Interestingly, regarding IV bags. A friend who worked for Tuta Laboratories in Australia says we were making plastic blood bags in the 1980s before the company was taken over by a foreign firm then sold overseas because there was no government support to keep the industry in Australia. The misallocation of mountains of tax dollars to the mRNA ecosystem going on now is all subject to public-private partnerships. The model is to team up a university with a Big Pharma company and the government funding. But who gets to profit when the public pays? The company? The contracts are suspiciously secret. There's no transparency. So what if an Australian university helps invent a product if the company takes the patent rights. And again - a mountain of money is being redirected to a technology that is not as useful or safe as advertised, at the expense of the basic needs of the citizens.
And we know who will be getting the profits - not us!
Like the mining industry, our governments feed these companies with funding (either directly or via tax breaks) and let them keep the profits for themselves (perhaps one or two or several of our politicians will have substantial share-holdings). We the people are supposed to be grateful for the jobs they are creating...
That's on top of all the concerns about the mRNA technology, which is an outrage in itself.
No surprise. In the US, everything was made here. Since companies moved out since 1990's, we manufacture very little at all here. It's not by accident, & it's really difficult to compete with slave labor elsewhere. So many old name companies are no longer producing dependable appliances for instance. American made hot water heaters lasted decades, but nearly all made in Red China now, average life is 10 years as opposed to my personal experience of an American made water heater lasting 42 yrs, replaced in end of 2012, & already replaced with a new one again in 2023. Same experience with an electric stove, already have replaced twice. It's ridiculous!
Anytime I see a shortage in Australia, at first I thought "supply chain" and "tyranny of distance."
But when it became essential medicines, a little light went off in my brain: What if it is because they want to reformulate essential medicines to ensure that we all get the nanotech?
Saline is one of the products which Dr. David Nixon has grown some little nano-beasties from.
This is brilliant, thank you Alison... Yet again I'll be forwarding this article... Great work... These factories are sinister, not only in their funding, but the fact they are manufacturing something that's been proven to cause death and injury... It's very concept has death and injury written all over it...
These factories scare the crap out of me, like they're wanting an endless inescapable supply of this rubbish.
Even if you were super pro vax, I mean "super super pro vax", surely the fact that an Adelaide professor had what sounds like an extremely viable non mRNA vaccine for covid, you'd have to question why did our government not throw money into that?
That would have meant local jobs, money for the government, and ongoing development of a local product. Yet not only was this guy silenced and censored, he was actively fined $300,000 by the TGA for uttering his vaccine's name!? Think about that... All we heard on the news was Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca etc. BEFORE the products were on the market, with representatives of that company talking up their products... Yet the local guy was fined $300,000 and ignored, perhaps even gaslighted by our own government.
Seeing all this unfolding I feel like I'm in some alternative reality at the moment, something akin to invasion of the body snatchers where everyone is in the cult and there's only a few of us left for them to conquer. I can't believe so many are going along with it all. Especially scientists.
thank you steve, super kind. Yes i know what you mean by feeling like we lurched into some alternate reality. These factories are a bad sign particularly the melbourne one. You don't have to look far to see the hand of Barda, the militarised arm of US Health and Human Services behind the push for all this, and CEPI of course (which is to say Bill Gates and WEF and WHO)
I heard recently on a cafe locked out podcast that a Victorian gp who was raided by police and patient files taken and suspended by AHPRA that AHPRA was not acting under a law, but under a memorandum of understanding with the health department. That would make all of their oppressive actions illegal?
You’d think so, but those at the top don’t think like us. Those at the top think only of themselves, and they don’t like us!!!
AHPRA is a damned disgrace! Elizabeth Hart has the goods on them. She got from AHPRA, in writing, that informed consent must be obtained from the jabbee. I fail to see how that could’ve been done with drive through jab places, and anywhere else, because AHPRA said in a letter that no health practitioner could speak badly of these cursed jabs.
Is any of this going to change? Maybe if we make it. DO NOT COMPLY. DO NOT PUT UP WITH THIS SHOT ROT!!!
yep they don't like us one bit. I went to Lizard Island where you can camp on the barrier reef... and i saw their culture in microcosm. What they want is for the billionaires in their private resort waited on hand and foot. They want only so many young and good looking servants to cook and clean and drive them around, and take them out in the boat. Then the Museum research station is on the island also. They love it because they get proximity to the billionaires in the private resort. They run tours for them. The billionaires love the scientists because they get to feel super privileged and smart.
then because it's public land, they can't own it, the barrier reef is a national park, there's a token campsite for boaties and the public. less than 15m from the water (crocodile threat) with no running water. You're told in no uncertain terms not to go anywhere near the private resort they don't want to see or hear YOU the public.
and that's the template. that's the 15-minute cities. We will be herded into a pen so the the billionaires don't have to look at us or feel like we're chewing up "their" resources or living on "their" wide open land.
and the science elite gets to go along and feel like they're billionaires too
Check out Kate Mason substack she has a lot of information about land transfer and plans of local, state and fed gov. Plus I think the move to give Indigenous people land back is only temporary, they will steel it back once it is out of private and state ownership. I heard that hikers in the blue mountains have found 80% of trails have been closed with signs warning you not to enter. It is really happening and fast, scary stuff. It is time to act now, move to vote for the right people in local councils for starters.
Sadly I was coerced, had one Pfizer and am vax free injured- pericarditis permanent heard damage and other issues. I went to one of Dan Andrews hubs - guess what no batch number on my vax card
sorry to hear that Julie, I am so sorry. I wish I could make it better in some way but I can't. You could join Dr Melissa McCann's class action perhaps? Court date is due in December
I’m ok my neurones are still synapsing most of the time. Last 3 years have been tough, accepting loss but f quality is f life, and realising I’m probably living on borrowed time time. Emotionally it’s been hard to stay positive and motivation waxes and wanes. Overall I can’t really complain I’m not dead and soon to be 72 I’ve had a life- good bad and ugly unlike the relatively younger people who are living with crippling outcomes and will never have a normal life.
Shame on these Basditios who did this to you Julie and the many others who believed the corporate grubberment lies. May they rot in hell.
Don't give in, stand strong, take the known natural preventives and believe in yourself. I note your replies/viewing points in many substacks and I appreciate your input.
You are more worthy than these Parasitic Basditios who deem us their slaves. They have no clue what awaits them.
Good article thanks for the dedication exposing the wasteful exercise of it all for a virus that's never ever been proven to exist.
Why is it that government doesn't have the best interests of the people in mind but the profits of the unaccountable transnational corporations?
For the same reason that Australia is nothing more than a US vassal state - with a couple of exceptions - Canberra's politici are utterly spineless.
In the end the only logical solution is for Australia to stand on it's own - instead of catering to Washington's increasing illogical diktat as a weak and submissive servant.
And we desperately need to reinvent our own gov’t-like give most of them the boot. They don’t care about us-they only care about what WEF/UN/WHO, and assorted billionaires think of them.
I can’t help but see that spineless PM AnAL who is the most useless PM we’ve had for a long time, I can’t help but see him and “vaccine Joe” Bill Gates both grinning stupidly into the camera. What’s the bet he thinks Gates really cares about him, and will look after him if we don’t get him first!
Why do these stupid politicians and police and ADF and doctors and jabbing nurses, pharmacists, technicians etc, why do they think WEF et al will look after them? NO, they must be made to see that once they’ve outlived their usefulness to these entities, that they will become just like the rest of us-they will simply go from useful idiots to useless eaters, and be put 6 foot under or ashes or whatever, and that we will never stop hating them!
I’m trying to be Christian, but how can I forgive these people who sold us out, killed and maimed us, and only cared about their own ego? The good Lord will have to help me out on this one. I’m not Jesus who said “Father forgive them, they know not what they do”.
Our gov’t does know what it’s doing-trying to kill the lot of us for a few dollars in the pocket. Our gov’t is Judas Iscariot personified.
