WIN: Australia's iron ore capital Port Hedland to warn all healthcare providers against mRNA danger
The nation's most economically important export center will demand answers from health authorities and write to every council and shire in Australia to sound the alarm
Australia’s iron ore capital Port Hedland is sending a written warning to all health practitioners within its boundaries about the dangers of the covid gene-vaccines and is calling for their immediate suspension on safety grounds after DNA contamination was again found in the products.
Councillor Adrian McRae told Letters From Australia that five out of eight council members had already been injured by the products in 2022, one suffering blood clots and myocarditis.
Port Hedland Council voted 5 to 2 last night to denounce the shots at a Special Council Meeting requested by councillors McRae, Camilo Blanco and Lorraine Butson.
The Council heard video testimony from St George’s University of London Professor Angus Dalgleish in a closed session warning them of the dangers of the products, before passing the motion.
Professor Dalgleish, a specialist in oncology and immunology, is on a speaking tour of Australia for the Australian Medical Professionals Society, sounding the alarm about how the mRNA products cause cancer.
The video has been released and can be watched below.
The council will join Member for Monash Russell Broadbent in writing to the Prime Minister, to all local health practitioners and medical clinics, and to every local government and shire council in Australia, urging them to suspend the products.
“We are gravely concerned about the potential health risks posed by synthetic DNA contamination, including the dangers of genomic integration, cancer, hereditary defects and immune system disruption,” the letter says.
Port Hedland Council will also call on health authorities for an urgent investigation into how the DNA contamination has gone undetected by Australia’s regulators, who are accused of using outdated and insufficient testing methods.
Australia’s drug regulator the Therapeutic Goods Administration ignored a media request from Letters From Australia on Friday asking if they were aware of the DNA.
Councillor McRae said the vote was a validation for all Australia’s gene-vaccine injured.
“At least one council in the country will stand up and acknowledge what’s happened to these people,” he said.
“This is a really important win from a really important town.”
Port Hedland, 1600km north of Perth, is the economic engine of Australia, strategically vital due to its deep-water port for bulk mineral exports from the Pilbara.
The port’s supply chain was estimated to be worth $103.7 billion or 4 percent of Australia’s entire national economy in 2022-23 and is expected to contribute about $156 billion in royalties and taxes to both the WA and Federal Governments over the next 10 years, according to the Port Hedland Industries Council.
Port Hedland’s local government area has a population of about 16,000 people and a local economy valued at $3.7 billion in 2020-21.
The Council heard video testimony from St George’s University of London Professor Angus Dalgleish in a closed session warning them of the dangers of the products, before passing the motion.
Exhibits tabled to the council included a new report by epidemiologist and researcher David Speicher documenting DNA contamination found in Pfizer and Moderna mRNA products, and Russell Broadbent’s letters to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Mr Broadbent’s letter, calling on the Prime Minister to suspend the products, was signed by 52 health experts.
It follows similar efforts by Florida’s State Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo who wrote to the US Food and Drug Administration in December, also calling for a halt.

Pfizer and Moderna switched to the cheap Manufacturing Process 2 for the mRNA injections they sold for public use. They cooked the genetic sequence in huge vats of antibiotic resistant bacteria that were broken open to release the mRNA. As a result, the gene-vaccine batches were contaminated to varying degrees by DNA fragments.
DNA contamination has been documented by geneticist Kevin McKernan here, and in September last year, University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults testified to a South Carolina Senate Committee that these DNA fragments could interrupt a tumor suppressor gene or activate an oncogene, potentially causing cancer.
They were also contaminated by the Simian Virus 40 promoter gene (SV40) which is known to cause cancer and which previously caused a scandal when found in polio vaccines.
Mayor Peter Carter voted against the motion on the grounds that it was a state and federal government responsibility rather than local council, but on Saturday he said he was happy each side had put their case and the motion had passed.
“We live in a local democratic community and everyone had their say,” he said.
Mayor Carter said the Council website could be updated as early as Monday with the documents and the video of the council session, however the video can be seen on Courage is the Cure’s Facebook page here.
For more, see Julian Gillespie’s excellent Substack Jules on the Beach, below.
For the WA Premier’s response and more, see Rebekah Barnett’s story here:
Instead of replying to repeated media requests on whether there is DNA contained in the mRNA gene-vaccines in a timely and transparent manner, The Department of Health and Aged Care waited until Friday 18 October to issue a press release denying the validity of the studies done by Dr David Speicher and Dr Kevin McKernan.
For a devastating point-by-point take-down of the TGA’s claims by fellow Substacker Rebekah Barnett together with a team of expert scientists, see the masterful piece linked below at Dystopian Down Under.
