Suppose the anti-semite attacks are regular and include blazing buildings and cars. In that case, there is a good chance it is an orchestrated and funded professional operation with Mossad written all over it to change public opinion and influence laws. They do stuff like that. Individual anti-semite nutters do the odd outburst of hate crime, like graffiti and torching something, but soon run out of energy—just my 2 cents. Nothing is as it appears in this wicked world.
I think you’re on the money-Mossad or Zionists (are they the same thing)-maybe trying to get Jews to go “home” to Israel. This is also happening in Canada and USA. What about N.Z.?
I was more thinking about reinforcing the decade-old public opinion worldwide that Jews are the victims and distract from the fact that they are currently the perpetrators committing a genocide in Gaza. Respect for Israel is on all-time low worldwide because of that. Having false flag attacks on Jewish property reinforces the Jewish victim perception and distracts from Gaza. I am only speculating, of course.
The other reason could be to get hate speech laws established and pushed through parliament, which are just a disguise for controlling and censoring free speech in general, in my view.
Accurately analysed the situation. I too, smell false flags throughout this so-called anti-semetic campaign. Similar to the Victorian so-called `tobacco wars', again we are told it is orchestrated from overseas and not much they can do. How friggin convenient.
I'm gonna share something with you that has been flipping my scon for the last few weeks- this is the short version:
So given all we know about the symptoms of what we have observed to be the source of the fall of humanity and the apparent causes of it, and the complexity required to orchestrate such a downfall............,Would it be such a stretch to consider that the cause is NOT to be put on human nature or individual damaged humans that have accumulated generational wealth, but possibly a biological infection dating back to the discovery of gold?
You've heard of " the Gold Bug"?
This is not that sort of madness... Or is it?
What uses has gold other than to coat some electronic circuits? A form of exchange?
The details of the process remain to be understood, but in nature it enables the bacteria to live in toxic soils and to contribute to the creation of solid gold. (Science 313:233-6, 2006)” (Flores 2006:14)
There are currently five species of which three are known to cause infections in humans namely Ralstonia pickettii, Ralstonia mannitolilytica, and Ralstonia insidiosa. Other species that used to be within this genus have been reclassified to the genus Cupriavidus.
Using a gold infection as as a lens to view the state of the world I begin to see different things.
I. We have no idea what a non infected human can do as we have been poisoned for so long...and currently the brainwashing that "there are more of them than there are of us" can be viewed as false.
2. Like a lot of bacterial and fungal infections in humans the bug tells us what to consume to feed it. This is possibly parasite that takes over the mind. The symptoms are psychopathic or variants of madness that degrade human existence.
Having only recently been offered these observations and being limited in this language of words I will stop here even though I have only skimmed the introduction of the 25 years of published work by Patrick Jordan
If this makes any sense to you I would recommend reading his synopsis of " the protocols of the learned elders of Zion"
Entitled " the protocols of Szion"
It doesn't matter to me if it a forgery or fabrication. It matters to me that it is accurate description of what is being unravelled but the cause being obscured.
Justin hi, this is interesting. I read the links to the best of my ability. (a bit tired at the moment!) It’s interesting and weird. The only other thing I have known gold to be used in (that’s not mentioned here I mean), is severe autoimmune arthritis, as a gold salt-I forget the name of the “medicine” and it’s effectiveness. I remember it was expensive-this was back in the 80s anyway.
Well, I guess the only thing I can do is get the book and read it-with a totally open mind, as you suggest.
I’ll let you know when I get the book, and share with you how the reading goes. You’ve got me intrigued. My partner knows this book exists. It’s about time I read a proper book, instead of being on the internet anyway! The internet is wrecking my eyes! And I have heard of the “Gold Bug” indeed! Thank you for this, and I get that your scon(e?) has been flipping!
I doubt Mr Warpspeed's err I mean Mr Stargate's selection "has dealt a huge blow to the globalists and their censorship industry" especially considering one of his cabinet is all about "free speech but not freedom of reach" (i.e. censorship) and he has at least 13 billionaire globalists amongst them.
[It’s already illegal to graffiti - so prosecute. It’s already illegal to burn cars - so prosecute. Violence is illegal - so prosecute.]
... and as in the UK, where it's already illegal gang rape white girls, but the powers that be would rather not, because the perpetrators in both cases come from what appears to be a protected ideology.
Suppose the anti-semite attacks are regular and include blazing buildings and cars. In that case, there is a good chance it is an orchestrated and funded professional operation with Mossad written all over it to change public opinion and influence laws. They do stuff like that. Individual anti-semite nutters do the odd outburst of hate crime, like graffiti and torching something, but soon run out of energy—just my 2 cents. Nothing is as it appears in this wicked world.
I think you’re on the money-Mossad or Zionists (are they the same thing)-maybe trying to get Jews to go “home” to Israel. This is also happening in Canada and USA. What about N.Z.?