Who invented government in the first place and for what purpose...government appears to be a tool for empire.
Long term, career public servants are part of the problem as they'll not risk jeopardizing their generously funded positions by speaking out against policies which make no sense.
Think of Andrew Wilkie who spoke out against the no WMD In Iraq at the time and had his career ruined because of it - or Kevin Rudd who was unceremoniously replaced - no thanks to a CIA orchestrated inner party coup - while serving as PM by someone who was far friendlier to Washington's illogical agenda - these are just some of the reasons why Australia should stand on it's own.
It's a system that's flawed by design - IMO - fictional characters should have no influence over matters of government.
I'm all for self rule and perhaps that ought to include anarchism as opposed to being ruled from afar.
And then we haven't even touched on Australia's tribal people who have their own laws and customs yet were brutally colonized and subjected to being ruled by the colonizers.
good point about public servants. Colonisation was a bit more complex however, some of it was brutal notably in Tasmania, but other areas it was simply settlement and a meeting of two cultures. The last of the Pintupi walked out of the Western Desert in 1984 and were angry their relatives hadn't told them about the supermarket for example. They'd never seen glass before. I have read some of the earliest newspapers when Sydney as a colony was only 15 years old and it's quite interesting to read the earliest interactions. They mostly centred around food. Aboriginal people liked the new foods, the melons, the sheep. The British tried to get them into farming and homestead living. There was cultural exchange that was not at all brutal or exploitative going on there, too.
Just read something on Pintuba 9 which is an Interesting story - One thing led to another an in the end their relatives went looking for them and persuaded them to move to Kiwirrkurra - the part with the supermarket wasn't mentioned also it's a 2 day drive to get there.
Hi Finn, you make so many good points! I don’t know who invented gov’t-especially gov’t like ours which are corporations! Since 1975 or thereabouts, Australia is a corporation owned by America. America’s gov’t also is a corporation-I don’t know who owns them! But it must be the bankers of course.
I definitely agree that career public servants are a problem-they will literally sell their souls to stay in these lucrative jobs! I remember the Andrew Wilkie thing-is he still in parliament or is it a different Wilkie?
As for Prime Ministers-they get replaced all the time over the last 20-25 years or so. I don’t even believe voting is worthwhile these days-PMs like American presidents seem to be selected rather than elected. We should have self rule, but the way the world is going I can’t see that happening. WEF/UN/WHO and those above them want one-world government-and they want it by 2030-Agenda 2030. That’s why things are happening more quickly lately-they want this system in before most people wake up to it!
So whatever they come up with, we DO NOT COMPLY-digital ID, CBDCs etc. They want Digital ID in place before end of THIS year! I have a myGov account, but I’m going to hold out on linking anything at all to it. And I don’t have a fully functioning mobile phone, nor do I want one.
The indigenous people should insist on using their own tribal laws and other methods and get away from westernisation, not gravitate towards it.
All I know is centralisation is coming at us swiftly, and I do NOT want it!
Just-what do you mean that fictional characters should have no influence over government? I agree, but I don’t really get you.
We’re not going to get anywhere until we either get completely rid of gov’t, make them completely irrelevant to us, and/or hold them accountable.
Wilkie is still an independent MP seeking re-election.
I see conflicting articles on Australia being a US registered corporation
I consider deities and corporations to be fictional characters so no religion and business meddling in the world of government.
America's government is controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard - no thanks to Trump - Blackrock gained control over the Fed plus the treasury - [the Biden admin has Blackrock on the staff] while Obama had Goldman Sachs people and lets mention that former AU PM Malcolm Turnbull was Australia's Ceo for Goldman Sachs [and sealed the deal on the sovereignty shredding TPP]
Voting is pointless - It serves to create the illusion of a Democracy where it's possible to change the way things are if only enough people voted for the right mandarin - however nothing ever changes for the better as is evident by the way more and more civil rights are being lost truthtellers and whistle blowers alike are persecuted while Canberra's politici support for war crimes cannot be denied - they've become complicit yet there's no accountability which is reserved for truthtellers and whistleblowers.
Albanesi is one of Klaus Schwabstick's WEF puppets operating in Australala's government.
There's so much more to this.
Selfrule is the only logical alternative to being ruled by a spineless government which receives their instructions from even furter afield.
This article by Paul Cudenic should be of interest - Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!
“Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities of the right to shape their own destinies”.
Yes indeed Finn, this fellow knows what he’s talking about-and it’s good to hear this from someone in Europe! I downloaded the pdf. There’s also this from Michael in Australia-a lot of work, and some solutions here. Many of us know, but we are disjointed for now
Thanks for this Finn-will have a look at the article.
I agree with everything you say-especially voting. I once said-what if we (as many as possible) turn up to vote, get our names crossed off, and vote for no one-scribble on the papers, write messages or nothing-I looked it up-this sort of thing is counted as no vote. It’s not a “donkey vote”-that is when people just write 1,2,3,4 etc down the ballot, just in order of the names. But these “donkey votes” still count.
I realise we’d need big numbers of people doing this, but it might help.
We need to do something, as we’re all going to end up with nothing! When people realise they have nothing left to lose, is it only then that they’ll do something?
And here's the thing - remember the 60's, when the UK decided that Australia was their very own personal nuclear test site?
I don't see these mRNA plants proliferating in the US - and certainly not at the per-capita level that it is happening here! I think they got a case of NIMBY.
That’s if people are silly enough to want an “electric” vehicle. I reckon they’re just “combustible vehicles”-so many fires! And try getting out of one if you’re stuck in it!
Hope you are well rrodynmac. The only thing I like about EV's is the lack of toxic smells from petrol and diesel. Sure does make the air cleaner. But we need clean energy from fossil fuels, I think they can make it better but don't want to spend the money in improving air quality. EV's are also good if you have your own solar energy, saves you a lot of money. But I won't be able to afford one anytime soon. And because I rent there are no solar panels so defeats the purpose if I am still using the grid to charge up. Yes batteries are a big issue still, nees a lot of improving and they cost a bomb to replace if you need to.
Yep, I’m good as ever Koala, still learning about gov’t treason against us all!
Hope you are well too Koala! I live bush, so the air quality around here isn’t bad. But if I go to a regional city the air changes, and I haven’t been to a capital city since not long before covid came to Our Country. So I’ve forgotten how bad the air quality can be! I must be ingesting too much aluminium from the chemtrails. Now those are the worst polluters!
Wow David, I’m a bit late here, but that Disinformation Playbook document looks very concerning. I’ve downloaded it and will have a look when time permits. I’m glad I had a quick look. Thanks very much for the link!
I reckon a lot of people miss out on important stuff because they choose not to look at a link. I’m not a fan of videos (unless they’re 15 minutes or less, or have text). I often find myself thinking “come on, get on with it.” I guess that’s called impatience!
Thanks, that triggered a memory - Sadly - Australia's government granted immunity to foreign troops and foreign police back in 2020 - ''Unidentifiable Police'' appear to have been active during Melbourne lockdowns.
Not as yet, Finn, no. I’ve mainly been looking at o/s productions, such as Vera Sharav’s 5 part series Never Again is Now Global and others, as well as interviews and papers.
All good I'll post a link here so you will be able to bookmark it and watch it when you have the time.
I appreciate your and everyone's responses however due to some dark and mysterious reason I'm not able to show my appreciation by liking comments, not even on my backup pc.
For awake people who are still working, I don’t blame them for not going any further. What I find particularly odd are others in my age group who say nothing, regardless of their vaccination status. All the best
David, did substack tell you I’m starting a newsletter? I ask because I got a message saying you’ve subscribed to me. I’m not starting a newsletter-I don’t know why they said this, if they said it!
They were also assisting police kidnapping elders from remote communities in the Northern Territory and taking them to the quarantine camp for forced vax.
