>Improve participatory democracy with citizen juries to appoint bureaucrats.

Are we just replacing one power structure with another, more palatable one, cooling the marks so that people cannot really see the horror of what has and is unfolding?

Until people start talking about democide facilitated by the military and the people as the stopping condition, and stop deferring to "high voltage academics" we will not move the needle. Who will be on the 'citizen juries?' The financed academics and doctors who are in the position to "jet in" and have their photos taken at the beautiful conferences?

Edit: Many will be angry when they read this post 'at least they are doing something' perhaps one will think. But are they? I'm not really sure. They enjoyed themselves at the conference I guess - they're all smiling in the photo. I do not smile very often anymore, and I would not smile if given the opportunity to discuss democide. Things are pretty bad out here and it's nearly 2024.

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I agree with you! That's all I could think of when reading this post ExcessDeathsAU.

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Thank you Zoe.

Democide is a dirty word, and is seen to dirty the people who discuss it. 'Democide' does not glitter. It is not a 'conference word' and scares people because it forces them to peer into the void.

Yet, after everything we have seen regarding intent, most recently with the revelation in NZ of the thousands of health care worker exemptions, this is undoubtedly what we are seeing. https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/cp/137718044

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WOW! That is earth shattering! Thank you for your important work and for sharing that.

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You are so welcome. It's a developing story and our NZ brothers and sisters are on top of it. Once I get a clearer picture of what is happening I will make sure that I update everyone. This is something different. It is a chilling level of evil.

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That is so hopeful. I look forward to learning more and very glad to know our NZ brothers and sisters are "on top of it."

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Thanks for the heads up Alison, I joined and donated today. I’ve been subscribed to CHD for awhile and it’s fantastic to have someone of the caliber of RFK at the helm and an Australian chapter.

Yes Australia and NZ where selected specifically by the forces of evil to be at the forefront of there testing and rollout. Painfully obvious to me and caused sleepless nights.

Even today I was confronted by the sheer ignorance of some people by no less than an expat Kiwi here in Australia. He said about the jabz “ well like a nurse told me, you don’t question what they are putting into you when you go to hospital do you?”, my reply was “well yes I do , and here I am 60 and on zero medication, a neurologist prescribed stuff and spoke of Statins which I haven’t taken, because I changed my lifestyle and negated the problem “. I went on further to say “ I have built up my natural immunity and it’s robust enough thanks “.

We will never convince the stupid who have no problem with obesity, smoking, drinking and drugs but we can still make a difference if we are strategic, sincere and humble in our approach perhaps.

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Kiwis may have the greatest trust in authority of any people in the world, certainly the English speaking world. Like sheep, they are lead to the slaughter by the psychopaths who rule them. They will also turn on those that authorities tell them are Wrongthinkers as we saw with Posey Parker.

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Australia and NZ are relatively young countries and their populations have not experienced tyranny like other continents. I find that many of the people are ignorant of history and when I mention such things as the holodomor the typical response is “that could never happen here or I’ve never heard about it 🤷‍♂️

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The response I hear most often is "If that were true, it would've been all over the news". ☹️🙄 After decades of conditioning, trying to convince someone they've been lied to, gas lit and psychologically manipulated may be impossible.

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Yes totally Orwellian, if the TV said so be must be true because someone else would have checked!

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I recall a mate who I’m sure used to fall asleep in front of the tv after a few drinks, he vehemently believed that whatever the ABC said was true and was a source of truth 🤷‍♂️

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Yikes, that's when your brain is most susceptible to alpha-wave input! My daughter used to play Spanish learning tapes to my grand daughter at nap time. She picked up several Spanish words on her own as a toddler!

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Big Brother really does love us.

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A document recording the findings of a fity year research project into the causes of Aboriginal ill-Health in the NT and Kimberly, has been forwarded to the Australian CHD team, the first time such a move has not been regarded as futile from the outset.

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Interesting there was a CHD Aust chapter already that created amazing events and got over 1 million flyers out across the country to help save the kids from the jab. Some recognition for those people would be nice. Funny that Kennedy video was created for the first CHD chapter that started out. And what of all that money raised for the court cases?

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For any new readers, the only difference between Pfizer Process 1 product used in the clinical trial and Process 2 that created millions of injured jabbees is the Endotoxin and other bioburden arising from the use of E. coli bacteria.


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Sounds like a pretty big "only" difference.

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Just signed up as a member and volunteer. Many thanks for the heads up!

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Thanks for the summary

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