Mar 5, 2023Liked by Alison Bevege

It has always been a disgrace that an Australian citizen can be treated like this by an Australian ally.

Unfortunately Australia is little more than an hand puppet of imperial domination.

Australian taxpayers money being used to support illegal wars on sovereign states and being used to coerce and spy on its own citizens.

I think we can only help to rebuild something decent after the empire collapses, which I don’t think is that far away.

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Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. It was an amazing evening - speaker after speaker, all highly qualified, experts, from all sides of politics. This simply must be fized and Julian must be freed now. No more delay.

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Mar 5, 2023·edited Mar 5, 2023

I have supported Julian Assange’s cause from day one. If not for him we would not know many of the atrocities committed supposedly on Australia’s behalf by a few who benefit. Julian has sacrificed everything and the denial of liberty and justice is a blight on a western society that considers itself the pinnacle of democracy and the free world….

Thank you Alison for your time and dedication to truth and decency.

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Three comments:

1. Thanks for keeping this in the public eye

2. How does Bob Carr get off on taking the moral high ground on anything after saying unvaccinated people should be stripped of Medicare? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10189645/Bob-Carr-doubles-demand-strip-unvaccinated-Medicare.html

3. His name was Seth Rich

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023Author

Thank you for commenting and reading, it makes it all worthwhile. Yes Bob Carr’s speech was not the most impressive - and yes, i am no fan of him. However Julian needs all the help he can get and Carr is a former foreign minister, so he can presumably do something more than send a video message of support. I hope he does something to help Assange.

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