
I notice that in 1987 Australia was a nation, with a majority of people unified by shared history and culture. Bob Hawke it was who set about destroying the nation with multiculturalism, which is the opposite of nation. A state or country is not the same thing as a nation. There can be no effective opposition to this Bill as there is no longer a pool of people large enough to have both the shared history and will to defend their freedom - which was only ever culturally protected and not protected in law.

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Jan 18·edited Jan 18Liked by Alison Bevege

Phenomenal article Alison, thank you.

I recently had a young person in my family tell me: "I would sell my soul for a digital ID."

This same young person watched me stand alone during the vax pass lock out, as I was denied entry to his graduation. I congratulated him in the car park. This made no impression on him.

When I explained to him about the digital ID (as you have done here), he said: "it's just the convenience." Yes, he is injected with the covid bioweapon, which he did to attend festivals that were cancelled anyway.

Unfortunately, this is what we are up against. I am ready, and I know all of you reading are as well.

Edit: just cross-posted, thank you again for this, although I take exception to the notion 'It is anonymous and therefore deceitful' which seems an odd statement when writing about digital privacy.

Those who are most ruthless in unmasking are usually those who would pursue and punish government whistleblowers. Please see relevant article "A brief history of anons, a tribute to the top modern anons, and why anon culture fosters free speech, creativity, and trust" by account dedicated to Yuri Bezemenov https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-stay-anonymous-top-anons-creativity-trust

"Writing as an anon unleashes creativity by suppressing the ego and insecurities that accompany a real name. Before picking up the pen as Yuri, I never wrote anything publicly under my name and it will stay that way. I don’t do it for fame or glory, I do it for the dialogue and the friends you make along the way."

People can choose to follow or not, but if the choice of anonymity is removed there is no longer choice. Australians (in particular) have a terrible fetish for government to save them rather than preserve their liberties, which is how the camps were built.

Truth is truth no matter where it comes from, and it is much more difficult to 'spread the word' when the power of credentialism, sex appeal, ego or physical characteristics are removed. That is the power of the anon. You rise and fall only by your word.

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I am guessing that it will not be until actual individuals have been denied access to their bank accounts that any resistance will emerge. And when it does, it will be from people with nothing left to lose. I am guessing that leading politicians will be mained or killed, bank CEOs hurled from rooftops, as in China; and private armies will appear., to replace the woke ninnies of the ADF. That will provoke a homegrown version and then it will be civil war. I really doubt th e globalists have thought this through.

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Jan 18Liked by Alison Bevege

Thanks for another excellent article Alison. Australia is not the same country unfortunately as it was in 1987. I know that a lot of us conspiracy “realists” are aware of what is happening but I can still understand why, in particular the younger generations, are so nonchalant about digital ID and the lack of concern about government intrusion. This is predominantly because they have been born into the new digital world and their “education” might I say has been tilted towards acceptance of government interjections unlike earlier generations.

I do take heart though when I look back at, for instance, the Voice referendum which was SMASHED and this occurred from a grass roots level and with minimum funding against a huge amount of money coming from government, huge corporations and “woke” elites.

Then I look at what’s happened and continues to happen in Europe with the Dutch farmers and now the German farmers enthusiastically joined by Polish and other countries farmers. These people are at the cutting edge of resistance, there KNOW what is happening and their governments are powerless to put them down unlike what happened in Canada during Covid.

I take heart when I see Argentinian President Javier Milei take to the stage at Davos to address WEF attendees and Klaus Schwab of what I now label the entire bunch of”elites” as The Fourth Reich. (They didn’t see that coming did they😳)?

I take heart knowing that there is (purely a guess) 100 million of them, leaving about 7.5 BILLION that they have to control. I then think back to history and the French Revolution and smile with warmth on the inside knowing what is coming for these tyrants, eventually.

I have my pitchfork and I’m on my last hill - we live in interesting times.


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Thank you Alison. Amazing work. 'The Australia Card' is a sobering reminder of the shift in privacy awareness and general willingness to protect our autonomy...people have been conditioned not to care and not to know. Except for everybody here, of course. And thank you for sharing our article/analysis re the Bill. - Peter

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´´ Refusers will have their lives made increasingly impossible. They will be demonised as fringe “cookers” so their complaints can be dismissed without care ´´. OK you demons in charge, you can already put me in the list and lets have some fun you degenerates POS.

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There were less distractions in 1987. The majority will go along with it this time around. For sake of convenience they’ll say. But they’ve been heavily programmed along the way. Seeing numerous folk lined up to be the first to buy a newly released ‘phone’ when I first saw it really hit home.

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Thanks for sharing my Digital ID video. I just heard that the Committee accepted my submission done on behalf of community voice. It's up on the website and number 24.

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"The only way it could be stopped is by mass protest, the way the Australia Card was defeated in 1987 - and maybe not even then."

Spot on Alison!




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Yet, judges have taken children from their parents because the parents refused to use use the kid’s preferred pronouns and other LGBTQWTF related issues and no protests; nothing. If this is not an issue that brings the majority of or at least massive numbers of parents and grandparents into the streets where they stop all commerce until until these judges are removed and an end put to this nonsense, then nothing is.

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What an insane idea. No thanks! Sounds an awful lot like the mark of the beast to me.

Ephesians 6:11-13, Put on the full armour of the Lord, that you might be able to withstand the wikes of the evil one.."

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