FREE SPEECH HIT: Anti-Jewish attacks used to bring in "hate speech" censorship
The Misinformation Bill failed, but there's more than one way to skin a cat
In early January, the awful Misinformation / Disinformation censorship bill was defeated thanks to Australians telling their senators that voting for it would be punished at the ballot box.
Rebekah Barnett’s excellent victory piece for the Brownstone Institute is HERE.
It was never going to last long, though.
Permanent Canberra at ACMA (the Australian Communications and Media Authority) had worked for years on it.
They made relationships with World Economic Forum globalists who shaped their policy thinking, with e-Safety Commissioner Julie Inman-Grant flying in and out of Davos and co-authoring reports to define censorship terms with the WEF.
It’s worth noting Ms Inman-Grant (who is listed on WikiSpooks and is almost certainly plugged in to the Democrat-faction of the US security state) spent 17 years at Microsoft, the same company that made WEF globalist Bill Gates a multi-billionaire.
This Australian censorship bill was pushed by the exact same interests as the Censorship Industrial Complex which has just been defunded by new US President Donald J. Trump.
Supported alternately by both Liberal and Labor, the censorship bill was attempted in 2023 and 2024, and was defeated.
But there are other ways to get the policy you want.
A great tactic is to scare the public over an issue (eg: racist attacks) so we clamour for politicians to “do something” to save us.
Then the policitians “do something”. They deliver the exact same policy the globalists want, without angering the public.
The panic doesn’t have to be deliberate. Bad things often happen. Globalists can take advantage of issues when they break. The alternate legislation is waiting.
And that could be what is happening now.
Australia is being disfigured by anti-semitic attacks, mostly in Sydney’s east (where I live). Every night there’s a new one. Cars on fire. Cafés daubed with anti-semitic graffiti. A child-care centre set ablaze. Last night it was a café I can walk to. It’s shocking.
NSW Police now have Strike Force Pearl.
Victoria has Operation Park.
Australia’s Federal Police have Operation Avalite.
There have been breathless live press conferences with the Prime Minister addressing the nation (just like the covid panic).
Fear, fear, fear.
National Cabinet has met, and unlike it’s pre-2020 predecessor COAG (Council of Australian Governments), National Cabinet’s deliberations are secret for decades. You can’t FOI them.
The Jewish community is understandably most upset and some of their leaders have called for the hate speech laws to be strengthened.
The Federal Government has introduced the new Criminal Code Amendment (Hate Crimes) Bill 2024 [Provisions]. It was introduced in September and submissions ended last November: you can read them all HERE.
This would increase penalties for crimes done over protected characteristics, creating a heirarchy of victimhood.
There is no need for this: it hurts just as much if you get punched in the face as someone says “fiddlesticks” as if they say something racist. You’re still punched in the face - and that’s already illegal.
This is cultural cancer: everyone will want to claim their crime was a hate crime to get maximum justice.
National Cabinet decided to set up a new national database to monitor the incidents - just as flagged by that new Hate Crimes Bill. What a coincidence.
NSW Premier Chris Minns is reportedly considering changes at a state level to subsection 21A(2)(h) of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW), which makes a bigoted motivation for a crime an aggravating factor when sentencing.
That sounds similar to the proposed Federal Hate Crimes Bill. Perhaps they cooked it up together at National Cabinet.
The Minns Government also wants to change Section 93Z of the Crimes Act.
That is the law that makes it illegal to publicly threaten or incite violence against someone for protected characteristics including race, religion or gender identity, punishable by up to three years’ jail.
The law is to be made more punitive for anyone who threatens religion or protests outside a place of worship.
The Minns Government is actively seeking to lower the threshold of what constitutes criminally punishable hate speech.
This has been in the works for years. In 2023 the Minns Government removed the need for the Director of Public Prosecutions to approve a 93Z prosecution before it could proceed. Here is a review in January last year that specifically mentions race and religion as the areas to be strengthened.
“There is no place in NSW for hate speech or incitement to violence. We live in a multicultural society, and it is vital that we have laws that protect people who come from communities all around the world and call NSW home,” Minns said at the time.
Multiculturalism eventually leads to police-state censorship. It’s inevitable because some cultures are completely incompatible.
The answer is not to crush free speech.
We are a tolerant multi-racial country, but there’s no reason we should create legal carve-outs for multiculturalism to eat away our free speech.
It’s not OK to do whatever you want just like you did back home. If your religion explicitly tells you to hate Jews, as Islam does, or tells you to kill those who leave it and kill those who insult your prophet, as Islam does, then you need to leave those bits at the door.
