Thanks for this. Just thanked Woollhara Council and implored Pingelly councillors to care about their people. It only takes a few seconds so get to it everyone. Local gov't is the only level that has given a toss so far. Much thanks to all those councillors that have cared and hopefully more will. Bless you Alison.
beautiful thank you for that, that's so positive. It's the positive actions that help everyone in the long run - take a look, Deputy Mayor has graciously apologised for trying to block it, also
and in other news, on Steve Kirsh's substack details Pfizer's pregnancy trial showing zero effectiveness against COVID, but substantial risks to the new born.
I can remember seeing a poster in a doctors waiting room when the jabs were just being rolled out where the medical regulator and the TGA were saying the jabs were safe during pregnancy, even though at that time they had zero evidence for that claim. Hopefully the noose is tightening.
Guess what, Rosemary - he apologised. So he is actually not despicable any more, he is that rare and shining light - someone who is big enough to admit they were wrong. Respect to him
Very sadly there are many suffering victims who should be calling loudly for exposure of the covid/vaxx malfeasance yet seem perpetually captured by officialdom's psychological manipulation, somehow preventing them from actually confronting the reality of their plight. I have a daughter and son in law and grandson who were all injected multiple times and now suffer many seriously debilitating issues yet refuse to question the possibility of mRNA injection poisoning. They continue to blame it all on 'long covid' and still refuse to go in public without a damned mask for God's sake! I have tried to open their eyes but have had to back right off for fear of permanently alienating them all..... I'm at a loss.
Unfortunately they are in Permanent Lockstep with the Lying Narrative and may never admit their Mistake. The Population Controlling Eugenist Skum appear to have gotten away with Murder because our Gutless Spinless Politicians, Health Professionals, Church Hierarchy and the Parasites that call themselves Journalists. Will there be a Day of Reckoning? God Knows .
The issue is not the science anymore, we have established enough to know the shots are unsafe. The problem is political power. The solution is therefore to participate in the groups that create that power - local council a good start and also join the institutions like NSW CCL (or interstate equivalents) that were taken over by those pushing this corruption and speak up so they no longer have it all their own way. Also Free Speech Union
I totally agree. A reckoning will require two things....replacement of the currently guilt ridden and tainted official heirarchy and overturning public apathy. Hopefully God will bring both of these imperatives together sooner rather than later.
WIN - misinfo censorship bill defeated for now (it may come back woth amendments under Liberals if we do not make it crystal clear it is never to be tolerated in any form)
WIN - Trump announcing RFK jr for Secretary of Health and Human Services (umbrella department of all the corrupted agencies such as BARDA, FDA, NIH and NIAID)
WIN - Trump announcing Dr Jay Bhattacharya head of NIH
WIN - Trump announcing a ban on public health officials immediately getting jobs in Big Pharma. Oh that's a bunch of entire corrupt career plans ruined right there.
WIN - Port Hedland now has 6 councils considering.
WIN - Free Speech Union starting in Australia, CHD, AMPS, Aligned Council - lots of new advocacy groups for us to join and push and lobby for us to prevent forced medication in future
We can win but it is going to take energy and effort channelled in ways that work. Well done everyone
Port Hedland Council championed this. They put more than 500 Local Councils and politicians on notice that the vaccines were causing harms. Well done to all councils who have heeded their message and are doing something about it for their constituents.
WHY Now? After 3> 4 YEARS of CONVID Jabbing AND Almost 'Instant' Negative Outcomes (NotMyGov @ Lake Burlry Griffin 2 Step CONtrolled Oppositions/MediKill Staff & MSM STILL 'Pushing' this Toxic DoD/DARPA/BARDA/G Network 'InterActive' Bio Warfare Soup), Why Now, from U.N/SDG/15 Minute SMART Cities-Regions- Supportive 3rd Tier Govt (NOT recognised under the Australian Constitution) of OZtopia! WHO'se Trojan Horse Operates This, KNOWN since 2020/21, 'Resistance' to Health breaching, of The DE-Population @ Large? 'Councils', who charge 'Rates & Taxes', on PRIVATELY 'Owned' Land - NOW, Folks 'Best Buddies', And, a Pressure relief 'Against' - 'Policy', FOR The Tiers of Government 'Above' Them? ( Come on down Sejanus - Roman 1st Century, Roman Empire).