The elephant in the room is that, due it's fundamental flaws, it's a technology that's never been demonstrated to work that well, i.e. safely in the long term and effectively.
There's a reason it wasn't allowed to leave Kariko's lab for years and Moderna was heading for bankruptcy.
Fundamental flaws are many:
You need to turn down the immune system via PRRs using m1u to stop it being quickly destroyed. Unfortunately these immune pathways are exactly the ones you need to make good vaccines and especially for targeting tumors. You don't get IgA mucosal immunity. In other words it's second rate for both vaccines and cancer treatments, which is why trials have largely been a flop to date. The tumor or virus quickly evolves away from antigen specific responses, so you still need cancer surgery and to use existing treatments.
Dosing is another flaw as this is highly variable and difficult to control. Some tissues accumulate more than others, probably not the ones where you want it to target. And the LNP carriers are well known for their to accumulate for months in the liver & other organs, with cytotoxicity & inflammatory signalling.
Safety cannot be assessed adequately with the big sell of a rapid turnaround. 100 days is not long enough to detect long term conditions you may have initiated despite your best predictions - autoimmune disorders, cancers, class switching, PD-1 upregulation, endothelial damage, amyloidosis and so on. Our understanding of cellular pathways and how the immune system actually works still has many gaps.
Quality control is another issue they are aware of: Adulteration with dsRNA and plasmid DNA, SV40 promoters. The regulators still haven't even begun to address this. Done properly I suspect it either suppresses IFNb responses to get the immune response they want to show shareholders and would probably render most of the production uneconomic. But it could be done and needs to happen.
If it works so well please release all the records from last time and do the same again over at least ten years, at no greater than small scale stage 2, not a mass EUA.
You have lost the publics trust, quite rightly due to repeated failure to own up, take responsibility, release the data and properly compensate the injured or families of the dead.
You deserve utter contempt and it's your job to try to earn it back over a long period, not treat us all like fools, doubling down and pretending it will all come good when the evidence is abundant that it's a failed tech, apart from for some specific applications.
AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation - Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.
Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):
: Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023
As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?
The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.
The rest you will have to see on my free sustack - also a separate post recently - what is in the vaccines and their purpose (nanotechnology) and another post giving you a letter which you could use t orefuse vaccines including the Common Law for Australia on the right to refuse vaccines, etc
I have seen your interview with Dr. John Campbell. I love Forest of the Fallen.
I don't understand the idea of only paid subscribers allowed to post on some of your articles. That is typically the practice of those spreading mis and disinformation. Maybe you should reconsider this? You did mention with John not being able to see dissenting views, which is what this practice does.
hi there, thanks for that -- me I don't have any paid subscribers, all my work on substack is free. You might have confused a cross post - cross posting is when I share another person's substack here. They may have paid subscribers on their substack.
Dr Mike Yeadon - he might change his mind this way or that, but he's still a man of 40 years' expertise in drug discovery so no matter what he thinks about some other topic here or there, he still has something of value to say. Yes I saw he said Ivermectin was a sterilising agent, and Dr Tess Lawrie I think rebutted it. Disagreement over science is normal.
Yes I disagree with the idea that there are no viruses, what else is chicken pox etc?
You are correct about cross posting, and I was mistaken. Sorry about that. I learn something new everyday. It's strange though viewers reading someone else's post on your site, can't comment on it here.
He still has something of value?
A man's character is judged by his good deeds. To mislead and deceive hardly fall in that category. He knows better. He's a career scientist for crying out loud. I have more disdain for him knowing he has 40 years of expertise. He's using his experience as a platform to spread disinformation. Oh,.. I'm a former Big Pharma exec, in charge of blah, blah, blah, so I know...
Dr. Yeadon misleading that church group, saying there is no virus and Ivermectin is toxic, could be very harmful. Strangely, it reminds me of Jim Jones and the "Jonestown" event.
I remember the ivermectin business with Dr Yeadon-he said it could cause infertility if taken with another drug (but I can’t remember which drug). So he said if people are not informed of the interaction it could cause infertility. Interest of Justice has the story, I’ll see if I can find it.
I also used to believe in viruses, before covid. But no one has ever isolated a pathogenic virus. People claim to have mapped the “genome” of them, I guess it could be called that. No one has ever seen a virus, not even with an electron microscope. I think people can see a “lump”. This could be a bit of exosome, or something else that’s dead.
I heard the other day, that the mapping of the human genome is incomplete-some parts left out!
Having said that though, I don’t know what causes things like chicken pox, measles, if there are no viruses.
We know radio waves, microwaves, radiation in general can cause the “symptoms of covid”. Spanish flu came about at the same time wirelesses were invented.
As for the debate you speak of, it was my understanding that Dr Yeadon asked Tess Lawrie to debate him about the ivermectin thing. There was a condition he wanted though, before the debate, again memory fails me. I’ll try to find what he said.
He is also involved in a court case with Interest of Justice for crimes against humanity.
Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs ever produced by Big Pharma. 100 times safer than aspirin or Tylenol with hardly any drug interactions to speak of. There is a moderate interaction with warfarin (blood thinner). But then, there are many drug interactions with warfarin, including interactions with many foods...
Dr. Yeadon cannot be trusted, period. Not after his ridiculous statement on Ivermectin. He is using his 40 years of expertise to deceive and mislead...
Viruses exists. They are collected, cataloged, and stockpiled in storage facilities across Eastern Europe to this day. They are isolated and purified as required for therapeutic administration. These are the facts. Nothing anyone says can make these facts disappear...
There’s a lot of info here re existence of the”covid” virus and other viruses, what Dr Yeadon said (under red arrows so the comments can’t be missed), what Dr Lawrie said, what Tim Truth said.
I admit I was surprised to hear Dr Yeadon speak badly of Ivermectin, but the whole thing is pretty much laid out here.
As I have said, nothing anyone says can make these facts disappear. Doesn't anyone click links anymore?
Phages are actually the smallest size viruses there are. They would have to be to infect bacteria. And there are more bacteria in your gut, than there are cells in the human body. So to say, phages are not harmful or helpful to humans is a huge misnomer. Please look over the evidence before commenting. And the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been thoroughly photographed. You'd have to be living under a rock not to know this. There are photographs everywhere.
And no matter what Dr. Yeadon produces it's complete bullshit. Why do I say that? Cause it can't supersede 40 years of the historical record. As in historical fact.
Dr. Yeadon is not the Ringmaster of the Greatest Show on Earth. He is at best, nothing but a side clown to be laughed at. My disdain towards someone who knows better, could not be greater.
Only just discovered this shocking news of Macquarie's collusion-in-culling, made even more shocking by the fact that I spent fourteen years at Macquarie both as a student and then tutoring and lecturing in the School of Biological Sciences. Thank you for this alert, your excellent investigative journalism, and for holding a Forest on the very demolition site! During my time associated with academia I watched the gutting and destruction of universities as institutes of learning by the government withdrawal of funding, turning academics into intellectual prostitutes for "public-private-partnership-pimps", churning out papers and grant proposals at the expense of their teaching. Thirty years down the track they don't even seem to mind producing transfection-poisons for a living. Makes me sick to the stomach. So glad I got out of that soul-destroying machinery.
yes i remember that happening to the universities, too. They used to be for educating the next generation and for academic inquiry and exploratory learning and research.... then after the 1990s it became all about industry. They became factories churning out degrees for cash
Labor WA proudly announced a couple years back they'd spent 11 Billion and counting on covid. So the 18 Billion must be Federal, yes our taxes but it's so much worse.
Yes, the Garvan and Kirby institutes as well. As for Macquarie University, I’ll be writing to its Vice-Chancellor, S. Bruce Dowton, with much of the evidence against the jabs including the new GMO video from Julian Gillespie’s Substack and AMPS’ study into excess deaths. I now only focus on the mRNA shots, nothing else; Dowton and others like him may worry about themselves and their loved ones if they’ve taken them. Things might start to change then.