Their release contains several claims which are contested here:
Issues with samples: “some studies” (they mean the Speicher study) had only three vials, one of which had been partially used, and without provenance of the temperature at which they were kept, and were past their use-by date.
This is their most valid point and Dr David Speicher acknowledged this in his report. However, it is refuted on two grounds.
Firstly, as Rebekah Barnett reported here, Dr Speicher said this is be unlikely to have any effect on the DNA levels in the vials as DNA is stable at room temperature for months. Breaking the cold chain could make the lipid nanoparticles less stable but would not degrade or change the DNA loads significantly.
Secondly, Dr Speicher’s study is only one more confirmation of what researchers have repeatedly been finding, all over the world. The issue of DNA contamination is widely known. They cannot pretend it doesn’t exist.
Dr John Campbell interviewed Dr David Speicher and runs through the report plus the additional issue of SV-40 contamination not mentioned by the TGA, on YouTube here:
“The fluorometry method used in the quoted tests to measure residual DNA does not meet the requirement for specificity”
Dr Speicher’s study used fluorometry to find DNA contamination up to 145 times higher than the TGA limit. But he also used qPCR. By this method the Moderna lot was within the limits - but both Pfizer lots had DNA contamination up to 15-fold above the TGA’s limit.
The TGA said it uses the qPCR method and that it tested 27 batches of mRNA product which met the required limit.
Independent researchers have said the qPCR method is not adequate and cannot pick up all residual DNA.
In a March study published in the journal Methods and Protocols, “Methodological Considerations Regarding the Quantification of DNA Impurities in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Comirnaty”, German researchers Brigitte Konig and Jurgen Kirchner wrote:
“The available information and data indicate that the ready-to-use mRNA vaccine Comirnaty contains DNA impurities that exceed the permitted limit value by several hundred times and, in some cases, even more than 500 times, and that this went unnoticed because the DNA quantification carried out as part of batch testing only at the active substance level appears to be methodologically inadequate when using qPCR, as explained above.” - Methods and Protocols
So the TGA’s method of testing is contested as being up to the job. Dissenting scientists say that it can’t pick up all the contamination.
“To date, neither the TGA nor any international regulator has established a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines [sic] and any type of cancer.”
That’s the same argument the tobacco industry used for decades to market cigarettes, which cause cancer as established by the Bradford-Hill Criteria of Causation.
More than one plausible mechanism of oncogenesis was described by oncology Professor Dalgleish for the mRNA products (above). Case reports have shown cancer coming back after covid vaccination due to T-cell exhaustion, just as Professor Dalgleish described, as detailed in Soleimani et al, 2023.
So there is evidence supporting a causal link between the covid gene-vaccines and cancer regression. A plausible mechanism is one plank of the Bradford Hill Criteria of Causation. Observed cases is another. Temporal relationship is another. These three criteria have been met.
It’s very difficult in medicine to establish a definitive causal link in medicine without a proper randomised trial keeping its control group clean. We should be able to compare cancer rates between the control group who only had a placebo with the treatment group injected with the gene-vaccine. The Pfizer and Moderna trials were scheduled to finish in early 2023, but they destroyed their control group in December 2020 by offering them the product.
But even if they had kept the control group until the end, the large RCT would not have shown any problems caused by DNA contamination.
That’s because the mRNA used for the large trial was made by a different manufacturing process (PCR) which doesn’t leave DNA contamination. It’s only Manufacturing Process 2 (as per p.26 of the TGA’s document here) that leads to contamination.
Manufacturing Process 2 is the one that cooks up the product in huge vats of antibiotic resistant e-coli bacteria, which are broken open to release the mRNA. That’s what leaves the plasmids and DNA contamination. The injection you received was Manufacturing Process 2 which was cheap to make in large quantities.
So you see the sleight-of-hand. They didn’t test it properly so they can claim they have no evidence of a problem.
Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
“Residual DNA may be present in very small quantities in the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines [sic] and other biotechnology products”
The TGA has used the weasel word “may” so that you will think there’s a possibility that there’s no DNA in the injection you got. Letters From Australia asked the TGA twice whether they were aware of DNA in the shots, and the request was ignored.
They haven’t admitted it clearly, but DNA contamination has been found in testing worldwide. It’s well-known in biologics that it’s extremely difficult to clean the junk DNA out of RNA products compared with proteins because of a slight electrical valence. They know it’s contaminated.
“Medicines produced by biotechnology have been used by millions of patients for over 40 years. In that time, medicines containing residual DNA quantities under the required limits have presented a very low risk to human safety.
