TGA tells Big Pharma to check Facebook and YouTube for gene-vax injuries while government tells social media to disappear those exact same reports
AHPRA quietly removes doctor gag order as "superseded" while insane drug safety system breaks - but government entrenches the censorship
Australia’s drug regulator told pharmaceutical companies to scan social media for reports of injuries as part of drug safety monitoring even as the government censored covid gene-vaccine injuries off those exact same platforms.
While the safety system primarily relies on reports by doctors and the public to Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), manufacturers are required to monitor the safety of their products, called “pharmacovigilance”, and report back to the TGA.
Drug companies are supposed to monitor social media (eg: Facebook and Twitter), blogs, vlogs and new stories to look for any reports of injuries as part of their pharmacovigilance requirements, the TGA said in a 38-page report from August called Pharmacovigilance responsibilities of medicine sponsors.

But the Australian government censored reports of gene-vaccine injury off social media during covid so they never appeared at all.
Working hand-in-glove with big corporations, Australia’s government asked social media companies to remove people who talked about their gene-vaccine injuries, smearing them as “anti-vaxxers”, as revealed by Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.
The federal Department of Health and Aged Care told FaceBook to take down groups where gene-vaccine injured Australians were seeking support and sharing their stories in 2021, as exposed by FOI request 3953, and they did.

The Home Affairs Department made 4213 censorship requests to Twitter related to covid, as exposed by Senator Alex Antic through FOI.

This censorship is a threat to public health as it interrupts the drug safety reporting system. Instead of dropping the censorship, the Federal Government has moved to entrench and formalise it with a “misinformation” censorship bill (full story here) that has been slightly delayed to include a religious exemption - but is still set to become law.
Injured people were swept under the carpet and banned from online spaces where, according to the TGA, drug companies are supposed to be scanning for those stories to build the safety profile of the medication.
In March this year, gene-vaccine injured mother-of-two Melene Guevremont made a speech about her injury and her volunteer advocacy with Jab Injuries Australia for other injured people. It was immediately censored off YouTube within an hour of upload. You can view it on Substack here. Her heart-breaking story from March is here.
Ms Guevremont was contacted by Pfizer about her injury only after her story appeared months later in corporate media outlets and Daily Mail.
Corporate media suppressed or ignored the vast majority of gene-vaccine injured people, who had nowhere to turn other than Jab Injuries Australia.
Doctors were silenced as of March 2021 with a gag order issued by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Medical Boards.
All medical professionals were threatened with disciplinary action if they raised concerns about the products. A website was set up to snitch on any who did.
“Any promotion of anti-vaccination statements or health advice which contradicts the best available scientific evidence or seeks to actively undermine the national immunisation campaign (including via social media) is not supported by National Boards and may be in breach of the codes of conduct and subject to investigation and possible regulatory action,” AHPRA said in its March position statement (automatic PDF download).
Of course, the “best available scientific evidence” was by government decree on a new product, for an emerging infectious disease, for which there would obviously be dissenting science as the product was all new. This crushed real science which is open to debate and new information.
Queensland GP Melissa McCann said doctors were completely bound by the AHPRA gag order which suppressed criticism of the gene-vaccines even when speaking confidentially to each other.
“The statement from AHPRA was very clear,” she told Aussie Wire in an interview with Topher Field.
“And that was listened to. AHPRA has a real history of coming down really strongly on doctors.”
Dr McCann said doctors not only had to be careful what they said in public but also behind closed doors to each other due to mandatory reporting.

“With AHPRA there’s something called mandatory reporting which means that if a colleague witnesses another health professional doing something outside the code, that person has to report that colleague.
“So that means that everyone is extremely careful about what they say in case another health professional misinterprets that or thinks they maybe have to make a report.
“There’s absolutely a strong dampener on free conversation about what everyone was seeing.”
Dr McCann has launched a class action to seek justice for the gene-vaccine injured.
Letters From Australia asked AHPRA in January 2022 whether the gag order had created a culture where doctors were reluctant to recognise or report covid gene-vaccine injuries.
An AHPRA spokesperson responded at that time with: “health practitioners have a professional obligation to provide information that is evidence-based, in line with the best available health advice, and is consistent with public health messaging”.
And then said they should report adverse events to the TGA, and to state and territory health authorities.
In other words, they did not address the question at all. They have known about this issue for years.
AHPRA has now repealed that infamous March 2021 gag order. A download is still archived on the website here, but it has “superseded” stamped all over it.
The Australian Medical Professionals’ Society (AMPS) said on Monday that the gag order had endangered public health.
“The 9 March 2021 position statement prevents practitioners from sharing the truth and issuing exemptions based on the best available scientific evidence, and their clinical judgement. Consequently, doctors find themselves perceived as enforcers of government public health orders.”
AMPS called for an independent investigation into the members of AHPRA and the National Boards who supported and enforced the gag order.
Australia’s drug safety reporting system broke during covid due to under-reporting of gene-vaccine injuries to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) as explained by regulatory expert Dr Phillip Altman here.
To add to the problem, recent reports suggest pharmaceutical companies reluctant to find problems with their own products are funding third parties to suppress and censor online injury reports.
Journalist Lee Fang reported that Moderna used AI and a former FBI agent to spy on online gene-vaccine discussions that might threaten its products, and funded non-government organisation Public Good Projects to shut them down as “misinformation”.
Because the covid gene-vaccines were not tested to the standard of full registration, they were given provisional registration, a new category invented in 2018 that allows safety monitoring to occur as the product is already being used.
As a result, provisionally registered products require more vigilance, not less, and are put on the black triangle scheme to remind everyone of the increased safety reporting requirements. But this didn’t help.
The drug safety reporting reporting system completely broke during covid under the pressure of propaganda, censorship, the AHPRA bullying of doctors and government bias towards the gene-vaccines as detailed by Letters From Australia here.
Neither doctors nor the public reported the vast bulk of suspected gene-vaccine injuries to the TGA or to their state or territory health department because they were discouraged, threatened, silenced and often simply unaware.
As a result, the TGA has no idea how many people were killed and injured by the poorly-tested covid gene-vaccines, despite claiming only 14 deaths out of 1004 reports are “linked to” the products in its latest safety report for November.
UPDATES: 21 December - edited for clarity, rejigged paragraph order, added TGA’s formal claim of 14 dead, rewrote subhead
Excellent commentary Alison. Thank you for your work to educate people and uncover the truth.
It's all starting to unravel, despite the attempts to hide it. Jeff Childer's "Coffee and Covid" substack has some good summaries:
The jailer's keys will soon be jangling for Skerrit, Kelly, Murphy et al.