Would love to see transcript of this conference for all those who would have loved to have been present. Data and free discussion of events that transformed the lives of so many people are so vital for all of us. Thank you to all who have the bravery and integrity to say what their hearts and their training and understanding compel them to disclose.

The cause of SARS2 & the global response to the Covid virus were amongst the most devastating events of modern times. Analysis of the mistakes made is essential as their effects on lives were almost incalculable. This will have to be pursued, despite the implications for both individuals, organisations and governments.

If the truth is not painfully revealed, we cannot continue to claim that we live in liberal democracies.

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yes, I, too, am waiting on the video - it's been videoed and AMPS has been great about uploading say the video of their presentations in Canberra to senate inquiries, so I expect they will. I missed the whole first part of it due to my other workplace inexplicably failing to give me the day off (despite 6 weeks notice!) I got there by the second half and the audience was still just absolutely captivated by each and every speaker. It's the best event I've ever been to.

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Cause-satanists, global response-satanists at the top, mistakes-none, except they didn’t kill enough people.

We will never know the truth because satan, aka father of lies is in charge. No lie to big, no lie too small.

People need to realise we are in a spiritual war-yes this is heavy stuff.

We will know what went down when Jesus Christ comes again. People who don’t have Jesus in their lives will be in big trouble. Turn now to The Christ, and you will understand this better.

The satanists are killing our planet-nothing to do with the climate change narrative, but this is useful to explain away their evil.

Buy a Bible, at least! That’s if you want your soul to be with Jesus and God, rather than Satan’s hell.

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life feels to me like a journey to try to understand objective reality as honestly as possible. The word "truth" seems close but causes uneasiness in me, because it involves a value judgement and of course everyone thinks they have the truth. The problem comes when they try to impose it without reference to any honest assessment of objective reality.

"revealed truth" is the stuff of religion, and religion leaves no room for honest inquiry that might disagree.

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Truth and religion involve many aspects. It can be said that science is a religion, as so many people follow it diligently, and don’t like questioning what might be incorrect, what may be simply a theory, plus or minus facts. Some people say footy (whatever code) is a religion, as so many people follow it also, without questioning facts, unless said facts align with what the footy follower believes.

I have a background in science/medicine, and so much of what I learnt over my years studying and working in the field, have been made null and void, exposed by this whole covid rubbish”pandemic”.

I feel that I have been brainwashed during my study and work. Some of what I worked for, including study is still correct, e.g. people are all basically built the same way (unless an unfortunate accident of some sort happened), and the way that most drugs work in the body is consistent with what is taught. But the fact that people NEED medicine for what ails them, is no longer a fact.

This is something I can thank the people who brought us the pandemic for-I am able to see the truth about whether medicine is needed, and more importantly I can see the deleterious effects of many meds which in many cases people do not need. It’s the only thing I can thank those who orchestrated the pandemic for. But, I consider that the work I studied hard, and paid a lot of money for, was largely a waste.

Allopathic medicine was begun by John D. Rockefeller, early last century, although this info is not included in Wikipedia, I must say I only quickly looked, due to time constraints, but it is widely recognised that natural medicine (herbs, spices, foods) that were used as medicine were pretty much ignored, when Rockefeller started his foundation, as he realised medicine could be made using petrochemicals.

So he began the use of drugs to be used for sick people, but a lot of sick people would have been better off having wholesome food, vitamins(usually from food, except D3-from sunshine), lots of fresh air and exercise. I believe the same holds for today. Rockefeller pretty much demanded (mandated?) newly minted drugs from his oil cabal. He would have had many scientists and physicians (as they were mostly called back then) working for him, coming up with new “medicines” all the time. I think his first drug was used to treat hookworm in humans.

I don’t think much has changed today-in Australia, patients, feeling ill for whatever reason, go to their doctor, usually EXPECTING medicine. And during the so called Spanish Flu, vaccines were mandated, and people were supposed to act according to certain standards dictated by the medical fraternity of the time, which also sounds a lot like today. But people protested against the Spanish Flu vaccines (like today), and when the vaccines stopped, so did the Spanish flu! I wonder if covid would go away if people stopped having the covid vaccines, and stopped testing themselves for covid-19. I dare say the coronavirus “pandemic?/epidemic?” would go away also.