These mRNA gene-vaccines were used for the first time ever for covid. The lipid nanoparticle casing was also novel. The DNA contamination is more dangerous than that contained by previous products because it’s wrapped in lipid nanoparticles designed to take it everywhere in the body, which cross the blood-brain barrier, and which were shown in biodistribution studies (which the TGA has, p.45) to preferentially accumulate in the ovaries. It therefore carries an unquantified risk that DNA fragments contaminating previous therapies does not have, and therefore might need an even lower safety threshold. But it wasn’t tested for that.
Also, because the DNA contamination fragments are encased in the lipid nanoparticles, it makes them harder to quantify (Konig & Kirchner, 2024).
“Evidence from the more than 13 billion vaccine doses given worldwide shows that COVID-19 vaccines [sic] have a very good safety profile in all age groups”.
That’s not evidence. That’s just giving it to everyone. There’s no controlled or standardised follow-up for the 13 billion. It could cause a whopping rate of cancer and heart attacks and you’d not see a causal link because there’s no controlled test.
“There has been no evidence of mRNA vaccines [sic] or biological medicines used in Australia resulting in integration of residual DNA into human DNA genome.”
This is irrelevant. Residual fragments of DNA are known from previous studies to be oncogenic and they may have additional unique side-effects when presented to the body inside a lipid nanoparticle casing, which was novel to these gene-vaccines.
Biologics manufacturer AmGen made a video 12 years ago to describe just how difficult it is to ensure safety in biologics. They specifically talk about the serious health complications that can come from the immune system reacting badly to slightly different structures in the biologics, which have to be manufactured precisely for safety. See the AmGen video on YouTube here, from timestamp 3.30 on.
Whether or not it integrates into the genome, having fragments of foreign DNA circulating can lead to serious health problems.
People want products to be tested before they are injected, not after. It’s no good testing for safety when you’re already injured. No carcinogenicity testing was done on these products as would have been required had they been classed as “gene therapies” as can be seen by Pfizer’s non-clinical evaluation report to the TGA here. The reason they didn’t have to test is because they got defined as “vaccines” instead of “gene-therapy”. They would have had to be tested for a raft of extra safety issues if they had been classified as gene-therapies. They were considered gene-therapies as late as 2020 as Moderna states in its quarterly reports to the SEC. Regulators including the EMA and FDA then classed them as “vaccines” even though the exact same technology is classed as a “gene therapy” when used for a different function. The classification was based on the intent (preventing infectious disease vs a “therapy” for existing disease) rather than on what the products actually are and what they do in the body, as per Banoun here. They did this to skip a bunch of testing for rapid approval.
“The benefits of the approved vaccines far outweigh the possible risks.”
The TGA tendered no evidence for this claim in their release, and the claim is disputed by thousands of scientists worldwide.
Firstly, the risk of covid is age-dependent. The benefits might outweigh the risks for an 85-year-old with heart problems, morbid obesity and insulin resistance.
But it’s not going to outweigh the risks for people aged under age 60 who had an infection fatality rate of 0.03 percent, unvaccinated (Pezzullo et al 2022). If you were under 60, you had a 99.97 percent chance of surviving covid with no jab.
The risk profile for the Pfizer and Moderna shots from peer-reviewed independent analysis of their own trial data is a 1-in-800 chance of serious injury (Fraiman et al, 2022).
Thousands of doctors and scientists have called for the shots to be halted in the Hope Accord.
“misinformation in recent media and online reports that claim the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are contaminated with excessive levels of DNA.”
Labelling science that disagrees with the government as “misinformation” to be dismissed without consideration and censored is what the USSR used to do. It is not worthy of an open democracy. What it reveals is the TGA’s contempt for science that challenges its position. The TGA doesn’t know what is “true”, as it’s been wrong on covid gene-vaccines for the past four years. Instead of trying to find out, it prefers to censor - which is the opposite of science.
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Update: 14 October 2024 - embedded video of Professor Angus Dalgleish’s video address to council, moved his paragraphs up. 15 October 2024 - fixed type “Headland” instead of “Hedland”, added Rebekah Barnett’s Substack link, and added link to the TGA report specifying manufacturing process 2, switching the Brownstone hot-link to Phillip Buckhaults’ concerns over DNA contamination to later in that paragraph. 19 October 2024 - adds section on TGA media release, and updated with an extra link to the AmGen video on biologics. 28 October 2024 - adds link to Rebekah Barnett’s excellent take-down of the TGA’s false and misleading claims.
thank you Alison,
folk can watch the testimony provided by Professor Dalgleish to the Council here:
and another link here:
one of the most important aspects of the successful Motion will be Port Hedland Council informing all other 537 Australian Councils of the DNA contamination report of Dr Speicher, and the letters of Russell Broadbent MP to the Prime Minister
Explains why the uniparty needs their "misinformation" bill passed. The curtain is being pulled back. Everybody knows...