Muslims did not have a right to all the land, they already got Jordan, Iraq and Egypt out of the Ottoman lands, more than they deserved since the Greeks and Armenians were simply genocided.

And if you want to talk about decolonisation and litigate genetics, are you aware that the Turks came from Central Asian Steppes. I await your declaration that they should give Turkey back to the Greeks, get out of Cyprus that they are illegally occupying half of, and turn the Hagia Sophia back into a church.

Is that what you want to argue?

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Jan 29, 2024
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yes, they are trying to do exactly that. Like the Borg, Islam will try to convert them, assimilate them, then erase their history just like they did in Afghanistan and elsewhere. It's the playbook. It's an expansionist and supremacist ideology that comes with its own built-in political and legal system, making it different to other religions.

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We are all heartily sick of zionist blame deflection and faux victimhood. The indigenous people CHOSE to show solidarity with Palestinians. The only thing stolen from indigenous Australians is their land, much as Israel is stealing the land (and lives) of the Palestinian people.

The Palestinians are the genuine victims from the brutality of the avaricious and racist Israelis - and Indigenous people CHOSE to stand by them.

Incredible, and sickening, that zionists choose to blame everyone but their very guilty selves, which is why the only support they have is from deeply corrupted governments and NOT from the everyday people of any country.

Zionists need to face themselves. They are creating a dark and horrible culture with their brutality, incessant lying, continuous blame shifting and faux victimhood. The ordinary citizens of the rest of the world are over it.

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Indigenous people are being used

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It's worse than that. Israelis are being used.

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Jan 29, 2024
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It is patronising to assume Indigenous people do not run their own Invasion Day events and decide for themselves who they wish to support.

It is also extremely racist to assume 'Arab Muslims' have hijacked their parades. Perhaps you need to reflect on your own comments before telling others to 'stop hating whole groups'. Your own words are a clear display of such behaviour.

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They have made a mistake

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Jan 29, 2024
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now things are getting little heated here, let's not forget that Lynne just has a different opinion, that doesn't make her paranoid or bad.

She has come at her position with goodwill according to what she has seen.

We have come to our position also with goodwill, having seen a different array of data points.

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Jan 29, 2024
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Yes you are right - it was disrespectful for the Palestinians to dominate and outnumber the Aboriginal flags.

If they wanted to support and show solidarity they could have just brought 1 Palestinian flag and the rest all Aboriginal flags.

But that's not what they did.

However that doesn't mean Lynne doesn't care about Aboriginal people or hate Jewish people, she just has a different opinion so let's be respectful.

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The indigenous people control their own Invasion Day events.

I care about bombs being rained down on innocent people, people being starved to death, genocide.

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As a family friend of George Rrurrambu (wawa merringu) since 1973, I now recognise the source of the incredibly destructive Zionism pumped at Yolngu by demented Christians. We will meet one day, Alison, and you will have to explain your lies.

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I have sourced all my information so feel free to click on the links. Some I have summarised from my previous story which I also sourced from reputable sources, such as UN data, Census data, journals - properly researched material, or the source themselves such as the Hamas charter. So it's not "lies". It's sourced information that is as true as i can get it.

I am an atheist so I have no dog in this race, I don't subscribe to any of the Abrahamic insanities.

George Rrurrambu had the right idea, he was about positive building and working together.

I would like to see it go back to that idea.

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Well. That was an embarrassing read. Even though you're forced to admit tacitly that some people who identify as Palestinians are also Christian, and Indigenous Australians welcomed the cause of Palestinian solidarity to January 26, somehow you're still running with 'Muslim colonisation of the day' and 'they just thought they were a nation because they got confused by the flags, y'all'.

Just MAYBE, those indigenous to the area (whose common name you object to) know a smidge more about the history and issues, than you??

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It certainly is a second colonisation. If the Palestinians wanted to support Aboriginal people they could have come with just one Palestinian flag and brought a bunch of Aboriginal flags. They didn't do that at all. They dominated.

Also, Jewish people are also indigenous to the Levant. They are not colonisers, it's a fabrication of history to say they are. Islam is using Aboriginal people for this lie.