If we end up with a social credit system, then hopefully it will be without these dreaded injections.
Yes - digitised compliance. Hopefully, we won’t get to the stage of riots in major cities around the world, as with the Poll Tax riots in London:
This is seriously scary stuff going on here Surely the Laws need changing to all vaccines Companies be made liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries asap They have a license to murder innocent people Surely this needs to change.. If Car manufacturers were not liable for making cars with faulty brakes there would be an outcry and would go bankrupt
My view is, that the contracts with the pharmaceutical companies were unconstitutional and this means that pharmaceutical companies can be held legally accountable for the harm inflicted upon Australians. As for politicians: Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step, not beyond the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the different colonies, and say that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous principle that the Ministers of the Crown and their officials shall be liable for any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as any private person would be.
The Commonwealth still exist but the politicians are pretending otherwise. As long as we do not accept their nonsense and TREASON we will continue to have the Commonwealth as provided by the Framers of the Constitution. As I proved in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 (representing myself) that the Commonwealth DPP and the 9 Attorney-Generals couldn't defeat me! And this underlines that as long as you stand your ground they more than likely find not to have the power they held they had!
If only it could be done so simply. It won’t change until we get rid of our rotten to the core governments, at all 3 levels. Council/shires are going to be managing 15 minute cities/20 minute neighbourhoods, which will be our digital prisons.
We will be forced into these places, have no private car, only be allowed to walk, bicycle, scooter, public transport our way around (a nightmare for disabled). And we won’t be allowed to leave.
We have to get into our councils’ faces, and make sure we will not accept this. Same for CBDCs.
If we don’t step up and at least act locally, we are doomed. So we fight this, and maybe win, with casualties, as this is war, or we do nothing and live as slaves.
What was fascinating to me was how COVID changed my own behaviour. I didn't HAVE to restrict myself to a 15 minute zone around my house - but I did. The more they COVID'd, the closer I stayed to home. My map of comfort has shrunk; I already live in a 15 minute city, even though it's not enforced. Just a matter of throwing some switches to make it firm.
While the Federal government, both coalition and now ALP has been seeking to prevent publications exposing the "covid scam" I commenced to expose on 8 April 2020 to the Victorian Ombudsman and on 13 April 2020 to the Victorian Human Rights Commission as well as to federal and state politicians that the MANDATES were unconstitutional. IBAC on 19 April 2020 held that it was not of "public interest". This year I learned that one of my adult sons was coerced in having the jabs and is given 2 years to live. I pursue to hold the politicians and their collaborators legally accountable for the mass murder, crimes against humanity, etc. Since 6 August 2021, I commenced to lodge my complaint to the Australian Federal Police, but it too blatantly ignored this. Well more than 7,000 pages is the complaint so far. Then LAWFARE ended upon my wife and I, and trespassing (climbing over the fence), etc, and my wife ended up scared to death in a wheelchair and last month passed away. I am on a mission of legal accountability and will continue to do so. As a self0educated constitutionalist I ion 19 July 2006 defeated the Commonwealth and 9 Attorney-Generals in two cases in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka (representing myself). I stopped paying the unconstitutional "council rates" for various reasons! You can read it up at my blog (I do not charge for downloading!). My motto is; MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL®.
Good for you, Mr G.H. I am though, very sorry to read of the passing of your wife, and the fate of your adult son. Maybe he’ll keep going longer, God willing.
So the “law” climbed over your fence, clearly trespassing, and terrified your poor wife. So brave, weren’t they? I wish you all the best on your mission.
I’ll have a good look at your blog, thanks very much sir !
The signs not only shows "ENTRY PROHBITED" but sites 5 court judgments but the so called ""Law Enforcement agency" holds they are above the law. About a week before my wife died, they claim I was speeding by 6 km and issued a $275 fine. By 31 October they claimed it was a massive $24,018.90 and I lodged a complaint that the next day 1 November they reduced it to $662.40. Just that as a constitutionalist they picked upon the wrong person! Nothing can rectify the suffering of my wife, but I certainly can pursue to hold them legally accountable. After all, if they did it to use they can do it to others, like the "covid scam" and I am determined to make sure that we avoid a repeat!
Interestingly, regarding IV bags. A friend who worked for Tuta Laboratories in Australia says we were making plastic blood bags in the 1980s before the company was taken over by a foreign firm then sold overseas because there was no government support to keep the industry in Australia. The misallocation of mountains of tax dollars to the mRNA ecosystem going on now is all subject to public-private partnerships. The model is to team up a university with a Big Pharma company and the government funding. But who gets to profit when the public pays? The company? The contracts are suspiciously secret. There's no transparency. So what if an Australian university helps invent a product if the company takes the patent rights. And again - a mountain of money is being redirected to a technology that is not as useful or safe as advertised, at the expense of the basic needs of the citizens.
There's a link to a reference to Tuta Laboraties of Lane Cove in a patent application here:
And we know who will be getting the profits - not us!
Like the mining industry, our governments feed these companies with funding (either directly or via tax breaks) and let them keep the profits for themselves (perhaps one or two or several of our politicians will have substantial share-holdings). We the people are supposed to be grateful for the jobs they are creating...
That's on top of all the concerns about the mRNA technology, which is an outrage in itself.
But are any of us surprised?
Who exactly will survive the jabs to fill those killer jobs? I wonder...
Australia is embarrassingly short of the essential medical supplies which we no longer know how to make for ourselves as per here:
No surprise. In the US, everything was made here. Since companies moved out since 1990's, we manufacture very little at all here. It's not by accident, & it's really difficult to compete with slave labor elsewhere. So many old name companies are no longer producing dependable appliances for instance. American made hot water heaters lasted decades, but nearly all made in Red China now, average life is 10 years as opposed to my personal experience of an American made water heater lasting 42 yrs, replaced in end of 2012, & already replaced with a new one again in 2023. Same experience with an electric stove, already have replaced twice. It's ridiculous!
Anytime I see a shortage in Australia, at first I thought "supply chain" and "tyranny of distance."
But when it became essential medicines, a little light went off in my brain: What if it is because they want to reformulate essential medicines to ensure that we all get the nanotech?
Saline is one of the products which Dr. David Nixon has grown some little nano-beasties from.
When you see "shortage," think "reformulation."
This is brilliant, thank you Alison... Yet again I'll be forwarding this article... Great work... These factories are sinister, not only in their funding, but the fact they are manufacturing something that's been proven to cause death and injury... It's very concept has death and injury written all over it...
These factories scare the crap out of me, like they're wanting an endless inescapable supply of this rubbish.
Even if you were super pro vax, I mean "super super pro vax", surely the fact that an Adelaide professor had what sounds like an extremely viable non mRNA vaccine for covid, you'd have to question why did our government not throw money into that?
That would have meant local jobs, money for the government, and ongoing development of a local product. Yet not only was this guy silenced and censored, he was actively fined $300,000 by the TGA for uttering his vaccine's name!? Think about that... All we heard on the news was Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca etc. BEFORE the products were on the market, with representatives of that company talking up their products... Yet the local guy was fined $300,000 and ignored, perhaps even gaslighted by our own government.
Even though none of the vaxs could ever possibly work by the sounds of things (stimulation of IgG antibodies rather than IgA antibodies) as per Professor Steele's statements - Australian Molecular and Cellular Immunologist, Geneticist & Microbiologist ( )
Seeing all this unfolding I feel like I'm in some alternative reality at the moment, something akin to invasion of the body snatchers where everyone is in the cult and there's only a few of us left for them to conquer. I can't believe so many are going along with it all. Especially scientists.
thank you steve, super kind. Yes i know what you mean by feeling like we lurched into some alternate reality. These factories are a bad sign particularly the melbourne one. You don't have to look far to see the hand of Barda, the militarised arm of US Health and Human Services behind the push for all this, and CEPI of course (which is to say Bill Gates and WEF and WHO)
I heard recently on a cafe locked out podcast that a Victorian gp who was raided by police and patient files taken and suspended by AHPRA that AHPRA was not acting under a law, but under a memorandum of understanding with the health department. That would make all of their oppressive actions illegal?