Maybe that too, haven’t thought about that.
I was more thinking about reinforcing the decade-old public opinion worldwide that Jews are the victims and distract from the fact that they are currently the perpetrators committing a genocide in Gaza. Respect for Israel is on all-time low worldwide because of that. Having false flag attacks on Jewish property reinforces the Jewish victim perception and distracts from Gaza. I am only speculating, of course.
The other reason could be to get hate speech laws established and pushed through parliament, which are just a disguise for controlling and censoring free speech in general, in my view.
Likely a few of these reasons, but I know Israel needs more Jews-this is from a jew I know.
Accurately analysed the situation. I too, smell false flags throughout this so-called anti-semetic campaign. Similar to the Victorian so-called `tobacco wars', again we are told it is orchestrated from overseas and not much they can do. How friggin convenient.
I doubt that many people in this country know what a Semite is... which means they do not know what a Jew is.
The puppet masters are counting on the herd to be to stupid or lazy to do the research to find out.
Every time I say Arabs can be Semitic, people freak out. Also, I bet the Palestinian people have more Semitic blood in them than Israeli citizens.
DNA testing is apparently illegal in Israel. I wonder why?
I'm gonna share something with you that has been flipping my scon for the last few weeks- this is the short version:
So given all we know about the symptoms of what we have observed to be the source of the fall of humanity and the apparent causes of it, and the complexity required to orchestrate such a downfall............,Would it be such a stretch to consider that the cause is NOT to be put on human nature or individual damaged humans that have accumulated generational wealth, but possibly a biological infection dating back to the discovery of gold?
You've heard of " the Gold Bug"?
This is not that sort of madness... Or is it?
What uses has gold other than to coat some electronic circuits? A form of exchange?
Who hoards Gold and why?
The details of the process remain to be understood, but in nature it enables the bacteria to live in toxic soils and to contribute to the creation of solid gold. (Science 313:233-6, 2006)” (Flores 2006:14)
There are currently five species of which three are known to cause infections in humans namely Ralstonia pickettii, Ralstonia mannitolilytica, and Ralstonia insidiosa. Other species that used to be within this genus have been reclassified to the genus Cupriavidus.
Using a gold infection as as a lens to view the state of the world I begin to see different things.
I. We have no idea what a non infected human can do as we have been poisoned for so long...and currently the brainwashing that "there are more of them than there are of us" can be viewed as false.
2. Like a lot of bacterial and fungal infections in humans the bug tells us what to consume to feed it. This is possibly parasite that takes over the mind. The symptoms are psychopathic or variants of madness that degrade human existence.
Having only recently been offered these observations and being limited in this language of words I will stop here even though I have only skimmed the introduction of the 25 years of published work by Patrick Jordan
If this makes any sense to you I would recommend reading his synopsis of " the protocols of the learned elders of Zion"
Entitled " the protocols of Szion"
It doesn't matter to me if it a forgery or fabrication. It matters to me that it is accurate description of what is being unravelled but the cause being obscured.
Notice the buglike thing at the top of the puppet strings tier on the front cover?
Word of advice if you read this book- try to leave all convictions and preconceived notions on hold.
Justin hi, this is interesting. I read the links to the best of my ability. (a bit tired at the moment!) It’s interesting and weird. The only other thing I have known gold to be used in (that’s not mentioned here I mean), is severe autoimmune arthritis, as a gold salt-I forget the name of the “medicine” and it’s effectiveness. I remember it was expensive-this was back in the 80s anyway.
Well, I guess the only thing I can do is get the book and read it-with a totally open mind, as you suggest.
I’ll let you know when I get the book, and share with you how the reading goes. You’ve got me intrigued. My partner knows this book exists. It’s about time I read a proper book, instead of being on the internet anyway! The internet is wrecking my eyes! And I have heard of the “Gold Bug” indeed! Thank you for this, and I get that your scon(e?) has been flipping!
I’ve ordered the book, it won’t arrive until Feb10th or later. No worries!
The Australian government imported the problem so they could bring in there solution and restrict the rights of the ppl
Maybe! good thinking snoop!
I doubt Mr Warpspeed's err I mean Mr Stargate's selection "has dealt a huge blow to the globalists and their censorship industry" especially considering one of his cabinet is all about "free speech but not freedom of reach" (i.e. censorship) and he has at least 13 billionaire globalists amongst them.
I agree with everything else.
Trump is controlled!
psyop comes to mind. BTW It seems a form of D Notice is still current on FB in Australia
Agree on psyop. I’m not on FB, so not sure what you mean by D Notice.
[It’s already illegal to graffiti - so prosecute. It’s already illegal to burn cars - so prosecute. Violence is illegal - so prosecute.]
... and as in the UK, where it's already illegal gang rape white girls, but the powers that be would rather not, because the perpetrators in both cases come from what appears to be a protected ideology.
Softly, softly, catchee monkey
2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
Proverbs 29
God Bless