Lucky Billy didn't listen to some of the freedom cohort who thought he should just stick to his medical profession & stay out of the legal angle,irony.

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Who wanted to do all the lawyer-ing?

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So, because the safety wasn't even discussed, and regardless of whether the vaccines are safe & effective, or not, Dr Bay can still say (as he said after his victory)

"I think the vaccines are shit, mate

They are absolute shit, they're killers" ?

He could be sued by Pfizer I suppose, if they wanted to argue the point?

I'm trying to work out how free the doctors/nurses are - how far the AHPRA gag extends.

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Can't be sued by Pfizer. My reading of this judgement (as long as it is not overturned) is the AHPRA gag is now worthless

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Well, that is absolutely amazing.

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The problem we face is the psychological and systemic damage has been done. Legally it is overturned but the average doctor has now been trained like Pavlov's Dogs not to countenance any criticism of these products. They won't feel free. And so they won't be leaping in to critical thinking and debate... they will largely continue on as they have been, is my reading of what is likely

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Well it's early days we need to see how many that believe "jabs" are not 100% safe have the courage to NOW speak for "choice", which of course is a must!

Let's hope ALL THE OTHER DRs still suspended & cancelled are immediately reinstated with reparations. There are many other Dr Brays. This is a huge GLOBAL WIN, just when we have lost all hope of "justice system" what a courageous Justice Thomas Bradley. Hero, Seems the whole Judicial system has been "forming rank" with "Big Bro"!.. Seems also, in past far too many dissenting Drs have been afraid of losing jobs in Health System....or perhaps being disadvantaged in the future. Understandable when they have a huge amount of hard work & study, & crucial income to lose. The whole shit show has been a "coup" akin to Bolsheviks ....along with all the other NWO BS swindling they are trying to do!. I hope hope the Nurses, Cops & Fire-ies also finally tell them to STICK the Mandates. And THANKS to the super great Journos who have held the line too! Go Rebekah & Alison!

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Agree totally!! Let’s hope it all starts to unravel and jobs are reinstated.

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Alison, re "they will largely continue on as they have been, is my reading of what is likely"

They had better not continue on as they have been Alison.

Practitioners have a legal, ethical and moral obligation to obtain voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

Apparently not a lot of people know this, particularly the practitioners themselves.

Now William Bay's win against Ahpra and the Medical Board provides the opportunity to put voluntary informed consent for vaccination right in the spotlight, and highlight there has been NO VALID CONSENT for the COVID-19 vaccines rolled out under coercion and mandates.

In fact, I argue there is no valid consent for ANY vaccination, period.

It's time for the shit to hit the fan, big time.

For more background on vaccination issues, see for example my detailed paper: Misfeasance in Public Office? The Destruction of Voluntary Informed Consent for Vaccination, 6 June 2024: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/misfeasance-in-public-office-the-destruction-of-voluntary-informed-consent-for-vaccination.pdf

These are the sections in my paper:

I. Introduction

II. The precedent for COVID-19 vaccination mandates in Australia and the destruction of voluntary informed consent

III. Were health practitioners in effect conscripted to support the COVID-19 vaccination rollout?

IV. Mass population vaccination and Rogers v Whitaker

V. ‘Exemptions’ for COVID-19 vaccination - an oxymoron?

VI. Liability protection for manufacturers but not for practitioners

VII. Why did ATAGI recommend COVID-19 vaccination for all children aged 5 to 11 years?

VIII. From ‘No Jab, No Pay’ to ‘No Jab, No Life’ - the creation of a coercive vaccination society

IX. Conclusion

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100% agree Elizabeth 🙏

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I would expect continued censorship in the mainstream media as well. Your reporting on this is so important.

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APHRA needs disbanding for it to take on more relevance to Dr’s that have psychologically been affected.

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Susie, re AHPRA, see:

- Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary

- The persecution of William Bay by AHRA and the Medical Board of Australia...and the dire consequences for the patient-doctor relationship: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-persecution-of-william-bay-by

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The letter sent to ALL Doctors @ the commencement of this farce should be rescinded so the message is clear to everyone. Most Doctors wouldn't know who Billy Bay is & what this is all about. It MUST go further. This is the sort of message that the Council's should be aware of & the Aligned Council of Australia could also spread the message to their supporters.