You’d think so, but those at the top don’t think like us. Those at the top think only of themselves, and they don’t like us!!!
AHPRA is a damned disgrace! Elizabeth Hart has the goods on them. She got from AHPRA, in writing, that informed consent must be obtained from the jabbee. I fail to see how that could’ve been done with drive through jab places, and anywhere else, because AHPRA said in a letter that no health practitioner could speak badly of these cursed jabs.
Is any of this going to change? Maybe if we make it. DO NOT COMPLY. DO NOT PUT UP WITH THIS SHOT ROT!!!
yep they don't like us one bit. I went to Lizard Island where you can camp on the barrier reef... and i saw their culture in microcosm. What they want is for the billionaires in their private resort waited on hand and foot. They want only so many young and good looking servants to cook and clean and drive them around, and take them out in the boat. Then the Museum research station is on the island also. They love it because they get proximity to the billionaires in the private resort. They run tours for them. The billionaires love the scientists because they get to feel super privileged and smart.
then because it's public land, they can't own it, the barrier reef is a national park, there's a token campsite for boaties and the public. less than 15m from the water (crocodile threat) with no running water. You're told in no uncertain terms not to go anywhere near the private resort they don't want to see or hear YOU the public.
and that's the template. that's the 15-minute cities. We will be herded into a pen so the the billionaires don't have to look at us or feel like we're chewing up "their" resources or living on "their" wide open land.
and the science elite gets to go along and feel like they're billionaires too
Check out Kate Mason substack she has a lot of information about land transfer and plans of local, state and fed gov. Plus I think the move to give Indigenous people land back is only temporary, they will steel it back once it is out of private and state ownership. I heard that hikers in the blue mountains have found 80% of trails have been closed with signs warning you not to enter. It is really happening and fast, scary stuff. It is time to act now, move to vote for the right people in local councils for starters.
Sadly I was coerced, had one Pfizer and am vax free injured- pericarditis permanent heard damage and other issues. I went to one of Dan Andrews hubs - guess what no batch number on my vax card
sorry to hear that Julie, I am so sorry. I wish I could make it better in some way but I can't. You could join Dr Melissa McCann's class action perhaps? Court date is due in December
I understand, so many of us thought we had to have these things, but no batch number is incompetence. I hope you’re feeling ok. 🙂
I’m ok my neurones are still synapsing most of the time. Last 3 years have been tough, accepting loss but f quality is f life, and realising I’m probably living on borrowed time time. Emotionally it’s been hard to stay positive and motivation waxes and wanes. Overall I can’t really complain I’m not dead and soon to be 72 I’ve had a life- good bad and ugly unlike the relatively younger people who are living with crippling outcomes and will never have a normal life.
Shame on these Basditios who did this to you Julie and the many others who believed the corporate grubberment lies. May they rot in hell.
Don't give in, stand strong, take the known natural preventives and believe in yourself. I note your replies/viewing points in many substacks and I appreciate your input.
You are more worthy than these Parasitic Basditios who deem us their slaves. They have no clue what awaits them.
You’re a real trooper Julie! We’re all on borrowed time now, so you’re not alone, no way!
I feel for the young ones also. Very much so.
sounds awful i hope they have a good lawyer
It’s all about money and gene technology changing our God given genes. And death from these things
Good article thanks for the dedication exposing the wasteful exercise of it all for a virus that's never ever been proven to exist.
Why is it that government doesn't have the best interests of the people in mind but the profits of the unaccountable transnational corporations?
For the same reason that Australia is nothing more than a US vassal state - with a couple of exceptions - Canberra's politici are utterly spineless.
In the end the only logical solution is for Australia to stand on it's own - instead of catering to Washington's increasing illogical diktat as a weak and submissive servant.
And we desperately need to reinvent our own gov’t-like give most of them the boot. They don’t care about us-they only care about what WEF/UN/WHO, and assorted billionaires think of them.
I can’t help but see that spineless PM AnAL who is the most useless PM we’ve had for a long time, I can’t help but see him and “vaccine Joe” Bill Gates both grinning stupidly into the camera. What’s the bet he thinks Gates really cares about him, and will look after him if we don’t get him first!
Why do these stupid politicians and police and ADF and doctors and jabbing nurses, pharmacists, technicians etc, why do they think WEF et al will look after them? NO, they must be made to see that once they’ve outlived their usefulness to these entities, that they will become just like the rest of us-they will simply go from useful idiots to useless eaters, and be put 6 foot under or ashes or whatever, and that we will never stop hating them!
I’m trying to be Christian, but how can I forgive these people who sold us out, killed and maimed us, and only cared about their own ego? The good Lord will have to help me out on this one. I’m not Jesus who said “Father forgive them, they know not what they do”.
Our gov’t does know what it’s doing-trying to kill the lot of us for a few dollars in the pocket. Our gov’t is Judas Iscariot personified.
Who invented government in the first place and for what purpose...government appears to be a tool for empire.
Long term, career public servants are part of the problem as they'll not risk jeopardizing their generously funded positions by speaking out against policies which make no sense.
Think of Andrew Wilkie who spoke out against the no WMD In Iraq at the time and had his career ruined because of it - or Kevin Rudd who was unceremoniously replaced - no thanks to a CIA orchestrated inner party coup - while serving as PM by someone who was far friendlier to Washington's illogical agenda - these are just some of the reasons why Australia should stand on it's own.
It's a system that's flawed by design - IMO - fictional characters should have no influence over matters of government.
I'm all for self rule and perhaps that ought to include anarchism as opposed to being ruled from afar.
And then we haven't even touched on Australia's tribal people who have their own laws and customs yet were brutally colonized and subjected to being ruled by the colonizers.
good point about public servants. Colonisation was a bit more complex however, some of it was brutal notably in Tasmania, but other areas it was simply settlement and a meeting of two cultures. The last of the Pintupi walked out of the Western Desert in 1984 and were angry their relatives hadn't told them about the supermarket for example. They'd never seen glass before. I have read some of the earliest newspapers when Sydney as a colony was only 15 years old and it's quite interesting to read the earliest interactions. They mostly centred around food. Aboriginal people liked the new foods, the melons, the sheep. The British tried to get them into farming and homestead living. There was cultural exchange that was not at all brutal or exploitative going on there, too.
Just read something on Pintuba 9 which is an Interesting story - One thing led to another an in the end their relatives went looking for them and persuaded them to move to Kiwirrkurra - the part with the supermarket wasn't mentioned also it's a 2 day drive to get there.
Hi Finn, you make so many good points! I don’t know who invented gov’t-especially gov’t like ours which are corporations! Since 1975 or thereabouts, Australia is a corporation owned by America. America’s gov’t also is a corporation-I don’t know who owns them! But it must be the bankers of course.
I definitely agree that career public servants are a problem-they will literally sell their souls to stay in these lucrative jobs! I remember the Andrew Wilkie thing-is he still in parliament or is it a different Wilkie?
As for Prime Ministers-they get replaced all the time over the last 20-25 years or so. I don’t even believe voting is worthwhile these days-PMs like American presidents seem to be selected rather than elected. We should have self rule, but the way the world is going I can’t see that happening. WEF/UN/WHO and those above them want one-world government-and they want it by 2030-Agenda 2030. That’s why things are happening more quickly lately-they want this system in before most people wake up to it!
So whatever they come up with, we DO NOT COMPLY-digital ID, CBDCs etc. They want Digital ID in place before end of THIS year! I have a myGov account, but I’m going to hold out on linking anything at all to it. And I don’t have a fully functioning mobile phone, nor do I want one.