CONsider; Sun Tzu (5th Century Chinese Strategist)- 'The Art of War' = Information + Deception/Diversions. Now Up-Graded to 5th GW (Generation Warfare - Circa 1999 - Chinese again), The Art of Challenging Individual 'Perceptions of Reality'!
Sorry. The question was suppose to be Rhetorical! Awake, or Normally 'Wired' Folks, understand the General Concept of 5th GW. And, in ALL regards & MeTricks (Metrics) of Operations - The 'Cabal', Knows NO Limits (Operation Gladio, is Standardised 'Game Planning')!= The SAME EntiTies, who are the CatAlyst for Wars, for TOTAL Control, without Empathy for 10's of Millions of Actual Global CitiZens, passed off as Collateral Damage, % 'Stats' on a Screen or a 'Bleached' A4 Report! - For 17 SDG Sheeple & NumpTie Crats; "Consider this SterilLies'd Report, Before Printing or MIS/DIScarding!" = U.N.ConTroll'd P.R.
Your question is unclear as it is cluttered. The situation wont change until we move it ourselves. We can move it at a local level as our local council is responsive to our concerns as their immediate constituents. Don't waste time complaining - ring the ward councillors for your area and calmly ask them how to petition your council. Learn how to do it in the ways they have already got that people dont know to use. And talk to them calmly with facts and evidence without dragging in every issue and the kitchen sink as it makes you sound crazy especially when they dont understand what you are saying. Just stick to ine clear thing.
Apologies. With 'Intelligent' CurRent (Current - But the 1st IS an Apt desCryption. Rent a Cur.), Systemic operations of State & COMIC (1), Was that CircusStances or Circumstances? (Rhetorical question again folks!) CLOWN World & Idiot Factory 'R'us, dictates 'CircusStances', which in itself IS Worrying! Language is Entertaining & stimulating!
As for 'Chance', Globally, I've got a Better chance of Winning Div 1 Lotto, Multiple times, THAN, the Amount of State/COMIC 'Exercises', with EXACTLY the SAME Scenarios @ Timed Scheduling, for An PRE Organised 'Required' Agenda - To Move Forward. Who knew! = COINsidental 'Chance'- Again! LOL!!
Thanks david white - byram bridle is a massive hero. He spoke out from the start and got the pharmacokinetic study from Japan translated and published showing it went to the ovaries. TGA also had that study in Pfizer's post-marketing report released under FOI. So they knew it went everywhere they just didnt tell us
Speaking of myocarditis, the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute yesterday posted in Facebook some information on the number of cardiac arrests in Australia each year. I added comments in reference to the Covid vaccines. Facebookers here may be interested in adding their own comments, as the institute has around 19,000 followers. Many thanks
Good idea as the censorship regime has cracked in the US with the Trump win. However one risk now is shadow banning where you think you wrote a comment but nobody can actually see. Then a couple of bots will "like" it to give the illusion you have been heard. In the age of AI, real life communication is best
Yes, on a Garvan Institute post I once made in Facebook I noticed the lack of exposure. Rounding up a group of angry SGA (Suddenly Gone Australia) members however certainly made an impact.
Very few politicians have received sufficient scientific training. They only quote the words of authorities and people with great influence. They mistake this for evidence.
Amazingly he apologised - which is a rare and wonderful thing. This is what we need from those in power to apologise acknowkedge the mistake and change course. 3 years ago would have been the time but better now than never because if they continue we will suffer a repeat with the new product to be churned out of the factories popping up everywhere (with your taxes)
Thanks for keeping us up to date with this Alison. Important work. I wonder if the fact that many councils mandated the shots on their staff will play a role in their decisions. There are still councils in Victoria mandating this for employment. I randomly keep an eye on Merri-bek council near Melbourne who would see themselves as very progressive and inclusive. Still mandating to see proof of vax ( I wonder how many you need) even if you are shortlisted for a job.
THAT IS 'DISCRIMINATION' - Pure & Simple! On Pfizer's & ALL other Pharma Products, Should be THIS Statement;
* Before taking this vaccine, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits against the risks associated with infection, including Mortality and Morbidity data.