People know Covid-19 is a crock, and that the “vaccines” are not vaccines, but genetic therapy of some sort, as they get transcribed in the liver, also they contain nanotech-not “spike protein “, but quantum dots and nanobots, and perhaps graphene, in the form of tubes. Also the “vax” contains DNA fragments, Simian virus which is causing the “turbo cancers”, and the nanotech includes gels and a few other substances which I have seen microscopic pictures and videos of the nanotech present in all covid-19 vaxes, it’s present in MMR vaccine, and probably many other vaccines, including the ones that kids need, to be able to go to school and kinder. Is it any wonder that so many kids now have autism at the rate of about 1 per 30 children, in America. Vaccines are also the major cause of SIDS (whatever happened to those red noses-I think they became too visible and vaccine makers didn’t want them around), and the major cause of SADS, which somehow doesn’t get much of a look-in these days, I think died suddenly is the new norm. Nanotech is also in other injectables, like dental anaesthetics, general anaesthetics and insulin. Insulin is high on my worry list, as my son is type 1 insulin dependent diabetic, no doubt in my mind brought on by school required vaccines. He also has autism, vaccines the culprit there also.

So, I’m not trying to ignore, or be mean to people who have vaccine injuries, or have had loved ones die after the covid vaccines, I totally sympathise, especially because of what happened to my son. And is he injecting nanotech? And nanotech has been found to shed to family members and friends, other relatives etc. especially with the covid vaxes, as they are so prevalent at the moment.

I can name people who have been doing and continue to do the microscopy, without them, I think I would be ignorant to this.

I’ve done a fairly short summary of my experience with medicines, and what I know is happening with covid vaccines, and other injectables.

But, is what I’ve said here a type of religion? I think it is, if people don’t question the science surrounding medication and vaccines. Critical thinking is clearly needed, but for some reason, Australia (& other countries), don’t like critical thinkers who question the “narrative”. That’s where the gutsy people come in-Melissa McCann, Julian Gillespie, Dr Phillip Altman and others in AMPS, even Clive Palmer- he is on the side for truth with his United Australia Party,(Think Senator Babet) and early in the pandemic, Mr Palmer bought and brought to Australia hundreds of thousands of doses (if not millions) of Hydroxychloroquine FOR the people of Australia. Do you remember this Alison? Then the Morrison gov. quickly destroyed them all. Many lives could have been saved by Clive’s actions.

Anyway, more strength to Dr McCann and her legal team in their judicial battle. The only problem I see with this class action is that our judicial system is probably captured by our own gov’t, and on top of that, the WEF/WHO/UN also “buys” lawyers, judges, and maybe even juries. It’s not a level playing field.

Now, I’m not sure what you mean Alison, where you have said “revealed truth is the stuff of religion” I really don’t understand what you mean by that first half of the phrase. “Religion leaves no room for honest inquiry that might disagree” Well, you can probably tell that I’m Christian, I think you can see I’ve provided heaps of honest inquiry-I had to learn about the pLandemic myself, firstly on my own, doing what research I could manage, and then gradually adding much more input from many, many sources.

I understand that you are addressing my first comment, where I reference satan and the spiritual war, which of course many people will disagree with. But I genuinely present my thoughts in the hope that they can bring hope to people who are struggling with their lives at the moment. I was in a hurry this morning, so didn’t think too much when making those comments, but I know that Jesus and God can bring a whole new way of thinking for people, and that, I feel, is an exciting journey.

When I said we will never know the truth, I meant that, because the main players in this pLandemic have weaseled and wormed around, obfuscated and lied, in fact, their modus operandi has been discovered, but not one that I can think of, in any country, has been taken to court and held responsible. We KNOW who are responsible for this terrible travesty of justice, we know the people at the very top, we know the people responsible for this in Australia-most of them have left their jobs to hide, many overseas.