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It needs to go on msm but it won’t. Unfortunately most people don’t have a clue what’s going on. They don’t read, follow and watch what the likes of “us” do.

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The 'informed consent' is the bit they need to get their heads around, indemnity for ALL governments/ departments, their flunkeys, regulatory authorities, big pharma but NOT the medical practitioners nor pharmacists. Short term gain will eventually be long term pain, for them. A massive stitch up for the ignorant & the greedy medical fraternity once the dills wakeup. Solicitors are just waiting in the wings for this BIG opportunity & insurance company premiums will go through the roof. Another reason why they have the biggest buildings in the cities.👍🇦🇺🦘

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The usa just extended its PREP act that gives immunity to any medical professional working with covid vaccines, covid drugs, etc. immunity until December 31, 2029.


PREP Act extension December 2024-december 31, 2029

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Yes, a limited victory, but still a very important one, and something to celebrate!

Health practitioners will still hesitate to speak up - but AHPRA & the AMA too will think twice before launching any more persecutory actions or gag orders .

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I doubt if Dr Bay, could be sued by Pfizer, re; (COVID - 'Vaccines') 'They are absolute shit,They're Killers'. Because Pfizer states themselves, on their own 'ATTACHMENT A' - COMIRNITY BNT162b2 Info sheet, as, 'Important Information for Health Providers and Consumers';


Note; Also under 'Safety' - Same attachment' (Australia).

* If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, immune compromised, otherwise ill, frail, taking other medications, or an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, you should not take this vaccine. ( SO, Did ALL of the Govt, Politicos, Staffers, 'Think-tankers', Watchdogs, technocrats, MSM & Soc Media, AMA, MediKill staff, Cops, - ALL 'Miss the Memo', that was sent to them, for PROPER 'informed consent'?

Also; That I am aware of (just a tradie), the AHPRA circus on it's 'Oversight' panel/tribunal, has 3 Lawyers/ 1 Psychologist & 1 all important Physio - NO actual Doctors, for 'Balanced' input or Defence! Can someone clarify this - AND, if so = WHY? & apart from intimidations, WHY, ALL of the 'Lawyers'?

Last; With the Oversight of THE All metric Government Operations to the Fore - under COVID # Something 'exercise', One, Anyone, could argue - without Much resistance, that the same NotMyGov., PURPOSEFULLY/ STRATEGICALLY set about to 'POISON' the ENTIRE Population at Large! = IT IS ON THEIR HOME PAGE IN BLACK AND WHITE! Aka -

WA.gov.au Public Health Act 2016 (WA) - Instrument of Authorisation - Authorisation to Supply or Administer a 'Poison' [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE - Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021.

Department of the Premier and Cabinet> COVID communications. Published 10/March/2021. = I guess, a Doctor calling 'Vaccines' - 'Shit', IS a far greater 'health issue', than Premiers & Cabinet 'POISONING' the Population! LOL.

Wellness - John D.

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Hallelujah 🙏

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Fantastic news.

First good news for such a long time.

I look forward to the trials of the Monsters who poisoned a nation.

These people are serial killers.


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The video of "Bray the Brave" confronting his peers is amazing. Look at all those gutless wonders walking out with their useless masks on 😷 Scared of the truth.

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This was one of the first videos of Dr. Bay that I transcribed. I must admit, it was wicked fun. The exchange he had with the security guys on the escalator was very funny. I stand in awe of both his courage and good humor.

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It was amazing how they all silently got up and walked out, knowing the truth was being revealed

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Dear Alison and Dr William Bray

Thankyou Alison for all the hard work you are doing, on all our behalf.

Thankyou Dr Bray for speaking up.

Thankyou for having the backbone and integrity, to take on a corrupt anti-Christian system, knowing, as I am confident you were, that you were probably risking almost everything, but your everlasting life, in so doing.

Thankyou for standing up, for what you knew to be true.

Thankyou for standing up, for all of us, who don't have your God given talents, training and experience.

As Alison has said, this is not the end, just the beginning, of a long, global fight.