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This is a very nice article on the Palestinian Christians by a Substacker in Europe. They are being exterminated by Israel: https://fackel.substack.com/p/a-palestine-without-christians

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Sadly this is a religious war. There are some Christians in Gaza, but they are not the ones fighting this war. If, tomorrow, all the Arab Muslims in Gaza suddenly converted to Christianity (or atheism), the war would end tomorrow. That is because it is not about land. It is about religion - which is why the Hamas charter says what it does, and which is why the 56 nations of the Organisation of Islamic Co-operation all back them.

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BTW - there are possibly some Christians in Gaza who HAVE been killed but they are in a war zone - sadly innocent people die BUT “They are being exterminated by Israel” is a LIE!!

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this is true. Civilians die in all wars.

And also, all wars create monsters, even in a disciplined army such as Israel's there will be accidental tragedy (like the time they shot their own hostages by mistake) and also acts of vengeance that have to be punished with discipline (such as the time they shot the unarmed men who had just given a BBC interview and were waving a white flag).

Religion has made this conflict intractable, but our media is not allowed really to mention religion, it is constantly downplayed even though it is the primary animus for why Hamas attack, and for why the people of Gaza put all their resources into tunnels and rockets instead of building a Singapore on the Mediterranean.

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I normally read what you write (particularly about Covid) and quite enjoy your outlook on various topics. Unfortunately we now we have you accusing Israel of genocide against Christians. WTF - this is purely Jew hatred - read the responses above that I’ve written to Lynne and STOP 🛑 with the Jew hatred and completely false allegations. Israel allows people of ALL races and religions to vote, become members of parliament and participate in life in Israel as anybody else does.

Have an njoyable your day.

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this topic does excite high emotions, but don't forget that people have come at this topic from different viewpoints because of the things they have seen and arguments they have considered

it doesn't mean they hate jews or are bad people, most are people of goodwill who just have a different opinion based on their knowledge.

Sadly, Islam has a well-developed propaganda network that has made great inroads in spreading fake history, which I've tried to correct here with sources

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No doubt, Australia will eventually become a Muslim country. It is just a matter of numbers. Australia’s small population and ‘laissez-faire’ attitude makes it an easy target. (See Africa).

With population growth due to high birth-rate and immigration, it is only a matter of time.

Population ‘centres’ enable control at the Local Government level …. moving on to State level

…and finally Federal level. (Currently there are 3 Muslim Ministers). Sharia Law is on its way.

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It sounds fantastical but that is indeed the goal of Islamists. They say it themselves, they've said it to my face.

They think in terms of 1000 years, we think in terms of next year or maybe next 5 years tops.

Australia from the point of colonisation is only just under 240 years old.

Sharia is on the way but not in the next 50 years.

It may take 200 years but they do indeed intend for it to come.

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To Alison - you made this statement in your article which is factually incorrect:

QUOTE: "After all, 26 January, 1788, was the day when Australia’s history as a modern nation had its origin: the meeting of two systems. That was when the First Fleet set up camp in Sydney Cove. Eleven ships full of colonists and convicts. They were the first migrants - shouldn’t that please Clover Moore? They planted the British flag. As of that day, Aboriginal people would come up against a settlement of more than 1400 settlers/invaders, and their way of life would change forever." UNQUOTE

The correct dates of key events back then are:

1. Captain Cook arrived at Botany Bay on the 28th April 1770.

2. The First Fleet arrived at Botany Bay on the 18th January 1788

3. Australia Day was proclaimed in the Federal Parliament in the Act,


No. 83 of 1948.

An Act relating to British Nationality and Australian Citizenship.

[Assented to 21st December, 1948.]"

QUOTE: The Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 came into effect on 26 January 1949, creating Australian citizenship for the first time. Previously, Australian nationals were simply British subjects alongside all other members of Commonwealth of Nations; now they were both British subjects and Australian citizens.[49][50]"

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australia_Day#cite_note-bongiorno2018-45

To watch a brief video about this, click on this link.


To read the 1948 Act itself, click on this link.


I hope this helps Alison, as there is much disinformation about everything today.

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Thank you. All of what you say is true, and those are wonderful resources, I agree it's important to keep the facts straight.

However January 26 is the date that the First Fleet landed in Sydney Cove and set up camp (which was the first permanent migrant settlement), marking the real beginning of colonisation which is why I think that date should stay, for good and bad.

National Museum says this here: https://digital-classroom.nma.gov.au/defining-moments/first-fleet-arrives-sydney-cove

So yes there were other dates also, as you correctly say. However that doesn't make what I wrote incorrect. If so, how is it incorrect?

