Bravo Alison., great work! When they revised the excess deaths down, I wondered how they pulled it off. Eye-wincing attention to detail is needed to unravel this, which was beyond me. Why are other political parties, apart from the few who are speaking out, not screaming about this in Parliament? In front of the press every day? For example, as the opposition, the Liberal party would have dozens of statisticians, scientists, PhD researchers etc at their disposal to check some of this out and ask questions in the House. Their silence is deafening. Criminals, the whole bloody lot of them!
Yes. Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex and the technological elite. He was right. You cannot have power without congressional oversight or they will perpetuate, expand and become indistinguishable from organised crime. That’s what happened with security state black budget programs in the US stretching back decades. No oversight = what do you expect will happen, exactly what has happened. It’s an easy system for oligarchs to penetrate and take control of, which also appears to have happened - and frequently in plain sight.
Nearly all are criminals YES but most certainly not all are psychopaths, probably only 1 in 5.
So, does not one need to consider how they are reconciling their obvious criminality? The only explanation that fits is that they have been convinced that it is not criminal as they are doing this for our own good! They are making the 'hard' decisions that leaders need to make!
Consider all the wars of the last 30 odd years and the true reason behind them, OIL!!!!
Millions butchered for the empires most important resource, and it was dire straits in 2007-08 when depletion loomed only to be saved by the shale oil miracle, well miracle is pretty well over, depletion once again starts in earnest around 2029.
Serious supply chain disruptions and big cities out of food in 3 days, cannibalism within a fortnight. What genuine leader can stand back and let that happen?, the hard decisions MUST be made. Think kangaroos and brumbies et al.
Problem is that whilst they may have had their criminality resolved in their minds for them by the globalist agents, it doesn't wash as it is still simply another 'just following orders' scenario.
The irony is the arch criminals controlling the direction that this is taking are the greedy scum who controlled and squandered the oil for profit for the last 170 odd years, they have always known that this day would come. Hint, there is record of them meeting in the late 1940's and deciding that climate and disease were the 2 vectors that would give them rule of the world.
It is like a 1984-style Public-Private Partnership to continue and conceal criminality.
Which would make them all criminal conspirators. The Australian ones treasonous, to boot.
At this point is there a single Organ NOT implicated in some aspect of The Monster's Agenda? Complicit. I notice we're about to start jabbing livestock with MRNA (mandated, of course), for example.
On the bright side, knowing we have to start again makes things easier. Simply tear it all down and let God sort it out.
This Clown World is not fit for purpose. Or more correctly, it is, and its purpose is 100% Luciferian.
Relatedly, Australians are currently having a very difficult time coming to terms with the fact that the government who killed them will not deliver them justice. Ms Alison has given evidence that they will cook the numbers to cover up their crimes and make us look crazy for ever questioning them. Meanwhile, we fight each other because we cannot fight the government.
All going according to plan.
Edit: I also saved everything offline.
Edit2: Upon further reflection - Australians are really stuck in some sort of massive Stockholm syndrome situation, expecting the government to now save them. This is such an important article Alison showing that they will sink to any low - well done I will definitely be citing this.
The people always have been, and will be, the stopping condition. Do not expect justice. Do not comply.
There can be no amnesty or any deals of ANY kind. The prosecution must be relentless and the punishment for those convicted must be FINAL, even if they are a sitting Premier or even a sitting state governor (who used to be a CHO and whose husband was a highly paid consultant to one of the manufacturers of the death shots).
I object STRONGLY to the suggestions for a royal commission! What we need is special tribunals for crimes against humanity and IMMEDIATE repeal of the Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973.
Strongly agree - well said wow. Royal Commissions are frauds with corrupt terms of reference and pre-determined outcomes - they only serve the Crown. Governors and the GG were complicit in this democide. Nice to see someone who gets it.
One of the more interesting videos, within the essay, is “Yes, People Were Forced To Get The Vaxx!” where Australian politicians insist that no one was forced to get the injection. This is juxtaposed with videos, from the Plandemic, where the same officials basically said "get the jab or lose you job. No one, including Biden, has admitted to all the deaths and injuries resulting from the forced vaccination. More important is the fact that Biden want to continue forced vaccination by signing on to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, allowing the WHO to dictate what shots will be mandatory in the future. Bodily autonomy is a basic inalienable right. We must all have the right to say no. Yet despite the fact that the mRNA injection does not prevent infection/transmission they are still pushing the jab and won't reinstate workers that refuse it.
