Defibrillators popping up along with the mRNA factories: 100-day gene-vaccines for all
ABC suggests luring people to inject boosters: pity about the heart attacks
You may have noticed the defibrillators popping up everywhere.
I have seen 5 pop up in the last few weeks on the streets I drive.
That’s because the covid gene-vaccines cause heart damage.
Most people have now stopped taking the gene-vaccines because they just don’t work.
NSW Health Minister Ryan Park told ABC News on Monday that people “have got a little bit of vaccination fatigue”.
People “simply aren’t getting enough boosters”, he said, like that was a bad thing.
Instead of asking the minister why he pushes people to inject a product that doesn’t work, the ABC presenter said: “Might it be necessary to provide incentives in some way to lure people?”
“More than 10,200 Australians died of ischemic heart disease in the first eight months of 2022 – that is about 17 per cent higher than would be expected in a normal year,” the Sydney Morning Herald reported in January, immediately blaming covid and ignoring solid evidence that covid doesn’t cause heart problems unlike the gene-vaccines.
Ischemic heart disease is when oxygen doesn’t make it to the heart. It can be chronic such as from blocked arteries, or acute, such as from a short-circuiting of the electrical impulse to beat. Either way you’re going to be dead if it doesn’t start working again quickly.
NSW ambulance response figures indicate a problem.
From a record 1.26 million ambulance responses in 2019, activity dipped in 2020, before successive new records were set in 2021 (1.28 million) and 2022 (1.34 million), according to the NSW Healthcare in Focus report New South Wales and the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022 (p.15).
The most rapid increase was in the small cohort of highest priority (P1A) responses for patients with life-threatening conditions which increased by 67 percent from 26,779 in 2019 to 44,752 in 2022, the report said.
The novel gene-vaccines were heavily promoted and used in 2021 and 2022.
One way the gene-vaccines damage the heart
An autopsy study from Germany on 35 people who died unexpectedly at home within 20 days of injecting the mRNA product found out how mRNA gene-vaccines cause sudden heart attacks in previously healthy people.
Five of them were killed by vaccine-induced myocardial inflammation within seven days of the mRNA injection.
Lymphocytic cells (part of the immune system) had invaded the myocardium at small points (foci) where they caused inflammation.
This was enough to short-circuit the electrical signalling that causes the myocardium to contract and beat the heart.
Three of the dead were women aged 50, 62 and 75 and two were men aged 46 and 55.
The mechanism of death was arrhythmic failure – a loss of the rhythm of the heart beat, whether by complete stop (cardiac arrest) or ventricular fibrillation (where the heart just flutters but doesn’t pump blood).
“During the last 20 years of autopsy service at Heidelberg University Hospital we did not observe comparable myocardial inflammatory infiltration. This was validated by histological re-evaluation of age- and sex-matched cohorts from three independent periods, which did not reveal a single case showing a comparable cardiac pathology,” the authors wrote.
Without autopsy, these people’s deaths would have been recorded as heart attacks with no mention of the gene-vaccine that killed them.
And evidence has been mounting that the subclinical myocarditis that causes this problem is way more common than the TGA claims it to be.
Common, not rare
A study published in the European Journal of Heart Failure in July has found the Moderna booster causes myocardial injury that is “much more common than previously thought”.
Blood samples were taken from 777 hospital workers on day three after their mRNA-1273 injection.
The prospective study measured troponin levels, a blood marker of heart damage that is clearly measurable and not subjective.
Using active surveillance, the study concluded that: “myocardial injury was found to be much more common than previously thought.”
“It occurred in one out of 35 persons, was mild and transient, and more frequent in women versus men.”
This is no surprise to those who remember the Thai hospital study which found elevated blood biomarkers of cardiac damage in 2.3 percent of teenagers injected with their second shot of Pfizer BNT162b2 gene-vaccine.
That well-conducted, peer-reviewed, prospective study on 314 Thai adolescents was published in the journal Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease a year ago - in August 2022.
An Israeli study of 324 health workers getting their fourth dose of Pfizer’s BNT162b2 gene vaccine published in the European Journal of Heart Failure in February found blood markers of heart damage (troponin) in 0.62 percent of healthy workers. They had mild or no symptoms.
Imagine not knowing, because you were healthy, that you had a foci of scar tissue on your heart that could short-circuit the electrical beating mechanism when you put it under stress or exertion, like a ticking time bomb.
Myocarditis damage is there a year later
The TGA is fond of saying gene-vaccine myocarditis is mild and disappears often without treatment.
But what about the follow-up research?
A research letter by Yu et al to the journal Circulation revealed that a re-evaluation of 40 Hong Kong adolescents up to a year after they were diagnosed with gene-vaccine induced myocarditis, found “growing evidence suggests worse prognosis in the presence of altered myocardial deformation and LGE in patients with myocarditis.”
The heart muscle cannot regenerate, it forms scar tissue when damaged. Even tiny scars on the myocardium can provide focal points that disrupt the electrical signalling that beats the heart, causing the heart muscle to flutter ineffectively or stop.
A “significant subset” of teens re-evaluated by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) up to a year after being gene-vaccine injured returned results suggestive of scar tissue (fibrosis) in both their left and right ventricles, as determined by late gadolinium enhancement (LGE).
