HAVE YOUR SAY: Mandated mRNA & lockdowns for a glorified cold? Deadline is Friday to tell them 'NO'
Covid Inquiry submissions are open: tell them what you think of what they've done or they will pretend we are happy and do it again
You have until Friday, December 15, to write a brief submission to the federal Covid Inquiry, upload it here.
It’s got to be under three pages, in Microsoft Word or PDF form, plus evidence. You can submit up to 5 files with a total 10 MB limit, the website says.
Even if you’re not that good at expressing yourself, write in anyway - because the purpose of the inquiry is “identify lessons learned to improve Australia’s preparedness for future pandemics”.
That means we will get more of the same if we don’t say no. Also, even if the government ignores it, researchers can analyse it later to inform reports on what went wrong.
Submissions can be published on the government’s website.
Just tick the Anonymous box if you don’t want your name published on the website.
There is an option to not provide any contact details but if you pick this they might not take your submission, so it’s better to provide your details but just pick “anonymous” if you don’t want your name out there.
It’s got to be under three pages, and refer to at least one of the Terms of Reference.
The Terms of Reference include:
Governance including roles and responsibilities: the role of the Commonwealth Government, responsibilities of state and territory governments, national governance mechanisms (such as National Cabinet, the National Coordination Mechanism and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee) and advisory bodies supporting responses to COVID-19.
NOTE: this does NOT include actions by individual state/territory governments or international programs
That means the only way to talk about being sacked for not injecting, is by saying the FEDERAL government failed to introduce anti-discrimination legislation like these two Bills here (that failed to pass).
That allowed the federal government to coerce vaccination while denying it was mandated.
They informally outsourced it to states and corporations who sacked you if you didn’t inject: teachers, police, healthcare workers, bus drivers, supermarket workers - you have to tackle it from the Federal perspective even if the state/corporation was your boss doing the sacking.
Key health response measures: (eg: the gene-vaccines and treatments, key medical supplies such as personal protective equipment, quarantine facilities, and public health messaging)
International policies to support Australians at home and abroad: (including with regard to international border closures, and securing vaccine supply deals with international partners for domestic use in Australia).
The terms are quite broad, you can talk about almost anything.
This could be the time to remind the government that giving $8 billion to Big Pharma for poorly tested gene-vaccines, sight unseen, then having the chair of CEPI (that pushes mRNA and 100-day vaccines for the Gates foundation) Jane Halton review the procurement deal might be a conflict of interest.
You can find links to the Halton review scandal at the bottom of this story here. And here. And here.
It could be relevant to remind the government that provisionally registered medical products rely on adverse event reporting to build the safety profile of the drug, and that if you then censor and bully people from criticising that drug then you will break that system, killing people.
Phillip Altman explains this best, and it’s also detailed here.
The comprehensive AMPS book Too Many Dead has 470 pages packed with evidence of the excess deaths crisis directly caused by the government’s mandated jabs and other errors - you can download the PDF for free here, or buy the paperback.
You can use that to help your submission, also. Or just write what they ruined, and how it affected you - and what they need to do to fix it.
The government says it will report back by the end of September next year. They will hold hearings along the way - and we can most likely go to watch those hearings, too.

Here below is my submission, if you find it helpful. Dept of PMC said it’s ok to have 3 pages + 1 page of footnotes - that still counts as the 3-page limit (the endnotes are “evidence” not substantive argument).
Thanks for the heads up Alison but do you honestly, genuinely believe this will make any difference? With the greatest respect, this is just glorified theatre...
They are overtly manipulating ABS data to hide excess deaths. With all due respect, and I am well aware of all you have done to try and expose the crimes, 100,000 letters from actual Australian's, will not make one iota of difference. This is an open crime that will require a 'non verbal' resolution. Revolt, if you prefer.