Ergo, we know the truth, I certainly think Melissa McCann et al know the truth. The problem is, as I’ve said, finding an impartial judge, or several of such, as this class action will probably go to our High Court.

And I was responding to Vicki’s comment about needing to know the truth. I think that Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset will be in effect before this court case gets halfway through. That is my opinion! I sincerely hope that the whole truth comes out, which is also my opinion.

I provided my OPINION when I wrote about what I think may happen. Also my opinion is that we do not live in democracies. Following the so called “alternate media” is the only way to get to some truths-I hope Vicki Sanderson and people like her, wanting the truth, know that mainstream media have been spitting propaganda from day one of this pLandemic.

I also hope that people realise that we are never going back to our old lives, and that covid is tame, compared to what “the cabal” are going to try and let loose on all the people of the world. Some of this can be found, predicted in The Bible. So, truth about covid-good, if some people can understand it-I do-I’m not being boastful, that isn’t a Christian trait, I’m stating TRUTH.

What I was trying to do in my comment above, was leave quick, concise answers to Vicki Sanderson’s questions, and provide background as to how I got to those answers.

Alison, you do understand that the “cabal” want 7-8 billion people to die, because they are obscenely rich, and think they are so high and mighty that they are a different SPECIES to us proles, plebs, useless eaters, whatever. They think they are going to make themselves into HOMO DEUS =HUMAN GODS, and they are very deadly serious.

A very high amount of people dying is prophesied in The Bible. I am offering people a fantastic guarantee of eternal life in my comment above. Maybe I didn’t do a great job of it, but I know my soul is safe with Jesus, if I die say, tonight! I had more to say, but the rule said type a shorter comment. I really want you to explain to me what is revealed truth please?

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Wow, thanks to the people who “liked” my article, Imappreciate that a lot!

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Mistakes? Really? I wish

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I loved your submission to the covid inquiry! 🙂 (It was the covid inquiry wasn’t it, there’ve been so many things to see to lately). Both Dr Altman and myself simply presented the AMPS book “Too Many Dead”, but the “government” didn’t even acknowledge it for both of us! I suspect censorship, and call for anyone else who did this, or have their submission not visible to comment on this for Dr Altman’s last, or second to last post.

Thank you Dr Rosemary for standing up for all of us terrible antivaxxers, and telling them that just because the interviewer is Maria Zeee, or whoever else and they’re not MSM, to not dismiss this as misinformation, and actually watch the interview ! Well Done Dr Rosemary !!

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Maria Zeee is a goddess!!Bankstowns finest export🥰🥰

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She’s great, I agree! But I’m not a lesbian! I didn’t know she’s from Bankstown, I thought she is a Melbourne girl!

Anyway, more power to her, go Maria!!!!

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You’re allowed to be🤷‍♂️Then we’d have even more in common 💪💪

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Ah, I’m not quite sure what your post means Adam!

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Yeah, mistakes-ha!. I said above that their only mistake was in not killing enuf people. That would be a grave mistake on their part. No offence at all meant for people whose Loved ones have died from the vax. No offence meant, please.

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A conference report featuring all the presentations is being published. Keep your eye on the AMPS website for details. 👍

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You are all heroes in a dark world. Will we be seeing any videos or transcripts?

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i hope so! especially with the slides because some of them were packed with useful references. In particular Dr McCann and Assoc. Professor Parry - he had a mountain of slides. He whizzed through them too fast even to take a quick pic, and covered a lot of ground.

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Yes, hope to get some video out shortly via YT.

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Dear Dr Campbell, Thank you for everything you did at the event to inform us Sydneysiders. Thank you also for sparing a few moments to chat with this non-medical but very concerned Australian citizen.

This (Thursday) evening I came across this very interesting YT interview with a German gentleman, Michael Nehls, MD PhD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPQDFdYOeS8

I have just downloaded Dr Nehls' book entitled "The Indoctrinated Brain - How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on Your Mental Freedom" - because what he conveyed in just the first 30 minutes of the interview is fascinating - though seriously worrying. Incidentally, the foreword to the book is by Naomi Wolf.