Twenty-six of the patients showed abnormal CMR findings when first injured by the gene-vaccine. Of those 26 teens, residual LGE was found in 15 of them, suggesting the scarring persisted.
That means those teens are at increased risk of heart attack if they stress their hearts with exercise.
So much for “myocarditis is mild”.
The researchers concluded: “given that impaired myocardial deformation and LGE are indicators of subclinical myocardial dysfunction and fibrosis, there exists a potential long-term effect on exercise capacity and cardiac functional reserve during stress.”
So now the defibrillators are popping up everywhere over Sydney.
Northern Beaches Council has 15 more of them thanks to charities.
No doubt you’ll see them where you live, too, because all sorts of grants are now available.
It’s important to note here that mild cases of myocarditis indicated by low levels of troponins can completely resolve. It is possible to completely recover, as Dr John Campbell has stressed in a recent video (above). Not everyone who has myocarditis will go on to develop problems. But clearly there is a problem here, especially with unknown and unreported cases.
Figures are higher than the TGA claims
All these studies together with the 2022 excess death figures show the rate of subclinical heart damage is likely far higher than the TGA claims.
But the media (and therefore the NSW Health Minister) only listens to the TGA and the TGA still says gene-vaccine myocarditis only affects 1 to 2 people in 100,000.
“Rates of these side-effects are very stable,” the TGA claims on its website.
Of course, it would be stable if you never look at evidence to the contrary.
“Myocarditis is reported in around 1-2 in every 100,000 people who receive Comirnaty (Pfizer) … Myocarditis is reported in around 2 in every 100,000 of those who receive Spikevax (Moderna),” the TGA claims.
Soon the official death figures might reflect the TGA claims, however.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics has revised down the 2022 excess deaths by half.
Permanent Canberra is good at solving problems.
Especially when the boss staff all know each other. This makes for an efficient governing machine. That’s why heads of departments rotate around other departments.
Trevor Sutton, the former deputy statistician at the Australian Bureau of Statistics is married to Jane Halton, the former Department of Health Secretary in Canberra.
Professor Jane Halton was also the Department of Finance Secretary, and recently was the principal reviewer of our secret covid gene-vaccine deals in the influential Review of COVID-19 Vaccine and Treatment Purchasing and Procurement.
Professor Halton is also the long-term chair of Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).
This is important because CEPI led the Gates’ foundation push for the development and production of the covid gene-vaccines.
CEPI wants to do away with the usual 10 to 15 years of vaccine safety testing and instead produce vaccines for injection in just 100 days.
They want a “rapid response platform” for this purpose.
CEPI has decided that mRNA technology is the way to do it.

“The synthetic mRNA that was used to make vaccines, like the Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines, is an example of a rapid-response platform technology,” CEPI says on its website.
CEPI describes mRNA as “already proven mRNA platforms”.
It sure would be too bad if the mRNA platform were not safe. A lot of money and careers have been staked on it.
CEPI says: “To continue to advance promising platform technologies, as part of its $3.5 billion pandemic response plan, CEPI will take a number of steps. It will seek to share the cost of further development of the already proven mRNA platforms.”
Moderna is building an mRNA manufacturing plant at Monash University in Victoria.
The University of Queensland, Griffith University, and pharmaceutical giant Sanofi are building a $280 million mRNA hub for global gene-vaccine development, starting with chlamydia.
There’s a lot of money in promoting mRNA gene-vaccines for academia as well as for pharmaceutical companies.
Good luck everyone, you’re going to need it.
UPDATE: Robert F Kennedy Jr’s Childrens Health Defense is opening an Australian chapter next Saturday (26 August) at the Well Function Centre, 58 Highland Way, Upper Coomera, Qld. Stars will be there including: Dr Chris Neil (AMPS), Dr Gigi Foster (Australians for Science and Freedom), Senator Malcolm Roberts (absolute hero), Dr Astrid Lefringhausen - so many wonderful people.
UPDATE: Remember the wonderful Senate committee grilling of Pfizer, Moderna and the TGA last week? That was part of the process of assessing two proposed laws that would stop the discrimination against people who refuse to take the covid gene-vaccines. The Senate Standing Committees on Education and Employment are due to make their report by this Friday, 25 August. Track it here.
EDITS: 23 August - jiggled the subhead, added statistics on emergency responses, updates on Children’s Health Defense and Bills to stop discrimination.
25 August - added a par to stress that mild myocarditis can resolve completely - not everyone who gets myocarditis will have permanent heart damage, plus a link to Dr John Campbell’s video on this topic.
Great news everyone, Children's Health Defence is doing a grand opening in Upper Coomera, Qld!
It is the new normal. Our reality and recent history being Re written before our eyes.
But it isn’t just the jab although that has exacerbated the diseases in our society.
About 70 percent of the stuff sold for food in our supermarkets is variously toxic. Cholesterol and animal fats have been incorrectly blamed.
The various modern agendas of the corporations and whoever ultimately owns and controls them has been underway for over half a century. One world government, a two tier system with 99% of the population as mindless drones, mere chattel.
Meanwhile the elite seek immortality through technology’s, we live in Sci Fi times indeed.
For me it is to be true to my innate human spirit and to live and die in a manner of my choosing that I am accustomed.