One reason can also be that they limited them to 3 pages (allowable was 1 page of footnotes extra) -- was your submission longer than 3 pages?

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My submission was very short, thanks Alison.

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Write/Ring immediately and ask for them to put it up. Mine is there (1885) as an attachment.

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Well done Madeleine! I too called for a Royal Commission as the only way to get it all out on the table.

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What did people expect? This dystopian plan was hatched at the highest levels and involved the DOD... it is a military operation with support from every government on the planet...

The only reason there was an enquiry here in Aussie --- is so that they could dismiss the 'conspiracy theories' that claim the vax is killing and maiming huge numbers.

It was never going to be a legit enquiry ... the conclusions were handed down from the Ministry of Truth and were never in doubt - the excess deaths and injuries are NOT caused by the vax... Long Covid is the culprit.

That puts the stamp of officialdom on the lie... and now bbccnn will disseminate this 'truth' far and wide... and anyone who continues to insist the vax is dangerous... will be considered crazy.

As we can see... resistance is futile... the best PR people in the world are 1000 steps ahead.

These are the same people who have convinced the majority that climate change exists and that solar panels and EVs are going to save us.... they control bbccnn... therefore they are all powerful and capable of convincing most people that a circle is a square... that 1+1 = 7.

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The Australian Government has compensated a small number of Jab Injured people and the Courts are confirming Jab Injury and Death.

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Big Picture -- the vast majority still believe the jabs were a good thing... that the injuries and deaths are happening but relatively rare.... and that those who have suffered did so for a good cause.... because they truly believe that civilization was threatened by the Death Virus ... that billions would have died without the magic injections...

All irrelevant... the die is cast... what's done is done ... 6B or so are injected... more than enough to ensure endless mutations....now we just wait for the Bossche variant to emerge... and the end game will be in play.

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I emailed them to ask why they didn't publish mine and they replied

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What I wrote the other day on Raphael Lataster's "OK The News" substack:


TBH, I wouldn't hold my breathe waiting for anyone to be held account. The motion to have an inquiry was passed 31 yes, 30 no, and as there's 76 Senators, 15 went missing. The committee chair is a Green. The members of this Community Affairs References Committee are:

Chair Senator Janet Rice Australian Greens, VIC

Deputy Chair Senator Marielle Smith Australian Labor Party, SA

Senator Wendy Askew Liberal Party of Australia, TAS

Senator Hollie Hughes Liberal Party of Australia, NSW

Senator Maria Kovacic Liberal Party of Australia, NSW

Senator Louise Pratt Australian Labor Party, WA

and note the committee can refuse any submission. IMO, a fix is already in.


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Which is why I wrote, after my background... "I understand this is a sham Inquiry, incapable of scrutinising all the Federal and State players and their decisions in the COVID-19 Response. We need a Royal Commission."

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Why are the members selected for this commitee all women?

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Why is Janet Rice leading it? Wife of a trans, pusher of jabs - she's so on-the-wave of the human abuses.

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Janet Rice is no longer on the Committee as she has retired.

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Didn't know that. I wonder what she'll be doing next - plenty of avenues for her special interests.

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Good question

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There is no such thing as AI. It’s just a bunch of algorithms written by the privileged end of town.

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Thanks for alerting us to this Alison. This is a very important article you have written. I haven't checked whether the "People's Terms of Reference" got redacted. Maybe it was too long for the stupid program that redacts Bradford Hill because it thinks it is a name of a private person.

I also can't believe what they did to the testimony of Raelene Kennedy. It is like they want to harm her more. Appalling.

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They did not publish my submission at all either

Someone needs to set up a centralised website where we can publish them

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-assists people in government to excel at managing THEIR PROFITS they mean.

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Hi Selki-you’re the “inventor” of the Forest of the Fallen aren’t you? You are an amazing and wonderful person. Thank you so much for your strength to do this. I’m sorry for gushing, but I only heard of you yesterday! I am sorry about that. You are a champion, and so many people are continuing your works. Fantastic!

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Would not be possible without the cooperation and compassion of many Australians. It definitely restored my faith in Australia ☺️ Thankyou for your kind words 🙏

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Thank YOU Selki

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Sadly, you must these days assume the Government Censor Bot will do it's job.

all we can do is record, record record and disseminate those records accordingly.

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And I always loved his music... Like a Surgeon etc. Well no more!

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Sort of explains why in my submission the phrase ‘ramp up fear’ had the word ‘ramp’ redacted. Imperfect AI might explain that.

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Great article Alison! I am horrified that submissions to an inquiry are being handled in this way. Thank you for calling it out.

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Truly disgusting, hard to believe we could be living in such a crazy, dystopian, fake world and yet so many either have no clue what’s really happening, or are just totally apathetic to it all. I think the totality of the evil has left me with PTSD and I’m struggling to pick up the pieces given I have no significant hope that there will ever be any real justice and even worse that they continue to plow ahead with their agenda as we speak….

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Is there some way we can set up a centralised website for people to publish their submissions together that were unpublished or redacted by the government? I think it would have a lot more force, actually, if the unpublished submissions were all together.

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I submitted the AMPS book as pdf, and nothing appeared as a submission next to my name.

I assumed censorship, but in my case, I don’t think it was AI. I believe someone looked at the title, at least, of the book “Too Many Dead” and they didn’t like it.

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Shocking, because I have learned so much in the past from the submissions of many people to a number of different inquiries. I have no recollection of pieces of open submissions being redacted in the past. I checked my non-submission to this Inquiry. Thankfully nothing (of nothing) has been redacted. https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/submissions/PMC-CGCRI-2023-1885.pdf

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