* You should carefully consider whether this vaccine is right for you in all circumstances. (THAT'S 'Mandates' NOT ENFORCEABLE!!).
Note; We'll leave the 'Impossibility' of Virus( A NON living Coding - DiffeRent to Bacteria & Fungi) 'Transfer' via 'Normal existence operations', at this point, Apart from Psuych Op LeverAges!!
Last; WHERE is the 'Confidence' of The Council & THE, ALREADY 'Jabbed', in their ARMoured 'Protection', Via their Wonder Jabs, against THE 'Threat'?? = NONE! But, they Keep On 'Boosting' themselves with CONfidence! LOL.
Goodness thank you for the link! That is disgraceful that it was mandated. You have reminded me that NSW CCL is gearing up for an upcoming drug law summit - i really want them to put mandates on the agenda. If you know anyone on rhe CCL committee please email them as they are highly influential
“Silly conspiracy theory stuff”?? It blows my mind how these nobodies think they’re more knowledgeable than all the credentialed scientists, doctors, researchers around the globe who have been and are raising so many red flags on these things.
This is what the bulk of the public have been tricked into thinking and they have never heard from the scientists and professors that we have because of censorship. We have been siloed. You wont see these voices on reddit or in corporate media and those stories cannot be shared on FB so that they get large numbers of voews. They were and still are throttled
Thanks for this. Just thanked Woollhara Council and implored Pingelly councillors to care about their people. It only takes a few seconds so get to it everyone. Local gov't is the only level that has given a toss so far. Much thanks to all those councillors that have cared and hopefully more will. Bless you Alison.
beautiful thank you for that, that's so positive. It's the positive actions that help everyone in the long run - take a look, Deputy Mayor has graciously apologised for trying to block it, also
and in other news, on Steve Kirsh's substack details Pfizer's pregnancy trial showing zero effectiveness against COVID, but substantial risks to the new born.
I can remember seeing a poster in a doctors waiting room when the jabs were just being rolled out where the medical regulator and the TGA were saying the jabs were safe during pregnancy, even though at that time they had zero evidence for that claim. Hopefully the noose is tightening.
we tell pregnant women to avoid even blue cheese and sushi - wth were they doing telling them to take a repurposed gene therapy shot??!!!
Great news. We are really getting somewhere now. What a despicable Liberal councillor.
Guess what, Rosemary - he apologised. So he is actually not despicable any more, he is that rare and shining light - someone who is big enough to admit they were wrong. Respect to him
Very sadly there are many suffering victims who should be calling loudly for exposure of the covid/vaxx malfeasance yet seem perpetually captured by officialdom's psychological manipulation, somehow preventing them from actually confronting the reality of their plight. I have a daughter and son in law and grandson who were all injected multiple times and now suffer many seriously debilitating issues yet refuse to question the possibility of mRNA injection poisoning. They continue to blame it all on 'long covid' and still refuse to go in public without a damned mask for God's sake! I have tried to open their eyes but have had to back right off for fear of permanently alienating them all..... I'm at a loss.
Unfortunately they are in Permanent Lockstep with the Lying Narrative and may never admit their Mistake. The Population Controlling Eugenist Skum appear to have gotten away with Murder because our Gutless Spinless Politicians, Health Professionals, Church Hierarchy and the Parasites that call themselves Journalists. Will there be a Day of Reckoning? God Knows .
The issue is not the science anymore, we have established enough to know the shots are unsafe. The problem is political power. The solution is therefore to participate in the groups that create that power - local council a good start and also join the institutions like NSW CCL (or interstate equivalents) that were taken over by those pushing this corruption and speak up so they no longer have it all their own way. Also Free Speech Union
I totally agree. A reckoning will require two things....replacement of the currently guilt ridden and tainted official heirarchy and overturning public apathy. Hopefully God will bring both of these imperatives together sooner rather than later.
Yes a Sodom and Gomorrah Moment is required.
The Vaccinated
Have Become
Second Class Citizens
To Their Own Natural Immunity.
WIN - misinfo censorship bill defeated for now (it may come back woth amendments under Liberals if we do not make it crystal clear it is never to be tolerated in any form)
WIN - Trump announcing RFK jr for Secretary of Health and Human Services (umbrella department of all the corrupted agencies such as BARDA, FDA, NIH and NIAID)
WIN - Trump announcing Dr Jay Bhattacharya head of NIH
WIN - Trump announcing a ban on public health officials immediately getting jobs in Big Pharma. Oh that's a bunch of entire corrupt career plans ruined right there.
