thank you Alison

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Goodness thanks you wonderful hero. You have worked so hard to help us all.

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Another excellent piece exploring the mRNA shots and turbo cancer is here at Coquin de Chien, including actual photos of turbo cancers that grew out of the Pfizer injection sites on both arms of a 92-year-old woman who died six months later https://therealcdc.substack.com/p/what-put-the-turbo-in-turbo-cancer

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When these and other real experts speak in parliament, the cowardly politicians all walk out of the chamber and then the next day declare there is no evidence of the vaccines causing harm.

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Yes that is what happens. Willful blindness. Thank you for your hard work I have come across it recently well done you!

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Thanks. With coercion and mandates, we are literally fighting for our lives.

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14 hrs agoLiked by Alison Bevege

I tried to forward this interesting article to my mother who has a Bigpond account. It seems Telstra have blocked this article and refer to it as spam. I'm absolutely shocked.

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Goodness. Does it do that any other time you forward? Or just this time?

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13 hrs agoLiked by Alison Bevege

No just this time. My other 2 brothers that I forwarded it to received my e-mail but not my mum. My brothers have a gmail account.

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Thanks for letting me know, i cannot do anything about it sadly. I wonder if they use the AI to scan email contents

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18 hrs agoLiked by Alison Bevege

I hope that all the politicians will be there listening and taking it all in.

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Yes i hope so too, but i fear it will be the exact same 6 or 7 heroes and none of the others

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Does anyone know what the turnout was like in parliament for this talk. I had to a course for work unfortunately as I would like to have listened

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15 hrs agoLiked by Alison Bevege

Absolutely and I can't get my gp to look into anything sadly 😞 money is more important than the Hippocratic Oath

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13 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoAuthor

Yes i bought my GP a ticket but she didnt go. One lives in hope

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Oct 7Liked by Alison Bevege

Thank you for reporting this important information,Alison.I will be sharing with my family and friends.

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Thank you so much yes please do it might save them from injecting any more in future especially since they will be releasing more mRNA products soon

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I'm a bit confused by a couple of statements.

The mRNA lipid nanoparticles invade cells and harness the cellular machinery to produce spike proteins, which were engineered to move to the cell membrane.

The body sees these infected cells as aberrant, and the major responders have been reported to be the NK (Natural Killer cells), and some other T-cells. The Natural Killer cells typical roam the body destroying any cells that look aberrant - new cancer cells or virus-infected cells - but as they rush in to deal with the vaccine-infected cells, they empty the roving population from the rest of the body. So I suppose cancer being maintained gets a run while not being monitored. And probably why latent viruses have also been getting a run, resulting in shingles, for example.

I've only seen studies reporting that the vaccine spike protein elicits IgG4 (immune tolerance) antibodies, not all sorts of different cancer cells.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoAuthor

You would need to ask Professor Dalglaish I think. He referred to a process of T-cell exhaustion in addition to the IgG4 problem

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Early on I was sure I found studies talking about CD8+ T-cell depletion post-vax, and then they seemed to disappear. I went back and spent some hours - couldn't find them. After a while the only studies I found were on post vax CD8+ depletion in people living with HIV.

On the other hand there's heaps and heaps of studies on CD8+ depletion in severe covid - in the early days it almost became used as a diagnostic marker for severe covid, as opposed to other possible causes for illness. I pursued it for a while - there can be CD8+ depletion in influenza for example, but I recall Igor Chudov promoting a study that said the spike protein can destroy CD8+ T-celsl - I think it came from (batwoman) in China.


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Try this PubMed article: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37243095/ - final paragraph: Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals.

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Thanks for the article. The full text had a whole section on identifying IgG4 presence/relative concentration associated with cancer. What isn't clear to me yet is the question of whether IgG4 raised specifically against spike protein antigens could have a general promotional effect of cancer. It talked of, for example, melanoma cells producing high levels of "tumour specific" IgG4 that perhaps told the immune system "yeah, not to worry, nothing to see here" allowing the melanoma to stave off attack. I haven't read it that deeply yet.

That said, many risk-associations have been made between the spike protein and pro-cancer-related mechanisms, so any tolerance of spike protein/covid could increase the duration over which cells could be adversely influenced. Stephanie Seneff has done a lot on that: https://scholar.google.com.au/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=seneff+spike+proteins+cancer&btnG=

I'd been understanding post-vax myocarditis as the Natural Killer self destruction of heart cells transfected by lipid nanoparticles, with young body building males with high-capillaried deltoid muscles increasing the risk of injectate travelling to the heart, or perhaps through the lymph system. I don't know if 'autoimmune' only refers to this, or in a different sense. There was a terrible possible outcome, where, on identifying human cells with spike proteins popping out of their surface, as though they are themselves a virus, the human immune system may mistakenly recognise natural features of the cell as part of the new enemy, and develop a novel autoimmune response against healthy cells. There is some evidence of this happening, with rising deaths to myositis - an autoimmune response against one's own muscle cells.

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Hi Philip and Allison!

I'm in conflict with my local GP practice, which I have just learned is part of a larger consortium of Private Health providers. Since 2021, I have frequently sent evidence of Vax harms, excess Deaths, Unsafe and ineffective injections called VACCINES, etc,. they have now decided I must be reigned in from spreading the truth. they suggest that my 'opinions and beliefs' are unwanted and unhelpful in their quest in providing care in their patients best interests.

I've told them that I am NOT sending my 'OPINIONS and BELIEFS' but factual evidence of what has been apparent since the release of a man-modified disease in late 2019 and the dangerous 'cure' (Vax) that was knocked up in a few short weeks.

Your article reflects my beliefs but more importantly, states facts about the damage done by mRNA injections. Mat I use your article to demonstrate the deadly nature of where the medical world has sunken in the past 4 years?

Thanks for your cooperation and guidance in these difficult times!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical interference!

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Great article, Alison. Thanks. Not sure if it will turn the tide, but try we must. Just don't forget your loved ones and looking after yourself while you still can. And also enjoy life while you still can. You are against some very powerful dark forces.

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Thank you heaps Alison. I am away on-site (FIFO), thus will miss the Perth event.

I really do appreciate you & others keeping us all informed the way you do.

Cheers xoxox

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