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Thank you for your response, Alison.

My point is that there are 'radical elements' within Australia trying to remove our history representing unity among Australians, and to replace it with another narrative that divides Australians. Such people are using the arrival of the First Fleet in which to call it Invasion Day. This then gives them a means in which to criticise the white race within Australia as being invaders. I need not go on.

The point I was trying to make was that the Nationality and Citizenship Act became Law in 1948, and the day to recognise this event in our history was enacted on January 26 1949. The aim of this legislation was to create a separate nation from the rule of the British government that came into being when the First Fleet arrived. In those days from 1788 to 1948, Australia was a colony of Great Britain, as many other nations once were.

On January 26 1949, (from my brief understanding) this public holiday meant that every individual in Australia - whether they were born in Australia or were immigrants from other nations could then travel overseas on an Australian passport as an 'Australian'. This privilege included Australia's aborigines.

It also meant that every citizen of Australia belonged to Australia. We were no longer subjects of Great Britain. It also meant that we (as a nation) were FREE from British rule and British laws. We could make our own laws and choose whether to join in a war, or not. We were no longer colonists of Great Britain. This was a BIG change in Australia's history back then.

Since then, divisive elements within Australia don't want Australia unified under what Australia Day truly signifies - unity amongst its many and varied people. These elements want Australia divided by race - determined solely by the colour of one's skin. Again, the means to do this is to focus on the arrival of the First Fleet and not in the Nationality and Citizenship Act of 1948 - our national day of FREEDOM!

This is why I questioned the basis of your claims, Alison.

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Thank you for that very informative reply, that certainly is food for thought.

And you have really added an interesting perspective.

Thank you for that.

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Good luck to you. I hope for your sake you one day learn the difference between right and wrong and love and hate.

I am out of this discussion going nowhere.

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Thank you for sharing your perspective, Lynne. Please don't be offended people do get het-up over this topic. I considered turning comments off entirely as I did last time, but thought it more important people get to have a think and a say.

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Jan 30, 2024
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Yes, Reed that's a valuable point that we should try to see the humanity in everyone.

please do remember Lynne is a good person of good will who just has a different opinion based on what she has seen.

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It is increasingly hard to read your realms of defence in the face of the indefensible.

Whatever the history you choose to believe, there is no place for genocide in a decent human society.

October 7th was not the beginning of anything. It was one more stage in a conflict that those with the most power, money and technology, and supported by heavily corrupted governments, have decided not to resolve by peaceful means.

The game is over for the Zionists' pretence to being civilised and superior. The whole world can see them for the rough neck thieving brain washed barbarians that the majority of them appear to be. Our eyes don't lie no matter how many so called facts you or they keep spouting.

If Zionism had any claim to being civilised they would be seeking solutions not destruction.

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Sadly, yes, October 7 was indeed the start of the Gaza war. Hamas planned it for over 2 years (the leadership said this themselves in interview).

Hamas ruled Gaza for 15 years prior - Israel had totally withdrawn and left them to govern themselves.

So it is entirely their fault for deliberately provoking this war, which they themselves say is to provoke an Israeli response and galvanise the rest of the Muslim world to obliterate Israel for them.

That is their strategy. To use their own civilians as propaganda in a giant evil snuff film. They do not care because they see them as "martyrs" who Allah will send straight to paradise.

Therefore they don't care about civilian casualties other than as propaganda, which is why they started this war in the first place, knowing this would be the result.

Because in the West we are not very religious it is difficult for us to imagine this way of thinking, but it's very real to them.

Hamas can end this war any time they want by surrendering and giving back the hostages.

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I too remembered fondly the Warumpi band era of reconciliation this Australia day. I long for such beautiful sentiments to again be how we celebrate together. Thank you for another well researched and well written article.

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The Secret Contacts: Zionism and Nazi Germany, 1933 - 1941


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Most Israelis fell for the Covid propaganda. What does that say?

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Yes indeed they did. But so did most people here, too. We are all susceptible to sustained and carefully organised propaganda. All we can do is try our best to navigate it.

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Jan 30, 2024
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everything you said was good until you said "in your hate you have lost your humanity".

everything was true up to that point.

don't forget people of different views also are of goodwill, they just have a different opinion based on their understanding of what they have seen

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