Biden and other Globalist Leaders are committing treason on multiple levels
Without immediate resistance the globalists will soon relegate the entire planet to the status of slavery
The thing that the Moderna guy said that is rubbish is that because the values stay within range ie the estimated confidence limits, that everything is OK. These confidence limits only apply to the week by week data. If for a continuous period the data sits at the top of the confidence interval the excess would be huge! The ABS report actually says: "any prolonged period of weeks, 2 or more, exceeding the expected range can suggest excess mortality has been signalled". The ABS also acknowledge the limitations of these "estimated" confidence intervals.
The other aspect is that it is valid to subtract all COVID deaths. We know that a portion of these deaths were likely to have occurred withing the time period, eg median age of death greater than that of the population, multiple comorbidities. Also we should be seeing a deficit due to people who sadly died early than might have occurred if not for COVID.
Keep up the good work probing the government departments. The more we can find out the better.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've just been checking the latest mortality figures on the ABS.
So, I'm looking at the .xls version of Table 4.2 All deaths, Number of deaths, by state or territory of registration, 2015-22 monthly data by date of occurrence. Release date is 28 April 2023. I'm comparing that to an ABS spreadsheet I have saved on my computer: "Table 4.1 Doctor certified deaths, Number of deaths, by age and sex, 2015-19 monthly data by date of occurrence" with a release date of 6 May 2021. Yes it could be a case of comparing apples and oranges but all deaths are there for the years 2015-2022 per month, by state, cause, ages etc etc. Comparing the two speadsheets for total deaths by month per state (then adding that up for Australia), there are HUGE variations in the numbers. I wouldn't have thought there'd be too many differences with "doctor certified" deaths (on the 2021 spreadsheet) that happened 6 or 8 years ago. Eg. total deaths in Australia in 2015 on the 21 May 2021 spreadsheet is 139,296. When I check the most recent numbers for Australia in 2015 on the 28 April 23 spreadsheet, it is 157,446. Unless I'm missing something, raising the historical deaths would flatten out the current excess deaths. I would like to be proven wrong. All I can say is very curious indeed!
Many thanks for your timely post - it hasn’t taken long for the ‘ CV Injection damage deniers ‘ to begin hiding the evidence ....
With good folk like yourself, on the beat senators and politicians ,, eg. Malcolm ROBERTS, Gerrard rennick , Alex antic , etc etc , and there exists a willingness out here in the ‘ either ... to retain details like excess death data , and make sure that these ‘ deletions are not only carefully recorded , BUT, questions asked WHY the figures have been altered. Perhaps an audit trail of these ‘ health statistics ‘ should be insisted upon to stop manipulation!!
I’ll make a share , and will re check tomorrow , when I re read your post & make save sets ... for a rainy day
Time for a number of FOI's regarding ABS correspondence with all Health Departments and Health Ministers (State & Federal) regarding requests to change the excess death reporting of the ABS prior to The non-covid excess deaths report of 15,140 excess deaths
THE Reasons for NOT 'opposition' parties 'Using' their own Statisticians-Scientists- Researchers to ACTUALLY check eXcess health Stats, is the Integrated Govt / COMIC relationships. In Australia, the Govt IS, ONE Govt OF a 2.5 party Cabal. Also, far from being 'Independent', govt Agencies are there to TOTALLY support Govt/ COMIC narratives- policy, who are Supported/ Supplied/ Stratagised from FOREIGN 'Sources', AND, when 'Opposition' parties relocate across the other side of the CONtrolling chamber for 'AppaRENT' GoverNONsence, The CONplete Bureaucratic/ Agency organisation - REMAINS U.Nchanged, to 'Support THE System'! A 1 A.C.T 'Play'- Sophisticated, to Purposefully Smoke & Mirror the Govt's Employer - WE, The United peoples of Australia.
Foreign; Def; Belonging or connected to a Country that is NOT your own.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA; (Federal Govt of Australia); Registered United States of America CORPORATION; U.S. SEC Reg # CIK 0000805157. Reg H.Q. 1601 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20036 - Says it all! ( Along with other Iconic 'Australian' Corporations, 'Sold off' against OUR CONstitution by THE CONbined 2.5 Ers!
COMIC - my acronym; Corporate organised Military Industrial Complex [ Or CONplex - your choice; LOL.].
Good work. Glad to see we still have Non Mercenary entities at Large Ms/ Mrs A. B. The Fickle 'Nature' of THE Beast known as Government - & it's 'Associates', has/ have ALWAYS been with Australia, it's an English 'Derived' DICKS Class System, with the Newby political Players, trying to Disintegrate the CONstitution, ever since it's 'Forced' inception - NO diffeRent to the Magna Carta (1215) 'Play'.
