Signed and commented - this would never even be attempted in a true “freedom of speech” society. Attempts by the ruling class to censor speech in line with what they do or don’t want their citizens to know is pure EVIL
This IS SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) For COMIC & it's UNIparty PETS! C.O.M.I.C.s ONLY Reason for 'Being', IS Control - It is irrelevent on/or 'HOW'! It ALREADY has the 'Resources' - Profit, comes by default of Control. Folks in OZtopia, graduating from Sheep TO 'Goat' Level, STILL believe - Somehow, that they ARE living in a 'Democracy'. DemonCracy Actually( see PETS for guide, With more than a few 'Tied up' with 'Club Satan's' oversight!).
The Avenue of 'No-Speak' ISN'T new - see Soviet era Proper. Tie-Up the Language & You're Mute. Corporate Finger pointing, in league with, ostricise Non conformists & 'Probability Theorists'(People who WERE considered 'Conspiracy',- but can Back up Scenario-event Dimensional Properties, via Physics,chemistry,time- opposite to Official narratives), change laws to suit agendas, Utilise 'Their' MSM to Produce 'Popular Psych -Op Conviction' by the Masses, whilst removing Every/ANY Platform of/for defence of Charge,- 'Proven or CONstruct' - for the 'Victim'!
False flagging is 'Popular', AND 'Required' to shift Agendas forward, should The Interested Parties, be, 'Behind Agenda Scheduling'!
Australia, has been 'Stolen' incrimentally over the Centuries, from ALL of it's citizens, with the HELP of ALL the Major political parties - IN LEAGUE! Whilst the Sheeple were Diverted with Modern Roman Games - AFL/NRL/Cricket/Motor racing /CONVID # Something, the Corporate Thieves raided the Vaults, Citizens personal wealth AND, Future generations of a Balanced healthy & prosperous future!! What else, would 1 expect of a Foreign Government! - COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA; Registered U.S Corporation; # CIK 0000805157; Head Quarters; WASHINGTON/ D.C.
Foreign/Def; Belonging to, or associated with - A Country which IS NOT YOUR OWN.
Next; Seeing as the 'HollowCost' card is trundled out, as some form of Defence of ALL past/current/future Zionist 'State' Criminal actions (I'll be on the NotMyGov 'List'! Criticisms of ANY radical group - Even Jewish, IS NOT 'Anti-Semetic' = This is a STANDARD No speak, No question protocol, utilised regularly! AND, it's usually only a ONE WAY conversation! What happens if a Jewish citizen Criticises Their Govt's Policies? - Is that Anti-Semitism?), I see the Holodomir's starvation 'Event' get's a mention. This 'Event', IS, where the Holocaust 'Group' get their 'Magical' 6 Million Jewish citizens Perish under Nazi 3rd Reich 'Protocols'. I think folks at large will find this 'Happening' & Registered in News papers of the time= June 6 1915 (N.Y Sun); Ukraine; Headlines; '6 Million Jewish souls under peril from starvation'. - Requiring U.S.$ 1 Billion in aid, to alleviate.
There re at least 10 newspapers between 1915 > 1938, carrying the 6 Million Jewish citizens number. = Pre-emptive programming - Maybe.
PETS ; Pretty EasilLie Trained StupidDoes. Time barcoded for redundancy IF, Jackals & Hyenas of own parties 'Don't do them over First!'
IF, you want a better quality Politician/Bureaucrat, Citizens have to have Robust- Or at least SOME input - Or DO NOT Complain! Some 'Systems' are Beyond repair!
I have shared the petition far and wide, I have tried to alert the people I know and encourage them to take the few minutes for action.
I suspect they are to busy trying to get on with their lives to pay much attention.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.🤷♂️
Ty you excellent man
Signed and commented - this would never even be attempted in a true “freedom of speech” society. Attempts by the ruling class to censor speech in line with what they do or don’t want their citizens to know is pure EVIL
Thank you wonderful Phil
This IS SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) For COMIC & it's UNIparty PETS! C.O.M.I.C.s ONLY Reason for 'Being', IS Control - It is irrelevent on/or 'HOW'! It ALREADY has the 'Resources' - Profit, comes by default of Control. Folks in OZtopia, graduating from Sheep TO 'Goat' Level, STILL believe - Somehow, that they ARE living in a 'Democracy'. DemonCracy Actually( see PETS for guide, With more than a few 'Tied up' with 'Club Satan's' oversight!).
The Avenue of 'No-Speak' ISN'T new - see Soviet era Proper. Tie-Up the Language & You're Mute. Corporate Finger pointing, in league with, ostricise Non conformists & 'Probability Theorists'(People who WERE considered 'Conspiracy',- but can Back up Scenario-event Dimensional Properties, via Physics,chemistry,time- opposite to Official narratives), change laws to suit agendas, Utilise 'Their' MSM to Produce 'Popular Psych -Op Conviction' by the Masses, whilst removing Every/ANY Platform of/for defence of Charge,- 'Proven or CONstruct' - for the 'Victim'!
False flagging is 'Popular', AND 'Required' to shift Agendas forward, should The Interested Parties, be, 'Behind Agenda Scheduling'!
Australia, has been 'Stolen' incrimentally over the Centuries, from ALL of it's citizens, with the HELP of ALL the Major political parties - IN LEAGUE! Whilst the Sheeple were Diverted with Modern Roman Games - AFL/NRL/Cricket/Motor racing /CONVID # Something, the Corporate Thieves raided the Vaults, Citizens personal wealth AND, Future generations of a Balanced healthy & prosperous future!! What else, would 1 expect of a Foreign Government! - COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA; Registered U.S Corporation; # CIK 0000805157; Head Quarters; WASHINGTON/ D.C.
Foreign/Def; Belonging to, or associated with - A Country which IS NOT YOUR OWN.
Next; Seeing as the 'HollowCost' card is trundled out, as some form of Defence of ALL past/current/future Zionist 'State' Criminal actions (I'll be on the NotMyGov 'List'! Criticisms of ANY radical group - Even Jewish, IS NOT 'Anti-Semetic' = This is a STANDARD No speak, No question protocol, utilised regularly! AND, it's usually only a ONE WAY conversation! What happens if a Jewish citizen Criticises Their Govt's Policies? - Is that Anti-Semitism?), I see the Holodomir's starvation 'Event' get's a mention. This 'Event', IS, where the Holocaust 'Group' get their 'Magical' 6 Million Jewish citizens Perish under Nazi 3rd Reich 'Protocols'. I think folks at large will find this 'Happening' & Registered in News papers of the time= June 6 1915 (N.Y Sun); Ukraine; Headlines; '6 Million Jewish souls under peril from starvation'. - Requiring U.S.$ 1 Billion in aid, to alleviate.
There re at least 10 newspapers between 1915 > 1938, carrying the 6 Million Jewish citizens number. = Pre-emptive programming - Maybe.
Acronym; COMIC ; Corporate OrganEyes'd[a] Military InDustTrial CONplex;
[a]organ'Eyes'd' =5>9 Eyes SureVeilLance Spy cabal.
PETS ; Pretty EasilLie Trained StupidDoes. Time barcoded for redundancy IF, Jackals & Hyenas of own parties 'Don't do them over First!'
IF, you want a better quality Politician/Bureaucrat, Citizens have to have Robust- Or at least SOME input - Or DO NOT Complain! Some 'Systems' are Beyond repair!
Wellness - Apologies for Spiel. LOL!