May 7Liked by Alison Bevege

What a huge body of work you have done here Alison! For me the following points you raise about this study are key. It is completely wrong to count a person as unvaccinated for the 21 days after their first shot. This unjustifiable practice began with the clinical trials and has been used in virtually every paper since. People who get vaccinated must go through those 21 days so what happens to them is relevant. Raphael Lataster of Okay Then News Substack has written published pieces in academic journals calling out this "Counting Window Effect". https://okaythennews.substack.com/p/science-summary-covid-19-vaccines

You have done a great job on getting Professor John Ioannidis to comment on the excessively high IFR of 4.45% used in the study. I think that point alone reduces the number of lives saved in this mathematical model to a quarter of that claimed. And of course it’s all very well to count lives saved from covid (and covid deaths are of course, as you say, overestimated anyway because of the very broad definitions used) but that has to be balanced by lives lost due to the vaccines which the paper completely ignores. The way to study that is to look at all-cause mortality for all deaths during the pandemic (both before and after the vaccine rollout) and to carefully examine the rates of all deaths and the relationship to covid vaccination status.

It's all very well to do these and other studies that have been widely quoted by public health officials that are based on dubious mathematical models of 'what might have been if we hadn't used the vaccines'. What we first need to come to grips with and find out for sure is: 'what has been'. In a world where so many countries, including Australia, have had unprecedented excess mortality for several years now, the hypothesis that some or all of the pandemic measures did more harm than good has to be rigorously examined.

Finally on conflicts of interest, I did notice that the paper, under the section entitled ‘Author Contributions’ on page 14 says ‘Funding acquisition: Haydar Demirhan’. That seems a little at odds with the statement on p1 ‘Funding: The author(s) received no specific funding for this work.’!

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thanks Clare what an excellent and detailed comment. Thank you! your wonderful work on excess deaths is also amazing.

Professor Ioannidis was wonderfully prompt to reply, I greatly appreciated it. Yes, that reduces "lives saved" -- but there is also so much MORE in that study supplementary that I didn't put so as not to clutter.

for example they just added more than 300 "covid deaths" because they were in a report but not in the other weekly figures they got from NSW Health. So no way to know if they were double counted, or if they really were covid deaths (or if they were ascertained with the same criteria). They were just counted in there.

Or shifting all the death data to the right by one week to adjust for what if they are not reported in the same week as the data. Well some might be and some might take 3 weeks. who knows?!

yes you are right they need to balance lives saved vs lives lost - does anyone remember that German autopsy study, that showed several middle-aged people died and were first deemed a heart attack. But when researchers reviewed with autopsy looking for vaccinal spike, they found actually their heart attacks were caused by the gene-vaccines. So - if you don't look you don't find.

So much artifice and skullduggery like that. These numbers are so highly derivative they just don't show anything meaningful. Only they do one key thing: provide fake science for PR propaganda.

yes i love your point of how what we need to find out is the objective reality of "what has been".

I could count horses and rhinos then run a mathematical model of what if they bred to create a unicorn, how many unicorns would there be. But what would be the use?

This study is just as ridiculous.

Interesting note about Hadar Demirhan!! I missed that, but you spotted it - well done, you brilliant journalist!

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Am I not understanding something here? Isn't a 4.45% IFR ludicrously high? I thought it was more like 0.1%, even after all the official massaging.

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Brilliant work, Alison. It's infuriating to read, but a thorough job very well done.

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thanks you wonderful lady Laine

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Thank you for all you are doing.

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Wow that response is dreadful. They can't beat us on science so they resort to name-calling. Also, the journal will allow me to email the comment so they can (hopefully) post it on my behalf. We shall see!

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thank you Raphael, well done you on picking through that study also in such an excellent and skeptical way

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Excellent work. Bear in mind that the data used was already massively conflicted.


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oh thank you so much, that's a great link, and wonderful work

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May 7Liked by Alison Bevege

“I’m not sure why you are having a go at World Health (O), there funding comes from organizations like Bill and Melinda Gates slush fund not the Big Pharma they were major investors in “.😂

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yes and oh dear but the Gates Foundation did indeed own Pfizer shares in 2020 if my old notes are correct.... before they sold at the peak

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May 14Liked by Alison Bevege

Billy Gates boasted about 10X ROI for his investment s in Bio Tech. Surely he is the worlds smartest guy and by no coincidence, first Microsoft then Bio Tech and now he is buying up American farmland being officially the single largest land owner in US of A🤷‍♂️

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yes. i have recently become aware that the Gates Foundation also bought BioNTech shares before the pandemic was widely known, in early 2020, for cheap, then sold at the peak in 2022.

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I can't believe he actually responded this way. That and the claim that if there was evidence the vaccines cause harm, he'd be the first person to publicise it. Ugh.

