Never forget the violence which with we, the unvaccinated who tried to warn people, were subjected.

A reader posted this video in one of my comments and I found it very good. The hysteria of the time was absolutely incredible, and a reminder that as corrupt and morally bankrupt as they are, 'pharma' did not do this to us. It was governments, and the hysteria of our co-Australians: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0BZGfx6v819x/

As your 'stack is "Letters from Australia" let this be my letter to the world.

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thank you so much i will check out your link. Yes I will never forget, and we must not let people simply change the subject. No justice, no peace.

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powerful video that. Also it was followed by a great video of Senator Gerard Rennick being a hero in an interview. Just a handful of politicians supported the people of this country against big pharma, and the Liberal party's Craig Kelly and Gerard Rennick were both punished by having their preselection revoked.

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Craig Kelly later transferred to UAP but quite right!

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exactly, he got kicked out of Liberals for doing the right thing and then they did it to Senator Rennick too, it's a disgrace and thank you to Clive Palmer, UAP for backing Craig Kelly, who is a hero of the people. Always helping the unvaxxed, always supporting the right to choose.

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Big (P)harma provided the bullets, possibly just stamping their labels on bullets that came from DoD. Literally.

It was governments that loaded the guns and pulled the triggers.

They set the incentive structures.

They established the coercive measures.

They saw people cast out of society for refusing the bioweapon.

They, presumably, told TGA and others to wave through the bioweapon clearance process.

They blocked treatments safer than Aspirin. While forcing death protocols in hospitals. People died for want of a few antibiotics that were denied them.

They provided the immunity shield without which Big (P)harma would have run screaming from the financial windfalls. As they ran screaming from India.

This was Democide.

Beginning to end.

Now they are scapegoating those hideous scumbags from Fizer and MurdeRNA.

To distract from who actually did the killing.

Said scumbags will also be lined up, of course.

No SOB from the Plandemonium will be left anywhere near power to repeat this Democide on our species again.

It might be easier to build a new house, than to clean the old one.


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well, accountability is certainly needed to prevent this happening again, but that will not be possible without a political victory as these villains are not going to admit their mistakes

and that in turn is not possible without freedom of speech

but sadly the government is trying to crush out freedom of speech even more.

so I urge you to make a submission right now before August 20 to prevent them stifling free speech on the internet. Details are here: https://lettersfromaustralia.substack.com/p/people-who-cant-use-a-spell-check

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Thank God people see how governments are scapegoating pharma. Oh thank God.

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I asked the TGA the same question earlier this year. This is what they told me:

"The Pfizer Australia employee vaccination program offered Pfizer’s employees access to stock of a Comirnaty vaccine that met all Australian registration requirements but was not able to be supplied to the Australian government public vaccination program due to the small number of vials available in the relevant batches. Therefore the program was an efficient way to use up residual vials from manufacturing runs.

"The product was identical to that used in the Government vaccination program. All batches of Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine, including those used in Pfizer’s employee vaccination program, were assessed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) batch release process. The shipments for the employee program were reviewed and tested by the European Official Control Authority Batch Release (OCABR) network of regulatory laboratories with which Australia has longstanding collaborative arrangements. The TGA process and the OCABR process are equivalent, which is why the TGA accepts testing undertaken there and a European OCABR certificate."

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Great comment thanks Rebekah

It's interesting the TGA said Pfizer were simply using up residual vials. At the time there was a panicked rush to vaccination (created by propaganda) so it's quite believable that there was a shortage of vials worldwide.

"Assessed through the batch-release process" means the Europeans tested it and the TGA ticked it off because they're "equivalent".

I am interested to know who the manufacturers were - the TGA saying "the product was identical" doesn't mean much since all the product was supposed to be identical.

The standardisation was woeful as can be seen by the differences in adverse events between batches.

I noticed the 2018 law change introducing provisional registration puts in requirements for the TGA to take overseas regulator's decisions into account during their own deliberations. They have to incorporate what overseas regulators do, opening more doors for pharmaceutical influence via captured overseas regulators such as the US FDA.

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"Therefore the program was an efficient way to use up residual vials from manufacturing runs."