If, in due course, you get a chance to comment on what Dr Nehls says in the interview and/or has written in his book, I'm sure your millions of YT followers would be very interested to know what you make of it. He seems to be saying that the spike protein may actually be adversely impacting our ABILITY TO BE CURIOUS and to think creatively - which, if he is correct, would certainly help to explain a lot of what we see happening in many people we know and love.

Sorry to saddle you with yet another task but I thought you might find what Dr Nehls has to say interesting if you weren't already aware of it.

Wishing you a safe return to Hadrian's Wall territory. Please come back here soon.

+ Live long and prosper 🙏

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“The indoctrinated Brain” is excellent.

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It was indeed a wonderful event - a huge credit to the Australian Medical Professionals Society (AMPS) team that organised it and to every one of the outstanding speakers, including Dr John Campbell, Emeritus Professor Robert Clancy, Professor Gigi Foster and to you, Dr Altman.

Huge credit is also owed to the MC of the event, Topher Field. With his closing comments, he pinned his colours to the mast for us all to see and he identified himself as a man of deep faith. Especially given the dire situation that confronts us (for example, see re Geert Vanden Bossche below), Topher Field's reference to the spiritual dimension was relevant, appropriate and (I'm sure) appreciated by everyone who heard it.

Phillip, your comment that "...the extraordinary revelations heard today ... should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country" prompted me to cast an eye over this morning's leading page of The Australian. What a surprise 😱 ... there was not a single reference that I could find to the COVID REVISITED event nor to its world famous speakers.

That clearly illustrates what Professor James Allan told the audience: ie that mainstream media and journalists were the most to blame for the covid debacle.


While The Australian has chosen to make NO REFERENCE AT ALL to yesterday's absolutely seminal COVID REVISITED CONFERENCE....

.... check out this morning's lead article in the US-based GATEWAYPUNDIT (https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/top-international-virologist-issues-dire-warning-massive-massive/)

HEADLINE: "Top International Virologist Issues Dire Warning: “Massive, Massive Tsunami of Death Among Highly Vaccinated…is Imminent”

The article is about what Dr Geert Vanden Boscshe announced on Friday during an appearance on the KunstlerCast podcast, which is hosted by James Kunstler.

If what Geert Vanden Bossche announced is accurate (as so many of his other scientifically-based predictions have been) then, sadly EVERYONE will soon understand the role the mainstream/legacy media has played in ensuring most people are denied the information they need to make informed decisions to protect themselves and their families and to preserve the freedom that generations of our forebears worked, suffered and died to bequeath to us.

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well said, that's a great inclusion of credits to people who deserve great praise, and also the wonderful Kara Thomas - how amazing that lady is! Thank you Kara.

I'm not exaggerating, it was literally the most mind-blowing event I've been to.

Dr Geert Vanden Bossche's hypothesis is alarming, but he might be wrong about it.

We haven't seen the rebound of virulence he predicted yet, and perhaps it just won't happen that way. Let's hope.

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Hi Alison, It only dawned on me after posting my comment above that it was YOU who actually wrote the article that Phillip posted on his substack. So my observation above re "...the extraordinary revelations heard today ... should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country" should have been addressed to you.

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oh how wonderful!! thanks! Dr Altman is the amazing one. Thanks to him that we even know about the 2018 law change that wrecked our drug safety system. He sounded the alarm and has been tireless in explaining these difficult-to-understand issues to us.

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You need to get out more Alison! Geert is very clever, the legacy or mainstream media are accomplices in manslaughter. They are the equivalent of Hitler’s propaganda man, I can’t think of his name-everyone knows, someone will have it for me in about 2 minutes.

I’m off to bed!

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Joseph Goebbells

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I know vaccinated people will have compromised immune systems, but I think they will succumb to other illnesses, I personally don’t believe there is a covid virus, or any virus for that matter-I flow more with terrain theory.

The vaccines are not vaccines anyway, I’ve explained what I think in my long article above, which probably no one will read, as people’s minds tend to be closed these days.

