
If anybody is looking for a big and detailed list of the many public conflicts of interest, the IMOP have compiled a comprehensive list with references. It's excellent, thorough, detailed and long. It's here: https://heartparty.com.au/Conflicts-of-Interest-in-Vaccination-Policies

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Great summary of conflict of interest information Alison, very useful to have this collection of information, much to build upon.

In regard to the “100-year-old BCG vaccine for children”, I’ll reserve judgement on this one, it’s not on the schedule here.

After 15 years investigating vaccination policy and practice, I’m questioning all the vaccine products and revaccinations. Transparency and accountability for these medical interventions has been denied for years, including the bias of the conflicted journal industry.

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Mar 28Liked by Alison Bevege

Circular business models are highly effective although illegal in many countries.

The people behind the curtain are long term systems thinkers, if they don’t succeed at first they will try again over decades if required. They rig the casino before fleecing the punters.

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Mar 28Liked by Alison Bevege

Reward for services rendered, that's what.

...Thank you for this update, depressing though it is.

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🙏 Fantastic research here. It will be widely shared.

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Mar 29Liked by Alison Bevege
Mar 28Liked by Alison Bevege

Sounds like a cosy group.. I would be willing to put my name forward for a Senior position!

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Mar 29Liked by Alison Bevege

Great info, depressing though is accurate. On the heels of the utterly abominable digital ID fiasco, which is equally depressing, I can only say I hate this!!!

But good work Alison !!!!

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Another piece for the jigsaw…

Financial Flim-Flam Backs Imran Ahmed’s Center for Countering Digital Hate


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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Nice work Alison. 'Professor' Skerrit (it's an honorary title now with no implication of academic achievement or a publication record) is a typical Canberra hit man who acts tough and decisive but sadly lacks integrity and intellect. I note that George Gao, Chinese CDC Director, is sandwiched between Jane Halton and Avril Haines in the photo you supplied. These are not people you would enjoy having at your dinner table. They are thoroughly obnoxious. They despise you and me. They hate democracy and consider elections only a sop to the people, while they hob nob with the real powerbrokers in the permanent public service (aka Deep State) and industry. It is sickening that these VSPs (my shorthand for Very Strange People) are running Australia. And it will only get worse as Smart Cities is rolled out...

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as long as these revolving doors are not cemented closed, this will go on forever. I wonder if there are any honest politicians left, and any honest pharma companies.

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Fantastic!!! The MOREONS have more poison to inject... keep on shooting you f789ing idiots... and be sure to celebrate with a donut and a gallon of Pepsi. F789ing losers.

Who am I to suggest this is not a good idea??? They don't listen- cuz they are MORE-ONS

Meanwhile I spent 90 minutes hammering away at the gym today and continue with my zero processed food - zero sugar - almost exclusively organic diet.

My superiority complex is exploding

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Well we know Pharma criminals own. 98% of the TGA criminals so we know why the numbers of deaths were fudged and tampered with now

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also, this writeup on the "legal" frameworks in the US for creating/testing/distributing bioweapons under Emergency Use Authorization may be of interest.

considering many other governments pretend that the FDA actually studies and regulates "vaccines" and other medical exports, and use US EUA approvals as a rubber stamp to avoid actual due diligence before distributing those products, it's good data to consider.


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it's a real shame that more folks aren't cognizant of how the (vaccine approval) sausage is made.

thanks for laying out the process, hopefully a few folks who weren't aware of the racket learn something new.

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I did three substacks on Jane Halton alone. It is unbelievable how they establisehd all this under our eyes and corrupted so many people on the way. I cross-posted it.

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