The indigenous people should insist on using their own tribal laws and other methods and get away from westernisation, not gravitate towards it.
All I know is centralisation is coming at us swiftly, and I do NOT want it!
Just-what do you mean that fictional characters should have no influence over government? I agree, but I don’t really get you.
We’re not going to get anywhere until we either get completely rid of gov’t, make them completely irrelevant to us, and/or hold them accountable.
100% on that one, and digital is treason.
Wilkie is still an independent MP seeking re-election.
I see conflicting articles on Australia being a US registered corporation
I consider deities and corporations to be fictional characters so no religion and business meddling in the world of government.
America's government is controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard - no thanks to Trump - Blackrock gained control over the Fed plus the treasury - [the Biden admin has Blackrock on the staff] while Obama had Goldman Sachs people and lets mention that former AU PM Malcolm Turnbull was Australia's Ceo for Goldman Sachs [and sealed the deal on the sovereignty shredding TPP]
Voting is pointless - It serves to create the illusion of a Democracy where it's possible to change the way things are if only enough people voted for the right mandarin - however nothing ever changes for the better as is evident by the way more and more civil rights are being lost truthtellers and whistle blowers alike are persecuted while Canberra's politici support for war crimes cannot be denied - they've become complicit yet there's no accountability which is reserved for truthtellers and whistleblowers.
Albanesi is one of Klaus Schwabstick's WEF puppets operating in Australala's government.
There's so much more to this.
Selfrule is the only logical alternative to being ruled by a spineless government which receives their instructions from even furter afield.
This article by Paul Cudenic should be of interest - Against the Dark Enslaving Empire!
“Real democracy would involve the localisation of decision-making, the end of global corporate imperialism and the restoration to communities of the right to shape their own destinies”.
Yes indeed Finn, this fellow knows what he’s talking about-and it’s good to hear this from someone in Europe! I downloaded the pdf. There’s also this from Michael in Australia-a lot of work, and some solutions here. Many of us know, but we are disjointed for now
Ginsburg name appears familiar.
Thanks for this Finn-will have a look at the article.
I agree with everything you say-especially voting. I once said-what if we (as many as possible) turn up to vote, get our names crossed off, and vote for no one-scribble on the papers, write messages or nothing-I looked it up-this sort of thing is counted as no vote. It’s not a “donkey vote”-that is when people just write 1,2,3,4 etc down the ballot, just in order of the names. But these “donkey votes” still count.
I realise we’d need big numbers of people doing this, but it might help.
We need to do something, as we’re all going to end up with nothing! When people realise they have nothing left to lose, is it only then that they’ll do something?
I was a donkey last time, but I might draw a picture, next time.
You're welcome.
And here's the thing - remember the 60's, when the UK decided that Australia was their very own personal nuclear test site?
I don't see these mRNA plants proliferating in the US - and certainly not at the per-capita level that it is happening here! I think they got a case of NIMBY.
The climate change grifters have been pulling scams for Public moneys for the last 10? 20? years.
No surprises here that these clowns are doing the same thing.
Scamming the Gov for funding is a tried and true get rich quick scheme.
Climate change goes a generation or two deep. It will be hard to shift that mindset, but we’ve got to try.
Here’s a good site
Not a good site . Funded by the fossil fuel industries.
The fossil fuel industry are the only ones who are going to keep our lights on and enough power to generate for electric vehicles.
That’s if people are silly enough to want an “electric” vehicle. I reckon they’re just “combustible vehicles”-so many fires! And try getting out of one if you’re stuck in it!
Fossil fuels forever!
Hope you are well rrodynmac. The only thing I like about EV's is the lack of toxic smells from petrol and diesel. Sure does make the air cleaner. But we need clean energy from fossil fuels, I think they can make it better but don't want to spend the money in improving air quality. EV's are also good if you have your own solar energy, saves you a lot of money. But I won't be able to afford one anytime soon. And because I rent there are no solar panels so defeats the purpose if I am still using the grid to charge up. Yes batteries are a big issue still, nees a lot of improving and they cost a bomb to replace if you need to.
Yep, I’m good as ever Koala, still learning about gov’t treason against us all!
Hope you are well too Koala! I live bush, so the air quality around here isn’t bad. But if I go to a regional city the air changes, and I haven’t been to a capital city since not long before covid came to Our Country. So I’ve forgotten how bad the air quality can be! I must be ingesting too much aluminium from the chemtrails. Now those are the worst polluters!
💉On forced vaccination (Cairns News):
thanks for posting i will look
Thank you. I recently watched your interview by Dr John Campbell. I hope to meet you guys in Centennial Park one day. Oz Dave
PS This Disinformation Playbook document (Melbourne) is also concerning:
Wow David, I’m a bit late here, but that Disinformation Playbook document looks very concerning. I’ve downloaded it and will have a look when time permits. I’m glad I had a quick look. Thanks very much for the link!
I reckon a lot of people miss out on important stuff because they choose not to look at a link. I’m not a fan of videos (unless they’re 15 minutes or less, or have text). I often find myself thinking “come on, get on with it.” I guess that’s called impatience!
Thanks, rrodynmac. Yes, all this is very time-consuming. Some of your message is not showing by the way. Cheers
I can see all my message, but others have said the same thing-the entirety of people’s messages not showing. Bizarre! Thanks for telling me David!
Thanks, that triggered a memory - Sadly - Australia's government granted immunity to foreign troops and foreign police back in 2020 - ''Unidentifiable Police'' appear to have been active during Melbourne lockdowns.
Yes so many hidden identities, especially the guys in green at around 1:14 in this video... What force is that?
Unidentifiable for a reason.
I'm bitterly disappointed that nothing positive has come out of this.
Thank you for this information.
All good we're here to help each other.
Related - did you ever watch Battlefield Melbourne by Topher Field?
Not as yet, Finn, no. I’ve mainly been looking at o/s productions, such as Vera Sharav’s 5 part series Never Again is Now Global and others, as well as interviews and papers.
All good I'll post a link here so you will be able to bookmark it and watch it when you have the time.
I appreciate your and everyone's responses however due to some dark and mysterious reason I'm not able to show my appreciation by liking comments, not even on my backup pc.
Battlefield Melbourne -
Thanks for suggesting Vera Sharav, I'll search and find her.
Thank you for the link. Here is a link to Vera Sharav’s 5 part series:
For awake people who are still working, I don’t blame them for not going any further. What I find particularly odd are others in my age group who say nothing, regardless of their vaccination status. All the best
The not being able to like people’s comments has been happening on and off since Dec 2023, when substack got AI “helping them out”.
David, did substack tell you I’m starting a newsletter? I ask because I got a message saying you’ve subscribed to me. I’m not starting a newsletter-I don’t know why they said this, if they said it!
No idea, rrodynmac. I did subscribe, so perhaps it’s an auto-generated response from Substack.
Ok thanks for answering me! I spend enuf time on this machine without trying to write newsletters! They’d be very angry newsletters though!
They were also assisting police kidnapping elders from remote communities in the Northern Territory and taking them to the quarantine camp for forced vax.
I've not been able to identify them however I do remember the incident - Government's primary function is a tool to benefit empire.
Wow! Shocking!
They had UN troops in the NT during COVID- abducting elderly aboriginals from remote communities, taking them to quarantine for forced vax
Thanks, Julie. The trickle-down corruption is immense.
The elephant in the room is that, due it's fundamental flaws, it's a technology that's never been demonstrated to work that well, i.e. safely in the long term and effectively.
There's a reason it wasn't allowed to leave Kariko's lab for years and Moderna was heading for bankruptcy.
