Sep 13Liked by Alison Bevege

Funny old world we live in. Labor hates workers, the Greens hate the environment, civil liberties groups and the human rights types are the State's lapdogs, even the Animal Justice Party seems more concerned with Hamas thugs than injury to police horses.

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yes, that is so true. We somehow crossed over into opposites world, some horrible orthagonal reality. I wish we could go back to a time when things were as advertised!

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Sep 15Liked by Alison Bevege

Reminds me of the Bizarro Jerry Seinfeld episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTUbh1nuQ-Q

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Sep 13Liked by Alison Bevege

Thank you for so diligently and eloquently presenting these truths about this organisation; hitherto unknown to me, though sadly not unexpected. It really appears the coffin to Australian democracy has been nailed well with stealth, with millions feigning freedom.

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yes indeed, these were our defenders but now they are the opposite. We can perhaps join them and remove the vacuum that allowed people who don't care about civil liberties to take over. A new group defending free speech is the Free Speech Union of Australia, we can join them, too - because we must have free speech. Without that freedom we won't be able to even have this substack.

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Thank you Alison I have signed up to their email.

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Sep 13Liked by Alison Bevege

The sad truth about these laws is that in reality they are never used purely for their primary purpose. They are always used by politicians and public servants to intimidate, attack and silence their political opponents. They are used in pursuit of personal vendettas. They are used to enforce conformity to every new religion, such as the climate scam, and the covid cult. They are the tools of totalitarians and communists. It's goodbye democracy when this legislation is enacted.

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yes you are right. And we can't let it happen, we just can't, because we know where that road leads. When societies go totalitarian they tend to do it in the exact same way, it has all the same symptoms. First they take your speech. After that they take your property. they steal from you. then they take your liberty they lock you up. Then they take your life.

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Sep 13Liked by Alison Bevege

Civil liberties organisations around the world have been captured through funding by Soros or similar fronts, just as Gates' funding captured the WHO and mainstream media, and Big Pharma captured practically all medical institutions and regulators.

Many of the rank and file bien pensants who belong to human rights and civil liberties groups are, like the members of the political parties to which they often also belong, incapable of thinking for themselves, and are entirely indoctrinated by whatever conventional wisdom of the time makes them feel like 'good people' (and not the 'right-wing extremists' with whom they have a horror of being identified). Their submission to the absurdities and contradictions of the false pandemic relieved them of whatever capacity for rational or indepent thought they might have had; they can't go back now. And the leaders of such groups are mostly opportunists out to advance themselves and who can be relied upon to shine only when the causes they are defending are 'approved' and stand to win them moral and even official approval.

The perverted dogma of the Idiot Left requires bolstering the injuries and contradictions of the new totalitarianism being set in place by our spposedly democratic governments: patronized, influenced and effectively controlled by corporate interests/plutocrats, served by these docile but potentially rabid conformists as useful idiots helping forge the bars of the cages we'll all end locked up (or down) in.

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yes you are right - but we must get involved with these organisations because when we leave a vacuum, the worst people take them over.

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I'd suggest they are now beyond redemption and that new, grass-roots, associations need to be formed whose concerns are adapted to the changed nature of the threats coming from government.

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Sounds like a few more of your readers need to join the NSW Council for Civil Liberties!

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yes we must take it back, and also join the new group that has formed - the Australian branch of the Free Speech Union -- they are on the ball and fighting for it, too. I think we should do both. Build a new one, and take back the old one

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That's absolutely shameful. Completely captured. NSW needs an alternate Civil Liberties group.

They're automatons - not a thought - cogs, in the new techno totalitarian machine.

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PS. The good news is that these morons are probably getting vaccinated.

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sadly it will be a self-correcting mechanism, and that is just awful to think about. I don't wish this on anyone but you are right. If they jab the mRNA long enough, sooner or later they will lose the russian roulette.

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yes - one has started --- there is the Free Speech Union of Australia, we can join that. But I think we should also make effort to bring the NSW CCL back to its core functions, we deserve to have them represent what they are supposed to. We need them, too - they are expert, and well-established, and we need them to defend us!

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The NSWCCL seems to be no different to the Australian Human Rights Commission. In 2020 I went to their site to make contact with them regarding what action they were going to take.


The content of the site was filled with the rights of the usual minority groups of `identity politics'.

gender, indigenous etc.

Their view of the Fed/State governments' actions during the pandemic and intended mandatory jab? - follow the law.