WIN - Port Hedland now has 6 councils considering.
WIN - Free Speech Union starting in Australia, CHD, AMPS, Aligned Council - lots of new advocacy groups for us to join and push and lobby for us to prevent forced medication in future
We can win but it is going to take energy and effort channelled in ways that work. Well done everyone
Thanks, I did not know about the Hope Accords.
Reposted it:
Port Hedland Council championed this. They put more than 500 Local Councils and politicians on notice that the vaccines were causing harms. Well done to all councils who have heeded their message and are doing something about it for their constituents.
WHY Now? After 3> 4 YEARS of CONVID Jabbing AND Almost 'Instant' Negative Outcomes (NotMyGov @ Lake Burlry Griffin 2 Step CONtrolled Oppositions/MediKill Staff & MSM STILL 'Pushing' this Toxic DoD/DARPA/BARDA/G Network 'InterActive' Bio Warfare Soup), Why Now, from U.N/SDG/15 Minute SMART Cities-Regions- Supportive 3rd Tier Govt (NOT recognised under the Australian Constitution) of OZtopia! WHO'se Trojan Horse Operates This, KNOWN since 2020/21, 'Resistance' to Health breaching, of The DE-Population @ Large? 'Councils', who charge 'Rates & Taxes', on PRIVATELY 'Owned' Land - NOW, Folks 'Best Buddies', And, a Pressure relief 'Against' - 'Policy', FOR The Tiers of Government 'Above' Them? ( Come on down Sejanus - Roman 1st Century, Roman Empire).
CONsider; Sun Tzu (5th Century Chinese Strategist)- 'The Art of War' = Information + Deception/Diversions. Now Up-Graded to 5th GW (Generation Warfare - Circa 1999 - Chinese again), The Art of Challenging Individual 'Perceptions of Reality'!
Wellness - John D.
infowars. And, war by other means.
Sorry. The question was suppose to be Rhetorical! Awake, or Normally 'Wired' Folks, understand the General Concept of 5th GW. And, in ALL regards & MeTricks (Metrics) of Operations - The 'Cabal', Knows NO Limits (Operation Gladio, is Standardised 'Game Planning')!= The SAME EntiTies, who are the CatAlyst for Wars, for TOTAL Control, without Empathy for 10's of Millions of Actual Global CitiZens, passed off as Collateral Damage, % 'Stats' on a Screen or a 'Bleached' A4 Report! - For 17 SDG Sheeple & NumpTie Crats; "Consider this SterilLies'd Report, Before Printing or MIS/DIScarding!" = U.N.ConTroll'd P.R.
Wellness - John D.
Your question is unclear as it is cluttered. The situation wont change until we move it ourselves. We can move it at a local level as our local council is responsive to our concerns as their immediate constituents. Don't waste time complaining - ring the ward councillors for your area and calmly ask them how to petition your council. Learn how to do it in the ways they have already got that people dont know to use. And talk to them calmly with facts and evidence without dragging in every issue and the kitchen sink as it makes you sound crazy especially when they dont understand what you are saying. Just stick to ine clear thing.
I understand.
Wellness - John D.
Good to be suss Jan/John D. Nothing happens by chance, or circumstance these days.
Apologies. With 'Intelligent' CurRent (Current - But the 1st IS an Apt desCryption. Rent a Cur.), Systemic operations of State & COMIC (1), Was that CircusStances or Circumstances? (Rhetorical question again folks!) CLOWN World & Idiot Factory 'R'us, dictates 'CircusStances', which in itself IS Worrying! Language is Entertaining & stimulating!
As for 'Chance', Globally, I've got a Better chance of Winning Div 1 Lotto, Multiple times, THAN, the Amount of State/COMIC 'Exercises', with EXACTLY the SAME Scenarios @ Timed Scheduling, for An PRE Organised 'Required' Agenda - To Move Forward. Who knew! = COINsidental 'Chance'- Again! LOL!!