Fundamental flaws are many:
You need to turn down the immune system via PRRs using m1u to stop it being quickly destroyed. Unfortunately these immune pathways are exactly the ones you need to make good vaccines and especially for targeting tumors. You don't get IgA mucosal immunity. In other words it's second rate for both vaccines and cancer treatments, which is why trials have largely been a flop to date. The tumor or virus quickly evolves away from antigen specific responses, so you still need cancer surgery and to use existing treatments.
Dosing is another flaw as this is highly variable and difficult to control. Some tissues accumulate more than others, probably not the ones where you want it to target. And the LNP carriers are well known for their to accumulate for months in the liver & other organs, with cytotoxicity & inflammatory signalling.
Safety cannot be assessed adequately with the big sell of a rapid turnaround. 100 days is not long enough to detect long term conditions you may have initiated despite your best predictions - autoimmune disorders, cancers, class switching, PD-1 upregulation, endothelial damage, amyloidosis and so on. Our understanding of cellular pathways and how the immune system actually works still has many gaps.
Quality control is another issue they are aware of: Adulteration with dsRNA and plasmid DNA, SV40 promoters. The regulators still haven't even begun to address this. Done properly I suspect it either suppresses IFNb responses to get the immune response they want to show shareholders and would probably render most of the production uneconomic. But it could be done and needs to happen.
If it works so well please release all the records from last time and do the same again over at least ten years, at no greater than small scale stage 2, not a mass EUA.
You have lost the publics trust, quite rightly due to repeated failure to own up, take responsibility, release the data and properly compensate the injured or families of the dead.
You deserve utter contempt and it's your job to try to earn it back over a long period, not treat us all like fools, doubling down and pretending it will all come good when the evidence is abundant that it's a failed tech, apart from for some specific applications.
excellent comment thank you for clearly stating so many of the exact things that are the problem with mRNA
Yeah - what is so promising about this tech that we are spending $,$$$,$$$,$$$ on it?
I suspect it is to get programming into every human on the planet, after all, we are only meat puppets.
Eeew, that sounds horrible JC!
AUKUS Covid-19 Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States Military Operation - Not A Civil One. AUKUS supplying Nuclear Submarines to Australia too.
Senator Roberts points to the International Medical Countermeasures Consortium and states that covid was a [US DOD-lead] military operation (probably linked to The World Health Organisation through some unseen back door):
: Senator Malcolm Roberts’s speech August 9, 2023
As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, tonight I speak to an aspect of COVID-19 I haven’t raised before. Information now in the public domain indicates the COVID response was not initiated through commercial interests but, rather, through an organisation called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium that Australia joined in 2012. According to Australia’s website, the Medical Countermeasures Consortium is a four-nation partnership involving the defence and health departments of Australia, Canada, United Kingdom and the United States. ‘The consortium seeks to develop medical countermeasures to assist with … chemical and radiological threats affecting civilian and military populations and on emerging infectious diseases and pandemics.’ It includes drugs and diagnostics. Who knew we had a military pharmaceutical apparatus linking the United States, Australia, Canada and the UK, in place since the Gillard Labor government—an AUKUS for pandemics?
The consortium maintains a compensation scheme for people injured as a result of taking a countermeasure. Compensation claims were accepted for the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, the anthrax vaccine and flu vaccines. The medical countermeasures unit within the United States Department of Defense has been in the vaccine business for many years and has been injuring people for many years through GOF —and getting away with it. So it should come as no surprise that the American Department of Defense signed the first contract between the United States government and Pfizer for the purchase of $11 billion worth of vaccines. President Trump gave the order to the Department of Defense to commence vaccine development and even gave it a cool name: Operation Warp Speed.
The rest you will have to see on my free sustack - also a separate post recently - what is in the vaccines and their purpose (nanotechnology) and another post giving you a letter which you could use t orefuse vaccines including the Common Law for Australia on the right to refuse vaccines, etc
That said, interesting post and thanks.
I have seen your interview with Dr. John Campbell. I love Forest of the Fallen.
I don't understand the idea of only paid subscribers allowed to post on some of your articles. That is typically the practice of those spreading mis and disinformation. Maybe you should reconsider this? You did mention with John not being able to see dissenting views, which is what this practice does.
Also, you might reconsider Dr. Mike Yeadon's substack recommendation. The man has lost his mind. The big pharma exec turned truther, is now back to being a big pharma hand puppet. And to think, he was once featured in the excellent documentary, Ivermectin: The Truth…
He is now in the no virus camp, and thinks Ivermectin is a fertility toxin. He has lost his mind....
I don't think you want to be promoting his substack any longer. I have some of the same excellent recommendations as you.
Keep up the good work.
hi there, thanks for that -- me I don't have any paid subscribers, all my work on substack is free. You might have confused a cross post - cross posting is when I share another person's substack here. They may have paid subscribers on their substack.
Dr Mike Yeadon - he might change his mind this way or that, but he's still a man of 40 years' expertise in drug discovery so no matter what he thinks about some other topic here or there, he still has something of value to say. Yes I saw he said Ivermectin was a sterilising agent, and Dr Tess Lawrie I think rebutted it. Disagreement over science is normal.
Yes I disagree with the idea that there are no viruses, what else is chicken pox etc?
You are correct about cross posting, and I was mistaken. Sorry about that. I learn something new everyday. It's strange though viewers reading someone else's post on your site, can't comment on it here.
He still has something of value?
A man's character is judged by his good deeds. To mislead and deceive hardly fall in that category. He knows better. He's a career scientist for crying out loud. I have more disdain for him knowing he has 40 years of expertise. He's using his experience as a platform to spread disinformation. Oh,.. I'm a former Big Pharma exec, in charge of blah, blah, blah, so I know...
Dr. Yeadon misleading that church group, saying there is no virus and Ivermectin is toxic, could be very harmful. Strangely, it reminds me of Jim Jones and the "Jonestown" event.
Why It's Important Everyone Should Have Ivermectin Handy
He will never debate with Tess. She would rip him a new butthole and he knows it. You saw what she did to Dr. Andrew Hill....
It was kind of you to reply, thanks.
I remember the ivermectin business with Dr Yeadon-he said it could cause infertility if taken with another drug (but I can’t remember which drug). So he said if people are not informed of the interaction it could cause infertility. Interest of Justice has the story, I’ll see if I can find it.
I also used to believe in viruses, before covid. But no one has ever isolated a pathogenic virus. People claim to have mapped the “genome” of them, I guess it could be called that. No one has ever seen a virus, not even with an electron microscope. I think people can see a “lump”. This could be a bit of exosome, or something else that’s dead.
I heard the other day, that the mapping of the human genome is incomplete-some parts left out!
Having said that though, I don’t know what causes things like chicken pox, measles, if there are no viruses.
We know radio waves, microwaves, radiation in general can cause the “symptoms of covid”. Spanish flu came about at the same time wirelesses were invented.
As for the debate you speak of, it was my understanding that Dr Yeadon asked Tess Lawrie to debate him about the ivermectin thing. There was a condition he wanted though, before the debate, again memory fails me. I’ll try to find what he said.
He is also involved in a court case with Interest of Justice for crimes against humanity.
Ivermectin is one of the safest drugs ever produced by Big Pharma. 100 times safer than aspirin or Tylenol with hardly any drug interactions to speak of. There is a moderate interaction with warfarin (blood thinner). But then, there are many drug interactions with warfarin, including interactions with many foods...
This post is perhaps my best work. As no one has made the comparison I made in this article, regarding Ivermectin's incredible safety, using publicly available data....
Dr. Yeadon cannot be trusted, period. Not after his ridiculous statement on Ivermectin. He is using his 40 years of expertise to deceive and mislead...
Viruses exists. They are collected, cataloged, and stockpiled in storage facilities across Eastern Europe to this day. They are isolated and purified as required for therapeutic administration. These are the facts. Nothing anyone says can make these facts disappear...
Viruses infect bacteria as well as people, animals, and even plant life. We wouldn't exist without them.
I said no one has isolated a pathogenic virus.
