
When you chew up taxpayer money on medications people don't really need, you are taking funds away from life-saving programs that people really depend on, and impoverishing us all. This is a point i forgot to make in the story - but you know it's true. There's only so much in taxes to go round.

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Rare Cancers Australia is a charity that works closely with Big Pharma.

Medicines Australia and Rare Cancers Australia together launched a new Medicines Access Portal in 2022 to give doctors access to information on pharmaceutical drugs “not available to patients through normal pathways”.


Other Medicines Australia Class 1 members also donated to Rare Cancers Australia, including Amgen, Bayer, Janssen, MSD (Merck), according to the Sydney University report on Big Pharma funding community organisations.


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Feb 17Liked by Alison Bevege

Arexvy contains bacterial Endotoxin 3-O-desacyl-4'-MonoPhosphoryl Lipid A (MPL).

That provides known mechanisms for the observed Deaths.


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Feb 17Liked by Alison Bevege

The tentacles of Big Pharma span the globe and worse yet, they're intertwined with the military and medical industrial complex. As we've seen with the most "safe and effective" sacred miracle elixir they forced on the world, they are never to be trusted again.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17Liked by Alison Bevege

Respiratory Syncytial Virus...?

Renamed it Respiratory Cynical Virus

My mum is in a nursing home is on her way to 96.

She had RSV recently.

We didnt know other than seeing some sign on her door...

She was fine...

what an utter joke

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Feb 18Liked by Alison Bevege

I’ll take the shark attack risk option thanks

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Alison Bevege

Ridiculous. Arexvy, Abrysvo are already having warning notices sent out by the CDC and LAW SUITS are already in place. Yet the healthcare scammers are giving them to all comers.. including children & pregnant women even though only one is even approved for them.

There's just no ethics left with 90% of the healthcare systems of the world anymore.

PS. The article in the BMJ refers to pregnant women as Pregnant People. 🤦🏽‍♂️

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Absolutely brilliant overview, Alison! The conflicts of interest in this space are worse than I could ever have imagined, even after that last few years. To think that even the 'average' person off the street they interview about a claimed experience of severe illness is hopelessly embroiled in conflicts really is depressing (although not entirely surprising). I don't make a habit of consuming mainstream news, but I know so many others who still do, and take it as gospel. Thank you for doing the work to expose these deeply disturbing connections.

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Feb 17Liked by Alison Bevege

If it wasn't clear to anyone that MSM "news" is just propaganda, then reading this makes it crystal clear.

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Feb 18Liked by Alison Bevege

Does GSK stand for Graspo Slick Krime?

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Feb 18Liked by Alison Bevege

Another stellar and insightful report Alison. Thanks for your efforts in exposing this.

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Feb 18Liked by Alison Bevege

Alison….what evidence do you have that any vaccine has saved any lives? It may be time to dig a little deeper into the actual scientific evidence especially when making claims such as: ‘It’s not like rabies or tetanus where you’ll die without a vaccine.”

Thank you for raising awareness though, on these new ‘vaccines’.

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Feb 18Liked by Alison Bevege

Creating new markets is good for business, having personal responsibility and living healthy lifestyle isn’t🤷‍♂️

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Great summary Alison!

I'm trying to subscribe to your substack but having trouble at the moment, haven't been able to do it via phone, ipad, or computer.

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they should stop making vaccines (since they don't work) and concentrate on healing. Since when do doctors make patients sick instead of trying to heal them ! oh wait - that must be quite some time! Since Pasteur's lies I suppose ! Thanks for reporting, we will be on the watchout. See how many countries will add this poison to the list. The US kids must be close to 100 jabs before they finish school now. Poor pincushions.

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So is it cheaper for the government to pay for a vaccine a couple of times for a person over 60, which will likely knock decades off their life span, or pay a pension for that otherwise healthy 60yo for another two decades? It's always about the money, just not always where the obvious breadcrumbs lead to.

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