thank you Alison,

folk can watch the testimony provided by Professor Dalgleish to the Council here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UexMa2WdZpzOd922ThP7Aq64y6HJb6OW/view?usp=drive_link

and another link here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qilxaj66jvv0gq3nujf22/Professor-Dalgleish-address-ToPH-11OCT24.mp4?rlkey=gbn3p39axw799lnol62cqkb1f&st=7hu6hkht&dl=0

one of the most important aspects of the successful Motion will be Port Hedland Council informing all other 537 Australian Councils of the DNA contamination report of Dr Speicher, and the letters of Russell Broadbent MP to the Prime Minister

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Oh how wonderful , thank you Julian

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This is fantastic Julian. Such good news & great information

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Are you, or anyone you know, looking into the status of mRNA drugs to be produced in Australia by Moderna? Have Moderna applied to OGTR for a GMO licence, seeing as the mRNA is being produced on Australian soil this time?

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Explains why the uniparty needs their "misinformation" bill passed. The curtain is being pulled back. Everybody knows...

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Bravo Port Headland for leading the way ! Let’s hope it starts a trend.

Thank you Alison for reporting this win!

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Thank you! And thanks to Julian Gillespie who has done much hard work

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

I mean really, it takes 5 out of 8 council members being injured to get a motion going. My sympathy for them, but what about the every day Australian? Where are the council members there to raise a motion. You only have to research “Forest of the Fallen” to know that Vaccine injuries and deaths are Australia wide. I know its a start, but as the expression goes it feels like “pushing sh*t up a hill”

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12Author

That was the previous council from 2022 although some remain I think. This motion was got rolling by the tireless efforts of a few people. Councils didnt know before perhaps that they could do something like this and it took the hard work of brilliant people like Julian Gillespie and AMPS and Adrian who is new to council and more to get things moving

And yes Forest of the Fallen so key in raising awareness - without the dignified silent vigils allowing people to discover for themselves what has happened then this might never have beem possible

This win is for all the injured and hopefully can prevent any more

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Good on those few good men. Lets hope they succeed and create a blueprint for other councils to leverage. Do you know where we can follow their story?

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Congratulations to Julian Gillespie for all his work and tenacity.

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Yes he indeed is a very hard worker and has done so much behind the scenes to make things possible

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Great work. Keep the momentum. It's building a head of steam and the people are becoming aware.

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Perhaps everyone can ask their local councils to join

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

It will be interesting to see how the Western Australia State Government reacts to this unexpected development. I don’t think that we have ever seen a ‘tail wagging the dog’ political situation like this in Australia before. There is a possibility that the State Government may move to dissolve the Port Hedland Local Government Council and appoint their own Administrator. We also need the truth about whether there has been a disproportionate adverse effect of the mRNA injectables on the Australian Aboriginal population - which has been claimed, but not admitted or officially reported by anyone in government authority. Where is the data? Where are the numbers? Anyway - a great move by the Port Hedland Council members. Congratulations!

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yes, it's novel, it's unique! i'm excited about this development of councils jumping in because they are accountable to us their constituents. Good work from the council indeed. I don't see why there would be a disproportionately adverse effect on Aboriginal people - these products are harmful to everyone. Maybe yes if they have been forced to have disproportionately more shots then their odds of injury would increase and yes I have heard disturbing stories of how they were forced

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There are some who claim it is racially coded, causing more problems in differing races.

Bad for everyone, but worse for certain races.

I don't know if I buy this, just reporting.

HOWEVER, the PUSH to INFLICT the shots on the Aboriginal population was horrendous, and that alone could cause a disproportionate effect.

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I agree with you about our disgraceful WA Govt. These ALP pratts will try & pull a sneaky move on this LGA as this motion does not fit Cook's or Sanderson's "narrative". I applaud this motion getting raised & passed though. Good effort 👌

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🙏 Alison. I shared your post in the comments section of this new Facebook post on Dr Aseem Malhotra’s timeline - which he ‘Liked’: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0V7qfMHJJZMzSfzQC3DYWSFN5cEUxVwbZ9JAgysekwYSekyd7cohGdxcg5jhHMjnul&id=100000237161573

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Oh thank you that is very kind of you!

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You’re welcome. Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory, Vera Sharav, Steve Kirsch (in Substack) and Australian scientist Stephen Crothers as well.

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Its essential to get the word out, especially to doctors. Well done!

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with 95% jabbed 2X+ and half the children the doctors should all be hung. as per Nuremberg code.

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Thankyou Alison.

Good on you, Port Hedland.

The wind is at your back now.

So, fight to the death.

God Bless

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Thank you, too. I agree the tide is turning

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Excellent! The tend in awakening continues

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Excellent report !!!

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Optimistically I hope that this will inspire many more to follow suit and create a tipping point.

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Just INCREDIBLE-elected public servants ACTUALLY SERVING the public … and trying to ( very belatedly ) Protect that public .It shouldn’t be stunning -but it is !

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Oct 12Liked by Alison Bevege

Thank you for your tireless efforts Alison! We know where the authentic journalists are at. 🙌🏼👏🏼

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thank you so much Cm that is so kind of you. I'm not really tireless though, on the contrary I am often unmotivated, lazy and exhausted ... I wish I were tireless. If I could just have some of Julian Gillespie's energy that would be awesome. I would be so productive !

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Oct 13Liked by Alison Bevege


the graph says it all, except things seem normal, they are not. there are still excess deaths in Australia, which require several years of minus 10-20% compared to pre covid to get back to 'the old normal'.

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All but 2 friends refuse to read anything of this nature. MSM must start rolling out the real experts on this matter, otherwise to the majority, this is conspiracy theory.

Thank you for your efforts to stop this genocide.

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Yes you are right about that. Most people will disbelieve their own eyes until they see it on TV

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