HEY PRESTO! The 2022 non-covid excess deaths have disappeared
The gene-vaccine victims are being made invisible at every turn
Australia’s 2022 excess deaths have mysteriously disappeared in the last few months.
Some complex technical work at the Australian Bureau of Statistics has erased the 15,140 excess deaths (not due to covid) reported in 2022.
The provisional mortality figure for 2022 was 190,394, which was 15.3 percent above the historical average, leaving 25,235 excess dead Australians, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reported in March.
The ABS said only 10,095 of these deaths (less than half) were due to covid. That means 15,140 excess deaths in 2022 were not due to covid.
But now those excess deaths have vanished from the ABS figures.

In July the ABS put out a report called Measuring Australia's excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic until the first quarter 2023.
In it, the number of 2022 excess deaths has gone down to 18,634.
Quite a drop from 25,235.
The ABS has included a “deaths above usual variation” figure to reduce that number even more, down to 10,587.
In percentage terms it’s down from the previous 15.3 percent to a much smaller 10.9 percent.
In another table the ABS lists the number of 2022 deaths “from or with covid” at 13,154.
Hey presto! The non-covid excess deaths have more than disappeared if you take the ABS “deaths above usual variation” figure of 10,587.
And of course that’s just what Moderna did when questioned by the Senate Education and Employment Legislation Committee inquiry on August 3.
Senator Malcolm Roberts asked Moderna if they could explain why excess deaths had increased as the gene-vaccine injections increased. Like all normal people, the good Senator thought he was on solid ground with the ABS data.
But Moderna director of scientific leadership Asia Pacific Chris Clarke, said:
“So, I read the report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics that looks at deaths, excess mortality up to the end of the first quarter of 2023. When I read that report, I noted that in 2020 and 2021 excess mortality was either within the normal range or slightly below. In 2022, we do see that there is excess mortality outside the normal range. But, in fact, it does appear to be actually due to the SARS-CoV-2 infections because the period in which excess mortality do correlate with spikes in disease activity. The ABS did an additional analysis where they subtracted the number of COVID deaths from the total number of deaths and when they did that, the mortality rate was actually within the expected range. So it suggests very clearly that the excess mortality that we’ve been observing in 2022 was actually due to the virus.”

This new release is very helpful for Moderna, Pfizer and the Department of Health and Aged Care.
For more than a year, the Department of Health and Aged Care has refused to issue the all-cause-mortality figures for 2021 and 2022 stratified by age and gene-vaccine status.
This is the one metric that would show the true extent of the gene-vaccine damage, as it would reveal the deaths that are obscured by a lack of accurate reporting.
The gene-vaccine has killed an unknown number of Australians by varied mechanisms including heart attack and stroke. Because these deaths are not reported to the TGA as gene-vaccine deaths, they are hidden from the numbers.
These hidden deaths would show in the all-cause mortality figures stratified by age and gene-vaccine status.
Clearly there is a problem to be investigated urgently, especially as the same problem is clear in other countries.
As Dr John Campbell notes, highly gene-vaccinated countries are showing higher levels of excess deaths than countries with low levels of gene-vaccine uptake.
Letters From Australia has repeatedly asked the Department of Health and Aged Care for the all-cause-mortality figures stratified by gene-vaccine status and age.
Their most recent response on June 30 said (again):
“The specific information requested has not been produced by the Department and complex technical work is required to analyse all-cause mortality data from Registries of Births, Deaths and Marriages alongside immunisation information recorded in the Australian Immunisation Register.
Consistent with previous correspondence, the Department takes the analysis of all-cause mortality and COVID-19 data seriously. Following peer review and broad expert support of confirmed methodologies for analysis, the Department is committed to transparency with its findings and its approach to analysing mortality outcomes.”
No complex technical work is needed: just release the raw, de-identified data so we can all see. This hasn’t been done in more than a year.
A lot of complex technical work appears to be occurring now at the ABS, causing people who died in 2022 (not from covid) to become invisible.
Letters From Australia asked the ABS the following four questions on Wednesday August 9, but has so far received no response. This story will be updated with any response.
1) Why is the ABS revising downwards the excess mortality figures?
2) How is it being downgraded? (By which I mean what is the methodology used?
3) Has the Health Minister or the Health Department asked the ABS to apply adjustments to the all-cause-mortality or excess deaths figures for 2021 and 2022 and if so what adjustments were asked for?
4) Has the ABS yet compiled the All-Cause-Mortality figures for 2021 and 2022 stratified by age and covid gene-vaccination status? Are you going to release the raw data without adjustments once compiled?
Please note: the term “gene-vaccine” is both accurate and necessary to distinguish these products from ordinary vaccines. Unlike ordinary vaccines, these products instruct cells to produce non-human spike proteins using a genetic sequence from the sars-cov-2 virus. This term does not make reference to interference with DNA.
Bravo Alison., great work! When they revised the excess deaths down, I wondered how they pulled it off. Eye-wincing attention to detail is needed to unravel this, which was beyond me. Why are other political parties, apart from the few who are speaking out, not screaming about this in Parliament? In front of the press every day? For example, as the opposition, the Liberal party would have dozens of statisticians, scientists, PhD researchers etc at their disposal to check some of this out and ask questions in the House. Their silence is deafening. Criminals, the whole bloody lot of them!
It is like a 1984-style Public-Private Partnership to continue and conceal criminality.
Which would make them all criminal conspirators. The Australian ones treasonous, to boot.
At this point is there a single Organ NOT implicated in some aspect of The Monster's Agenda? Complicit. I notice we're about to start jabbing livestock with MRNA (mandated, of course), for example.
On the bright side, knowing we have to start again makes things easier. Simply tear it all down and let God sort it out.
This Clown World is not fit for purpose. Or more correctly, it is, and its purpose is 100% Luciferian.
Enough, turning a blind eye to evil. No more.
Thanks for your doggedness, Alison.