How did Australia allow things to get this far?

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I suspect the damage was done in the years after 9/11 when raft after raft of legislation destroying hard-won civil liberties was passed. It damaged the culture and the law IMHO. I have updated it to add that Dr Dumer has now joined a rival professional association called AMPS which says its free of party politics. So people are making alternatives.

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Follow the money!

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Follow the money!

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"Abusive phone calls were made to her surgery by unknown members of the public shortly after the newspaper article appeared, she said."

This happened to me when I was involved in peaceful pro-choice political activities and the abuse included death threats. Always from blocked numbers and the abuse stopped when our political activities failed. I know who they were from but for legal reasons cannot name them. I am in Western Australia. Anyone can do the math and come to the answer.

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Follow the money!

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"I'm trying to follow the science, but it keeps leading me to the money!"

But also, this is a spiritual battle. That's one of the reasons why I publish anonymously. People are rather unhinged. Western Australia: big state, small town!

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Many thanks Alison. Great stuff.


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