(1) COMIC - Corporate OrganEyes'd [a] Military InDustTrial CONplex. {a} Eyes'd - 5>9Eyes SureVeilLance (Surveillance) Cabal= Definite/Smoke & Mirrors/Actual Action against.
Wellness - JOHN D.
Thank you. Now sent to Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle (on his second last Substack post).
Thanks david white - byram bridle is a massive hero. He spoke out from the start and got the pharmacokinetic study from Japan translated and published showing it went to the ovaries. TGA also had that study in Pfizer's post-marketing report released under FOI. So they knew it went everywhere they just didnt tell us
Speaking of myocarditis, the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute yesterday posted in Facebook some information on the number of cardiac arrests in Australia each year. I added comments in reference to the Covid vaccines. Facebookers here may be interested in adding their own comments, as the institute has around 19,000 followers. Many thanks
Good idea as the censorship regime has cracked in the US with the Trump win. However one risk now is shadow banning where you think you wrote a comment but nobody can actually see. Then a couple of bots will "like" it to give the illusion you have been heard. In the age of AI, real life communication is best
Yes, on a Garvan Institute post I once made in Facebook I noticed the lack of exposure. Rounding up a group of angry SGA (Suddenly Gone Australia) members however certainly made an impact.
Possibly a polite phone call to the institute with your good question might also be good
Very few politicians have received sufficient scientific training. They only quote the words of authorities and people with great influence. They mistake this for evidence.
Yes media the same. But even doctors the same - they have been turned into box-tickers following govt guidelines
They Follow orders and do not use their Creator given Brain and Common sense to Research.
Excellent Cheers Alison. The Dr Angus Dalgleish link is here : Professor Angus Dalgleish on Sky News, Australia .. talks Gene Therapies
Pfizer & Moderna DNA Contamination .. and Cancers .. and TGA criminality
The Deputy Mayor appears to be paid of Quisling. Definitely Vote him out .he doesn't represent the People who put him there so he must go .
Amazingly he apologised - which is a rare and wonderful thing. This is what we need from those in power to apologise acknowkedge the mistake and change course. 3 years ago would have been the time but better now than never because if they continue we will suffer a repeat with the new product to be churned out of the factories popping up everywhere (with your taxes)
Thanks for keeping us up to date with this Alison. Important work. I wonder if the fact that many councils mandated the shots on their staff will play a role in their decisions. There are still councils in Victoria mandating this for employment. I randomly keep an eye on Merri-bek council near Melbourne who would see themselves as very progressive and inclusive. Still mandating to see proof of vax ( I wonder how many you need) even if you are shortlisted for a job.
THAT IS 'DISCRIMINATION' - Pure & Simple! On Pfizer's & ALL other Pharma Products, Should be THIS Statement;
* Before taking this vaccine, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits against the risks associated with infection, including Mortality and Morbidity data.
* You should carefully consider whether this vaccine is right for you in all circumstances. (THAT'S 'Mandates' NOT ENFORCEABLE!!).
Note; We'll leave the 'Impossibility' of Virus( A NON living Coding - DiffeRent to Bacteria & Fungi) 'Transfer' via 'Normal existence operations', at this point, Apart from Psuych Op LeverAges!!
Last; WHERE is the 'Confidence' of The Council & THE, ALREADY 'Jabbed', in their ARMoured 'Protection', Via their Wonder Jabs, against THE 'Threat'?? = NONE! But, they Keep On 'Boosting' themselves with CONfidence! LOL.
Wellness - JOHN D. CitiZen
Goodness thank you for the link! That is disgraceful that it was mandated. You have reminded me that NSW CCL is gearing up for an upcoming drug law summit - i really want them to put mandates on the agenda. If you know anyone on rhe CCL committee please email them as they are highly influential
Lost librarian thank you v v much very interesting comment
“Silly conspiracy theory stuff”?? It blows my mind how these nobodies think they’re more knowledgeable than all the credentialed scientists, doctors, researchers around the globe who have been and are raising so many red flags on these things.
This is what the bulk of the public have been tricked into thinking and they have never heard from the scientists and professors that we have because of censorship. We have been siloed. You wont see these voices on reddit or in corporate media and those stories cannot be shared on FB so that they get large numbers of voews. They were and still are throttled
Very True. But even if you send the videos for people to watch directly, they will still find something to criticize. Like they know more than…. 🤯