DICKS; DomiNation Interactive Class kinetics Stratagem. [ The Independent Middle Class - Currently IN the line of fire, for ALL points Liquidation. Now THAT'S proper Treason, by ALL 'Contributors' (Bureaucrats/ Technocrats Should study the 'Penalties' for such 'Actions' Listed in the Constitution![ The 'Press' thru ALL Mediums Inclusive]) @ ANY TIME!
THE Govt/s of OZtopia ARE just a Co Operative cabal, where the SAME Govt of 2 Major parties Plus fringe Half Parties, are in 'Opposition' in name only. THE Govt of Australia - as all are, IS only employed as 'Management' ( & pretty Useless,apart from deviousness & Monetary 'Gains' at that) BY the Unified peoples of Australia. THEY,THE Govt, are NOT our Dictators/Tyrants/CON-TROLLers/Overlords = That IS NOT their 'Employment Brief'! - WHEN was the Reversal of an 'Emloyee' Telling a Business 'OWNER' (United Peoples of Australia), The 'WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN' - EVER 'ENDORSED'?? WHERE'S THE GOVERNOR GENERAL to put these Clowns back in their 'Box', AND DEMAND, 'Please Explain'?
Foreign; Def; Belonging to, or associated with a Country WHICH IS NOT YOUR OWN.
Registered U.S. Corporation # ; CIK 0000805157. HQs; 1601 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW, C/O AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, DC, 20036 = 'FOREIGN'.
Bravo Alison., great work! When they revised the excess deaths down, I wondered how they pulled it off. Eye-wincing attention to detail is needed to unravel this, which was beyond me. Why are other political parties, apart from the few who are speaking out, not screaming about this in Parliament? In front of the press every day? For example, as the opposition, the Liberal party would have dozens of statisticians, scientists, PhD researchers etc at their disposal to check some of this out and ask questions in the House. Their silence is deafening. Criminals, the whole bloody lot of them!
yes where is the opposition??? too busy dis-endorsing the one massive hero in their party, Senator Gerard Rennick, that's what they've been up to
Criminals do not investigate themselves, my friend.
They’re all AFRAID. Confirmed by the Netherlands Deputy PM, Fleur Agema.
Covid19 was a military pharmaceutical operation.
COVID measures were part of a ‘biodefense’ response.
Lockstep rollout from ONE SCRIPT in the Five eye nations.
Yes. Eisenhower warned about the military industrial complex and the technological elite. He was right. You cannot have power without congressional oversight or they will perpetuate, expand and become indistinguishable from organised crime. That’s what happened with security state black budget programs in the US stretching back decades. No oversight = what do you expect will happen, exactly what has happened. It’s an easy system for oligarchs to penetrate and take control of, which also appears to have happened - and frequently in plain sight.
Nearly all are criminals YES but most certainly not all are psychopaths, probably only 1 in 5.
So, does not one need to consider how they are reconciling their obvious criminality? The only explanation that fits is that they have been convinced that it is not criminal as they are doing this for our own good! They are making the 'hard' decisions that leaders need to make!
Consider all the wars of the last 30 odd years and the true reason behind them, OIL!!!!
Millions butchered for the empires most important resource, and it was dire straits in 2007-08 when depletion loomed only to be saved by the shale oil miracle, well miracle is pretty well over, depletion once again starts in earnest around 2029.
Serious supply chain disruptions and big cities out of food in 3 days, cannibalism within a fortnight. What genuine leader can stand back and let that happen?, the hard decisions MUST be made. Think kangaroos and brumbies et al.
Problem is that whilst they may have had their criminality resolved in their minds for them by the globalist agents, it doesn't wash as it is still simply another 'just following orders' scenario.
The irony is the arch criminals controlling the direction that this is taking are the greedy scum who controlled and squandered the oil for profit for the last 170 odd years, they have always known that this day would come. Hint, there is record of them meeting in the late 1940's and deciding that climate and disease were the 2 vectors that would give them rule of the world.
It is like a 1984-style Public-Private Partnership to continue and conceal criminality.
Which would make them all criminal conspirators. The Australian ones treasonous, to boot.
At this point is there a single Organ NOT implicated in some aspect of The Monster's Agenda? Complicit. I notice we're about to start jabbing livestock with MRNA (mandated, of course), for example.
On the bright side, knowing we have to start again makes things easier. Simply tear it all down and let God sort it out.
This Clown World is not fit for purpose. Or more correctly, it is, and its purpose is 100% Luciferian.
Enough, turning a blind eye to evil. No more.