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correct that is the actual reply in full, i wanted it in context for fairness and accuracy, only blacked out the email

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Unfortunately they seem to have dumbed down numbed out enough of the population that the corruption can be open and the lies bold faced and blatant 🤷‍♂️

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You're absolutely right.

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May 7Liked by Alison Bevege

Another excellent post ! Thanks for all your work.

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thanks Bryan!

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🔴 Age-stratified infection fatality rate of COVID-19 in the non-elderly population (1 January 2023)

Professor John Ioannidis (Stanford University) et al.

“The median [pre-vaccination] IFR was 0.0003% at 0–19 years, 0.002% at 20–29 years, 0.011% at 30–39 years, 0.035% at 40–49 years, 0.123% at 50–59 years, and 0.506% at 60–69 years.”


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🙏Alison for another informative post.

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thanks Dave!!

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An excellent article Alison, thank you for writing this!

As you well know the data was bogus from start to finish.

A few things that illustrate this from 2022 - more than +2000 extra "COVID-19 deaths" in NSW than the ABS reported in its Causes of Death (2022) release.

NSW Health Weekly Surveillance Reports reported more weekly COVID-19 deaths in NSW than in the ENTIRE NATION six times in 2022 (mostly earlier in the year).


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thank you :)

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May 10Liked by Alison Bevege

Scientific studies offer little certainty. They can be made to look better than they are. Relative efficacy and optimistic percentages are the same as no more gaps for a painter and decorator. Trust your gut. My gut says: when Omicron emerged the human immune system won again; the rushed vaccines did more harm than good; the horse paste didn't harm anyone.

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good common sense is so hard to find these days, thank you Michael - there's nothing wrong with your brains!

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Thank you for your hard work. No surprise here. It all will come to a head when more and more people refuse future mRna products because they learned to see propaganda as propaganda. When the propaganda stops working and they can't inject their products we will reach a critical moment: Either the corrupt powers will justify mandates again which quickly will lead to forced injections and possibly cicil war or they back off and abandon the project.

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yes they are building those factories so they will need to manufacture a market for the product

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May 7Liked by Alison Bevege

It’s all about the EMOTIONS. “I risked myself and took the experimental injection, I protected others and saved many lives, you can have your stats and facts, I can feel good about myself!

Private public partnerships sounds like fascism, weren’t the government meant to regulate businesses interests and serve the public and greater good? 🤷‍♂️

Keep up the good work Alison.

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thanks Jeffo!

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Regarding this rhetoric: "Furthermore, in this study, anyone within

21 days of their first dose of Covid vaccination was categorised as ‘no

effective dose’, meaning deaths occurring within the first 21 days of

vaccination would be not be attributed to the vaccinated group." -

listen to Jason Olbourne's fantastic interview with Dr David Richards.

https://tntradiolive.podbean.com/e/dr-david-richards-on-weekends-with-jason-olbourne-26-may-2024/ from 16 minutes.

Dr David Richards explains the scientific fraud that

perpetuates the lie that "minions of lives were saved" - complete

rubbish. The rubbish that has politicians parroting “Covid-19

vaccinations protect people in Australia against serious illness and

death,” and, “Vaccination has been critical in reducing hospitalisations

and admissions to intensive care units (ICU) and deaths.”

The "unvaccinated status" is a hoax on the excess deaths data to keep

the corporist profiteering propaganda and politics rolling.

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"In fact, skepticism at its heart, is science, and vice versa." True, but not the same with the adjective "unnecessarily". Could easily apply to idiots who believe the earth is flat. Funny how anti-covid vaxxers rely on so called experts like Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Pierre Cory to name a few. They are well documented for spouting absolute nonsense, which is something that real experts in their field do not do.



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“Unnecessarily” is just your opinion and you know what they say about those…

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Can't see any vindication for the mRNA anti-vaxxers coming soon. Especially after reading the list of "Top experts worldwide who have been marginalised for criticising the mRNA gene-vaccines." It is a list of discredited so called experts who have drawn much criticism from their colleagues for uttering embarrassing nonsense. Off the top of my head...Pierre Kory, who said ivermectin is a "miracle drug" at the December 2020 Senate hearing, the Journal Sentinel reported. "If you take it, you will not get sick," Then to disprove himself gets Covid. Paul Marik, who had a protocol treatment for sepsis that was proven to be ineffective. That is only the tip of the iceberg of this list. Real experts don't make bold and foolish comments. You will have to do better than this Alison, before I even begin to take the mRNA anti-vaxxers seriously.

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btw paul marik is a highly respected, highly published doctor and pierre kory has laid bare how big pharma corruptly attacked Ivermectin in order to get Emergency Use Approval for the crap mRNA products which couldn't be authorised if there were any recognised treatments.

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that is only a handful of experts. There are so many more. I just wanted to put a selection of some of the biggest, most published names that people are familiar with.

None of them are discredited. They are all massive heroes. Martin Kulldorf is not discredited, you will note the video I linked to for him was from Uni of California's respected Dr Vinay Prassad calling for him to be reinstated, noting he was sacked for being correct about the lockdowns.