I’m starting to wonder if Geert is C.O.

I agree with everything else you’ve posted R S, and am especially interested to hear what Topher said about the spiritual world. 🙂

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Thanks Alison for the information and photos about this event. Do you know if any of the these speakers - Dr Melissa McCann, Dr Chris Neil or Julian Gillespie, mentioned the OpenDAEN database showing the Covid jab (140,000+) TGA DAEN cases, batch numbers, reported deaths (currently1,020 including 9 children aged 5 to 17) in Australia with supporting graphs and search engines?

Link: https://opendaen.info/home

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Yes they did discuss OpenDAEN. So much information given it was mind blowing. Put simply, there was an estimation of 10,000 deaths and 500,000 serious injuries. That was a rough estimate. I would guess the count is probably higher. We will be receiving the slides and the video which I will share, as no doubt will Dr Altman. His speech was chilling, but so informative. We have been so misled for so long. His opening remark was “buckle up”, and that was definitely a prerequisite!

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yes that's exactly it. It was Dr Altman, and he went into exactly that! and yes, you are right it was mind-blowing. There were so many astonishing moments my poor brain has overheated.

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Thank you Rosemary

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YES, the speakers did mention the OpenDAEN cases, Dr Phillip Altman spoke about this from memory. Think some others touched on it but I'd have to check my notes. I missed part of the morning session because unfortunately my other work slugged me with a new roster and didn't action my leave form request (d'oh!) Waiting on the video!

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I'm surprised that The Epoch Times isn't crowing like a rooster about this event. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tHIsNxyshw

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that video is hilarious. chickens/roosters are the funniest creatures. Epoch Times might not have known. I don't have any contacts at Epoch Times, if i did I would have alerted them. They would have loved it. Epoch might only have a couple of stringers in Australia.

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I wouldn't bother Alison. The Epoch Times is run by Falun Gong, who understandably have an axe to grind with the Chinese Communist Party. That is no excuse for spreading misinformation and blatant disinformation, which is what they are known for. They are at war with the CCP and we all know the quotes about war and truth. Unfortunately they back the morally rotten Trump for the Presidency of the USA. Not a good look. Another bad look is Nurse Campbell's interview with Australian Sky News, Australia's equivalent of America's Fox News. It seems that the inconvenience of lockdowns is more important than the suffering and excess deaths he hinted at on his YouTube channel being caused by the vaccines.

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I got the distinct impression that Dr JC was worded up beforehand on the 'limited spectrum of debate' for Sky viewers, eh?

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Quite possibly so, but he never used any of his nudge, nudge, wink, wink skills that he has so carefully well developed since doing a complete 180 degree turn and transforming himself into the darling of anti-Covid vaxxers, which boosted his frequently updated channel into a lucrative podcast on YouTube with over 3 million subscribers. This technique is used to avoid breaching YouTube's community guidelines. He has a good number of far less patronized pod-casters with much better qualifications who thoroughly bring into question his material, methods and motives. I doubt that these experts are motivated by anything other than intellectual integrity and an aversion to incompetence, disinformation and misinformation regarding medical matters. I'm not surprised that so far this event has attracted little attention from the press except Australia's Sky News, which has always reminded me of Right Wing Fox News and other purveyors of biased and atrocious journalism like "GATEWAYPUNDIT" mentioned by a commenter on this page. Sadly most of the comments from such sites suggest that their fans aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer. Having a title like Dr or Professor before one's name unfortunately doesn't confirm infallibility, as has been demonstrated by some highly credentialed Nobel Prize winners, who usually later in life embrace strange or scientifically unsound ideas and are said to be suffering from Nobel Disease. “To err is human; to forgive, divine” Alexander Pope

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Nice dissection-I like it! Excess deaths from the vaxes must be brought to life

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thank you Alison for your tremendous support

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oh goodness hello Julian Gillespie, you are such a hero. Thank you for fighting so hard in the courts. You shine like the brightest star. Your interview with Dr John Campbell was amazing.