Thanks for your doggedness, Alison.
Not on my watch.
I recorded all the data as it came in and all their weasel 'reasons'
Relatedly, Australians are currently having a very difficult time coming to terms with the fact that the government who killed them will not deliver them justice. Ms Alison has given evidence that they will cook the numbers to cover up their crimes and make us look crazy for ever questioning them. Meanwhile, we fight each other because we cannot fight the government.
All going according to plan.
Edit: I also saved everything offline.
Edit2: Upon further reflection - Australians are really stuck in some sort of massive Stockholm syndrome situation, expecting the government to now save them. This is such an important article Alison showing that they will sink to any low - well done I will definitely be citing this.
The people always have been, and will be, the stopping condition. Do not expect justice. Do not comply.
The scale of this operation is too huge to comprehend. Confirmed by the Netherlands Deputy PM, Fleur Agema.
Covid19 was a military pharmaceutical operation.
COVID measures were part of a ‘biodefense’ response.
Lockstep rollout from ONE SCRIPT in the Five eye nations.
There can be no amnesty or any deals of ANY kind. The prosecution must be relentless and the punishment for those convicted must be FINAL, even if they are a sitting Premier or even a sitting state governor (who used to be a CHO and whose husband was a highly paid consultant to one of the manufacturers of the death shots).
I object STRONGLY to the suggestions for a royal commission! What we need is special tribunals for crimes against humanity and IMMEDIATE repeal of the Death Penalty Abolition Act 1973.
Strongly agree - well said wow. Royal Commissions are frauds with corrupt terms of reference and pre-determined outcomes - they only serve the Crown. Governors and the GG were complicit in this democide. Nice to see someone who gets it.
The most haunting Australian Substack post I’ve ever read - and still no justice here in 2025. Thank you for sharing the data.
One of the more interesting videos, within the essay, is “Yes, People Were Forced To Get The Vaxx!” where Australian politicians insist that no one was forced to get the injection. This is juxtaposed with videos, from the Plandemic, where the same officials basically said "get the jab or lose you job. No one, including Biden, has admitted to all the deaths and injuries resulting from the forced vaccination. More important is the fact that Biden want to continue forced vaccination by signing on to the WHO Pandemic Treaty, allowing the WHO to dictate what shots will be mandatory in the future. Bodily autonomy is a basic inalienable right. We must all have the right to say no. Yet despite the fact that the mRNA injection does not prevent infection/transmission they are still pushing the jab and won't reinstate workers that refuse it.
Biden and other Globalist Leaders are committing treason on multiple levels
Without immediate resistance the globalists will soon relegate the entire planet to the status of slavery
The thing that the Moderna guy said that is rubbish is that because the values stay within range ie the estimated confidence limits, that everything is OK. These confidence limits only apply to the week by week data. If for a continuous period the data sits at the top of the confidence interval the excess would be huge! The ABS report actually says: "any prolonged period of weeks, 2 or more, exceeding the expected range can suggest excess mortality has been signalled". The ABS also acknowledge the limitations of these "estimated" confidence intervals.
The other aspect is that it is valid to subtract all COVID deaths. We know that a portion of these deaths were likely to have occurred withing the time period, eg median age of death greater than that of the population, multiple comorbidities. Also we should be seeing a deficit due to people who sadly died early than might have occurred if not for COVID.
Keep up the good work probing the government departments. The more we can find out the better.
Please correct me if I'm wrong. I've just been checking the latest mortality figures on the ABS.
So, I'm looking at the .xls version of Table 4.2 All deaths, Number of deaths, by state or territory of registration, 2015-22 monthly data by date of occurrence. Release date is 28 April 2023. I'm comparing that to an ABS spreadsheet I have saved on my computer: "Table 4.1 Doctor certified deaths, Number of deaths, by age and sex, 2015-19 monthly data by date of occurrence" with a release date of 6 May 2021. Yes it could be a case of comparing apples and oranges but all deaths are there for the years 2015-2022 per month, by state, cause, ages etc etc. Comparing the two speadsheets for total deaths by month per state (then adding that up for Australia), there are HUGE variations in the numbers. I wouldn't have thought there'd be too many differences with "doctor certified" deaths (on the 2021 spreadsheet) that happened 6 or 8 years ago. Eg. total deaths in Australia in 2015 on the 21 May 2021 spreadsheet is 139,296. When I check the most recent numbers for Australia in 2015 on the 28 April 23 spreadsheet, it is 157,446. Unless I'm missing something, raising the historical deaths would flatten out the current excess deaths. I would like to be proven wrong. All I can say is very curious indeed!
