Thanks for writing that for Julian. I very much welcomed the wikileaks releases, to understand how GMO was pushed onto the world - the cables gave the evidence to what we suspected for which we were called conspiracy theorists. #FreeAssange

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Feb 14Liked by Alison Bevege

voting 86 to 42

I am betting the Greens were in the 42...

Shills to the end showed their true colours..war forever and the defeat of journalism...

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Feb 14Liked by Alison Bevege

Through this one might consider who the baddest baddies of the world really are.

Our western governments and there stooge media pump out propaganda about being the world police, staunch defenders of freedom and democracy. The docile sedated population are distracted by sports and endless mindless entertainment while the elites benefit from perpetual war. Upping the agenda in the last few years the same despots have unleashed similar suppression on their own citizens. The old world is being cannibalised and destroyed, to usher in the NWO, 4th industrial revolution or whatever you care to call it .

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This political ‘poker’ with Julian Assange is deliberate. They will not let him out with a sane mind. This is imprisonment is torture throughout these years. It must of have been already taken a toll of him by now.

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