Free speech is not absolute but the freedom we have is not negotiable, it’s part of our culture.
The Centre for Independent Studies wrote a thoughtful report on “hate speech” in 2019 detailing the legal frameworks throughout Australia’s states and territories called Criminalising Hate Speech: Australia’s Crusade Against Vilification.
They concluded that vilification offences should maintain incitement and threats to violence as the threshold for proving an offence, to ensure free speech is protected.
The US goes further, due to their constitutional protections.
Journalist Glenn Greenwald put it best: the speaker of words should almost never be held responsible for the choice by others to commit violence unless the incitement is extremely direct and imminent.
This is because anyone can be inspired by anything to commit violence. This is especially true of all political speech. Holding the speaker responsible for the actions of others would make political speech impossible.
In Brandenburg v. Ohio, the US Supreme Court established that speech advocating illegal conduct is protected under the First Amendment unless it is likely to incite “imminent lawless action.”
The case in question was of Clarence Brandenburg, a Ku Klux Klan (KKK) leader in Ohio, who let loose at a rally with the worst racist invective you could imagine.
The Supreme Court found that the First Amendment protection covered even his most hateful of speech. To lose the protection, speech would have to:
1) be directed at producing imminent lawless action, and
2) be likely to produce such action.
Australia has never had the robust free speech that the US enjoys, but now our governments want to crush it even more - and people will find it hard to resist because nobody wants to be so nasty as to defend “hate speech”.
That’s why hate crimes are used: to get you to swallow the pill.
I’m not arguing that the authorities are deliberately allowing anti-Semitic attacks to get the excessive censorship they want, although this is possible.
False-flag operations have happened before, such as when police held a massive terror raid in 2014, inviting the media to watch so it would be front-page news. They ran the politicians into giving them massive new powers, and all they found was a plastic sword. I wrote about it here, archived here.
Then-Attorney-General George Brandis has now re-appeared, using these anti-semitic attacks to call for more “hate crime” provisions. Surprise!
Remember George Brandis? He never met a civil right he didn’t want to crush, including sending ASIO in to raid the home of former ACT Attorney General Bernard Collaery for representing East Timor against Australia at the International Court of Justice, jailing journalists and whistle-blowers for 10 years, abolishing a dual-citizen’s right to citizenship (together with Peter Dutton then-Home Affairs Minister).
One wonders, given all the new powers created back then, why police are suddenly unable to stop these anti-Jewish attacks, especially as it comes at the exact same time the Censorship Pushers lost the Misinformation Bill, and our Parliaments debate oppressive new laws.
As uncomfortable as it might be, the answer to these anti-Semitic attacks is not criminalisation or censorship.
The answer to “hate speech” is to uphold the existing laws. It’s already illegal to graffiti - so prosecute. It’s already illegal to burn cars - so prosecute. Violence is illegal - so prosecute.
Go arrest the criminals and leave free speech alone.
All those who fought so hard against the “misinformation” censorship bill should be aware the attack is on, and to remember what Peter Dutton did back when he was Home Affairs Minister - to make sure he’s not just waiting to do it again.
This time the nationalists and conservatives who support free speech risk being disarmed by the desire to protect the Jewish community, and by the leftist attacks on Colonial heritage and the Captain Cook statues.
WEF globalists have been white-anting us for decades, encouraging us to hate our heritage and to set us fighting each other. That way they can get what they want: censorship. Then we won’t be able to resist them when they come at us with forced jabs, stakeholder capitalism, 15-minute surveillance cities and digital ID.
Trump’s victory has dealt a huge blow to the globalists and their censorship industry, which has been temporarily smashed in the US, funding cut.
But here they can survive and reorganise, using Australia as a base to reinfect the US in four years’ time. We must dislodge them.
Right now, these anti-Semitic attacks are unsettling us all. We don’t like it.
This is a trap, and censorship will only make it worse.
Here is a list of previous stories I’ve done on the censorship putsch.
For more on ACMA’s years of planning and dodgy research underpinning the censorship putsch see:
Suppose the anti-semite attacks are regular and include blazing buildings and cars. In that case, there is a good chance it is an orchestrated and funded professional operation with Mossad written all over it to change public opinion and influence laws. They do stuff like that. Individual anti-semite nutters do the odd outburst of hate crime, like graffiti and torching something, but soon run out of energy—just my 2 cents. Nothing is as it appears in this wicked world.
Accurately analysed the situation. I too, smell false flags throughout this so-called anti-semetic campaign. Similar to the Victorian so-called `tobacco wars', again we are told it is orchestrated from overseas and not much they can do. How friggin convenient.