I suspect all these agencies have been UN infiltrated.

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Sep 13Liked by Alison Bevege

All of these so-called rights groups were quite happily at home in their pjs learning how to bake sourdough during Covid. None of them are fit for purpose at all. Apparently Human Rights only apply to minority groups. It’s ok to discriminate against 50%+ of the population. Go and watch the Senate when Senator Hansen proposed a bill to recognize biological sex. The Greens senator’s comment was an absolutely unhinged rant using all of the current derogatory language.

They are now nothing but tools for the globalists. How can a conservative political view make you a terror threat? Oh that’s right, follow the cults and the narrative, or else.

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NSWCCL is full of "truth commission for aboriginal people" and yet they actively campaigned against a Covid Royal Commission. They are all about meaningless symbols for civil rights battles won 40 years ago and nothing about now

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Perfectly stated.

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that might be the influence of Sara Saleh who was a key adviser there, and friends with Mariam Veiszadeh and Lydia Shelly (NSWCCL president)

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Sep 13Liked by Alison Bevege

Brilliant article !

We're not allowed to challenge the official narrative and expose the many lies that it contains [Like the fraudulent diagnosis for something that has never ever been proven to exist]

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Yes, the Ethics Centre (in Sydney) is the same, with its hypocrisy. As for the serious adverse effects to the injections, is this disinformation? ➡️ https://substack.com/@meshwork3232/note/c-66091491?r=20pd6j&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=notes-share-action

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good list of studies!

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🙏Yes, I dropped it on Sydney-based cardiologist Dr Ross Walker’s Facebook page but he didn’t respond:


Hopefully many of his 5,300 followers were interested.

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Sep 14Liked by Alison Bevege

Only recently Julian Assange was freed and not long after we're all being denied freedom of expression.

Australians do not have a bill of rights.

As it stands the enforcement of these proposed restrictions on freedom of expression is reminiscent of the covid fraud when people were blackmailed into compliance to get the jab or they would not be allowed to earn any money - Once more government resorts to blackmailing the providers of internet services into compliance or 5% of global revenue.

Just like during the fraudulent plandemic the ability and the means to earn an income will be denied unless the demand are adhered to.

The blindingly obvious hypocrisy of it all is not being allowed to expose the lies of government - regardless of which side won the election - has a ugly reputation for spreading outright falsehoods lies and propaganda and then ruins the careers and lives of those who dare to expose this.

In a properly functioning democracy there's freedom of expression when that's being denied all you'll have left is tyranny.

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yes you are right

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We live in times when it's become downright dangerous to be right when the so called authorities are proven to be wrong.

Like your article mentions the watch dog didn't bark.

My guess is that you're well aware by now how journalist are being harassed all over the place - the list of names is becoming alarmingly long and - from memory the only precedent of something like this happening was during the Nazi and the Soviet era and so the proverbial WEST has become everything that it's pretending to be opposed to.

That means that all our so called democratic institutions have been compromised and it's relatively easy to see who benefits.

How to get out of this mess is another matter considering Canberra stupidly lost control over Australian sovereignty.

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Sep 15Liked by Alison Bevege

No surprise that even though I have all notifications turned on for GW system update channel, that particular video isn’t in my notifications. FU YT!

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funny how the algorithm works....

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Thank you clearly explained the madness we find ourselves in as our world goes further and further into tyranny and totalitarianism. If the civil liberties organisation is picky about what liberties they defend then there is no hope...the world is going up in smoke as we speak because we have given away basic building blocks and fundamental structures of a civilised democratic society. The suppression of free speech is the most dangerous force within our social order and will have terrible consequences for future generations.

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there is great hope - we just need them to get back to their core functions of defending free speech and bodily autonomy. This is a powerful group. The only reason it's lost its way is because people like us haven't turned up - but if we go and simply are present, then we can get it back to doing its job perhaps. If you are in Sydney I urge you to join and come to the AGM, also the Free Speech Union, too.

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Thanks Alison, I actually joined the free speech union yesterday. I would like to come to the AGM of the Civil liberties group. Do you know when it is? I trust you will be going and if I can make it I would love to come and speak up. Thanks R

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Here's another revelation

Bill Gates Calls for ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ to be Censored in Real-Time by AI - https://geopoliticaldiscussions.substack.com/p/7d9b9b70-9b1b-4b4f-bf3a-c94ad163e625

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