And we believe this? The African countries are (and were) bulldozing and burning millions of vials - particularly in Niger and SA. At the time, Pfizer South Africa had essentially zero uptake as per Dr Chetty with vials expiring in fridges. The 'vial scarcity' was a media beat up designed to create people to panic and go out and get vaccinated. It was a psy-op. India rejected Pfizer which was ready to go with a billion vials. And if it was so 'efficient' why was the tiny number of vials shipped over on its own?

They already got all their money in the contracts which were pre-purchases meaning the money was transferred before anything was even made or shipped.

Press [D] to doubt.

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I'll go first: [D]

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And on and on it goes, this is fighting one head of a Hydra, how do we defeat the Hydra for once and for all🤷‍♂️

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Do not comply. The people are the stopping condition. Do not wait for justice. Tell your friends.

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Until enough people care we minority live in an echo chamber.

Without the majority desire to build a caring society of true equality we are pushing it uphill with a pointed stick.

The elite have spent millennia creating the opposite, of stupid narcissistic individuals.

A new consciousness is required which ironically is a return to innate human greatness and spirituality 🤷‍♂️

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Maybe you're right. But don't discount the effects of a committed minority. Plenty of examples from history. Also, remember that when you argue, you are not presenting your argument to your opponent, but the people watching.

Example: when I would walk around without a mask during lockdown, I would do so to show others that there was nothing to fear. It wasn't about 'sticking it to the man.'

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Yes, a committed few crippled the massive Tabacco industry in many western nations.

But the soulless devils did move to easier markets targeting youth.

At the end of the day it comes down to personal responsibility in my experience and once again paradoxically that should create a decent society 🤷‍♂️

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yes there are similarities with tobacco also with the refusal to accept the evidence of harms from the gene-vaccines.

it's always "you can't prove it caused the problem" well yes we can according to the Bradford Hill Criteria of Causation. In the absence of an autopsy with immunohistopathology, then the Bradford Hill criteria is enough. They're ignoring it.

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It’s continually a similar MO, the big lie is repeated loudly again and again mainstream, plausible deniability, funded experts discredit voices that have little to gain and everything to lose.

Even now we know the western powers addicted generations to drugs, the CIA was proven to do such.

I believe the average person is incapable of comprehending the evil afoot let alone believe it, the people behind the depravity are indeed psychopaths, arrogant and devoid of humanity.

We should keep resisting but not be destroyed ourselves in the process, a conundrum itself.

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I wonder if any of the Pfizer Employee batches used in Australia were treated with Magnetic Bead technology to reduce Endotoxin content, as was done for Process 1 jabs? Feasible for small Lots.


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I don't know much about the manufacturing process which is highly complicated and, as reported by Sasha Latypova (who has expertise in the area) was done sloppily in batches of varying sizes, some in production vats scaled up to huge sizes without scaleability testing being done. I would like to know what subcontracting firms created the batches for the general public versus Pfizer's employees, given we also know from Sasha Latypova and the whistleblower Brook Jackson's court case, that US military contractors produced the product and not Pfizer, with Pfizer just paid to badge it as theirs.

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Unfortunately you are wrong. Pfizer manufactured the vast majority of jabs itself using its own resources under its long-term plan for world dominance of the jab market.

$200 Million manufacturing expansion in Andover.

Pfizer purchased the following companies:

Warner-Lambert for $116 Billion in June 2000.

Pharmacia for $60 Billion in 2003

Wyeth for $68 Billion in 2009

Hospira for $16 Billion in 2015

Medivation for $14.3 Billion in 2016

Array BioPharma for $11.2 Billion in 2019

After Pfizer started manufacting Covid19 jabs they purchased Trillium Therapeutics for $2.2 Billion.

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that's interesting, I have asked the TGA and Pfizer both now what manufacturing plants made the shots for the employees, and the shots for us the general public.

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More detail on Pfizer Employee and Immediate Families here:


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With the great foresight of these acquisitions by Fizzer it is lucky that a suitable pandemic came along.

They are obviously using the same crystal ball that Bill Grates, Rishi and Moderna look into for incredible ROI, welcome to the Twilight Zone

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Yes, and Pfizer invested massively in China vaccine facilities in 2018.

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Well hang me for a “conspiracy theorist “😜

Dr David Martin documents the origins of Gain of Function bio weapons back about 50 years 🤷‍♂️

America and the UK broke international treaties in exchanging materials and information.

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You might like "Directed Evolution" as the term now used by Pfizer in its virus weaponization.


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