Phages are “large” viruses, not pathogenic to humans.
I found what Dr Yeadon said re: infertility and ivermectin and the debate with Tess Lawrie:
There’s a lot of info here re existence of the”covid” virus and other viruses, what Dr Yeadon said (under red arrows so the comments can’t be missed), what Dr Lawrie said, what Tim Truth said.
I admit I was surprised to hear Dr Yeadon speak badly of Ivermectin, but the whole thing is pretty much laid out here.
I’ll say again, there is a lot of info here!
As I have said, nothing anyone says can make these facts disappear. Doesn't anyone click links anymore?
Phages are actually the smallest size viruses there are. They would have to be to infect bacteria. And there are more bacteria in your gut, than there are cells in the human body. So to say, phages are not harmful or helpful to humans is a huge misnomer. Please look over the evidence before commenting. And the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been thoroughly photographed. You'd have to be living under a rock not to know this. There are photographs everywhere.
And no matter what Dr. Yeadon produces it's complete bullshit. Why do I say that? Cause it can't supersede 40 years of the historical record. As in historical fact.
I think if you looked at the evidence I provided, you would agree. It's irrefutable. Again here is the link...
This isn't some novel vaccine with question marks about its safety. This med has been proven safe for decades on end. One of the safest pharmaceuticals ever produced....
Dr. Yeadon is not the Ringmaster of the Greatest Show on Earth. He is at best, nothing but a side clown to be laughed at. My disdain towards someone who knows better, could not be greater.
Only just discovered this shocking news of Macquarie's collusion-in-culling, made even more shocking by the fact that I spent fourteen years at Macquarie both as a student and then tutoring and lecturing in the School of Biological Sciences. Thank you for this alert, your excellent investigative journalism, and for holding a Forest on the very demolition site! During my time associated with academia I watched the gutting and destruction of universities as institutes of learning by the government withdrawal of funding, turning academics into intellectual prostitutes for "public-private-partnership-pimps", churning out papers and grant proposals at the expense of their teaching. Thirty years down the track they don't even seem to mind producing transfection-poisons for a living. Makes me sick to the stomach. So glad I got out of that soul-destroying machinery.
yes i remember that happening to the universities, too. They used to be for educating the next generation and for academic inquiry and exploratory learning and research.... then after the 1990s it became all about industry. They became factories churning out degrees for cash
great story
Labor WA proudly announced a couple years back they'd spent 11 Billion and counting on covid. So the 18 Billion must be Federal, yes our taxes but it's so much worse.
🇦🇺💉”Don’t delay COVID-19 booster vaccination, study reveals” ~ Doherty Institute, 29 August 2024:
oh wow, they are at it relentlessly... doherty are plugged in to the mRNA rewards machine
Yes, the Garvan and Kirby institutes as well. As for Macquarie University, I’ll be writing to its Vice-Chancellor, S. Bruce Dowton, with much of the evidence against the jabs including the new GMO video from Julian Gillespie’s Substack and AMPS’ study into excess deaths. I now only focus on the mRNA shots, nothing else; Dowton and others like him may worry about themselves and their loved ones if they’ve taken them. Things might start to change then.
If we end up with a social credit system, then hopefully it will be without these dreaded injections.
Thanks Alison
Sadly, the injections were the loyalty test. They will be central to what's next.
WHY build all this industry, when there is no demand? It's the weirdest thing....
Yes - digitised compliance. Hopefully, we won’t get to the stage of riots in major cities around the world, as with the Poll Tax riots in London:
Excellent juxtaposition.
This is seriously scary stuff going on here Surely the Laws need changing to all vaccines Companies be made liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries asap They have a license to murder innocent people Surely this needs to change.. If Car manufacturers were not liable for making cars with faulty brakes there would be an outcry and would go bankrupt
My view is, that the contracts with the pharmaceutical companies were unconstitutional and this means that pharmaceutical companies can be held legally accountable for the harm inflicted upon Australians. As for politicians: Hansard 1-3-1898 Constitution Convention Debates
I think we might, on the attempt to found this great Commonwealth, just advance one step, not beyond the substance of the legislation, but beyond the form of the legislation, of the different colonies, and say that there shall be embedded in the Constitution the righteous principle that the Ministers of the Crown and their officials shall be liable for any arbitrary act or wrong they may do, in the same way as any private person would be.
I love this quote Mr G.H. ! I guess Sir John Downer is a relation of Alexander Downer, maybe grandfather? (I won’t hold that against Sir John !)
Alas though, this great Commonwealth is no more.
The Commonwealth still exist but the politicians are pretending otherwise. As long as we do not accept their nonsense and TREASON we will continue to have the Commonwealth as provided by the Framers of the Constitution. As I proved in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 (representing myself) that the Commonwealth DPP and the 9 Attorney-Generals couldn't defeat me! And this underlines that as long as you stand your ground they more than likely find not to have the power they held they had!
If only it could be done so simply. It won’t change until we get rid of our rotten to the core governments, at all 3 levels. Council/shires are going to be managing 15 minute cities/20 minute neighbourhoods, which will be our digital prisons.
We will be forced into these places, have no private car, only be allowed to walk, bicycle, scooter, public transport our way around (a nightmare for disabled). And we won’t be allowed to leave.
We have to get into our councils’ faces, and make sure we will not accept this. Same for CBDCs.
If we don’t step up and at least act locally, we are doomed. So we fight this, and maybe win, with casualties, as this is war, or we do nothing and live as slaves.
What was fascinating to me was how COVID changed my own behaviour. I didn't HAVE to restrict myself to a 15 minute zone around my house - but I did. The more they COVID'd, the closer I stayed to home. My map of comfort has shrunk; I already live in a 15 minute city, even though it's not enforced. Just a matter of throwing some switches to make it firm.
Understood. I totally get what you mean JC.
While the Federal government, both coalition and now ALP has been seeking to prevent publications exposing the "covid scam" I commenced to expose on 8 April 2020 to the Victorian Ombudsman and on 13 April 2020 to the Victorian Human Rights Commission as well as to federal and state politicians that the MANDATES were unconstitutional. IBAC on 19 April 2020 held that it was not of "public interest". This year I learned that one of my adult sons was coerced in having the jabs and is given 2 years to live. I pursue to hold the politicians and their collaborators legally accountable for the mass murder, crimes against humanity, etc. Since 6 August 2021, I commenced to lodge my complaint to the Australian Federal Police, but it too blatantly ignored this. Well more than 7,000 pages is the complaint so far. Then LAWFARE ended upon my wife and I, and trespassing (climbing over the fence), etc, and my wife ended up scared to death in a wheelchair and last month passed away. I am on a mission of legal accountability and will continue to do so. As a self0educated constitutionalist I ion 19 July 2006 defeated the Commonwealth and 9 Attorney-Generals in two cases in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka (representing myself). I stopped paying the unconstitutional "council rates" for various reasons! You can read it up at my blog (I do not charge for downloading!). My motto is; MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL®.
Good for you, Mr G.H. I am though, very sorry to read of the passing of your wife, and the fate of your adult son. Maybe he’ll keep going longer, God willing.
So the “law” climbed over your fence, clearly trespassing, and terrified your poor wife. So brave, weren’t they? I wish you all the best on your mission.
I’ll have a good look at your blog, thanks very much sir !
The signs not only shows "ENTRY PROHBITED" but sites 5 court judgments but the so called ""Law Enforcement agency" holds they are above the law. About a week before my wife died, they claim I was speeding by 6 km and issued a $275 fine. By 31 October they claimed it was a massive $24,018.90 and I lodged a complaint that the next day 1 November they reduced it to $662.40. Just that as a constitutionalist they picked upon the wrong person! Nothing can rectify the suffering of my wife, but I certainly can pursue to hold them legally accountable. After all, if they did it to use they can do it to others, like the "covid scam" and I am determined to make sure that we avoid a repeat!