Jane Halton, my nemesis.

Good article, thanks Alison.

For what it's worth, I do not think we will ever see any form of human-scale 'justice.' Everything you have outlined here is working perfectly as intended.

Everyone is co-opted into the crime, no one is interested in tackling the mechanism of the SOE because they still ultimately believe the 'government will save them,' even the unvaccinated and the vaccine-injured who should really know better.

I believe they will crash the economy with no survivors.

Edit: also, I forgot to say well done for keeping on them about the V status of the dead. This is the most important thing you do for us imo. Keep going.

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Senator Gerard Rennick@SenatorRennick

The @TGAgovau

won’t disclose the batch testing results - why not?

Answer: Because they didn’t understand what they were doing.

DNA cannot enter a cell if it isn’t encapsulated inside a lipid. For safety testing, the threshold for DNA contained in lipids should be much lower than DNA not encapsulated.

Hence why FOI 4558 was fully redacted. https://tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/2023-10/FOI%204558_0.pdf

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yes those black pages all censored: shocking

I think we have enough data now, we don't need any more data. We need criminal prosecutions. This is now a crime.

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There's a long line of lies. This is a great article understanding how sensorship works https://thinkingcoalition.org/institute-for-strategic-dialogue-network/

Re “Broadly speaking “misinformation” and “disinformation” are defined by the ISD and others as views which do not comply with the state’s declared position on a given subject.”

Why don’t they just call it noncompliant views? Probably because then people would think “Why don’t they want to comply”. Then people would start thinking for themselves, discover the Bing search engine and have a life!

Anything under the government “umbrella” is a control mechanism. The beneficiaries have nefarious purposes. It is a really technical datagrid that wrenchinthegears.com explains well as does Sabrina Wallace at nonvaxer420 on rumble.

James Roguski calls misinformation missing information. It does not serve corporate profits to tell us much. We're just fed a few crumbs to keep us docile and drugged. The sicker, the weaker the more easy to control explains Jason Christoff.

PLEASE SHARE THESE EYE OPENERS Conspiracies taper the history of the corporate world. The following shows that LARGELY what you are sold is for the benefit of corporate profits NOT YOU:


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thank you, lots to think on in that post. Great links I'll check them out. Thanks Carol!

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Call me cynical, call me a conspiracy theorist. These people load the dice before they roll, they are long term systems thinkers. They them carefully set up things decades in advance to ensure what should be impossible, improbable becomes the new normal 🤷‍♂️

As the sayings goes, “Constant vigilance is the price of liberty and evil flourishes when good people do nothing “.

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‘He Had a Rifle!’ Trump Rally Attendee Says He Warned Police Gunman Was Crawling on Roof. So we are to believe a man was able to get that close with a rifle… without being seen or stopped by the police or Trump’s security. And that they ignored warnings of a man with a rifle and allowed Trump to continue to speak?

Multiple shots were fired in the direction of Trump. We are told that one member of the audience was killed. What happened to the other bullets that were fired?

How did they get to the roof and take the guy out so quickly? If the police and security detail purposely ignore warnings, wouldn’t they take their sweet assed time trying to kill the shooter? Wouldn’t they let him unleash at least one full clip at Trump before acting?

The weapon found at the scene was an AR type semi-automatic rifle that generally holds up to 30 rounds. Each pull of the trigger unleashes a round so the entire clip could be easily emptied in well under 10 seconds. Did anyone hear 30 rounds being fired? And if so did the shooter fire only two into the podium with the rest completely missing?

Surely if the shooter was on a suicide mission he’d try to wastes some of the men who were coming for him. Yet we hear not a single shot from the cornered rat.


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Julian Gillespie is a national treasure.

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Excellent article Alison. The antropic official figure has stayed the same for the last 2 years. Why haven't new injury tragedies or deaths been put down? Alison Mcdonald provides some insight from 29 minutes as to what the scheme in Australia is all about: https://wrenchinthegears.com/?s=NDIS+Australia

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