It is not surprising that this signal event has happened, where it has.

It has been said that Australians are short on diplomacy ...

(probably by an Englishman)

but long on courage and communication.

Australia has often led the world, seeing what others cannot ...

or will not.

Praise God for his deliverance of our brother, Dr William Bray.

Praise God for Queensland Supreme Court Justice Thomas Bradley.

May his ruling impact the whole world, for God's glory, and His people's good.

May it please God, that this ruling, should destroy the attempt by the corrupt anti-Christian Australian regime, to enforce Communist level censorship, on a once free, Christian country.

Australians have many reasons to mourn.

But today is a day for rejoicing, because, after trying our faith for such a long time ...

God has shown His arm, to His people, once again.

Thankyou our Heavenly Father.

1 Now Israel

may say, and that truly,

If that the Lord

had not our cause maintain'd;

2 If that the Lord

had not our right sustain'd,

When cruel men

against us furiously

Rose up in wrath,

to make of us their prey;

3 Then certainly

they had devour'd us all,

And swallow'd quick,

for ought that we could deem;

Such was their rage,

as we might well esteem.

4 And as fierce floods

before them all things drown,

So had they brought

our soul to death quite down.

5 The raging streams,

with their proud swelling waves,

Had then our soul

o'erwhelmed in the deep.

6 But bless'd be God,

who doth us safely keep,

And hath not giv'n

us for a living prey

Unto their teeth,

and bloody cruelty.

7 Ev'n as a bird

out of the fowler's snare

Escapes away,

so is our soul set free:

Broke are their nets,

and thus escaped we.

8 Therefore our help

is in the Lord's great name,

Who heav'n and earth

by his great pow'r did frame - Psalm 124

God Bless

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I love how the AHPRA has to pay costs, really rubs in their malfeasance.

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William Bay's win against Ahpra and the Medical Board of Australia now makes for very interesting times indeed on the voluntary informed consent for vaccination front, and practitioners' legal, ethical and moral obligation to uphold this vital principle.

This development opens up a whole can of worms - for Ahpra and the Medical Board, for the practitioners, and for other institutions which have collaborated with the destruction of voluntary informed consent for vaccination.

It's going to be interesting to see how practitioners handle consultations involving vaccination in future... Including all those public calls for mass vaccination, advertisements for vaccine products in doctors' clinics, pharmacies etc.

Practitioners are effectively the frontline sales force for the vaccine industry, and they've been indoctrinated by their regulator Ahpra and others to not question vaccine products.

They're also being 'educated' on these products by a vaccine-industry funded organisation - the Immunisation Coalition! You could not make this up... See: The vaccine industry sponsors vaccination education for doctors... Yes, really... The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners is in bed with the vaccine industry-sponsored Immunisation Coalition: https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/the-vaccine-industry-sponsors-vaccination

Very interesting times ahead...

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Thank you for reporting this tremendous good news!!

For those who don't do video— and my way of thanking Dr. Bay and all of those who have been reporting on his struggle for freedom:

Dr. William Bay Announces His Australian Supreme Court Victory and Thanks His Supporters

"I praise the Lord for this victory because it is He who guided me, He who represented me in court. But I do want to thank one more person, and that is all of you, all of my supporters who have stood by me for two years, more than two years, whilst I've been suspended and out of work. It is you who this victory is for. It is you who have earned it. You believed in goodness. You believed in justice, you believed in truth, some of you believed in God, and together we have won!"

Source video:

"Breaking News: Vindication for Dr. William Bay as Supreme Court Reinstates Medical License!"

"The vaccines are bad. The vaccines are no good. And people should be afforded the right to informed consent to choose these so-called vaccines!"