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thank you Alison .. could not do it without the many helpful and patient scientists and medicos we work with behind the scenes

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And don’t forget the wit and great speech/es from the MC Topher Field!

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yes, Topher was terrific!

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What a great summary of the event!

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Thank you for the summary. A real shame that the event was not brought to some of the other states especially on the east coast.

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It would have been so wonderful to have a nationwide tour including regional centers. Expensive though - perhaps in future this could happen.

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With what Dr Cambell is talking about Dr Zoe was looking in objective terms at the Corona Crisis/Certificate Of Vaccination IDAI unravelling using known scientific principles based on epidemiology in the UK. eg https://www.zoeharcombe.com/2020/11/uk-deaths-with-covid-19-r/ She had an interview with James Freeman on tntradio yesterday

And the psychological operation https://www.hartgroup.org/covid-19-the-evidence-revisited-summer-2022/

I'm looking forward to seeing doctors' objective analysis in similar terms as submissions here https://senr-hgp.campaign-view.com.au/ua/viewinbrowser?od=3z3023dbec648e3b018346d0e643bc73d1f4d3e60cf5e2804c46512f7449921b09&rd=1391136a16467a2&sd=1391136a163ac9b&n=11699e4bede93c5&mrd=1391136a163ac85&m=1

Regarding "apparent and potential compromise of our regulatory bodies" something nefarious was happening across the world. There was a "Glaring red flag for the majority of countries globally that took instructions from some “supranational” force" for the Pandemic Of Consequences. https://www.aussie17.com/p/germanys-developing-scandal?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-half-post&r=zjt6q

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Thanks for this quick write up. Really appreciate it.

And like all human beings with at least a scintilla of empathy, I love dr John. His whole career is an inspiration to me.

Feels like a great event, focusing on the right areas - cheers again

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Alison, re ‘rockstar’ John Campbell…this guy was a big promoter of the Covid narrative.

He only changed his tune after countless people submitted to the injections…without valid voluntary informed consent in my opinion…

Have you see comedian Alistair Williams’ takedown of John Campbell?

- ARE DR J.C'S MISTAKES, MISTAKES? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65JwHx3_4rw

- ,GOVERNMENT PROPAGANDA AGENT WATCH #1 ND JOHN CAMPBELL: https://rumble.com/v4a1du6-government-propaganda-agent-watch-1-nd-john-campbell.html

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Why he has attracted so many sycophants is beyond me.

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💯 John Campbell PUSHED the jabs!!! The damage is done and people will trust his advice on subsequent mRNA Injections that are in the making. Alistair Williams is banned is a must watch I agree

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It was a day I will never forget. So many heroic freedom fighters who explained succinctly what we have endured for the past four years. Although the subject was heartbreakingly serious, there were light moments, and moments of urging us to keep fighting for our future and our families. It was truly an uplifting day, and Topher Field did much to encourage us to continue. I loved every minute. Thank you Dr. Neill, AMPs and to all the participants.

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I wish I were there.

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This entire event (in fact the entire plandemic) hinges on there being a virus in existence, yet said virus has never been proven to have been isolated in its distilled form.

The virus was simply gene sequenced (by the Chinese health authorities- the highest source of trustworthiness) and uploaded to the internet. This is hardly proof of isolation.

Interested to know if this topic of isolation was raised during interaction between these scholarly folks?

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It may turn out that you are correct about this. However it is highly controversial. I think we have enough on our plate simply getting the public to realise that the mRNA shots have a big fat problem of causing mass injuries and deaths, and that covid was never very deadly at all for the under-70s. It wasn't a public health emergency but a public fear emergency whipped up by some very greedy people. They want to do it all again for bird flu since they cashed in so successfully the first time. Let's just get to square one first.

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At this point is it really any more controversial then a globally faked pandemic, coerced gene therapies, and fear pysops - resulting millions of deaths?

[ I see your point though ! ]

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Thank you, now my throat is sore!

The climate changes all the time, over time, it’s got NOTHING to do with carbon, CO2, and it is impossible to achieve nett zero.

Do your own research please, never accept anything blindly these days.

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