Excellent work, Alison.

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Sep 30Liked by Alison Bevege

Love your work Alison - super glad you included Lysenko -we forget history at our peril.

This government and the “communications minister should be forced to read ALL the works of John Stuart Mill. Below is but a brief example.

“The sole end for which mankind are warranted, individually or collectively, in interfering with the liberty of action of any of their number, is self-protection. That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinion of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. … The only part of the conduct of anyone, for which he is amenable to society, is that which concerns others. In the part which merely concerns him, his independence is, of right, absolute. Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign.”

Cheers & fantastic work Alison. 👏👏

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bless you good heart what a lovely comment and i love the Mill quote

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Sep 30Liked by Alison Bevege

Fantastic work! This was eye opening!

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Wow!!! How more ridiculous can it get, to use misinformation to argue for censorship of misinformation!! The people pushing this are moronic!

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Never trust Labor or the Greens. Libs are making noises about not passing, but I would not trust them either. As during COVID times, in the next election vote for freedom parties.

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Can’t trust most politicians! We have a big uniparty Lab/Lib/Green/Nationals/Teals. Jacquie Lambie Newtwork seems inclined (for whatever nonsensical reason) to follow Labor/Greens.

We’re never going to be able to vote our way out of this!

I like the idea of getting our names crossed off, but not voting for anyone-unless they’ve proven themselves to know what’s going on, or can prove such. Like freedom parties as you say Bryan.

But, we’d never get the majority of Aussies to do this, so I guess it wouldn’t work. We could try.

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Sep 30Liked by Alison Bevege

Yeah, you'll never get a majority, too many sheep. Can only hope that freedom parties get enough elected to at least make some noise. Disgustingly, when anyone in Senate or Reps speaks out against the uniparty, it's always to an empty chamber.

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Sep 30Liked by Alison Bevege

I know, I hate that. Those who don’t attend are so rude, to say it mildly.

And at Senate Estimates, whoever’s being investigated says stuff like-I’ll take that question on notice and get back to you. Darned pieces of excrement. 💩

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we will vote our way out. But also we must take back our institutions - they are important lobbying groups. We have to actually join and turn up and make our voices heard. Things like the NSWCCL. Also support alternatives like the Free Speech Union. We can’t complain if we don’t turn up. You have to meet the dragon in its lair. We have to go to these corrupted institutions and be part of them and fix them and turn them around.

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I’m in rural Vic, I don’t know what NSWCCL is. I think I’ve heard of free speech union.

It’s hard for me to get around, as I’ve got failed back surgery, and am trying to come off pain killers. I have pain most of the time. I don’t think there’s any chance of gov’t doing the right thing if the system stays the same. Like I said big uniparty, getting paid big dollars from deep pockets, not Aussies. I have an adult son with type one insulin dependent diabetes and autism, which luckily is not too bad. He’s my priority, not a gov’t that doesn’t even listen to us. Don’t worry, I’ve signed petitions, written submissions, all that. Nothing’s changed. The agenda 2030 keeps quickly coming.

The only way to change things in Aus, is to get cops and ADF on our side and turn against gov’t. I can’t see that happening.

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Well done Alison. I have over five thousand scientific references on Covid that show the government and the MSM were wrong on every aspect of the imaginary 'pandemic'. The politicians and bureaucrats were led by the nose up a garden path of fake science by a captured TGA and vested commercial interests. As for the ridiculous 'fact-checkers' - they took every opportunity to demonstrate their ignorance and their sold-out loyalty to their masters. However since Australia has descended into this pit of stupidity and ignorance, I personally see little hope of recovery. Several whole generations have been made mentally and morally deficient by addction to the MSM and a socialist state education system that destroys the intellect and penalises honesty, rewarding only obedience to a 'narrative'.

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"This Bill deputises digital platforms to police government censorship...", just like they deputised businesses to police the pandemic QR code pass and the uptake of the jab.

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"the real-life nightmare of the USSR"???.

Easy! Now you're misinforming us, too! I traveled extensively through the USSR in the 1960s and found them freer and better educated and informed than average Americans, as are Russians today.

The USSR became a nightmare only after the Nazi Coalition (the same folks who are attacking Russia now)– funded and up-armed by the UK and the USA– invaded Russia, then as now, the richest country on earth.

There were certainly injustices within the USSR prior to that, as there were and are in America's South, but the US Ambassador attended the famous prewar 'show trials' because he had met many of the defendants socially. His report: they were recidivist Whites and were 'guilty as hell'.

The same holds for atrocity stories about China, which I have thoroughly investigated and found to be entirely fictional. As usual.

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mmmm i have read half of Solzhenitsyn’s Gulag Archipelago… this is definitely not true of the USSR under Stalin it was a nasty hell-hole of mass murder, deprivation, nonsense and injustice

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Yes, that’s what I thought too. Around the 1930s I think-don’t quote me, I’m too tired to look it up! Starvation! Ah-you’ve got deprivation-same thing I guess.

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Thanks Allison, this helped me with my submission.

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I've republished this piece in A Sense of Place Magazine. As others have said, excellent work. Just boggles the brain how appalling this legislation is. All the best. https://asenseofplacemagazine.com/iranians-who-drank-methanol-used-to-justify-australias-internet-censorship/

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Thankyou Alison.

This is important information and must continue to be published abroad.

Wisdom is justified of all her children - Luke 7

God Bless

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