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"Massive heroes" in your mind, but nonetheless discredited for saying foolish things regarding the pandemic. Martin Kulldorf claimed in October 2020 the mass infection of hundreds of millions of unvaccinated Americans would lead to herd immunity in under 6-months. Said in December 2021 that COVID, which killed hundreds of children, was less deadly “than the already low risk from the annual influenza,” which killed 1 child. Said in December 2021, “The pandemic ends when enough people have natural immunity after Covid recovery." Said in June 2021, “The pandemic is on its way out”. Prassad follows a similar pattern of blotting his copy book by similar comments.

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The mass infection of hundreds of millions of unvaccinated Americans indeed would have lead to herd immunity in under 6 months

Martin Kulldorf was right.

And if the US population had been warned to get extra Vitamin D, lose weight and get fit and healthy then the US death toll would be a tiny fraction of what it ended up being. Perhaps the US could then have done as well as some of the African nations where the death rate was so much lower without the toxic jabs.

As to your claim that covid "killed hundreds of children", unless you have overwhelming and un-confounded evidence to prove that, I will disregard it.

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As a journalist it is incumbent upon you to practice due diligence and research thoroughly before posting anything, especially if it concerns matters that you might have a bias towards. Furthermore, especially if you find yourself appealing to people with a weakness for crackpot conspiracy theories like your much admired Nurse John Campbell, who recently intimated that his nursing colleagues along with doctors in the UK colluded in the alleged, heinous crime of mass murder using Midazolam. Now how likely is that? As for your claim that "Martin Kulldorff was right", I'd like to see you provide "overwhelming and un-confounded evidence to prove that". Just common sense tells one that allowing the infection to run rampant would have lead to more hospitalizations and deaths along with other disruptions. As for child deaths, do some research while putting your strong bias and fevered imagination aside.


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secondly, you will note that I back up all facts with original sources that are independently verifiable. That is why I provide the inline links, which also takes the most time. Feel free to check the validity of my research by simply visiting the sources.

And yes, Dr John Campbell, nurse educator, is much admired. You know why? He follows the evidence wherever it leads, and when the evidence shows that reality is different to his pre-conceptions, he changes his mind.

That makes him a hero.

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Martin Kulldorf and the other co-signers of the Great Barrington declaration have been proven right by history. By real world results.

They are proven right by Professor Ioannidis’s IFR findings alone.

That entire pandemic scare campaign and subsequent rushing of badly tested and dangerous product into the arms of millions of previously healthy people is what has led to massive excess deaths here and elsewhere.

The covid catastrophists who shopped a dangerous product to people who didn’t need it, are the ones responsible for killing their countrymen.

That horribly dangerous mRNA was injected into pregnant women. Pregnant women are told not even to eat blue cheese in case of health complications yet here they were being injected with experimental gene-therapy. As if we learnt nothing from thalidomide.

MRNA product shot straight into the arms of healthy children who had zero risk from covid but now drop dead on soccer pitches and football fields of gene-vaccine heart attacks thanks to the lasting damage from subclinical myo/pericarditis.

MRNA injected into people who already had covid and recovered, giving them immune memory known to be good for 20 years thanks to published research on the blood of people who had the original Sars virus that showed their immune system recognised the new virus and mounted a response. People who did not need that shot, forced to get multiple doses.

Shame on anyone who defends the covid scare campaign now. Shame on you for that.

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I can well understand why Nurse Campbell is admired. He is admired by a world wide audience of contrarians lacking in critical intellect and willing to swallow the bs he posts. I'd be embarrassed if I had a platform and attracted the sort of comments he does. No problem for grifter Campbell, who probably doesn't read them anyway and only hears the ka-ching, ka-ching of growing revenue from his evermore frequent postings. You don't need to be a Sherlock Holmes to detect his dis-ingenuousness with its methods and motives. A good number of his postings have been deconstructed in a thoughtful and thorough manner by people of superior qualifications and knowledge than he has to offer. All his guests are singing from the same choir sheet and he never debates anybody who would challenge him. Some of his guests are damn near certifiable cases for treatment, like John O'Looney and Russell Brand. Wow, talk about desperation to make yet another posting. Professor Ioannidis is well thought of by his colleagues, but doesn't escape entirely from criticism. In fact he's a bit like you, with his tone having been described as "dramatic" and "alarmingly misleading", which runs the risk of making people unnecessarily skeptical or cynical about science. Oh, and the Great Barrington Declaration that oozed out of the Brownstone Institute that was founded by dicky bow tie wearing Jeffrey Tucker. Tucker is a far right wing radical leaning libertarian with other unsavoury facts attached. Quite clearly a worshiper of Mammon Capitalism, that was founded upon human greed and propelled by it at all times. Shame on you for being taken in by people of this calibre. You can do better Alison.

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