Aussie17, December 13, 2024


# # # 

Dr. William Bay Shares His Stunning Legal Victory with Michael Gray Griffith

"The judge has affirmed that freedom of speech is number one! The judge has affirmed that the doctor is in control of the doctor-patient relationship! The judge has made freedom a legality in this country from this day henceforth!"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/193576.html

Source video:

"The Great Victory Of William Bay Against AHPRA"

Cafe Locked Out

Michael Gray Griffith, December 13, 2024


# # # 

Dr. William Bay Sets Himself Free on Tamborine Mountain, Australia

"Australians, you are not strange, you are not crazy, you have been gaslit, you have been led astray. I see you every day and I am sorry, I would like to apologize on the behalf of all doctors in Australia for lying to you, for deceiving you and for hurting you."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/87407.html

Source video:

A Revolutionary interview Dr William Bay. A doctor who found his truth


by Michael Gray Griffith, Cafe Locked Out, June 11, 2022


# # # 

Dr. William Bay: Rise Up Doctors of Australia!

"Too long have we dwelled in the shadows, have we hidden away from our rights and duties to our patients. No more! We must do the right thing!"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/36690.html

Source video:

Rise Up Doctors of Australia

Dr. William Bay, Queensland People's Protest 2022, Brisbane, Australia


# # # 

Dr. William Bay Films Himself Clearing the Room of Masked Doctors, AMA Sydney

"All GPs, all doctors of Australia, you are on notice by the people of Queensland, this is the Queensland People's Protest and you have been warned!"

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/35249.html

Source video:



[If that link doesn't work, try going to https://qpp.life/videos

Click on the video that shows a blue-skirted conference table ]

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His interview with Doc Malik is incredible, and I've now labelled him as Australia's Elon Musk, or Donald Trump, for his sheer individual brilliance in being able to make something happen, with wide-ranging positive consequences. Went completely outside a system, and wrapped it up.

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Wow! These people who stand! May they know there are many people in the world that admire them, thank them, and support them.

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Congratulations Dr Billy Bay and thank you from the bottom of my heart from the U.K. and on behalf of the World. Your courage and bravery will never be forgotten. ❤️😀👍🏻

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Remarkable that after everything that has gone down, it should be Australia that makes such a momentous legal decision which, hopefully, will reverberate throughout all Common Law jurisdictions, including The UK and The US. In the US in particular, despite The Constitution, Physicians are still losing their Licenses to practise medicine for expressing views which are contrary to the official narrative. The UK doesn't even have a written Constitution and is a dystopian lost cause under Starmer.

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This would be a good time to demand the sacking of the officials responsible both in AHPRA and the AMA

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Ahpra CEO Martin Fletcher announced he was stepping down in August 2024, term ending in December 2024...perhaps he saw the writing on the wall: https://www.ahpra.gov.au/News/2024-08-15-Ahpra-CEO-steps-down-after-15-years.aspx

Anne Tonkin, Chair of the Medical Board of Australia, has also stepped down recently...


But this isn't a matter of stepping down or sacking.

These rats may have departed the sinking ship, but they must still be held to account.

Fletcher and Tonkin have facilitated a ginormous disaster in the medical profession by threatening practitioners who question taxpayer-funded vaccination policy and practice, thereby imposing a gag order upon the entire profession.

The great shame for the medical 'profession' is that they, in the main, capitulated to this gag order, 'followed orders', see for example: Just ‘following orders’? Who in the medical profession stood firm against the moral disintegration? https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/just-following-orders

This has all come to a head with the Covid debacle, when the medical profession was effectively press-ganged to support the then Morrison Government's COVID-19 vaccine rollout, no questions allowed.

See my email to Fletcher and Tonkin: Reckless disregard for voluntary informed consent - the AHPRA Position Statement 9 March 2021, 31 July 2023: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/reckless-disregard-for-voluntary-informed-consent-the-ahpra-position-statement-9-march-2021.pdf

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Elizabeth you did a great job with the letter to the AHPRA boards. Did you get confirmation that it was sent to the members?

Yes I agree they need to be held to account, but so do Scott Morrison, Paul Skerrit, Greg Hunt, and CHO,s

I encourage you and bless you in Jesus name

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Everyone involved in this genocide must be held accountable and these toxic institutions need to be abolished.

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Fantastic results, I hope this is the start of a chain reaction to great outcomes for other Dr’s who are being discriminated against.

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It has been costly supporting the courageous few like Dr. Bay, who victoriously stuck it out to the end. We have been left high and dry by family and friends for our position in holding the same convictions as the good Doctor holds. Vindication has finally arrived!

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