I graphed their previous iterations and kept the data in my (backed up) archive:
Many thanks for your timely post - it hasn’t taken long for the ‘ CV Injection damage deniers ‘ to begin hiding the evidence ....
With good folk like yourself, on the beat senators and politicians ,, eg. Malcolm ROBERTS, Gerrard rennick , Alex antic , etc etc , and there exists a willingness out here in the ‘ either ... to retain details like excess death data , and make sure that these ‘ deletions are not only carefully recorded , BUT, questions asked WHY the figures have been altered. Perhaps an audit trail of these ‘ health statistics ‘ should be insisted upon to stop manipulation!!
I’ll make a share , and will re check tomorrow , when I re read your post & make save sets ... for a rainy day
Thanks for your perseverance,
Les Catterwell , is..
Les Katt
Hiding their sins again. It goes on and on.
Time for a number of FOI's regarding ABS correspondence with all Health Departments and Health Ministers (State & Federal) regarding requests to change the excess death reporting of the ABS prior to The non-covid excess deaths report of 15,140 excess deaths
THE Reasons for NOT 'opposition' parties 'Using' their own Statisticians-Scientists- Researchers to ACTUALLY check eXcess health Stats, is the Integrated Govt / COMIC relationships. In Australia, the Govt IS, ONE Govt OF a 2.5 party Cabal. Also, far from being 'Independent', govt Agencies are there to TOTALLY support Govt/ COMIC narratives- policy, who are Supported/ Supplied/ Stratagised from FOREIGN 'Sources', AND, when 'Opposition' parties relocate across the other side of the CONtrolling chamber for 'AppaRENT' GoverNONsence, The CONplete Bureaucratic/ Agency organisation - REMAINS U.Nchanged, to 'Support THE System'! A 1 A.C.T 'Play'- Sophisticated, to Purposefully Smoke & Mirror the Govt's Employer - WE, The United peoples of Australia.
Foreign; Def; Belonging or connected to a Country that is NOT your own.
COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA; (Federal Govt of Australia); Registered United States of America CORPORATION; U.S. SEC Reg # CIK 0000805157. Reg H.Q. 1601 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20036 - Says it all! ( Along with other Iconic 'Australian' Corporations, 'Sold off' against OUR CONstitution by THE CONbined 2.5 Ers!
COMIC - my acronym; Corporate organised Military Industrial Complex [ Or CONplex - your choice; LOL.].
Good work. Glad to see we still have Non Mercenary entities at Large Ms/ Mrs A. B. The Fickle 'Nature' of THE Beast known as Government - & it's 'Associates', has/ have ALWAYS been with Australia, it's an English 'Derived' DICKS Class System, with the Newby political Players, trying to Disintegrate the CONstitution, ever since it's 'Forced' inception - NO diffeRent to the Magna Carta (1215) 'Play'.
DICKS; DomiNation Interactive Class kinetics Stratagem. [ The Independent Middle Class - Currently IN the line of fire, for ALL points Liquidation. Now THAT'S proper Treason, by ALL 'Contributors' (Bureaucrats/ Technocrats Should study the 'Penalties' for such 'Actions' Listed in the Constitution![ The 'Press' thru ALL Mediums Inclusive]) @ ANY TIME!
Wellness to THE 'United US' @ large. - John D.
🇦🇺📈 28 February 2025: latest ABS mortality data - Michael Arbon in Facebook
Immigration will fix the population numbers.
THE Govt/s of OZtopia ARE just a Co Operative cabal, where the SAME Govt of 2 Major parties Plus fringe Half Parties, are in 'Opposition' in name only. THE Govt of Australia - as all are, IS only employed as 'Management' ( & pretty Useless,apart from deviousness & Monetary 'Gains' at that) BY the Unified peoples of Australia. THEY,THE Govt, are NOT our Dictators/Tyrants/CON-TROLLers/Overlords = That IS NOT their 'Employment Brief'! - WHEN was the Reversal of an 'Emloyee' Telling a Business 'OWNER' (United Peoples of Australia), The 'WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN' - EVER 'ENDORSED'?? WHERE'S THE GOVERNOR GENERAL to put these Clowns back in their 'Box', AND DEMAND, 'Please Explain'?
Foreign; Def; Belonging to, or associated with a Country WHICH IS NOT YOUR OWN.
Registered U.S. Corporation # ; CIK 0000805157. HQs; 1601 MASSACHUSETTS AVE NW, C/O AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY, WASHINGTON, DC, 20036 = 'FOREIGN'.
Good Work folks -
Wellness - John D.